AutoCAD Inventor :: Open IDW File Using ILogic
Jul 19, 2013
Is there a way I can open an idw file using ilogic? I would like to put the rule into a form, so that I can click a button in the form to open the idw for my assembly.
Inventor 2014
HP Pavilion dv6t-6b00
Intel Core i7 2670QM
AMD Radeon HD 6490M
8gb RAM
Windows 7 64 bit
3Dconnexion SpaceExplorer
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Oct 2, 2013
My goal is to have a message box open as soon as an assembly file is opened so that other users will be warned/ notified of linked parameters. My assumption is that an iLogic rule would be the best way to handle this.
I can create the message box, but when I looked through the iLogic snippets I didn't find any way to trigger the box at opening the file.
Inventor 2013 (SP2 Update 2), Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), SP1, Intel Xeon 3.07GHz CPU, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 2000, Vault Basic 2013
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Nov 14, 2013
We have a word file that we use a lot for our drawings. There is an empty file that we open and then save the file into the same directory as the drawing.
I am trying to setup some code that will open the empty Word File, and then bring up the Word Save As dialog box with the correct directory and file name already completed. The correct directory and File name will be determined by the Drawing Code.
I have been able to open the Empty Word Document from iLogic with the following
'CRS Template Path & File NameoCRSTemplate = "\WWSERVERDisplaysA-Z Stand PartsCRS-Template.doc" 'Publish document. ThisDoc.Launch(oCRSTemplate)
I have been able to Open the Empty Word File from VBA and then bring up the Word Save As Dialog Box but I cannot work out how to define the initial directory or the initial file name from Inventor.
This is the VBA Code I have been using top open the Empty Word File and Show the Word Save As Dialog Box:
Public Sub OpenCRSDoc1()
'Don't Forget to Add the Word Object Library in the Tools - References
' Call SetCRSDetails
If you try to use the With Command for the FilePicker it will just open the Word Document and NOT the Save As Dialog Box!!!
Example of the With Tried
With FilePicker
.InitialDirectory = "Z:"
.DialogTitle = "Hello"
End With
How to open a Word Document from either iLogic or VBA (VBA Preferred) and then open the Word Save As Dilog Box and define the Initial Directory and Filename?
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Nov 11, 2013
I'm trying to start Excel and show the results of some BOM items I have written to a file like item number, part number and description.The task is to find components in an assembly that have a part number longer then 39 characters, due to ERP limitations.
What I´m doing is cycling through all BOM (structured) items on first level and check if the part number is longer then 39 characters.
I write these item number, part number, description to an Excel file (temp.xlsx), so the user sees which Components he has to check for the Part Number (make it shorter). I figured it would be best to do that with an excel file, so the user can save the results to a new file or just check it.
Values will be erased from the temporary excel file afterwards.Here I can't figure out how to start the excel application and open the file in an actual application window if possible.
how to list the results with plain iLogic that would do it too or some other solution to list a snapshot from the BOM.I guess there is no way to add your custom BOMViews ?
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Nov 8, 2012
Is it possible to open an embedded XL sheet with iLogic ?
I tried "GoExcel.Open("3rd Party:Embedding 2", "ENTREE DES DONNEES"), but nothing happen...
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Nov 12, 2012
The right click context menu on the top level assembly (on the model tree in Inventor) has the option of 'Open Drawing'.
Is there a way to do that via iLogic? Unfortunately I can't figure it out if there is. I would like to open and update the relevant drawing.
Also have tried it the other way around, that is to run my rues in the assembly from the drawing since the drawing is the parent. But I am not sure how to reference the assembly.
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May 23, 2013
I'm wondering if there is a way to either close or hide an open form with iLogic? Something like the opposite of iLogicForm.Show.
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Dec 6, 2012
I'm linking an excel file to an .ipt file with iLogic code determining if the Material type is a certian value it will find the correct material thickness. These file work great when working on them thru Vault but when I "Save As Template" and create this file where our other template files are located (not Vault) this fuction does not work. I have realized that I had to place the a copy of the excel file in the same file folder as the template ipt, but even this does not fix the issue.
I recieve this error:
Error in rule: Material, in document: Part6
'MWW Materials (Inventor).xlsx' could not be found. Check the spelling of the file name, and verify that the file location is correct.
If you are trying to open the file from your list of most recently used files, make sure that the file has not been renamed, moved, or deleted.
It seems completly countintutive that just saving the file as a template file would cause this not to work when all files that are required are located in the same file folder. Maybe I need a reference to the excel document within the iLogic code.
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Jul 11, 2012
I have an assembly with a dozen or so rules and a form in it.
After selections have been made on the form, one of the rules saves the assembly as a new assembly (save as).
This closes the first assembly and opens the "saved as" assembly, BUT the form from the first assembly stays open.
It appears the first assembly gets closed so quickly the form does not close also.
I can just hit "done" button on the form to close it in new assembly, but would rather the form close automatically.
Is there code that I can add to close the form ??
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Nov 20, 2012
I'm unable to open or otherwise query an Excel spreadsheet.
I get the following error message. see attached.
What steps must I take to open and query Excel spreadsheets?
I'm using Inventor 2013, Excel 2007 and Vista 64.
Inventor 2012
AutoCAD 2012
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2012, 2013 & 2014
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Apr 30, 2013
I have some code (below) that will open my embedded excel spread sheet and it works great. Now I need the code to save and close the excel file after it’s been open.The embedded excel spreadsheet pushes some stuff the model and does a couple other thing. So all I really need is for the excel file to open, save, and close when the rule is run.Imports Inventor.
OLEDocumentTypeEnumExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")Dim ExcelFile As ReferencedOLEFileDescriptorExcelFile
=hisDoc.Document.ReferencedOLEFileDescriptors.Item(1)ExcelFile.Activate(kEditOpenOLEVerb, ExcelApp)
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Nov 5, 2013
I'm trying to use iLogic Design Copy to copy an assembly and all its associated parts to another directory. The assembly contains content center parts. Inventor warns me that the destination file of one of the CC parts (and 18 others) will be overwritten. When I go ahead and copy anyway, the copying process stops at that specific CC part. The Design Copy Progress dialog box states there is an error copying that CC part. When I close the Design Copy Progress dialog box, Inventor crashes.
The error copying the CC part: I'm allowed to use content center parts in iLogic Design Copied stuff, right? I searched some related topics and I'm under the impression that Inventor keeps the CC parts in its own directory and shouldn't be trying to overwrite them.
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Dec 3, 2010
I would like to use iLogic to do a File Save As and have the dialog box open in a specified folder. I have tried the code below but it doesn't work.
oFileDlg.InitialDirectory = "J:" & strFolder & (".dwg")
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Dec 19, 2011
I am struggling with file naming.
We are implementing the vault and do not want to have to rename each file with design copy.
Any way where the filename of a part will change according to either assembly pararmenters or iProperties?
Another question I had would be involving a rule that would rename each ipt within an assembly by giving at a suffix/prefix once the assembly is completed.
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Sep 5, 2012
I seem to have my task accomplished, but Inventor crahes on me after it is done.
Here is how my iLogic works.
' Deleting the suppressed parts from the assembly
Dim compDef as AssemblyComponentDefinition
compDef = ThisDoc.ComponentDefinition
Dim compOcc as ComponentDefinition
For Each compOcc in compDef
[Code] ........
Now as soon as the last line is executed, Inventor crashes.
But when I go to the save file part (C:MyPath), both the parts and assembly files are saved and if I open it, they work just fine.
I just can't get inventor to stop crashing.
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Jun 7, 2011
I am trying to enter some material ordering info into an external spreadsheet, and have that info reflected in a text box within an idw drawing file.
My method is as follows:
Obtain a numerical value (250) from an external Excel spreadsheet (sample.xlsx).Assign this value to a parameter (abc) in an idw file (Materials Ordering.idw).Insert parameter abc I made into a text box within the same idw file.
I made a set_parameters rule, and the ilogic text of the above example is as follows:
'Open File and Scan line - Part = Impeller Casing Flange
i = GoExcel.FindRow("sample.xlsx", "Sheet1", "Part", "<=", "Impeller Casing Flange")
'abc = Material Width
abc = GoExcel.CurrentRowValue("Material Width")
I had no problems with the first two steps, after checking the parameters I could see that parameter abc is being updated successfully.
However, I am having trouble with the third step. In the format text dialog box, I can see a drop box for components, but I can't find a reference to the idw file in there.
My question is, am I going the wrong way about this? Should I have assigned the parameters to a component instead of the idw file?
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Nov 3, 2012
I have an iLogic that runs to create parts and assemblies. These parts and sub-assemblies are for a range of library components which are either part(s) or assemblies or and assemblies composed of parts) and sub-assemblies as well. This iLogic is mostly done despite I have limited knowledge in this area. At the beginning it opens a text file (.txt) by the command line:
ThisDoc.Launch("L:\_Nov 02Info and Input GuideLines.txt")that offers guidelines and instructions.
I would like to how can I close (exit) this text file at a point within or end of the current iLogic because, it opens a several files of the same every time I run the iLogic otherwise.
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Aug 22, 2012
Working code ...... attaching file
Auto = iLogicVb.Automation
Dim iLogicAuto As Object
iLogicAuto = Auto
Dim oDoc As Document
oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
'but now something more i wanna do is...... delete parameters
If Not (param Is Nothing) Then
For Each param In params
i = MessageBox.Show("Checking for Parameter in File")
i = MessageBox.Show("No.of Parameters exists are ="& param.count)
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Oct 9, 2012
Is it possible in iLogic to select a file in a dialog box or a browser ?
I need to replace the 3d model on a drawing. I have to ask the user to select the new file to use. How can I select the file using a dialog box or a browser ? The best should be a combobox with the list of opened files, and a button to browse on the disk, like when you create a view.
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Aug 21, 2013
Looking for the ilogic code to place in the drawing rule to close *.ipt file that was recently open.
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Nov 2, 2011
I use Inventor 2010 with the iLogic Extension. My question is probably more VB.NEt-related than Inventor-related.
For my parts I usually have a main *.ipt that can receive input parameters and does some calculating with them. Then there are several 'slave' *.ipt that use the calculated parameters of the main.ipt. I would like to keep that structure. Using iLogic the slave.ipt's do some calculation, too, based on an external *.Vb-File. I load that file into the rules of the slave.ipts by using (for example) AddVbFile "External.Vb".
My question is if it is in any way possible to have it so that the name External.Vb can be dynamic? I tried using a new iLogic String parameter and storing the name of the external VB-File there so that I would have a Parameter Name = "External.Vb" and then use AddVbFile Name. But that sadly didn't work at all. My External.Vb is supposed to be unique for every copy of my assembly and having to write the correct name into the rule by hand is tedious.
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Jun 27, 2012
How to create a excel file using ilogic?
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Apr 3, 2012
I want to import the parameters from the .ipt file into the .iam file using a rule from iLogic (unless there is another way to do it?)
I pinched the code from the example hand rail iLogic part that comes with inventor and tweaked it to suit. After inputting the code shown in the image, when I click OK I get a 'fatal error' of some sort.
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Feb 28, 2012
How to pull the path & file name of an IPT from within an IDW?
If I use this line from within an IDW:
ModelName = IO.Path.GetFileName(ThisDrawing.ModelDocument.FullFileName)
it will simply return the file name of the corresponding IPT.
I want to be able return the path for the IPT from within the IDW as well.
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2012 64-bit - SP1
Windows 7 64-bit - SP1
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Mar 26, 2012
I'm trying to find a way to call a form in a skeleton part file from within a parent assembly file.
I can open the form from the skeleton part, then leave it open and update values even while the skeleton part is inactive or even closed. But I can't find out how to call it from the assembly file. Is this possible? I currently have to open the skeleton just to call up the form.
I can reference values or even add them in another form, but I am not allowed to change them in an assembly form, because they are (linked) reference parameters.
I have considered several workarounds, but this is how I really want it to work. I'm just not that familiar with the code to know if there's a way around. The code snippets only allow opening a form from the current document as far as I can see. I don't really want a global from because I'm only changing parameters in one file, not all.
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Oct 23, 2013
Is there any way using ilogic to find a value in an excel file and delete the column that value was found in?
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Jul 23, 2012
I have an ilogic rule created to do a save as .dxf and .pdf from the .idw file. It will then open the .ipt file without any issues. The problem I am having is that I also want it to do a save as .stp of the model after it opens the model. I get the following error.
Error in rule: Save As DXF PDF and open, in document: Save As DXF PDF and open.iLogicVb
Unspecified error (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004005 (E_FAIL))
Do I need to add something to the code?
Here is the code I have written.
strFolder="C:Vault_WorkspaceSave As"&iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")
ThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(strFolder&"_Rev"&iProperties.Value("Project", "Revision Number")&(".dxf") , True)
ThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(strFolder&"_Rev"&iProperties.Value("Project", "Revision Number")&(".pdf") , True)
strFolder="C:Vault_WorkspaceSave As"&iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")
ThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(strFolder&"_Rev"&iProperties.Value("Project", "Revision Number")&(".stp") , True)
MessageBox.Show("STEP Created", "File Save")
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Aug 7, 2013
We have an idw package we use for Quality control. This idw has more than one sheet. Each sheet has a part placed on the sheet with dims.( DWF attached). Next we open DA inside of the file and run a report. (exported txt attached). I am trying to use ilogic the make the same report with a iLogic browser button pick. I have 2 codes (code examples on attached jpg) that i need to make into 1, or whatever works.
1st code
Dim oDoc As DrawingDocumentoDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSubDoc As Inventor.Document Dim oPropSets As PropertySets Dim oPropSet As PropertySetDim oPartNumiProp As Inventor.Property For Each oSubDoc In oDoc.AllReferencedDocumentsIf oSubDoc.documenttype.
2nd code
fileheader = "QAF Parts for Planning "fileheader1 = ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(True) 'first line header of txt filedescription = "Components to use for Nesting" 'use this variable in the body of the txtdelimiter = "," 'character to separate the names and values on each lineoWrite = System.IO. File. Create Text (ThisDoc.PathAndFileName(False) & ".txt")oWrite.WriteLine(fileheader) 'include the fileheader on the first.
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Aug 28, 2013
I need to use the property " File Subtype" for programming a function in logic, but inventor not recognise this property.
I use this function "If iProperties.Value("Project","File Subtype")=Sheet metal"
How i can do for use this property for a ilogic function?
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Jun 6, 2013
I am trying to create an iLogic (or VB) rule to update an active drawing title blocks from our Template File.I don't want to use any of the external software (Transfer Wizard etc), we just need a simple rule that will update the title blocks when we need to.
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Dec 8, 2011
I have set iLogic to change a rectangular pattern to a certain amount of occurrences depending on which is selected , i.e. 117 cavities, 140 cavities and 96 cavities. Only one is active (or unsuppressed ) at a time.
What I need to do is suppress the 4 corners of each pattern, considering there's only one pattern and is dynamic.
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