AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Sheet Size That Is 24x36 But Not Ansi D Of 22x34?
Mar 5, 2003
I want a sheet size that is 24x36, not ansi D of 22x34. I can create it in the Edit Sheet dialog, but then the titleblock reports "Custom Size (inches)", not "D".
I am having trouble using the publish command when I set the plotter to a 22x34 sheet. We are able to print to an actual plotter just fine at that size, but when we try and make a pdf set at that size, it just errors out.
The error I get is
"ERROR: The current device does not support the requested media size."
I have a DesignJet T1100ps and a DesignJet Z5400. I have a PDF from a client that has 2 pages that are ARCH D size and 3 pages that are 11x17. All pages in the PDF came from AutoCAD 2013 paper spaces. The plotters are in offices 50 miles apart.
When I print to the T1100 and state pick page size by PDF page size and choose the option actual size the plot print correctly. The plotter will nest the pages and print to scale. I get 2 Arch D pages and 3 11x17 pages.
When I print to the Z5400 the pages get changed to ANSI D pages and get cut off because there are 2 inches of paper missing. If I shrink the plot I can print them so they are not to scale but fit inside the ANSI D size page. This doesn't work when we need scale drawings. The Z5400 and the previous DesignJet 800 both have this issue.
Due to the distance of the printers I can not plot at one office for use at the other. I would like to try and solve the issue via software if possible. So far my only work around is to pick ARCH D in the plotter driver and print all pages to ARCH D by shutting off the option to print pages by PDF page size. This wastes a lot of paper because we print actual size. I can also print one page at a time.
We asked for the drawing and were able to get an original copy but it is GSA and they typically do not provide the originals. If I print form the drawing directly to the plotter from AutoCAD everything comes out the right size. AutoCAD also generates the PDF file correctly according to the page properties.
What might cause Adobe to change our CAD prints in a PDF from the ARCH D size to ANSI D size for this Z5400 plotter?
I've installed Inventor 2012 with local (desktop) content libraries.Everything installs OK except the ANSI content library which throws an install error and stops the install.
I had to uncheck the ANSI library prior to install to get everything else to install.Occurs on both of my machines (Win7 32-bit & 64-bit).I think the ANSI install file is corrupted.
How/where can I get the "installed" ANSI content library file that gets installed into C:ProgramDataInventorContent ?
I need to add a new member to the ANSI Rectangular tube family in the content center. The problem is I don't know what the Ix and Iy columns are. Both columns have a sub title of [inch^4]. What these variables represent? I inserted a part from the family in an assembly and checked the paramerers window and these aren't listed in the parameters.
I am having an issue with changing sheet sizes using VBA. Due to the constraints under which my borders and title blocks were created, inventor forces me to delete the current border before changing the sheet size. I have 5 different borders and 2 title blocks.
Is there a way, using VBA to get the sheet size of a drawing without opening the drawing? I know how to get it with the drawing open, so alternatively, is there a way to open all the drawings in a folder, one at a time, then get sheet.size, then close and open the next?
I have created a rule that will replace the border sheet when the sheet size will be changed, so users won't have to do it manually.
The problem is that the rule won't run when the sheet size is changed. I find that events for triggering the rules are rather few under drawing enviroment.
I thought to use "iProperty Change" event, providing I assign the SheetSize to a Custom iProperty, but the iProperty won't update automatically as well.
AIP 2014 Windows 7 x64 Dell Precision T7400 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5472 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPU's), 8Gb RAM, NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 1536MB GDDR3
I have 4 different sized drawing templates made, one each for A,B,C and D size. There are times when I start a drawing on a C size border/sheet and it gets too cluttered as I add views or annotations. Is there any way to insert/change the sheet size to the D sized template without starting over?
I would like to edit an existing sheet. The size is "C" and the height is 17 and the width is 22. I would like to change the exiting dimensions of that sheet to be 18 and 24. How do I do this to the existing sheet instead of creating a new one named something else?
I made a form that allows the user to enter in a custom sheet size. Using the API I am changing the Drawing Sheet Size Enumerator to the Custom Sheet size which allows the user to enter in custom values. That part is all working fine. My problem is that when a custom size is used in my title block it says that the size is "Custom Size (mm)". I know that the API uses cm for the sheet size units so I have the code convert the values into cm.
In the sheet settings window built into inventor it has the option for Custom Size (inches) and Custom Size (mm). How do I change whether it is inches or mm?
I'm trying to set up a company drawing sheet that requires the designer to select the sheet size before starting the drawing. Based on the drawing sheet size (A0, A1, A2, A3 & A4 all in landscape) the relevant company Title block will attach to the bottom right of the drawing border. I've manage to create the relevant forms for parts, sheet metal and assemblies.
After having a formed sheet metal part finish the wrong size (.100" long on all sides), I discovered a glitch with the sheet metal flat patterns sizes being.
I created two identical parts, one in IV2013 and one in IVP2014, and came up with two different flat patterns. The two parts are 100% identical. The volume is identical for both, and I did an assembly overlay to double check (everything lined up perfect). However, the flat pattern on the IV2014 part was 0.130" shy of what it should be (total length in both directions).
I haven't been able to recreate this (happened with this part and with a different part that we had formed), but you shouldn't ever have to worry about something like this. I created the same part in 2014 for a second time from scratch and it then came out to the correct dimensions, which worries me even more that this is an intermittent problem.
The JUNK file is the one with the incorrect length.
Also, another IVP2014 issue I have been having is when saving a drawing as an AutoCAD drawing it saves it as a 2013 AutoCAD in a zip file instead of a 2007 as a normal file like I have it set up to. If I click "Options" when saving, then click cancel without selecting anything, it saves it correctly.
a customer has a title block with a revision table ( standard vault revision table) add on top of it.
If you change the sheet size the revision table remains his position.
If found the way to reposition the table with a ilogic rule.:
'point afstand in cm PointX=(ActiveSheet.Width/10)-13 PointY=5.5 'punt vanaf rechtonder gemeten in cm
This is working perfectly. But now the challange how to trigger this rule to run if you change the sheet size?
if tried:
to create a userparameter and added this line in my rule : Size=ActiveSheet.size, normaly is you change parameters it triggers the rule to rule. but both way didn't work.
Can event triggers from the API be used? Do i need the "Onchange" event? Any example for a ilogic rule?
I have set up a layout tab to print to 22x34. I would like to be able to print it at half scale on an 11x17. So when I print it I set the scale to 1:2. However, even though it prints fine on a 22x34, two edges of my border are cut off when I print to an 11x17. I'm not sure whats causing it, I have tried printing using layout, window, display, and extents but it hasn't worked.
"Contact page" when images get transported on to page they reduce in size.I have also tried dragging the pictures onto the page but they still reduce in size.
I am having trouble using the publish command when I set the plotter to a 22x34 sheet. We are able to print to an actual plotter just fine at that size, but when we try and make a pdf set at that size, it just errors out.
Is there a logical way to use a Title Block and border page that I created for use on an ANSI size A page to create an ANSI B, C, D? Scaling seems to work in one direction (x or y) but not both. Stretching doesn't solve my text in the Title Block from appearing too small when I create a D size.
I have an HP Designjet 800 that is currently loaded with a 36" roll. I'd like to print to ANSI D in a landscape orientation, but D (landscape) isn't an option in the paper size drop down. Printing D in portrait orientation just wastes a bunch of paper space.
How do I change the paper from 22x34 to 34x22? (or vice versa, whichever way I need).
I have an older drawing with an outdated sheet format. I'm wanting to update to a new custom sheet format without having to redimension and recreate views. Is it possible to just update the sheet format?
A collegue asked me about this as he has been given a part to model and the details are for the flat sheet not the finished model. Is this possible in 'sheet metal'? I had a quick play but couldn't work it out. Im used to creating the finished part and 'un-folding' to get the flat pattern.Detail supplied below.
I have a dwg file with three sheets in, just default names, I can access sheets 2 and 3 but get the attached errors when trying to access sheet 1 form either sheet 2 or 3
This file was originally created in IV2009 I've had no problems then or with the various conversions of it.
It seems to be memory related so here's the sitrep as for memory 8GB DDR2 RAM, and Virtual Memory set at min of 8192MB and a Max of 16384MB, I did have it set a systems managed but that gave a warning of low virtual memory with almost every drawing file that I opened.
I am using Inventor 2010 (I know this is my first problem, but you have to use what you're given!) and I need to use the sheet number in a calculation that will display the result in a text box. =((<SHEET NUMBER>-1)8)=1 displays a result of ((11-1)8)+1. I suspect that the sheet number is being brought in as text instead of a number. I tried adding atoi to the equation to convert the sheet number to an integer, but it did not work.Is there an alternate source for the sheet number that will return a number? Is my syntax wrong?
I am trying to set up a layout. I have drawn my paper. I have inserted my viewport. I set my scale and lock the view port.
What size sheet do i draw? An A1 standard ISO? or my printable sheet size? When I pick a window to plot my drawing surely I should pick the ISO A1 sheet edges and then it would print out the boarder and all the detail within it (the boarder within being the printable area). If I've set my scale of the view port and locked it, then print at a 1:1 scale this should be fine... right?...
What actually is the difference between the standard sheet eg ARCH D (36x24) and ARCH Expand D (36x24) sheet sizes? this have to do with printable margin areas?
although I have created a custom paper size for print a drawing as I describe on the attached file, the program don't do it any change and does not recognize the changes or the size of the sheet.
I have 5 plans in a single autocad file. I recently saw a layout option that fixes the view and the areas that you want to print. I want to do like this.
1 layout I want to create is of an A1 size sheet on which these 4 floor plans are placed in a square fashion, i.e. each plan on one vertice of a square. I want to set the printer output option as a postscript level 2 file in another layout I want to put the site plan on an A1 sheet. Here I also want a postcript level 2 file.
However in my original drawing, these plans are placed next to each other in a linear fashion. Is this possible?
I am having trouble putting sheet size and scale together to find out the drawing area. For example, if the scale is 1"=2" and the sheet size is 17"x11" what would the drawing area be?