AutoCAD Inventor :: Any Feature Is Not Recognized As Part Geometry Change Because rule Isn't Triggered
Dec 6, 2013
In our drawing file we expose the mass of the part. So I have set the 'Update physical properties on save' in the 'Application Options'. This works fine when you save your file before switching to the drawing file. If you forget to save and go to the drawing file the mass is showed as: N/A.
Therefore I have created a rule which updates the mass of the part. This rule is activated with the 'Part Geometry Change' event trigger. This is done to update the mass in the drawing file even when the partfile is not saved. This works fine. If I make any changes to the model the mass is updated correct, EXCEPT for deleting features. When I delete a feature and switch to the drawing file the mass is shown as N/A again. So apparently deletion of any feature is not recognized as a 'Part Geometry Change' because the rule isn't triggered.
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Apr 1, 2013
I`m looking for the iLogic code that can change one parameter (user defined) for each (ipt) part in assembly (iam)
The one below doesn`t work.
Sub Main Dim oApp As Inventor.Application = ThisApplication Dim oAssy As Inventor.AssemblyDocument = oApp.ActiveDocument For Each oSubDoc as Inventor.Document In oAssy.AllReferencedDocuments On Error Resume Next Parameter(oSubDoc, "FH") = 15.26 Next End Sub
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Dec 6, 2011
I want to simply set a custom iproperty as the Description in each part file within my assembly. I can do this easily at part level with ilogic but I want to be able to run the rule from the assembly level and all the parts run the rule. I am struggling to find a way to do this.
I think this may be the best method I have found but I think it must be far easier?
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Jul 9, 2013
I downloaded a model off a website, it is, (excuse my electrical background ignorance) a jumper for terminal blocks.Our electricians use these and cut them down to size as needed.
Is there a way to use iLogic and a form or message box, to prompt upon opening the part as to how many jumpers are needed for the current assembly> It comes stock with 10, but they sometimes only use 2, 3 4 etc. etc..
I didn't model the part, but I can if it will make the rule easier to write.My idea I suppose was to have the part modeled with 2 jumpers and then use ilogic to create more if necessary.
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Aug 21, 2012
I am trying to use iLogic to create the file types I need to give to my vendors once I have created a drawing.In the .idw file I have a rule that creates a .pdf file and .dwg file. I also want it to activate a rule I have in the .ipt file that creates a .dxf file.
trigger = iTrigger0oType=Left(ThisDoc.FileName(False),3)GoExcel.Open("S:DRAWINGSFolder Types.xlsx", "Sheet1")For rowPN = 1 To 200 If (GoExcel .CellValue("A" & rowPN) = oType) Then oFile = GoExcel.CellValue("C" & rowPN) Exit For End IfNextoFolder = "S:DRAWINGSNOT RELEASED" & oFileIf Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(oFolder) ThenSystem.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(oFolder)End IfThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(oFolder & "" &
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May 23, 2012
I created the following user parameters:
I then created a Custom iProperty which consisted of the following "formula": Finished Material Size = <Thickness> x <Width> x <Length> Lg.
eg. of Finished Material Result : Finished Material Size = 6 x 25 x 300 Lg.
The problem comes up when dealing with diametrical components as the above formula will only populate for square or rectangular parts. Which would work if I could use iLogic code to populate the Finished Material Size iProperty. I have tried but failed.
First I created another user parameter called "Geometry Type" which has a drop down selection of either "DIA" or "SQUARE, RECTANGULAR".I then created the following iLogic code to set 0 as the value for the "unused" size parameters
The part I just can't get to work is as follows.
I need some iLogic code which will populate the "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE" custom iproperty with one of the following based on my "GEOMETRY TYPE" selection. "DIA" would return the following to "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE": = Ø <Dia> x <Length> Lg.
While "SQUARE, RECTANGULAR" would return the following to "FINISHED MATERIAL SIZE": = <THICKNESS> x <WIDTH> x <LENGTH> Lg.I tried the following code but it does not work:
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Jun 21, 2012
Very new to inventor 2012 coming form solid edge way back in the day (1998 to 2008) to autocad 2d. getting ready to move to the inventor and trying to figure out some things. searched videos , training etc but not even sure what to call it.
My questions are:
1. I design stamping dies and I will want to build sections from a stock strip with the outside then adding hole, dowels etc. what is the best work flow for this? It is kinda the middle between top down and bottom up.
2. what is the best work flow for adding counter bore , dowel in the block and then having this tied to the mating block so if I move the location of the holes in the block then move as well?
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Jun 12, 2012
I have a simple Assembly for a Frame that I made with Frame Generator. I'd like to use a rule to toggle the visible of some of the framing members.
In the sub assembly (called Frame0001:1) I created a rule:
(I have a variable called LeftAngle, and the bar I want to toggle is called Bar1.)
If LeftAngle = 90 then
Component.Visible("Bar1") = False
Component.Visible("Bar1") = True
End If
I am sure this is VERY basic, but I can't get it to do anything. There is no error message - just nothing happens.
I know the rule is running though - it will change other parameters in response to the If Then statement.
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Jun 17, 2013
I would like to make an External Rule that would make an iLogic Internal Rule (with the same code every time). I guess what I really need is a way to drive an Ilogic rule into every part that does not have the rule in the part already.
I know what you’re thinking and just using the External Rule doesn’t work for what I want to do. I need it to be an iLogic Internal Rule.
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Aug 15, 2012
iLogic rule that will retrieve a part number(s) from an excel sheet. I work for a company that built vacuum trucks and I'm trying to make an . I am template where the user can select different lengths of shells to achieve the desire overall length. I have been able to achieve this using iLogic rules and forms and making the shell length parameter multi value.
But now I need to show predetermined SAP part numbers for the shells in BOM or part list. I all ready have an excel sheet with shell sizes with corresponding part numbers on file. I also thought about incorporating our custom CC parts/shells that already have the SAP part numbers set up as a custom iProperty but might be to complicated for a newbie iLogic user.
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Nov 17, 2011
I have a rule in the top assembly to update & want to run this as a final 'clean up' after various rules have run in sub assembly parts.
I have a rule within a part at the end of the line. I want this rule to goto the top assembly & run the 'Update' rule.
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Oct 18, 2011
is it possible to rename the browser node on part level with an iLogic rule? I know that in the assembly environment is an Inventor OOTB functionality to rename the nodes to the filename, Part number or the default value.
Inventor Professional 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit
Dell Precision M4500
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 820 @ 1.73GHz
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Oct 17, 2011
Having problems with parts of their model not showing up after going through the AEC exchange to the adsk file then open it up in Revit architecture? Or some wild geometry from a part sticking out 20 or 30 feet out into space? It seems that if you create a part one way it doesn't do well in the conversion process while creating the same part another way or a different sequence it's ok with it. (using Inventor 2011 and viewing in Revit 2012)
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Sep 9, 2012
I have an assembly with a few parts inside and want to create a new part(hose) in the assembly and link some faces from other parts within the assembly to my new part to show the routing of the hose.
Can I link faces within an assembly to one of the assembly components.
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Jan 11, 2013
I need to downscale whole assembly if its possible. If not, its no problem for me to downscale every single part separately (apx. 30pcs) and then put it together again but I need to downscale it with all its modeling history - sketches, planes and other geometry. I can't select them when using DERIVE function.
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Mar 19, 2012
I want to create a structure using the attached part geometry, what would be the best way to make the crosses coincident with the two long columns? (just like the 2 at the top but without having to manually trim each line, if it could be constrained to variable parameters even better)
The structure has the same geometry on all four sides so i intend to circular patern the frame generator components around the Z axis, any better workflows?
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Dec 10, 2012
it's possible when i copy my assembly with rule in who suppress or unsuppress my component, the parameter part name change same to my new part name in new assembly??? Now when i copy or when i use design assistance the name of my part dont change in rule?
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Oct 6, 2009
In versions prior to Inv. 2009 the sheet metal rules were contained in the template and in 2009 they are in the styles library. In the past year we have changed some of our material and I would like to be able to look for certain sheet metal rules on legacy drawing and change them to a new one. Both styles are fairly close but I want to keep things consistant going forward. This way I can purge the style if it is not in the style library. Just can't figure out the code for changing the active style.
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Nov 25, 2012
I am after a rule to change the unit type of all .ipts from cm to mm.
This has to go down to all levels in hierarchy but only change .ipt files
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Apr 23, 2013
I can't for some reason get this rule to work, simply want to be able to choose what title block to use.
I created a text parameter with the multi-values: TES ELE and TES EQU
I have 2 title blocks in my template called TES ELE and TES EQU
Here is my code, basically, I want to rule to apply the title block based on the selection, which will be done on a form.
If Title = "TES ELE" ThenActiveSheet.TitleBlock = "TES ELE"ElseIf Title = "TES EQU" ThenActiveSheet.TitleBlock = "TES EQU"End IfInventorVb.DocumentUpdate()ThisApplication.ActiveView.Fit
I have found many threads in this forum and have used their solutions for this rule, but for some reason, my rule will not select the title block and place it in the drawing.
Here is a snap of my set-up and my template file is attached
Inventor Professional 2014-Update 2 - AutoCAD Electrical 2014
Win7-x64 | ASUS P8Z77-V | i7 3770 -3.4 GHz | 32GB RAM |
240GB SSD | nVidia GTX 670 4GB - 320.49
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Dec 11, 2012
I am after writing part of rule for ilogic,i need the rule to fill out a custom property with information for me. I have a part that has 2 parameters
parameter 1 = Frontplanangleparameter 2 = Endplanangle
Custom property
iProperties.Value("Custom", "DESC2") =
I need the rule to examine both parameters and if both angles = 0 then DESC2 = ""And if any parameter >0 then
iProperties.Value("Custom", "DESC2") = bevel
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Jan 6, 2014
My company has recently switched from the H drive to the G drive. This has resulted in a lot of old files still referring to the H drive where the External Ilogic rules used to be. I'm wondering if there's any automatic way to change that? Uploading a pic showing the event triggers as they are now.
Inventor 2014 Professional
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
Intel Xeon E3-1240 @ 3.4 ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600
8.00 gb RAM
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Apr 23, 2013
I create a thread here: and I have most of what I require, but for some reason I can't iLogic to swap my title blocks within my drawing template.
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Jan 20, 2012
How can I make a feature transparent in a single part? Like one extrusion in a part?
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Dec 7, 2011
Can you delete part of a fillet feature? While still keeping part of it & adding to it.
I have a fillet feature with 2 fillets to a part. One is in the wrong place.The Feature Fillett1 if you edit it, you will see what I mean.
Keep the middle one. Both fillets are 0.25" / Replace the bottom fillet to the top corner.
I would like to keep the Feature in the order it is in, if possible.
I am using Inventor 2012.
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Apr 16, 2013
I am trying to create a part that has a spherical feature. The spherical feature is "sliced" on the front and back to create a flat surface (see Compound Rest Handle Isometric image). Should I use workplanes to slice the sphere? What is an efficient process the slice the sphere. See Compound Rest Handle Front and Compound Rest Handle Back images and compare to the final result in the Compound Rest Handle Isometric image).
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Dec 27, 2012
Possible to add a thread feature to a part using iLogic.
Basically in the iLogic form if the user selects "Threaded Rod" the existing Extrusion is updated to reflect a cylinder with a length and diameter specified by the user and then I need to have a Thread Added to the cylinder.
Computer Specs:
Windows 7 (64 Bit) Pro. SP1, Inventor 2014 Pro, 3D Connexion SpaceNavigator (Driver 3.15.2)
Motherboard: ASUS Rampage IV Extreme x79 Socket 2011
Processor: Intel Core i7 Six Core Sandy Bridge-E 3.2GHz OCed to 4.7GHz (Under Water)
RAM: G.Skill Ripjaw Z-Series 32 gig quad channel of RAM 1800MHz OCed to 2133MHz
Video Card: 2x Nvidia Geforce GTX 770 (Running Six (6) Monitors)
Monitors: [Primary = 2x 24in HD WS][Secondary = 2x 22in HD WS][Tertiary = 2x 19in FS]
Primary Hard Drive: OCZ Vertex IV 256 GB Solid State Drive
Secondary Hard Drive: OCZ Vertex III 120 GB Solid State Drive
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Jul 22, 2013
I am trying to piece together some code for an ilogic rule. This rule should look for a drawing view that is a flat pattern, if it finds one it should change the object layer to our "CNC" layer.
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Jul 2, 2013
I need an ilogic rule to autmoatically change the style of the parts list in a drawing file.The parts list style already exist in the drawing.
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Aug 4, 2013
I want to change the material of a sheet metal part using inventor api.I tried something like code
Dim partDoc As PartDocument partDoc = inventorApp.Documents.Open(FilePath & filename, False) If partDoc.SubType = "{9C464203-9BAE-11D3-8BAD-0060B0CE6BB4}" Then Dim smDef As SheetMetalComponentDefinition smDef = partDoc.ComponentDefinition Dim style As SheetMetalStyle style = smDef.SheetMetalStyles.Item("sheetMetalRule")
But I can't get the code for material change.
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Apr 19, 2012
Is there a way in Inventor to take an assembly feature and basically have it fall out at the part level also? So if you were to open the part up, it would have the cutouts in it.
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