AutoCAD Inventor :: Title Block - Prompted Entry In Form

Sep 14, 2013

When creating a title block  I use iProperties and  Prompted entry.

Now I want to place all entries and properties in a form so that I have everything together.

With the iProperties it works because you can select the iproperties when you create the form but I can not select the  prompted entry to place in the form

Is there a way to select the  prompted entry to place in the form?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Read / Change Prompted Entry Through Code From Title Block

Aug 27, 2013

How could I read / change prompted entry through code from title block (for example DIN) within VB.Net?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Scale In Title Block - No Prompted Entry / Keep Current Sheet Active

Apr 9, 2013

 First, it requires there to be a prompted entry text box in the title block named <SCALE>, is there any way to write to a textbox that is not prompted entry?  The prompt when a new drawing or sheet is created is misleading and makes users think they need to manually fill out the prompt.  Secondly, this code works on multi-sheet drawings but it concludes by making the last sheet active.  Since we are triggering this rule before save it's a nuisance to have the drawing switch sheets everytime you do a save.  Ideally, the current active sheet should remain active when the rule runs.  Here is the
For Each oSheet In ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.Sheets
If oSheet.TitleBlock Is Nothing Or oSheet.DrawingViews.count=0 Then Exit Sub

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Retaining Title Block Prompted Entries When Changing Title Blocks

Apr 26, 2013

The title blocks that we use have prompted entries in them and I would like to find a way using iLogic to copy the entries from one title block to another within the same drawing; i.e.. if the user decides to change from an A2 to A1 drawing.

I already have an iLogic rule which allows the user to change the active border, title block and sheet size based on a form selection but would like it to capture the prompted entries already entered and re-use them after the change.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy Title Block Prompted Entries

Apr 25, 2013

The title blocks that we use have prompted entries in them and I would like to find a way using iLogic to copy the entries from one title block to another within the same drawing; i.e.. if the user decides to change from an A2 to A1 drawing.

I already have an iLogic rule which allows the user to change the active border, title block and sheet size based on a form selection but would like it to capture the prompted entries already entered and re-use them after the change.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Label With Prompted Entry

Feb 9, 2012

I am using Inventor 2012.  I want to put a label with a prompted entry.  So I did this,

SCALE: <scale>

However, when filling out the symbol it only puts in the scale without the label.  The reason I am doing this is because my text is right justified and I need the label to move with the text.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Put A Drawing View Name To Prompted Entry Symbol?

Aug 26, 2013

I use a CommandManager.Pick command to select my drawing view and i want to put information of this view to a prompted entry in my sketched symbols, i have many same symbols in my page and i want to put a different description for each symblos but with a same prompted entry name, ex.: <NAME>

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Way To Have Default Text For Prompted Entry In Border

Jul 12, 2007

have default text for a Prompted Entry in a Border. I have not found a way to do this other than creating a custom iProperty, which is not an option, since it is not our title block / border.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Default Settings For Prompted Entry Properties

Aug 12, 2009

I'm trying to set up some new title blocks, I have some "prompted entry" Properties that I want to incorporate, I've got them in the title blocks OK but I can't seem to get em to return a default value, the prompts are all coming in blank when the dialog box comes up. I have set the defaults to what I need on the original ANSI template with the new title block, but when I create a new drawing using that template, the title block comes in without any values set. Is there a way of setting them to return a default value initially that you would change if required, I'm sure I'm missing something very basic!!

Also, in the 'edit property' fields dialog box, there does not seem to be a way of inserting symbols into the value field, have I not turned on the right variable, or missed have I something else??

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Prompted Entry Values With ILogic

Dec 11, 2013

I have been attempting to automate some prompted entry (PE) values using iLogic and the SetPromptResultText command.

The command works on the customer-supplied template I have if I create a new PE called <DELETEME> - my code also works on this new PE even if I delete the "<" & ">" from either end of the string so it becomes "DELETEME".

The command doesn't work on the customer supplied fields of "PURPOSE OF ISSUE" & "PROJECT REF No" but if I add < & > to either end (so they become "<PROJECT REF No>" & "<PURPOSE OF ISSUE>" respectively) and modify my code to look for that instead, lo and behold it works.

why it works with the "<" & ">" on the ends of the string but not without?

My guess is that the "<" & ">" allow the PE to have spaces and without it Inventor 2013 throws the dummy in the dirt and refuses to play nice! - Just tested that theory and it's clearly cobblers.

Here's the sub-routine I wrote (with the working "<" & ">" still in place):
Sub UpdatePromptedEntries(oDoc As DrawingDocument)'assumes the oDoc is activatedDim oPromptEntryDim actSheet As Sheet = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet'For Each oSheet In ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.SheetsFor Each oSheet In

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AutoCAD Inventor :: (VBA) Write Multiple Prompted Entry Fields In One Pass?

Oct 17, 2013

Is it possible to write multiple prompted entry fields down in a single pass? As it is now, you can see the taskbar reporting as it writes down each line.

Essentially i've got 6 different fields i'm trying to write down using code like shown below:
If oTB.GetResultText(oTitleBox1) <> Me.Title1.Value Then Call ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.SetPromptResultText(oTitleBox1, Title1.Value)End IfIf oTB.GetResultText(oTitleBox2) <> Me.Title2.Value Then Call oTB.SetPromptResultText(oTitleBox2, Title2.Value)End If

Just wondering if there's a way it can be written down in a single pass to save time or if it's a limitation of prompted entry text.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: New Title Block In Old Drawings?

Oct 22, 2013

I have done a new Title Block in our drawing templates.

It only works in New drawings if I open an old drawing I must "Copy/paste" the new Title Block into the browser to the left But I want all our old drawings to use the new Title Block.

Is there a way to have the new Title as default on all old drawings?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Customizing The Title Block?

Jun 14, 2012

How can I customize the title block where it says Drawn, Checked and approved?

I want the dates with initials to place automatically. However, I want the date of approval and checked to be 2-5 days after the drawn date. (using Inventor pro. 2012)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replace Title Block C#

Oct 2, 2013

I am trying to replace the title block of the first sheet of the active drawing via C#. I currently am receiving the following error on the last line of The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)).

Why the code below is throwing this error? I have tried multiple variations of the code below to no avail and I'm sure this is something minor that I am overlooking. The title block definition under Drawing Resources is replaced with no errors, the title block on Sheet 1 is deleted just fine, but I can't seem to add a Title Block back in!

How Documents are defined:

Inventor._DrawingDocument oDoc = getDoc();Inventor.DrawingDocument sourceDoc =(Drawing Document) instance.Documents. OpenWith Options(sPath, options, false); Find, copy, replace: TitleBlockDefinition tBlock = sourceDoc.TitleBlockDefinitions[blockList.SelectedItem.ToString()]; TitleBlockDefinition newBlock = tBlock.CopyTo(oDoc, true); oDoc.Sheets[1].TitleBlock.Delete(); oDoc.Sheets[1].AddTitleBlock(newBlock);

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Weight In BOM / Title Block

Apr 20, 2012

I am trying to include the weight for all components in assembly BOM as well as calculated overall weight in TB, but there are no available property to choose from in the drop-down list.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Parameter Into Title Block?

Apr 10, 2013

I've created the user parameters and they get the information I need by the rules in illogic and also added as custom properties, but when I try to put them on the title block they don't retrieve the information.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Parameter Into Title Block (CF)

Apr 10, 2013

I've created the user parameters and they get the information I need by the rules in illogic and also added as custom properties, but when I try to put them on the title block they don't retrieve the information.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Mass In Title Block

Nov 26, 2012

I have added the mass properties and I do not want the lbmass behind it. How do I get rid of it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Title Block Macro

Jun 13, 2013

Malfunctioning Title Block Macro in Inventor 2014? The script is attached. I think there is a problem with datums. I have switched to a new computer and installed Inventor 2014 on it. The macro worked with my old computer and Inventor 2013. This is a .ivb-file, not a .txt-file. Please change that before you test it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Title Block

Mar 28, 2013

I have a cutom title block that automaticly places material, status, stock number etc. of the component in the drawing sheet, but I am stumped as to placing the quantity automatically. I have defaulted to using a prompted entry, but that is prone to errors.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Title Block Reference?

Apr 5, 2012

I have text in my title block that references part properties. If I have several different part and assembly base views on a sheet, how do I control which one the title block references? It defaults to the first one that was placed. I am using 2011 Pro.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Add In Title Block?

Jan 22, 2013

Is there an add in or something for faster type in the title block in a drawing? Name, title etc?

 Right now the author and date are automatically  but when i save the file to for example to "D1234 hammer" it becomes the part number.

I have to edit the title.

I want to save the file to "D1234 hammer" and the partnumber to be "D1234" and title "hammer".

IS there a add-in that I type the title and name and its auto fill the title block? Or do I have to create a custom title block so the drawing can understand to only to take the numbers from <part name> and the letters becomes <title>?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get New Title Block Into Old Drawing

Aug 17, 2012

We are going to be making a new title block and I have been looking at ways to get the new title block into the old drawings.  It looks like the Inventor Drawing and Resource Wizard is the way to go.

The steps seem pretty straight forward and simple but I am not getting the correct results.  For the source drawing I select my new title block and leave the boxes for borders, my new title block name, and sketched symbols checked.  I then pick my drawing I want to get the new title block in.  On the last step I can select Yes or No and get the same results.  When I reopen Inventor and the drawing it still has the old title block in it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change A Title Block?

Mar 26, 2013

Is there a way to change a title block? After finishing all the dimensioning and details I realized I used the wrong title block.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Two Different Border And Title Block Colors

Feb 5, 2013

I use two different measuring system IMPERIAL and METRIC.

What I want is to be able tell at a glance, by having different color border and Title-block Text  is which one of the system of units I'm using

So what I'm wanting to do is create a Metric Sheet template with on color, Border, Title Block Text and a different color for the Imperial.

I've tried changing the color using the Style Center but that affects both templates, I've tried editing the title-block text saving the template but on opening it has changed back to the defaults set in the style settings and dose not hold those that I set.

What I don't what to be doing is changing them after opening, as at some stage I'll forget.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Title Block - Copyright Year

Sep 28, 2012

So, I am trying to add a copyright year to a title block in a drawing template file used through out my company. I want to base the year off of the creation date property - I am trying to find a way to truncate this property such that only the year is displayed. Ideally, any time the creation date property is changed, the copyright year will also update.

We are currently running Inventor 2010.Normally, I would just write an iLogic rule with an event trigger, but this would require everyone to install the iLogic addin which just won't happen.

Even easier, I could make a custom iProperty and just have people manually type in the year when they start a new drawing - this will be worst case scenario as a ton of people will forget and I'll just make more work for myself.I also have VBA code which is pretty simple:

Public Sub SetYear()
Dim oDoc As Document    
Set oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument      
Dim customPropSet, customPropSet2 As PropertySet    
Set customPropSet2 = oDoc.PropertySets.Item("Design Tracking Properties")    

The issue would be getting this VBA code to trigger and to "stick" to the template file.I can just as easily write this code in VB.NET or C#, and go through the hassle of creating an add-in, but again, how would I get it to trigger and stick to the template file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Customize Title Block Created In IDW

Jun 26, 2013

I have a customized title block that I created in an idw.  I want to make that block available for all drawings for different projects.  How do I do that?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Title Block Customization

Jun 26, 2013

Earlier I`ve used a simple code from Rob Cohee to update the title blocks and it works like a charm, however, now I would like to try to kick it up a notch.

If (ThisDrawing.ModelDocument Is Nothing) Then ReturnmodelName = IO.Path.GetFileName(ThisDrawing.ModelDocument.FullFileName)iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") = iProperties.Value(modelName, "Project", "Part Number")iProperties.Value("Custom", "Client") = iProperties.Value(modelName, "Custom", "Client")

I`m working with several similar projects where the Inventor models and IDW`s is copied from one project to another. A typical project can consist of 50-75 drawings and the only properties needed to change is Client, project number and drawing number (consisting of the project number and a suffix, ex 123456789-125).

I would like to try to make an .ini file with these 3 properties in the root of the project folder so they can be changed and updated easily.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unit Display In Title Block

Apr 23, 2013

Below is a code I managed to scramble together to display the unit used in the drawing template. The units are selected once the drawing is opened based the Standards ANSI and ANSI-mm from the styles library.

The code displays the units used in template as a custom iproperty called "drawingUNITS". This code works great however, I would like it if possible to be more clearer to the shop guys looking at the drawings.

I would the result to be

ANSI = Imperial (or inches) and ANSI-mm = Metric

is there somewhere in the code provided that I can get my desired result?
' To use this rule, create a Text parameter named Standard in the drawing.' Assign it values such as:

' ANSI' ANSI-mmdoc = ThisDoc.DocumentcustomPropertySet = doc.PropertySets.Item("Inventor User Defined Properties") 'Make sure drawingUNITS property existsTry prop = customPropertySet.Item("drawingUNITS")Catch 'Assume error means not found customPropertySet.Add("", "drawingUNITS")End TryDim drawingDoc as DrawingDocument = ThisDoc.DocumentFor Each standardX In [code].......

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Title Block Position?

Jun 19, 2012

I have created a custom title block and border for one of the automotive manufacturers since I need to submit all their drawings in the standard border and title block format. The border is quite broad, so when I insert the new title block, it overlaps the border slightly. I need to try and find the setting to control the exact point at which the title block is positioned when inserted into a drawing.

Windows 7 Pro (X64)
Intel(R) core (TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
16.0 GB RAM
Nvidia Quadro 600
Autodesk Inventor 2013 Professional Ultimate Design Suite

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Title Block - Material Field

Aug 29, 2012

I am using 2013 Inventor.My company uses the .dwg file extension instead of .idw (if that makes a difference).When I make a new .dwg file and insert an .ipt file for my first base drawing ..The material field of the .dwg Title Block is populated.This is something I would like to avoid.When I open iProps in the .ipt drawing and go to the Physical/Material Tab don’t seem to have the option to display a blank (no information) in the material field in the Title Block.The closest I can come to this is to choose Generic, which looks kind of odd.

My company chooses to give all material specs in a note displayed on the drawing.In case of a material change at some point, I do NOT want to have to change the note on the drawing AS WELL AS the Material information in the .ipt iProps.The reason is that, sooner or later, I’ll forget to change both(which will lead to confusion) and possibility lead to making junk parts (made of the wrong material) which will then have to be thrown away (at perhaps a major loss).

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