AutoCAD Inventor :: Label With Prompted Entry

Feb 9, 2012

I am using Inventor 2012.  I want to put a label with a prompted entry.  So I did this,

SCALE: <scale>

However, when filling out the symbol it only puts in the scale without the label.  The reason I am doing this is because my text is right justified and I need the label to move with the text.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Put A Drawing View Name To Prompted Entry Symbol?

Aug 26, 2013

I use a CommandManager.Pick command to select my drawing view and i want to put information of this view to a prompted entry in my sketched symbols, i have many same symbols in my page and i want to put a different description for each symblos but with a same prompted entry name, ex.: <NAME>

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Way To Have Default Text For Prompted Entry In Border

Jul 12, 2007

have default text for a Prompted Entry in a Border. I have not found a way to do this other than creating a custom iProperty, which is not an option, since it is not our title block / border.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Default Settings For Prompted Entry Properties

Aug 12, 2009

I'm trying to set up some new title blocks, I have some "prompted entry" Properties that I want to incorporate, I've got them in the title blocks OK but I can't seem to get em to return a default value, the prompts are all coming in blank when the dialog box comes up. I have set the defaults to what I need on the original ANSI template with the new title block, but when I create a new drawing using that template, the title block comes in without any values set. Is there a way of setting them to return a default value initially that you would change if required, I'm sure I'm missing something very basic!!

Also, in the 'edit property' fields dialog box, there does not seem to be a way of inserting symbols into the value field, have I not turned on the right variable, or missed have I something else??

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Prompted Entry Values With ILogic

Dec 11, 2013

I have been attempting to automate some prompted entry (PE) values using iLogic and the SetPromptResultText command.

The command works on the customer-supplied template I have if I create a new PE called <DELETEME> - my code also works on this new PE even if I delete the "<" & ">" from either end of the string so it becomes "DELETEME".

The command doesn't work on the customer supplied fields of "PURPOSE OF ISSUE" & "PROJECT REF No" but if I add < & > to either end (so they become "<PROJECT REF No>" & "<PURPOSE OF ISSUE>" respectively) and modify my code to look for that instead, lo and behold it works.

why it works with the "<" & ">" on the ends of the string but not without?

My guess is that the "<" & ">" allow the PE to have spaces and without it Inventor 2013 throws the dummy in the dirt and refuses to play nice! - Just tested that theory and it's clearly cobblers.

Here's the sub-routine I wrote (with the working "<" & ">" still in place):
Sub UpdatePromptedEntries(oDoc As DrawingDocument)'assumes the oDoc is activatedDim oPromptEntryDim actSheet As Sheet = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet'For Each oSheet In ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.SheetsFor Each oSheet In

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Title Block - Prompted Entry In Form

Sep 14, 2013

When creating a title block  I use iProperties and  Prompted entry.

Now I want to place all entries and properties in a form so that I have everything together.

With the iProperties it works because you can select the iproperties when you create the form but I can not select the  prompted entry to place in the form

Is there a way to select the  prompted entry to place in the form?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: (VBA) Write Multiple Prompted Entry Fields In One Pass?

Oct 17, 2013

Is it possible to write multiple prompted entry fields down in a single pass? As it is now, you can see the taskbar reporting as it writes down each line.

Essentially i've got 6 different fields i'm trying to write down using code like shown below:
If oTB.GetResultText(oTitleBox1) <> Me.Title1.Value Then Call ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.SetPromptResultText(oTitleBox1, Title1.Value)End IfIf oTB.GetResultText(oTitleBox2) <> Me.Title2.Value Then Call oTB.SetPromptResultText(oTitleBox2, Title2.Value)End If

Just wondering if there's a way it can be written down in a single pass to save time or if it's a limitation of prompted entry text.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Read / Change Prompted Entry Through Code From Title Block

Aug 27, 2013

How could I read / change prompted entry through code from title block (for example DIN) within VB.Net?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Scale In Title Block - No Prompted Entry / Keep Current Sheet Active

Apr 9, 2013

 First, it requires there to be a prompted entry text box in the title block named <SCALE>, is there any way to write to a textbox that is not prompted entry?  The prompt when a new drawing or sheet is created is misleading and makes users think they need to manually fill out the prompt.  Secondly, this code works on multi-sheet drawings but it concludes by making the last sheet active.  Since we are triggering this rule before save it's a nuisance to have the drawing switch sheets everytime you do a save.  Ideally, the current active sheet should remain active when the rule runs.  Here is the
For Each oSheet In ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.Sheets
If oSheet.TitleBlock Is Nothing Or oSheet.DrawingViews.count=0 Then Exit Sub

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Have Prompted Entries Show On All Pages

Jul 25, 2013

I am trying to create a template and want all of the revision material to show on all the sheets but the prompted entry that I have put into the template makes me re-enter it every time I change sheets. Is there any way to have it flow through onto all of the sheets instead of having to re-enter all the information.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy Title Block Prompted Entries

Apr 25, 2013

The title blocks that we use have prompted entries in them and I would like to find a way using iLogic to copy the entries from one title block to another within the same drawing; i.e.. if the user decides to change from an A2 to A1 drawing.

I already have an iLogic rule which allows the user to change the active border, title block and sheet size based on a form selection but would like it to capture the prompted entries already entered and re-use them after the change.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Sketched Symbol With Prompted Text?

Feb 4, 2013

Usually I use the TextBoxes. But its text would not change.

How to use to add a prompted text into the definition of a sketched symbol?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA - Sync Prompted Entries From Sheet 1 Across All Sheets

Apr 10, 2013

I'm trying to unskillfully crash my way through writing a VBA program for modifying Inventor drawing border info, and have managed through cannibalizing other programs to achieve 95% of what I wanted (ie the iproperties part).

Prompted Entries via VBA..I'd like to create a sync 'Prompted Entries' from sheet 1, across all sheets button.

The 4 prompted entry fields are always..I'd love some VBA code that could read the above 4 Prompted Entry values from Sheet:1 and then sync these values across multiple drawing sheets within one .idw file if more than one sheet was present.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Inserting Balloon That Has Field For Prompted Text

Nov 6, 2013

I would like to make a split balloon where the top retrieves the item number and the bottom is a prompted text area.  Is this possible?

If the above is not possible my fallback plan would like to make a sketched symbol function in exactly the same way. I believe this option would be significantly more code.  If I have to go this route, is there a way to directly mimic getting the item number like the balloon function does?

--My current process involves attaching a user symbol, getting the proper leader node, attached entity, geometry, model geometry, containing occurrence, and then BOM of the component occurrence.  Keep in mind this doesn't work for phantom or reference components.  

Win7 x64 - 16gb ram
i7 3610qm
FirePro M4000
Inventor 2013
ETO 6.1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Turn Off Prompted Entries At New Sheet Creation

Nov 27, 2013

I use prompted entries in the title blocks in some sheets in my drawings.  I then use iLogic to fill in the prompted entries.  Is there a way to turn off the prompted entries box when I create a new sheet?  

Is there something other than a prompted entry that is not linked to a file (drawing, part, or assembly) that can be placed in a title block and filled in with iLogic?  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Centre Prompted Filename And Part Number

Nov 8, 2011

Create a Content Center Part that prompts for a file name and sets the Part Number to whatever I save the part as? It would also be nice to... Have the browser Display name the same as the saved filename.

If I have a standard part with a blank filename, inventor will make the part number equal the filename at the first save. It is this functionality that I require when using Custom Content parts.

E.G. If I have a length of 'RHS 200x100x6.3 - 2000mm' selected from content centre and I want the filename to be saved as 'Part-001', then I would like the Part Number to be set as 'Part-001'.

If I then place the same member in another project/assembly I may want to call it 'ProjectPart-100', where the part number would then be 'ProjectPart-100' and so on.

This method ignores the filename entry in the Ipart table.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Context Menu Entry Using C#?

Apr 27, 2012

I'm trying to add to a right click menu for an Inventor addin using C#. I'm basing mine off of a VB sample. However, it appears VB allows the add command to be missing values, whereas C# will not allow any empty values.The 3 commas in a row are where the error occurs. C# error is simple "argument missing".

ControlDefinitions controlDefs = m_inventorApplication.CommandManager.ControlDefinitions; ButtonDefinition m_featureCountButtonDef = controlDefs.AddButtonDefinition("Add symbol", "symbolAddition", CommandTypesEnum.kQueryOnlyCmdType, "{DFJMQC00-938F-11E1-AFAA-.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - FOR Every Entry From A List

Dec 11, 2012

I have a section of code (see below) which runs a program which highlights a part/subassembly red, then gives the user a list dialgue box in order to easily replace the compent. At present, I have this code repeated for each part/subassembly in my main assemby (i.e. FRAME, POWER_RISER, BUSBAR_CHAMBER, BUSBAR_ASSEMBLY...).

Having the code repeated multiple times, means it is very time consuming to modify. I want to be able to generate a list then have the code below, run for each of the entries in the list. So I need something along the lines of

dim mylist as something
FOR each entry in mylist
run all the code below (with the words 'BUSBAR_ASSEMBLY' replaced with 'mylist'

[Code] ........

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Prompt For Parameter Entry On Open

Jan 29, 2013

I am going to be saving a template with one of my custom frame profiles from the content center already placed in it. I'll place it say 100" long, just an arbitrary number. How can I create a dialogue that pops up when I open the template file, it asks me for the value of 3 variables, then changes the length of my content center frame rail to the sum of those 3 variables? I've seen pop-ups before and know how to set the rule, I'm just not sure how to change the parameters..

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 SP1 - Data Entry In Old Dialogs

Aug 30, 2011

The only thing that has changed since Friday is the install of SP1. I use the old dialog boxes instead of the mini-toolbars (don't get me wound up).  I just noticed yesterday some strange behavior when I change the value in the dialog box.

In the example in the attached screenshots, I started the fillet command and selected edges.  The default fillet was ".3" and I want to change to ".4375".  As you can see in the image, at one point while typing, Inventor decided to highlight the entry again, and as you see overwrote the ".4" with "375".

I'm checking other dialog boxes now but so far all I know is the fillet dialog box.  Also does it on the value of a variable fillet too.

Inventor 2012 Pro, Windows 7, 64bit
Intel® Xeon® Processor W3580 (8M Cache, 3.33 GHz)
12 GB DDR3, NVIDIA Quadro FX 3800

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Retaining Title Block Prompted Entries When Changing Title Blocks

Apr 26, 2013

The title blocks that we use have prompted entries in them and I would like to find a way using iLogic to copy the entries from one title block to another within the same drawing; i.e.. if the user decides to change from an A2 to A1 drawing.

I already have an iLogic rule which allows the user to change the active border, title block and sheet size based on a form selection but would like it to capture the prompted entries already entered and re-use them after the change.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Dynamically Add Buttons To Addin To Modify XML Entry

Oct 23, 2012

I'd like to make it so that a user may add a button for my addin by only having to modify an xml entry.  

None of the values (name, descrip, tooltip) are null, and reading from the xml is working properly.  Each internal name is unique. Why this code would result in an error?  The error message is attached.

If there's a known way to dynamically add buttons(in a loop), I'd be happy to use an established method as well.

 Element[] QueryArray = query.ToArray();foreach (XElement item in QueryArray){string name = item.Attribute("Name").Value;string descrip = item.Attribute("Description").Value;string tooltip = item.Attribute("Tooltip").Value;tempButton = null;tempButton = oControlDefinitions.AddButtonDefinition(name, name, CommandTypesEnum.kEditMaskCmdType, m_AddinClientID, descrip, tooltip, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);oStandardsLinks.CommandControls.AddButton(tempButton);}
Win7 x64 - 16gb ram
i7 3610qm
FirePro M4000
Inventor 2013
ETO 6.1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Entry In Parts List Is Not In Correct Position?

Aug 20, 2012

In our idw's we have a parameter that is passed from the part to the idw parts list.  When we/I edit the length of a part, notice how the entry for "Cutlength" is jogged down a little.  To get this back to the correct position, I have to grab the parts list and move it a little.  The text jumps to where its supposed to be.  Any futher edits to the length of the part does not cause this again.  Have never seen anything like this before 2013.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Entry Point Error :: Entry Point Not Found

Jun 28, 2009

I'm running WinXP SP3. I just upgraded from CS2 to CS4 (and yes, I installed the update.

I'm currently running 11.0.1).

Whenever I load photoshop, just as it is about to finish "Initializing panels..." an error box pops up saying: "Adobe Photoshop CS4: Photoshop.exe - Entry Point Not Found" "The procedure entry point

Is ThreadDesktop Composited could not be located in the dynamic link library USER32.dll." After the box pops up I press the "Okay" button (that's the only one there) and it then opens Photoshop - which works perfectly. No other errors, no missing functions, no lag.

I'm pretty sure getting an error during start up is a good indication that not everything is 100%.

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AutoCAD VB :: Increase Number Of Attributes To Be Prompted While Inserting Blocks?

Jul 7, 2011

I have Created a Block which has got some 12 attributes , when i invoke insert command and insert the Block , It was displaying only first 8 attributes , then when i click next the remaining four attributes were displayed under the previous inputs which i have given .

that is for eg : If i have attributes named a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l .

In the first dialog box it asks

a =

b =

c =

d =

e =

f =

g =

h =

then i click next

e =

f =

g =

h =

i =

j =

k =

l =

so inputs for e,f,g,h and all given already but it was displayed

again so i need to press tab key for 4 times and come to  input "i = " and so on

I don want this to happen. i want it either all 12 prompted in single dialog box or

atleast no repetition of prompts.(8first&4alone in next)

And i already knew about the System Variable attdia & i dont want to give input via command prompt

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Creating Sheets - Always Have Prompted To Create New Profile Views?

Sep 2, 2013

Every time I create the sheets  C3D ask me to create a profile view ? 

But ... I already have it  .... 

Does C3D ask always for a new one ?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: User Is Prompted To Select A Row Of Blocks?

Oct 25, 2011

I am looking for a way where a user is prompted to select a row of blocks and then that row is completely mirrored about the middle of the selection set - such that if the blocks are originally inserted, from left to right "A" "B" C"  then after mirroring, we want them t occupy (roughly) the same space in the drawing area as "C" "B" "A".

Then, immediately after mirroring that selection set in place, each individual block that makes up the selection set is mirrored about its insertion point along the x axis..... basically i need to mirror a selection set of a row of blocks so I change their order of occurrence and then mirror each individual block back again to the way it is meant to look.

Is this possible?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Point Label Size Change When Label Is Moved?

May 8, 2012

The label associated to a grading point when is moved when is moved changes its size automatically and a leader appears. After this happen no control over the grading point and its associate label. refer to the image below.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Changing Profile Line Label Style Causes Label String To Revert To Default

Sep 6, 2012

C3D 2013. We have profile line labels, some of which get manually edited (for example, change the "<[Tangent grade(FP|P2|RN|AP|GC|UN|SD|OF)]>" to a static number such as 0.29%).

However, if you CTRL+Click and select one of these labels and change the style of that one label, then the manual edits are lost and the label reverts back to the default string.

Is there any way to turn this behavior off?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Edit Label Text In Parcel Label

Jan 3, 2013

Is there a way to "Edit Label Text" in a Parcel area label? Similar to the way you can edit it in other styles.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Get Separate Block To Load If Third Number Entered When Prompted

Aug 23, 2011

I am wanting to get a separate block to load if a third number is entered when prompted. If enter is hit or only 2 of the numbers are entered, load the other block. I couldn't even get it to do right by even equaling a specific number.

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