I would like to use a sketch as the basis for a rectangular pattern which is set up to use the curve length for both directions of the rectangular pattern so that when I update my rectangle in a sketch, the pattern automatically adjusts to the new sketch. I have sketched a rectangle, and used one leg of the rectangle to establish the direction and length of one dimension of the array.
However, when I try and choose the Direction 2, my only options are the entire rectangle or faces- I can no longer select other and choose a single side of the rectangle.
I was able to accomplish what I wanted by using two sketches, with the second sketch simply projecting one leg from the first sketch. Using one sketch just seems inherently safer than trusting projected geometry.Is there a way to accomplish this with one sketch instead?
I need to know what sketch is associated to either a "Rectangular"or "Circular"array. This is so I can filter out sketches that are not repeated in an array.
Here is my code so far (Circular Array).
Dim oCP As CircularPatternFeature For Each oCP In oDef.Features.CircularPatternFeatures THIS IS THE TROUBLE LINE If sketch = oCP.Parent Then Set oCP = oDef.Features.CircularPatternFeatures.Item(oCP.Name) [code]........
I have a simple test part containing an extruded disk (Sketch1) and 8 holes on a pcd (Sketch2). I only want to array a sketch if it is arrayed.
How can I make a circular pattern of a single occurence of a rectangular pattern?
A shaft has a rectangular pattern of holes (along its axis) on its surface. I want to pattern the 4th occurence of this hole pattern as a circular pattern? Can I do it in Autodesk. I can not select the a specific occurance of a patterned feature to pattern it again.
As you see in the template photo (the photo was scanned by Microsoft Security Essentials, healthy) I wanted to extrude my circle, and I made 28 pieces with circular pattern feature; now, do I have to choose all the pieces by one by to be able to choose all?
The sum of the problem: while using the Circular Pattern feature or rectangular pattern feature in Inventor, sometimes I want to extrude (join) or cut the drawings that I made (augmented) with using circular pattern feature, rectangular pattern feature. in this case do I have to choose all the augmented members one by one (for instance I make 42 augmented members), it can take a lot of time.?
I am struggling to make a small pattern go along and follow the curvature of a curve. Its shown below. The green dots and the dumbell shape are a group and need to follow the contour of the violet colored shape on its edges. So they have to look like they are following the curve. I have tried repeat patterns and so on but they do not follow the curvature of the edge/sketch.
Can an equation be used to calculate equal distances when using the rectangular pattern.Regarding the attached .ipt file i would like to place 25 holes in the X direction with equal gap size between each hole.Also how to calculate the number of holes in the Y direction again with equal distance between each hole.I have not done this before with equations but was thinking that i would need to use the Length x Width in the equation.Do i need to add figures into the Parameters box also?
The attached file with the Hole feature the sketch is not constrained for the purpose of using an equation so i know how far from the start of the part to get equal distances between each hole to the end of the part .
I am using Inventor 2012. I have a horizontal feature that terminates at a vertical plane on one end and an angled plane at the other end. I want to pattern it down but when I use Adjust, the patterned features do not adjust to the angled plane. They just go strait down from the first feature.
Does Adjust only work if the terminator is a solid surface instead of a plane?
I am having a problem with an iPart. I created a rectangular patern in an iPart. When I place the member of the iPart in the Assembly file the pattern is not there. I need it to constrain another part to it.
I am currently trying to model a multi cavity mould tool. The cavities themselves do not follow either a circular or rectangular pattern.I have modelled one of the cavities using a revolve internal to the tool. I have also sketched out on the upper surface centre points where I need the cavities to be.
I was hoping I would be able to copy the cavity feature, select a base point and then use the centres from my second sketch to place the cavities.
I don't seem to be able to find this option. The copy and paste feature will likely work but it is hugely long winded positioning each cavity individually. Any method I might be able to use to model such a part?
Looking for some sample code for patterning a hole in a part using Inventor 2010. I dont need it to be selected because it is the only hole i have in the part. My main trouble is that I am having trouble withobjectcollection idea. As you can guess I am a newbie at Inventors API.
I'd like to make a rectangluar pattern of a part that is groove welded into a plate. Inside the pattern command I can select the part but not the weld. How to avoid having to do each weld individually?
While using the Circular Pattern feature or rectangular pattern feature in Inventor, sometimes I want to extrude (join) or cut the drawings that I made (augmented) with using circular pattern feature, rectangular pattern feature. in this case do I have to choose all the augmented members one by one (for instance I make 42 augmented members), it can take a lot of time. also after applied any of these features I can't use trim feature, can I ? but sometimes using the trim feature after applying the Circular Pattern feature or rectangular pattern can be necessary.
The problem: I want a circular pattern for rectangular shaped holes, and I don't want the holes to rotate. The circular pattern doesn't have an option to retain the orientation.
Any work around for rectangular patterns in assemblies?
I want to pattern a screw using an existing Part Feature Pattern; I have figured out depending on how the part is assembled you get two outcomes and if the part is mated opposite side to how the feature was patterned you get the parts going the wrong way (see attached pic).
Is there a “flip direction” option anywhere or do you just have to be super diligent on how the seed feature orientation is in relation to the assembled pattern?
We are using Inventor 2011 and I would like to make a small app that allows my users to graphically select one or more occurrences of a rectangular pattern feature Then allow them to suppress them if desired.
I have determined the code to loop through the pattern occurrences and toggle suppression for any instance. What I do not know how to do is determine which occurrences have been graphically selected.
At this time I am only concerned with round hole features. (Perforated metal)
I have a template that I have created, in it I have a rule that changes the stock number and description based on which sheet metal rule is selected. The weird thing is it works correctly if the first sketch is a rectangle. If you sketch a circular shape and make that the face it will not work. It blanks out the values for the stock number and description.
Much of our work is structures fabricated from steel plate. One of our practices is to add a note " (SK) " to the description of plates that have a detailed sketch somewhere in the fab drawing set (simple rectangular or circular plates with no additional features do not get these detailed sketches). The actual "detailed sketch" is just a dimensioned drawing view of that plate.
I've been working on automating this process so that Inventor can actually determine for the user whether or not the sketch is required. I have it in certain part templates by default. Other templates add the note automatically through iLogic when certain plate features are selected, or when the model consists of multiple part features.
This leaves one remaining case that the current set of rules can't catch - when the user creates cutouts, notches, etc. by modifying the sketch for the original extrusion. I have determined a method for catching that case, but haven't yet figured out how to program it.
What I want to do is count all of the lines, arcs, and circles in the first model sketch. If that count returns a number other than 4 lines, the note will be added. If any arcs are detected, the note will be added. If any circles are detected with lines also present, the note will be added. There may be other cases that will come up in testing that need to be covered, but I ran into an issue before I got that far. Construction geometry messes up the count - I need a way to exclude it.
Below is the test code I have so far for the counter. what techniques I can use to get construction geometry out of the count. This code doesn't include the provisions for actually adding the note yet - I'm just trying to get the counter working right first. Instead it's just displaying the total count in a message box for test purposes.
I am trying to create a coil which from above, retains equal and thus parallel pitches whilst at the same time adheres to a semi-circular form in the cross section. You can see from the images attached that the first two revolutions are larger than the semi-circle outline.
These are the values I have used:
r (t): 134.56924424045517662353735770102mm * t * 0.5 q(t): 1 deg * 360 ul * 3.0 ul * t z(t): 10 mm * 6 ul * 0.5 ul * t * (1.5 * t) * t
I'm building a product configuration which includes some helical curves. I want to find out how I can change the direction of a Helical curve feature in a 3D sketch.
Variables like pitch and diameter are parameters, but the direction isn't.
I made a bunch of lines, then used the bend command to make curves where they intersected. I'm trying to put lines connecting A to C and B to D. How do I constrain the ends of the lines to the center of the curves?
How to pattern a feature along a spline curve so that the resultants are separated by an equal linear distance (chord length), rather than as a function of the spline curve's length?
I have an idw where I am trying to pattern elements with a sketch. One of the items being text. I can pattern all of the geometry but the text will not pattern.
I created a 12-sided polygon shape in the sketch mode. I created one line, fully constrained it and then used the circular pattern to finish the shape. Why can't I extrude the shape?
I have attached the file. It's a pretty basic shape. I don't understand why it wouldn't work...