AutoCAD Inventor :: Modify Default Values In Dialog Boxes
Sep 18, 2012
When you create a new Frame Generator assembly, you have a dialog box with Frame name, Path to frame file, Skeleton name, path to skeleton file. Inventor propose default values. Is there a way to automatically modify these default values ? For example, instead Inventor propose "New Frame file name = Frame0001.iam", I want a custom calculated file name.
I have a little dialog box with seven radio buttons and a text box that generically accomplishes what it's supposed to do. To retain the current dialog values, I use the write-lline function to store the information and then use read-line to bring that information back in for other Lisps that I use. As long as the user doesn't open the dialog, whatever options were last selected will remain in effect.
However, if the user re-opens the dialog, then whatever defaults I have initially set up in the dialog will then become active (in other words, whichever of the radio buttons I have set to "1")
My question is whether or not I can have the dialog box set up so that if a user selects an alternate radio button, that radio button will keeo it's value whether or not the dialog is opened and until and if the user changes it..
As it is now, whenever the user opens the dialog box to change, say one radio button, the user then has to change the other radio buttons if the defaults don't match the current run requirements.
I have a brand new Dell M90 Workstation (1 week old) with Nvidia Quadro Fx2500M Video Card (Certified). Both the context menus and dialog boxes are disappearing off the screen at different times - they are still there because when the mouse is moved across the area parts of the boxes reappear. Dell has replaced the video card, hard drive and motherboard and still the same problem.
I am using Inventor 2013 to create some complex shaped Maritime items. They have a lot of lofts, variable radius curves, fillets, etc. Anyway, on the more complex pieces, my menus start to dissapear or a dialog box, for example the fillet dialog box, will turn solid black and my system will hangup for a minute while executing the command. Am I running low on system memory or is this a video card issue? Here are my system specs:
HP XW8400 with two 3.4 GHz Xeon CPU's 4 GB RAM 160 GB Western Digital Raptor Hard Drive with approx 90 GB free Quadro FX 1800 Video Card Windows 7 Professional Autodesk Inventor Premium Design Suite
I received dual monitors a while ago and I've noticed an annoying issue with VBA dialogs. No matter which screen I have inventor open on all but one of my dialog boxes opens to the far left side of my right monitor. This is quite annoying as I normally have to drag the dialog bad to a better spot.
All of my dialogs have the "Center Owner" for the start up position selected. I can't explain why one scripts dialog box appeared centered and the rest don't.
I am fed up with constantly changing the colour, justification, font and font size of text in sketches in the part environment. The text style drop down box is greyed out in the part environment so i can't set up a style and just change it.
Where i need to go to change what the default-iso style defaults to? Any registry key change i can use to make the test style drop down box available in the part sketch environment?
if it is possible to increase the number of recently used values/parameters in the dimension dialog, during part sketching. For one part, I use approximately ten parameters that will be used repeatedly. When I'm done with one sketch and start with the next, only the last five parameters are in the recently used parameter list. (Create dimension --> select arrow on right side of dialog, see attachment Dimension_Dialog.jpg, excuse me for the poor quality ). It would be much more comfort to have more parameters in this 'recently used'-list.
Furthermore I'd like to know if it's possible to widen the parameter-list. In my case I've several parameters that start with the same prefix, followed by a differentiating suffix. When I create a new dimension, select the arrow on the right and select 'List Parameters', I have to adjust the width of this dialog every time to see the entire parameter. (see picture Dimension_parameters.jpg)
This is probably a really stupid question, but several of my settings dialog boxes aren't showing up. I right click on the buttons at the bottom (at the moment snap and grid show this problem), click on the settings selection so I can modify them, then the autocad window looses windows focus (the bar at the top goes to the pale blue), and I can't do anything in autocad. I hit escape and it goes back to normal.
That looks to me like it is opening the settings window, and my focuse is being set to it, but I don't see it. How do I fix this? Can I reset dialog box starting locations (not like I know how it got moved to a crazy place in the first place, but still)?
When opening AutoCAD 2010, I get an error message "Unable to load profile...". This happened unexplicably. I have been using AutoCAD several months with no problems. One annoying consequence is that dialog boxes do not display. For example, running DIMSTYLE does not open the Dimension Style dialog box; instead, a list of options such as ANnotative, Save, and Restore appears. How do I get back to normal?
In AutoCad (I am working with ACA 2012) there are several dialog boxes e.g. the "rename" dialog box that always show up in the same (too small) size.
After renaming e.g. a block, the window closes and I have to repeat the command to rename another item.
I would like to size the window and keep the setting and would like to keep renaming things without getting interupted by automatical closeups of the window.
Having problems with the updated new file dialog and I'm not talking personal problems. I switched it to detail view and widened up the name column so I could see the whole name. I could actually live with that setup however the next time I opened the new file dialog all the columns returned to their default size and the sort also reverted.
Is it just me or does the new file dialog not remember any changes to it's layout?
I have several lisp routines I have been using since Acad 2002 (with occasional minor revisions) for my title blocks that open up a dialog boxes. None of the lisps I have that should open up a dialog box are working in a fresh 2012 install.
The lisps work in 2010 but not in 2012. I searched through the boards and found some info but it hasn't worked (made sure ATTREQ & ATTDIA set to 1).
I lost my dialog boxes for SAVEAS and EXPORT. I tried the CMDDIA system variable but had no luck. I can't stand having to type in full paths for files that I'm trying to save.
I would imagine that alot of my other dialog boxes default back to command line as well.
I have an eye problem Macular Dystrophy) that requires the CUI Menus and dialog boxes to be made larger. Changing the customizing windows fonts do not increase the size of anything. I am still using AutoCAD 14 through virtual XP but want to use Autodad 2011 and can't get it to change so I can read the CUI.
In the Select File dialog box, I can modify the column widths and I can change the column content. For example, I can delete the "date" column and add a "date modified" column. But, I haven't found a way to save the settings that I prefer to have each time the dialog box opens. How to save the settings as the default dialog box?
I have several lisp routines that we have used since release 12 that now dont work in 2012. They all placed blocks with attributes, allowed user to fill in and continued to finish. In 2012 the attribute dialog box does not come up and point information for block placement is filled in the attributes. Is there a system variable that changes dialog boxes in 2012?
How do I turn on the dialog boxes when I enter commands? I finally found HPDLGMODE for the hatch command, but I would like it for all commands, especially array.
I am struggling to understand why Illustrator is changing the values inside the RGB and CMYK boxes. I am also not sure of the exact relationship between these vaues. Essentially, it appears that if you set the Document Color Mode to RGB, it leaves the RGB values that you type in alone. If you set the Document Color Mode to CMYK, it leaves the CMYK values alone.
But as soon as you change the Color Mode, it automatically modifies the values. So if you were in RGB mode and you set some RGB values, it changes those RGB values when you switch to CMYK mode. And vice versa.
I had thought that the CMYK palette was a subset of the RGB palette. It would make sense to me if it did this when I switched from RGB to CMYK mode, but it doesn't make sense to me why it does this when I switch from CMYK to RGB mode.
The other thing I am confused about is the relationship of the values in the RGB boxes to the values in the CMYK boxes. I would have thought that the relationship between them would be static. Actually, it is not. When I am in CMYK mode and I enter a CMYK value of 90 16 0 0, the RGB values become 0 158 222. But when I switch over to RGB mode, the RGB values of 0 158 222 result in CMYK values of 75 23 0 0.
I've been running dual monitors (22" and a 18") for a while, but I just upgraded to a larger second monitor (now both 22"). Before, I left AutoCAD running in the main monitor, but now I've switched it to run in the second monitor instead. Now AutoCAD will not remember the position or size of the Open and Save dialog boxes while it is in the second monitor. Sometimes it throws them back into the main monitor and other times they show up in the second but without the resize I did previously.
AutoCAD 2013 cannot display cyrillic characters in autolisp dialog boxes. These .dcl files were created a few years ago, but they displayed cyrillic characters correctly in all previous versions 2012 including. Now I see some strange symbols and the autolisp routine is useless!
Bug observed on 2 computers with the same result.
My OS is Windows 7 64-bit professional (bulgarian) Office 2010 (64-bit) Product Design Suite Professional 2013 (64-bit, of course)
I'm using photoshop elements 2.0 and window vista. when i want to crop i cannot enter any values in the width and height boxes. the cursor won't enter. same thing with resolution.
In dialog boxes the drop down menus appear blank until I drag the mouse over it then the contents appear as I drag the mouse across. Also the cursor doesn't echo back (flash). I have tried updating drivers to no avail.
For some reason when I go to use "Save As" either from the dropdown "File" menu or from the keyboard shortcut the dialog box shows up for a split second and then dissappears. If I hit enter it acts as if I told it to write over the currently open file without renaming it and prompts me to verify that's what I want to do.
I can't see the dialog, so I can't rename the file if I want to, or change the location where the file is being saved to. I had my computer re-imaged last week and didn't have any issues once everything hed been reinstalled.
On Monday when I had the Wacom tablet drivers installed as they had been missed the previous week the issue started. I deleted my preferences but nothing changed. I had PS reinstalled as I know in the previous PS editions the software prefered to be reloaded when accessories were attached. This didn't fix the problem, so I had the wacom drivers removed.
It STILL didn't fix anything.When I came in this morning (23 June) neither PS or AI would even open up. I had the entire suite removed (even though Flash, Fireworks and Dreamweaver all operate as intended) and reinstalled. When they were finally done the problem was STILL there!! What other step am I missing?? Why out of the blue would these two, and ONLY these two be acting crazy?
Dialog boxes are appearing in various different places rather than a central location on the screen...
For example: the Save dialog appears half off screen towards the lower right section of the display. Various other boxes appear in the top left, upper right. All dialog boxes are moveable, so i can reposition them to the middle but the next time i used appear where they were, not centrally.
I work both on a 13" macook pro seperately and with and a 27" apple display attached. Dialog boxes are visiable on the 27" display but often in odd places.
Is there any way i can reset their position? I have tried reseting all dialogs, trashed the preferences in the preferences in the library folder on the computer but no luck. I am puzzled.
All of the dialog boxes in my Bridge & Photoshop CS6 have black writing on a black background which makes all of them unusable. I have recently zeroed my hard drive and reinstalled all software (Adobe via Creative Cloud) and this problem popped up.
There is a similar 2012 forum thread which addressed this problem, stating the solution was found by zeroing the drive, then reinstalling:
On Mavericks. I'm getting white blank dialog boxes in Photoshop CC. Doesn't happen right away. It lets me work for a limited time then I get the blank boxes and can only Force Quit. I don't use Suitcase but I do have a Wacom. iMac.