AutoCAD Inventor :: Importing Sketchbook Pro Files?
Oct 8, 2013How is it possible to import sketchbook pro files into inventor?
I don't want to know how to do it in designer due to Autodesk not making it anymore.
How is it possible to import sketchbook pro files into inventor?
I don't want to know how to do it in designer due to Autodesk not making it anymore.
Is Inventor compatible with STL files (probably not as I haven't succeeded getting them in)? I've got an object scanned and need this scan data as template to rebuild the object in Inventor. If STL files can't be imported, are there any other ways how to get point clouds or meshes into Inventor (or is it just impossible)?
View 3 Replies View RelatedA couple months ago I could export to STL files using Inventor Pro 2012 and a third party could open them on whatever platform they are using. Now when I export to STL files, the third party cannot open them and I cannot open them either on the Inventor Pro 2012 platform. Nothing has changed since the originals were sent to the third party. I have read some of the threads, but there is a lot of STL, none of the ones I read address this problem. The properties from Windows Explorer say the file type is Certificate Trust List (.stl).
View 9 Replies View RelatedWe currently have 2013 installed , having a problem importing PTC Creo files. Will 2014 work? or do I need a fix for 2013?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe are working with a business partner who has been sending up Solidworks files to import into Inventor and up to today we've had no issues. We just got a bunch of files today and when we import them they appear to be empty. Can Inventor only import certain versions of SWX?
We do not know if our partner updated their SWX or not. We have tried various settings in the Options window and still the same result. I've attached a sample file. We are running the Autodesk Product Design Suite 2012 - Ultimate with Inventor SP1.
When I import my inventor model into showcase it sometimes recognizes the constraints in "behavior" but it never will "operate" the constraints in "behavior". I have made sure the constraint name matches the name in showcase and made sure the box is checked to import my constraints.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to import a step assembly file in 2013. Under the options settings I no longer have or see the ability to,
(Import Multiple Solids Parts as Assembly) This was an option to check.
This seems to be a big issue as we always import the assemblies, then ground them. And this gives us the option of moving or deleting certain components, as well as opening individual components in their own part environment.
I have issues when importing Pro Engineer files in Inventor 2013. Importing the same models in Inventor 2012 works fine.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am using Inventor Pro 2014 on Windows 8.1 and when I insert or import a DWG file from AutoCAD into Inventor to extrude it into a solid, nothing shows up. Apparently a wizard is supposed to pop up but when I try it nothing at all happens. I have tried reinstalling it but nothing seems to work. I think importing a DWG into a 2D sketch is a fairly basic thing to do but I'm baffled that it isn't working. I have SP1 already installed.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am having some issues with the importation of some old files (from Mechanical Desktop 2008) to our new Inventor 2013...
I've been trying to use the Tasks Scheduler from my 2008 suite to "Import" my files into a new folder but it doesn't seem to be working. (it creates every folder and subfolder but keep them empty)
I know it's possible to install MDT2009 on an Inventor 2012 suite but it doesn't work with the 2013 version.
Is there a way for me to be able to use the old 2003 objects (3D ones) on Inventor 2013 (or on any other 2013 software?)
I have recently purchasedAutocad Premium Design Suite and am surprised tofind that Solid Edge files like.par,.dft, .asm,.psm cannot be opened directly in Inventor Fusion. I was told by the reseller that "I have to convert the files into Parasolid or IGES or Sat formats and then the same canbe opened in Inventor Fusion." This is rediculous as the Inventor Fusion claims that " You can open files from any CAD system directly". This is clearly misguiding. know the correct procedure for data transfer?
View 9 Replies View RelatedInventor hangs when importing Step files. I have tried unchecking the embed in document option with no luck. Is there anything else I can try?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have to import multiple files from Solidworks. I don't have any issues with that except that when I import these files they are base files. All the intelligence is wiped out. I know that Solidworks can import Inventor files and keep all of the intelligence in the file. Does Autodesk have translator software that will allow the import of a solidworks file and keep the intelligence used to build the model?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have recently upgraded to 2013 FDS and now when I try to import Acad files (sometimes up to 2000 solids) it takes virtually a full day to import one file. When I had 2011 I could import these files much faster.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm a new 3DS Max user, to be sure, I'm having trouble with the new Design Ultimate suite... trying to import Inventor *.iam or *.ipt files into 3DS Max. I get an error about wrong file format?
View 9 Replies View Relatedwhen I work on autocad I cant send my file to sketchbook, I click where it says >> "Sketchbook" - Create new Canvas<< and after that, is supposed to display a menu to set the paper size of the layout but nothing happens,
I use Autocad and Sketchbook designer 2013 and I don't know if it has something to do with my OS, I have Windows 8. because of that I thought that if I install Autocad 2014 the problem would be solved but it doesn´t even show the "sketchbook" option.
know if Autodesk came up with a real solution to fixing Wipeouts besides having to remove SketchBook designer from your computer?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought Sketchbook Pro a few months ago for my Android 10.1 tablet, and all was well.
Recently, I updated the tablet firmware to 4.0.4 - I don't know if that's relevant.
A few days ago I noticed that Sketchbook Pro would not load sketches form the gallery. It would pasue for maybe 10 seconds then the app would go away. No screen messages.
Sketchbook Express behaves in the same way.
UIninstalling Skewthbook Pro, renaming trhe autodesk folder, rebootnig the tablet, then re-installing does not renmove the problem, so this is something which survives all of that. Perhaps a file associations problem?
I installed apps to view the system logs, and I cam see:
EditFilepath: /mnt/sdcard/Autodesk/SketchBookPro/Sketch2017935.tiff - me trying to oipen the gallery sketch.
Screen Width: 1280 Screen Height: 752
Image <2>
- I have not includede log lines between these which say:
[date & time] D/Sketchbook(1170) or other 4-digit numbers
In other crashes, I see a NullPointerException from Java.
If I double-tap a sketch in the gallery, then I enter the gallery browse mode OK and can flick through the sketches.
If I upload the TIFFs to my PC< they open OK.
By manually deleting some TIFFs I did get the app to open a sketch of two briefly, but that stopped working within a minute or so, and has not worked since.
I have written to the support email given in the Market but been ignored by Autodesk.
I recently installed the Building Design Suite. All installations and plugins were labeled as 'Install successful' (I have rechecked all installations for errors).
I am having trouble using the Sketchbook Plugin for AutoCAD. The 'SketchBook Designer' tab and it's content appears and works. When I create a 'New Canvas' the canvas appears on the screen, but the 'Create Canvas' tab does not sequentially appear. All of the settings do not appear and I cannot apply the canvas, hence I do not have any access to the SketchBook features.
What is the best export/import format for sending 3D files. I need some neutral format files, possibly Solidworks but I am not sure. Also any export settings to make sure I get decent quality files.
Nothing like getting a surface model when you want solid model.
IV2014 sp1.2 PDSU / Sim Mech 2014 /
EVGA X79 - Classified, iCore7 3930k 32Gb Quad-Channel
950Gb (2 x 500Gb Sata III SSD RAID0 Adaptec 6805E Controller)
Nvidia GTX-690 Classified - 331.82
SpacePilot Pro 3.17.1, 6.17.7, 4.11
I am getting an error "Unrecoverable Error" when I try to import a .dxf from Autodesk Inventor. I have tried saving as different versions of .dxf with the same results. I am using Version of Corel Draw X6
View 14 Replies View RelatedPatch for AutoCAD Map 2013 which allows importing .jp2 files. We had version 2011 setup as such, but having difficulty setting up 2013.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to import a .stp file using Map3d. I know I need to go to import, but there is no option for choosing a .stp file.
View 7 Replies View RelatedUsing AutoCad LT2011, import a EMF file to be used as an overlay. The WMF availability is the old version and the other software I am using exports a EMF file and AutoCad LT2011 does not recognize this extension.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to import DGN (Microstation) files in AutoCAD but it does not work. Initially, I had tried with ACAD version 2012 and subsequently tried versions 2011 and 2010. Neither worked.
I think I have read most of the threads relating to this topic, but none seem to address my case, which is:
I use dgnimport command, select the file and check the following options: Import in the current drawing, Ignore duplicate names, desgin model from DGN file "Default", translate references to blocks or xrefs, DGN units to convert to Master units, mapping setup "Standard". I click OK.
What happens next is... nothing. Well, not exactly. It does import layers, text styles, blocks, etc. But there is nothing (no drawing) in the model or paper spaces. And from previews and accompanying pdf files, there should be plenty of drawing objects in the file.
The only error log I can see from the text window is that four DGN line styles could not be resolved. But I am hesitant to think such a minor issue would cause the whole drawing to be missing.
I am trying to import-copy- a group of .dxf files (more than 50) using VBA. The idea is to copy the data from this files in anyway, either opening the file using copy command in the original files and the paste command in the final file, using insert or the regular import option.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using different functions in Civil 3D 2012 in order to import DGN files.
Everytiome I receive "0 object(s) inserted in 0 sec(s)".
Obviously importing is not working! Am I missing some object enabler or is a system variable incorrect?
Is there any way to import SAT or STP files into AutoCAD LT2011?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI’m using AutoCAD MAP 3D 2012. I’m trying to import a .mdb file. The text that I’m working from says because I’m working on a 64 bit machine I will have to download from Microsoft a file called Microsoft Access Database Engine and install the proper drivers. I’ve downloaded the file and run it and rebooted my machine but I still can’t bring in the .mdb file.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am trying to import a SHP file to obtain a surface. The imported data come in a polyline.
The data containt x and y as well as elevation. But, when I use the command
" mapimport " , the imported data only have 4 elevation ( 1,2,3 and 4). This is rather unexpected because the line represent the topography of a large area.
I am working under Civil-3D 2013. The original data are okay, they were exported from GIS and they works fine on this station.
how do I go about importing AutoCAD (.dwg) files into Photoshop CS4 Extended?
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