I've started a blog series on how to generate CNC cut files. Mainly for wood/ply and sheet metal, basically nestable components, but can apply to other CNC fields as well. check it out here: URLs....
I need to extrude a simple shape between two planes and then get the length as a parameter. Is there anyway of generating this? All I can find is a parameter for the angle of the extrusion.
When we create iparts and generate the files from the mother ipart, Inventor creates an additional folder to place the iparts into. Is there a setting somewhere to force Inventor to place these generated files into a user defined location?
Or is this just something we have to live with and do we have to manually move the files after generating them.
I would like to know if there were any way to generate a drawing (.idw) using given parameters from i.e. macro, VB, or etc. What am trying to do is set up a template for a mass produced component that we manufacture that has many different variations. Usually the dimensions that changer are the OD, ID, and length. Is there anyway for me to accomplish this in Inventor Premium 2012?
I have a C-channel that I bent and then created a i-part of so that I could place both a formed and flat view in the drawing. After creating the drawing it was determined that the channel needed to be longer. Not a problem, open the factory, edit the part, open table and verify, close table and activate both parts, save and close factory. It's all good, until I run a print and the flat part (-02) of the factory still shows the old length. Next I open the factory, select table and both members and generate. The message " not able to save factory" appears.
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1 Vault 2013- plain vanilla version HP G71 notebook celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system Win 7 home premium
When I enable the structured bom in an iAssembly that contains an iPart it is attempting to generate all members before it will enable the bom. This doesn't work as the iAssembly and iPart have 1800 variations each. Our servers cannot handle taking up that amount of space. I did the exact same procedure for a different part and the bom did not populate in this manner. The only difference is that the iProperties comment changes based on which part is selected.
The files are Mpeg4..I just upgraded some PSE 11 catalogs to PSE 12 and all functions and tags imported fine. When I import video only into PSE12 organizer, it will not generate a thumbnail image. I imported the same files into the old catalog using PSE11 and the thumbnails will be created. I have even gone a step further and converted the PSE11 catalog after imports were made, and PSE12 will now have the thumbnails. Eventually PSE11 is going to have to be uninstalled.
I need to create a BoM . I have a few component Blocks create and when I select these in the drawing I get the Enhanced Attribute Editor and I can view/modify a components attributes. But now, how do I get to create/generating a BoM.
I'm using Cad 2011,how do u generate 2D drawings from a 3D object,i know that the command only works on layout n on 2013 the command is "Base".So wat is it on 2011?
I'm trying to create an array from one block with the option to specify columns, rows, respective offsets as well as angle. The original block comes from a 98kb dmg and is pre-inserted at a specific x,y,z in the model space. The issue I run into is whenever i try to create an array with say more than 200 lines and 200 columns, the machine locks up. It generally will create the array however it can take upwards of 5 minutes.
// Our list of Attributes BlockReference blockRef = bref; AttributeDefinition attDef1 = new AttributeDefinition(new Point3d(0d, 0d, 0d), type, "Type", "", db.Textstyle);attDef1.Invisible = true; AttributeDefinition attDef2 = new AttributeDefinition(new Point3d(0d, 0d, 0d), device, "Device", "", db.Textstyle); attDef2.Invisible = true; AttributeDefinition attDef3 = new AttributeDefinition(new. [code].....
I've never used AutoCAD before but I'm trying to generate a sphere with triangular meshing. I'd like for the sphere to be centered relative to the coordinate axis. I'd also like to know the simplest way to export the data such that I can go in and process the coordinates, faces, and what not without too much trouble.
In our recent project, im working with a certain utility pipe. For now I am being required to submit a list/table containing all the hundreds of marker posts of the line together with their location coordinate. I already have the layout and all the marker posts (in block). What I’m doing now which I realized very time consuming and boring is that I am clicking them one by one and copy/paste the coordinate in a separate excel sheet. Is there any way/lsp I could use to generate a list of all the marker post together with their xy coordinates with just a few preparation/clicks? Im using autocad 2012.
I have modeled a house. It consists of a number of elements created on different layers with different colors. When I generate a section block it is only in one color, this makes it hard to distinguish different elements. Manually changing the colors of each line is out of the question.
How can I generate a section witch keeps the colors of the elements defined by the color of the layer which they occupy?
I'm trying to create a series of DXFs for quick import into our CNC software. There's a bit of a gap between the design software (sadly not AutoCAD) and the CNC software, and we use AutoCAD to switch between them.
However, it takes FOREVER to manually create and layer hundreds of individual pieces and save them all as individual DXFs. Is it possible to generate a series of DXFs from spreadsheet data? Each DXF will just be a closed 4-sided polyline with a specific layer name, and a filename based on the name of the piece. That's it, nothing too complicated.
I am just beginning to use the Survey features in Civil3D 2012 to generate a base map. When we use the offsets, we are having issues when we have a negative number: BC ST H-.5. The line will not offset, it just comes in directly on top of the original line. When we use a positive number, it offsets correctly: BC ST H1.4 V.1. Is there a setting somewhere that needs to be changed for it to read the negative numbers?
How would I go about generating labelled points with xyz values at 5m intervals along a road alignment in Civils 3D 2014?
I have had a go with the AddAlign Labels command but could not figure out how to add an elevation value to the label. Also this method seems to require manual input for each label which is not practical as I will have have around 450 points to set out.
I have looked into the Stakeout Alignment Report, but this seems to require a survey database, which I don't have.
When I open a pdf produced using dwgtopdf I get a warning from Adobe Acrobat that it "cannot find or create the font 'Arial-Black'. Some characters may not display or print correctly".
Looked at the files present within the template when I go to e-transmit and inded, there is no sign of that font, but the title block displays perfectly well.
Checked my fonts folder in control panel and while there is an 'Arial Black', there is no 'Arial-Black'.
Is this a problem within ACAD or Adobe Acrobat. The problem has only appeared over the last few weeks.
I have a simple block that consists of a point and an attribute that contains the point number. I want to generate a table with point number from the attribute, and x, y and z of the block's insertion point. I want a routine that sets out the blocks and then create the table. The first part of the routine I have (in LISP), I need it to generate the table. I was intended to use the -DATA EXTRACTION but unfortunately it does not allow me to select objects (blocks). Are there other ways to do this? I'm using AutoCAD 2011.
What do I draw the existing pipes as that will be under the surface that I'm profiling? I have the surveyed invert points I'm assuming that won't be polylines? how to get the pipe to show at the proper elevation on the profile?
Is there a way to generate the station ranges for each sheet title block when generating sheets? It seems like there should be some sheet set manager variable for it or something but I haven't been able to find it.
I have been given a job of finding or writing a script for PSD cs6 that generates a new file name with predefined file info and sequential number as well as reducing the image size by ?% and introducing the reduction size into the file name. I do not know much about scripting apart from using it .
Cos 3DS is 64bit and Quicktime doesnt support 64bit, generating previews (for me)is now annoying. My current workflow is to generate a preview in avi then convert to mov to use in Aftereffect (AE doesn't like avi---very slow!).
I am trying to create a normal map from a model..when i goto "Render to Texture" and press render, i get an image with red color..In projection mapping, when i click on pick , i don't find anything to pick...create a normal map..
I want to generate a transparent embossed text watermark .png file that can be batch-applied in Lightroom. I get how to apply a bump map to an image inside GIMP, but I haven't figured a good way to get an otherwise transparent .png with just the watermark.
Ideally, this would be totally transparent except for lit areas (white, at varying degrees of opacity) and shaded areas (black, with varying degrees of opacity). In GIMP, I can apply a bump map to anything opaque -- lightening and darkening the color, I guess -- but I can't apply it to a transparent layer.
If there's no straightforward way to do that, I imagine I could bump map onto gray, turn the resulting light grays into a mask for a white layer and the dark grays into a mask for a black layer. The content of the watermark will change, so it would be outstanding if there's a simpler way to do this.
I get the message "Generating Full Resolution Composite" when I try and save even a relatively average (500MB) file. The hard drive light is lit solid and after about 2-4min, it starts saving the image.
I have tried unchecking "Maximize Compatibility",
I have CS2 - is there a way in CS2 (or CS3) to stop the "Generating Full Resolution Composite" message? I don't care about preview icons/thumbnails at all.