I need to create skech symbols to illustrate mounting schemes, so without scale. I need to put dimensions in the symbol, which are only annotation, not parametric. This dimension must be visible once the symbol inserted on the sheet.
When I create the dimension in the sketch, it is always a paramertric dimension, which drve the drawing and is not visible in the inserted symbol.. How can I do to have only an annotation ? (I precise the option "sketch only" does not function on dimensions)
I am trying to create a sketch symbol with info about the first view on a sheet. It seems to work fine with any of the properties built in, but I am trying to include the scale. There are lots of posts about putting scale in a title block, but I can't seem to get the same code to work for a sketch symbol.
Is it possible to modify a sketch symbol that has existing prompted text while keeping the existing prompted text? For example, I have a sketch symbol that is placed on every detail on the drawing. We could have 8 details on a drawing.
This sketch symbol uses prompted text to fill in the relevant information for each detail. Is there a way to change the sketch symbol globally and then copy the sketch symbol in to each drawing without losing the prompted text? Currently I have to modify the sketch symbol within each drawing. To keep the prompted text.
I want Inventor to add sketch symbols automaticly on cordinates according to a Custom Text Paramater
for example I have created Custom Multi Value Text User parameter Approved & Not Approved or Plate Work Notes & SteelWork Notes wich each represent diffrent sketch symbols that needs to be placed out base on the value selected. Each sheet consist of diffrent sketch symbols
I am trying to get Sketched Symbols with leaders to align.
I have a sketched symbol defined that has connection points defined at the outer quadrants. If the symbol doesn't have a leader they snap together at the connection points without any problems.
If the symbols have a leader they either won't snap, or jump to a random location depending on what grip you select to move.
The following video image shows the problems with the symbols with leaders.
insert a sketch symbol to a specific coordinate on a dwg border (top middle of dwg)
Workflow needed is as follows
Copy Sketched symbol folder from Standard.dwg from (C:UsersPublicDocumentsAutodeskInventor 2012Templates.Paste into open dwg document and yes to all to overide symbolsPlace a named sketched symbol from drawing resources folder ie (PRELIMINARY) to top center of all sheets within documentreturn to first sheet when complete My new dwg has symbols in correct place so any new dwgs this is ok but we need to add it to hundreds of dwgs when opened or revised,so i want to tie this to external rule and trigger on save event.
ACA2011My dimensions seem to be fickle with regard to snaping. I've got my OSNAPs on, and I can't snap to a structural beam above, nor can I snap to a window sill. I can dim to the mid point of the window sill by using .x & .y filters, and can only snap to the axis line on a beam. Is there a toggle somewhere?
When working in the drawing environment it is easy to accidantially snap the dimension to a thread symbol (the arc around the hole), instead of the actual hole.
I don't think need dimensions to snap to these symbols.
How would i insert the "variable name" of a custom iProp to a sketched symbol definition (in an idw)?
I can plonk the value of the iProp in no worries, but to make it "live" is a bit beyond me...
Sub WeldNote()On Error Resume NextDim oDoc As DrawingDocumentDim SketchedSym As SketchedSymbolDefinitionDim oNoteDef As SketchedSymbolDefinitionDim oDefSketch As SketchDim oTextbox As TextBoxDim SNewText As StringDim sNoteText As StringDim oReffedDoc As DocumentDim lReffedWeldType As Long'Err.ClearIf
My iLogic ability is quite limited outside of what I use regularly?
I am trying to change the font style in every text definition in all my sketch symbols in one go. Actually I have started it based on only a selection set but I would be happy with just all symbols too. Below is where I got to, I am stuck on the For Each line to cover each text box in the symbol. Some of the other syntax may not be right either but I can't test it all the way through.
Dim oDoc As DrawingDocument: oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim oSheet As Sheet: oSheet = oDoc.ActiveSheetDim i As LongDim oSymDef As SketchedSymbolDefinition: oSymDef = oDoc.SketchedSymbolDefinitions.Item(i)Dim oText As TextBoxesFor i = 1 To oDoc.SelectSet.CountFor Each oText In ............oSymDef.TextBoxes.Item(i).FormattedText ="<StyleOverride Font='ARIAL'>...< /StyleOverride>"NextNextInventorVb.DocumentUpdate()
Also the XML style override is not complete if this is the only way to achieve this result.
Inventor Professional 2013, Autodesk Simulation Multiphysics 2013 Windows 7 x64 Core i7 32GB Ram FX2000
One of our senior designers seems to think there is a setting when creating a sketch that will automatically dimension.
So if a straight line is draw and 5 mm length is entered a 5 mm line will immedialtey be created, he seems to think that you can then immedialtey Dimension said line??
I would like to use Workplanes a little more in my model, as I am having problems with sketches failing when the model is changed slightly. I guess this comes down to the way the original parts have been modeled - dimensions for features taken off other features, which are not necessarily constant.
I have found it possible to project the workplane on the sketch, although this does not constrain the projected plane, it is free to move around.
What I would like to do is create a custom dialogue for each of 3 or 4 standard sketch symbols we use on a regular basis. I'd like to load 'suggsted' values out of an excel spreadsheet and allow the user to pick from them or enter in a custom text string if required. The values would then become part of the sketch symbol.
I've spent some time looking into iLogic rules and I think I've determined that they're not flexible enough to do what I want.
If I'm correct, it is possible (or a good idea) to do this using a VBA macro? I'm a little hesitant to go down the full blown add-in route. While I'm pretty confident I could work it out.
Since day 1 when I place a dimension in sketch mode, it immediately goes to edit so I can type the number in. Suddenly yesterday it stopped editing and I have to click a few more times to type the number in. It's totally messing up my work flow and whatnot. The option in application options is checked as well.
All of a sudden, things in my inventor sketches are approximately double normal size - the UCS symbol, dimensions, constraint symbols. The UCS icon stays oversize regardless of the environment.
I went into Application Options, Sketch tab, and changed the Constraint and DOF symbol scale but it has no effect in the sketch environment. It's not confined to a single part or assembly and I have not, to my knowledge, changed any Windows or other Inventor setting.
I feel like I've stumbled into the Readers Digest Large Print edition of Inventor. How to control the size of these things?
(in Inventor) sometimes I am beset with a problem that I want to edit my sketch but sketch members like line(s),circle(s) are moving to dimensions which I don't want. The sketch is moving. How can I overcome this problem,
In 5.3 I can create reference dimensions in sketch mode to my hearts content. They became very valuable as I would use them to determine placement of multiple features. Now, in IV 7, I have alot of trouble creating reference dimensions from adjacent features on the same surface. I have to change the way I'm working now and it has stumped me on a few occasions. is there a "new" feature I need to enable or is this the cost of progress?
I'm making a part and am adding features to it and using my existing sketch dimensions as my guide. The problem is that when there are sketch dimensions on the face of the part, they are difficult to read. I'm forever dragging these dims to the side in order to read them, it's just a bit annoying. I was wonering if there was a setting that made them show up as well as they do when the aren't sitting on the face of my parts. I've attached a .jpg of what I'm talking about. notice the dimension on the left side and the bottom.
I was giving a hand drawn wiring diagram (original.jpg) and it is a rats nest!!
I was asked to re-draw this and put it on our drawing template.
I have the plugs and terminal blocks drawn up and now I am about to attempt to add in the wires, but the sketch is so filled with dimension lines and values, it is going to be a task to try and make sure every line I draw is correct. This would be much easier to do if the dimensions could be turned off as the wires I am drawing will not be constrained.
I don't think there is layers options inside a sketch mode, or a if i start a new sketch I don't think I can project that sketch to the new one?
The only other options I can think of was to delete all dimensions and apply FIX constraint to everything! or
I guess I could have modeled the plugs and blocks in position and added them to the drawing, projected the geometry to a new sketch and added in my wires??
I need converting imperial dimensions into metric in assembly as weell as part level sketches dimensions.
Any solution for converting all imperial dimensions to metric dimensions in whole assembly constraint level and as well as part level sketch dimensions. Any macros or any ilogic rules?
The attached picture is me trying to balloon a part. I would like to just add some notes to the balloon so that I can update them manually but all I can find is to have a symbol. So I created a symbol, the insertion point for the symbol is shown. For some reason I get an extra number and the symbol offcenter. Why is this happening? What I'm really looking for is a balloon that is fully customizable so that I can just add text to the top and bottom and fill out the details.
I've created a shared sketch and have used it with various features. Sometime those features are suppressed. The model works fine but the shared sketch generates a sketch doctor error because the feature that created it has been suppressed. Is there anyway to make the sketch suppressed so it doesn't trigger a sketch doctor error? Inventor 2013