Change the 24 x 24 x 12 MLeader in this Block to Fields that read the length of the Lines that the Distance1 and Distance2 Parameters are attached to and tell me if it crashes? And if it does not crash, post a working DynBlk.
I created a dynamic block with text field that show the lenght of a line, but this line can be 0 and in that case I want that the text field will show nothing instead of "0".
I try to write it in diesel expression with if command but i don't know how to bring the object lenght into the diesel expression code.
Is it possible to change the length of a line based on the length of an attribute?
I'd like to make the line a MINIMUM length of X" (I haven't decided how long yet--but know I'll need a minimum). But then after the user fills in the attribute, I'd like the length of the line to change to the length of the attribute plus a small amount (again, I haven't decided yet how much extra).
I was wondering if there is a way with DB's to have a line "follow" or "grow" with the content/value length of an attribute. Maybe some method of linking the attribute width to length of the line? Essentially, it would work just like turning on the underline setting when typing in mtext editor (or any program with an underline option for that matter), expect that the line could be placed anywhere, and would not have to reside directly below the text.
How do I manipulate a height parameter all of the dynamic blocks in the drawing from one single field? Say a field located in the drawing properties or on the drawing itself.
For example: Multiple blocks of different walls of same height with other blocks of things on located on those walls, dependant on the wall height, all linked to and changed by a single field. Possibly a Wall Height field located in the custom tab of the drawing properties.
I can pickout each of the blocks and change them at the same time in properites menu because they all share the same parameter name. I would just like to have that height parameter of every block in the drawing, that has that specific parameter controled by a single field. Which I could enter a new height at anytime that would change every block in the drawing to that height.
I'm following this tutorial, trying to create a field in a dynamic block to show the length of a line. If I have the attribute's "constant" value checked, the field shows up in my drawing as "Length: ######." However, when I uncheck the "constant" checkbox, the field doesn't show up at all, even after I run "UPDATEFIELD" and "REGEN."
I have created a rectangle whose length changes.The value of the paameter "Dist1" is this length field that I associate to the attribute value. Basically, echo length from Dist1 into the attrib value.
The problem is when I insert the block into the drawing the value is shown as "DIST1", even after regen.
Once I pull the grip point to a new length and regen it still shows "DIST1".
If I go into the ddedit and select the edit box (for multiline data field) the shown value will correct itself, but only one time.
If I change the length again, the dimension does not update.
It worked fine when I tested the block but is having issues days later.
I am having trouble getting a field in a multi leader which is part of a block to reference a sheet set custom property. I have fields within mtext in paper space that are not blocked that are referencing correctly but just not in my blocks.
Attached is my latest block that I'm working on. how to keep a field readable (horizontal) when rotated. What I need to do to update a field that is linked to an attribute when the attribute value is changed? The UPDATEFIELD command does not seem to work on it for me.
-you have a dynamic block with a grip that allows for any adjustable length.
-assume i need a the block to be 500mm long
-i stretch the block 500mm long in CAD (but it is still dynamic and will let me grip the length and adjust).
-after I insert it and set the 500mm length, can I somehow LOCK THE 500 LENGTH, so you cannot grip and edit the length anymore???? (but also have an unlock function for later)
This would be very useful in the following situation: Doing elevation view of a building with wall connections between floors....There would be MANY of these dynamic blocks....But they should all be the same length, per floor...But the next floor may have a different length....So I want to be able to Set Length > then lock in place... (and be able to unlock whichever I want, and adjust appropriately where the connection gets longer/shorter at another location...)
I'm working in AutoCAD 2010 and I would like to make the process of creating 2D documentation easier and faster for myself and my collegues, but during the process I've hit a dead end.
I would like to use fiedds (or something simillar) to partly automate the creation of 2D documentation. We have sheets organized in a specific way and I would like to create a custom field for each of the categories (eg. drawing number, number of parts, designer...) that could be edited easily like the parameters or object properties can. Basically what I would like to do is create custom fields or some other object that can be edited from a list in AutoCAD and then automatically refreshed in text boxes. Is there a possibility to do something like that using fields or perhaps a different solution?
I am unsure weather to post this in Dyn Block technical or Fields as it comprises elements of both.
I am trying to get a field to return a 'lookup properties' value...
Actually, what I am trying to do is use a field to display either a + or a - depending upon upon the state of a flip parameter.
How I have been trying to achieve that is by using a lookup table to assign:
Input Properties.....Lookup Properties Not flipped........=............+ Flipped.............=............-
Then I'm setting a Field to look at the Object 'Lookup Parameter' and return 'Lookup Action'.
The field then displays '#########' when testing the block.
When I return to edit the field it complains 'the object referenced y the field has been erased'. Both the table and parameter are still there, so I don't know what the problem is. Is there a better way of having a field return a specific value based upon a parameter state?
is there a way to associate a stretch action with the length of an attribute value (i.e. # of characters in the string) or is this something left to vlisp?
in order to streamline some of my duties i wonder if theres a way to have a dynamic block not only that can change it's length and the dimension for that length (easy) but will also add features to the part. For example can one be made that when stretching its length that once it reaches a certain length automatically split into two sections and keep those 2 sections equal? Also can it be made to contain a tag that keeps track of the lengths as well as number of joints between sections multiplied by a constant?
I am creating a dynamic block of a conveyor belt it has a set number of widths and needs to be stretchable in length, which I have managed to do. The motor is placed half way down the length of the conveyor and needs to stay centered
I know I need to use the move command and put in a factor of 0.5 somewhere, but I can't remember how to do it.
I have problem with attached block (also with other similar blocks with field). This block include field in block attribute. Works fine if I copy and paste this block. When I drag and drop from Tool Pallete field disappeary.
I'm trying to create a pline in a dynamic block where the length is determined by two values I would input into properties or as attributes.
The first value 'A' will be a ground surface elevation
The second value 'B' will be a ground water elevation
I would like to the pline to have a length of A minus B.
I would then also like to have mtext (or any other method of display text) to display the values of A and B.
For example, if I have a ground surface of 102 and a ground water of 91, my line length will be 11, and I can display a label of '102' at the top of the line and '91' at the bottom of the line.
I've created dynamic blocks before, but none that have used an expression of two values or having to display inputted values. I'm not really sure where to start with this, or if it's even possible.
I'm trying to loop through blocks in paperspace for a specific name and then edit it's attributes. The code works fine if the block is a standard block, but does not see dynamic blocks.
I have looked through other posts and can see how there is a is dynamic property, but just don't know how to apply it here. The function i have to update the attributes expects the object id of the block. Just don't know how to get that if the block is dynamic.
Dim TbloOjbectID As ObjectIdDim mydb As New Database(False, True)mydb.ReadDwgFile(Newfname, FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndWriteNoShare, True, "")Using Trans As Transaction = mydb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() Dim myblocktable As BlockTable = mydb.BlockTableId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) Dim mypaperspace As BlockTableRecord = myblocktable(BlockTableRecord.PaperSpace).GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) For Each myBTR As ObjectId In mypaperspace If myBTR.ObjectClass.DxfName = "INSERT" Then Dim myBref As BlockReference = myBTR.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) If UCase(Left(myBref.Name, 4)) = "TBLO" Then TbloOjbectID = myBref.ObjectId If DwgTitle.Length > 0 Then SetAttribute(TbloOjbectID, "PROJECT/CONTRACT_NAME", DwgTitle) End If End If End If Next Trans.Commit() End Using
I have an arrow in my Dynamic Block which I can rotate to the north. But is there a commando that the arrow will rotate itself to the UCS? See drawing file.
How to set up a dynamic block so I can control the size of an object through parametric dimensions that are linked (somehow) to a lookup table, spreadsheet, list, etc.?
What I'm trying to do (simplified) is place a block of a rectangle, select a size from a dropdown list, and have the block change to be that size - but I don't want to do this through visibility states as there are hundreds of sizes. The whole point is to be able to construct a list, lookup table, excel sheet, etc and link it to parametric dimensions in the block, or at least be able to link a stretch action to parametric dimensions. But the block editor will not allow me to associate a stretch action with a parametric dimension (at least I haven't figured out how to do this.)
I've made annotative blocks and I've made dynamic blocks... My intent is to integrate both but I can't find a way to move dynamic block parameters separately at different annotative scales.
In other words, if I insert an annotative dimension and add multiple scales I can move the dimension grips independently at each scale. If I insert a dynamic block I want to be able to use the dynamic block's action "grips" to do the same. However, with a dynamic block, if I move a stretch action at one annotation scale it moves the action at all annotation scales.
I have created a dynamic block with several visiblility states. The block works great for what I need it for. however, I am trying to add one more action to the block but am having issues.
This block is essentially a 24" retail cabinet with the visibility states showing the different drawer and shelf configurations. I want to be able to lengthen the cabinet in 24" increments and have the visibility show for each 24" section.....e.g. I want a 10' cabinet so I bring in the 24" starter block. Then stretch the cabinet to the 10' mark, then I can chose any drawer/shelve config for each 24" section (they are all different).
I can get the block to stretch in 24" problem.....i just want the visibility state to be duplicated as well for each section. Now as it stretches, there is only one Vis state and it only populates the first cabinet.
I could do this by copying the block over and over 5 times.....but I am hoping there is a way to make this dynamic.
I have a block I am making into a Dynamic Block. I will be adding in different visibility states. Depending on the visibility state the block would need to be inserted from a different point.
My question is, is it possible to add multiple insertion points to a dynamic block so depending on the visibility state it defaults to the correct insertion point?
I know this is located in other locations but I can't seem to make it work with my block.
I would like the cross and the text N to rotate independantly of the arrow while the N stays with the thick line. That's the easy part. How can I make the N move along the rotation path and keep the text aligned horizontally? I read something about linked action and move, but I can't make it work.
Is there anyway to link standard AutoCAD Grips and there commands to Dynamic Block Actions? I want to stretch an arc by its midpoint grip. This accomplishes something that no other commands do.