AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Exporting Surface Analysis
Jul 11, 2013
We have an "original" existing surface of a ditch, a massive ditch. dredging has taken place and now we have a new existing surface of the ditch. the client wanted to see the delineation between the areas that are now 3" lower, 6" lower and 9" lower (and so on). I was able to do this easily with elevation banding. now the client would like some sort of GPS uploadable based on the color map that shows the banding. How to accomplish this without having someone set there and set points along the different colors on the surface. that is going to be incredibly time consuming. is there an automated way to export the data that I am looking for?
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Jan 3, 2014
I have a large 200+ acre site that I have created a volume surface and analyzed it using the elevation banding with color to show different levels of cut and fill. The owner has broken this area into 10 different irregular zones. Is there a way to do the elevation banding of a volume surface and have it color the individual parcels. They don't all have to be at once. I can do each one at a time and PDF the drawing.
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Nov 6, 2013
It appears color transparency for surface analysis is now broke in 2013. It used to work in 2011 because I use to bring in Lidar data and run elevation analysis over top of aerial photos. I never found any type of resolution. Is Autodesk aware and are they working on this?
This issue reminds me of the Point Cloud issue with Lidar data right after 2013 came out. It worked in 2011 just fine and then 2013 they broke it. After calls to autodesk support and thread exchanges plus several months of waiting, service pack 2 for 2013 fixed the lidar classification issue.
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Feb 8, 2006
I've tried to create a surface analysis by using a point group reading xdata to set the elevations and when I set my surface properties to display the elevation shades it will only allow me to set the range to 5 or less. All of the other analysis settings for direction, slope, and slope arrows allow me to input the nuber of ranges I want, but I need the elevation analysis.
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Feb 8, 2013
I have two surface ( OG surface and Gravel LIFT ), i need to have a table that Show me Depths range between those two surface with a color range, in a table and also to be able to see it in the the top surface.
Basically, In every Spot of the surface, need to represent a Depth range between the OG and the gravel surface by a specific Color.
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Sep 7, 2011
Within the UKIE Country Kit there is a lsp that exports/imports Surface elevation Analysis data (attached lisp file)
Is it possible to be modified so that a Slope analysis is exported/imported and how easy/difficult it is to do (or even make the alterations themselves!).
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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Oct 31, 2012
Is there a way to automatically adjust the cut range colours (REDS) in the attached scheme such that the lighter colours denote lower cut depths in the same way that the fill range does (Greens)
I know they can be manually adjusted but when the analysis is run again the colours revert back
(No connection with Autodesk other than using the products in the real world)
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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Jun 20, 2013
I am working on a commercial development with multiple large tenants with multiple standards. To begin to verify the preliminary grading is in compliance, I use the slope arrow surface analysis type.
Due to my multiple standards, I find myself changing these values frequently. My question : Is there a way to make the slope arrow the default analysis type when you are in the surface properties dialog box?
I know it is not a major issue, but it is annoying and repetitive, having to go to the list box, and select slope arrow over and over again. One workaround I have considered to avoid this maddening situation is to make two surfaces, with each criteria assigned to the surface properties and simply paste the main surface into each. Then control which is visible based on what I need to look at.
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Jul 10, 2012
I was undertaking a cut and fill analysis but the values were very different. Evaluating spot levels the depth was given as 1.2m but the volume surface stated it was only .6m.
After a while I noticed that the master surface had been "corrupted" duing a recovery, all definitions to the controlling corridor and other objects had been removed and a snapshot added with the description "added during recovery".
I had to remove the surface and start from scratch re-building the definitions.
Civil3D 2013 / 2014
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~4.0GHz With 32768MB RAM, AMD FirePro V4900, Dedicated Memory: 984 MB, Shared Memory: 814 MB
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Aug 3, 2013
I'm trying to export a surface as a DEM so that I can import the object into Bryce 7.1. I have a number of sample DEMs that I have downloaded from USGS site that import into Bryce quite nicely. These samples also import to another DEM reader named "3DEM Version 20.7." I'm able to import into Bryce when I set the grid at 10, but the quality of this surface/object is not very good. The DEMs from Civil 3d are referred to as "USGS DEM"s, but they do not load on common DEM readers such as Bryce or 3DEM software. Any way of converting a C3d DEM to a USGS DEM that one of these other readers can import?
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Apr 12, 2013
I exported my surface to xml, then imported it into a blank drawing and the two surfaces looked different. The new drawing surface appears to be ignoring the surface. So after reading a post on here, I went back to the original drawing extracted the border and attached it back to the surface and tried again. I can not seem to export a surface and have it import with the same look. To be clear I am not talking about styles, I can not achieve the same definition look.
Civil 3D 2013
HP Z400 Workstation
6GB of RAM
ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL)
Win 7 Home Professional
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Apr 28, 2013
I'm really struggling with exporting a surface to XML.
I made a surface in which I paste all relevant corridor surfaces for the subarea of the project.
The surface looks OK in the file, but when I export, the XML file ignores my few edits, and adds excessive triangulation between adjacent corridors.
I already tried with adding boundaries, creating snapshots, exporting to XML 1.0 1.1 1.2, and regardless of what software I use the resulting XML, it looks crap, and the drainage team is struggling to work with it.
==== i7 @3.4GHz ==== 8GB @666MHz ==== ATI/AMD @675MHz ==== win7 x64 ====
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Jul 7, 2010
My workflow consists of building a point cloud object from a LAS file, filtering it for ground data, and and building a surface object with it. Breaklines are inserted into a surface object, and then the surface object is exported to a DEM file to be used in a GIS application. The problem is that Civil 3D rounds the elevations to 1-foot intervals, even when the file is structurally floating point. How to override this rounding to get floating point values that reflects the original data?
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Mar 11, 2013
with the Genio Exporter. I need to export the surface triangles from my job, but the Genio export dialouge box only gives me the option to export suface boundaries.
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Jul 6, 2012
Am working in River Analysis dwg and go to save and get message "One or more objects cannot be saved to the specified format."
What's the deal?
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Dec 2, 2011
I often have to do storm pond surfaces that (for the purposes of planning) are flat on the bottom. These surfaces are created from a combination of survey data and grading groups and the tin of these surfaces is perfectably acceptable. However, when contours are shown, the flat bottom is shown with contours jig-jagging all over the place.
The attached image shows a comparison of the same pond. The top was created with survey data and grading groups; the bottom was created using contour data only. The generated surface on the top shows the bottom contour going in different directions and has parts where the an expected contour is missing.
How to correct/manipulate the surface to show a proper flat surface?
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Oct 22, 2012
Has instances where you set your tolerance for the maximum triangle lenth to say 50m to reduce the amount of triangles along the edge that run at long distances. When I do this I end up with multiple surface holes and I'm not sure why as there are points in the area.
I thought well maybe it's because i should've reduced my max triangles first then added breaklines. Would this matter? I also thought I could add a line to the surface to fix the holes vs. deleting surface lines along the entire edge of a surface for many many miles.
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Nov 14, 2012
I am trying to add points into a surface. I have done this before without any problems, but now I am having issues.
When I ID points which makes up the surface it gives me the correct Z level e.g. 24.5m, however when I hover over the surface it shows me the surface name and a different z level e.g. 0.65m. What is the reason for this difference in z levels? I think this may be causing the issue I am having when I add new points.
I select the surface and use the 'edit surface command' in the ribbon, choosing add point.
When I add a point at the level I require(23.89m), it puts it in a lot higher than the surrounding area, so I tried to put the point in to the lower z levels (0.4m) it puts it in a lot lower!
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Dec 10, 2012
My goal is coming up with the volume bounded by the design surface and the existing surface. I don't have the design surface modeled yet.
Do i need to create alignment offsets?. Alignment 1 profile view is also attached. Then Alignment2.
What about starting with alignment1 profile view? Since I have created a polyline as the design profile ?
how do I shrink labels? Where is it in the settings ; the Align folder had been check.
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Oct 2, 2012
I am issues with DEM files that I am downloading from the USGS website.I download 24k, elevation for the area I need. I then choose staged 1 second, add a surface to a blank drawing, then upload the DEM files to the surface.
The surface imports correcty, but when I try to import points taken by a surveyor on the same drawing, they plot incorrectly.The DEM surface and the points from the surveyor do not correspond. Also, the DEM surface is in meters, not feet. I have tried changing drawing settings, datum types, coordinate types, etc.
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Apr 4, 2012
Is there any way to change the referenced surface on a Surface Elevation Label. I can see the surface in the properties but cannot change it.
C3D 2011
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Jul 29, 2013
I have a project involving 3 programs. I am creating a planned development in 3d to be 3d printed when finished. The project is a 5 acre tract containing 8 buildings. I have built the surface in C3D and each building in Revit. The buildings are not in the same Revit file. For my solid work, I will bring the files over into 3ds Max Design to section into smaller quadrants to build in the 3d printer.
The questions:
Would it be better to import the surface into Revit to merge surface and buildings together?
Would it be better to import the buildings into C3D to merge entities?
Would it be better to bring those entities into 3ds Max and then merge them into one? Will 3ds Max Design allow me to insert entities accurately in the environment?
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Sep 15, 2013
I need to create a sub-set surface from my main surface. not sure what the vernacular is for a "subset surface" in c3d but i do have a feature line that bouinds the desired area, but that is as far as i can solve.
i did try creating a new surface - pasted the main surface in the edit definition, then deleted triangles until the boundary alighned wiht my featureline. This seemed to work, but when i view the properties of the smaller subset suface, it shows a mimum and maximum elevation that is incorrect.
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Mar 1, 2013
Im currently using an addon for Civil 3D called Novapoint. It allows me to create 3D models of surfaces made out of 3d faces and easily models cut and fill 3d-models for me.
The only thing i need to create a cut and fill model is one or several ground surfaces (existing ground, earth layers, rock etc. whatever i need) and a closed polyline/3Dpolyline that represents the level I want my cut and/or fill model.
I enter the spcifications I want such as; earth cut angle, rock cut angle, fill angle, select which surfaces i want to include in the model calculation and select the polyline.Novapoint then calculates the cut/fill model from the surfaces to the polyline and models the different cut/fill angles and gives me the results in a 3d-face model and a specification of the volyme of rock cut, earth cut an fill.
1. Novapoint is quite unstable and crashes alot
2. You cant create profiles out of 3d faces
3. Novapoint does not automaticly combine the start surfaces with the modeled cut/fill surface
4. A large surface made out of 3d-faces demands alot of computer power
So I want to how I do the same that Novapoint does for me in Civil 3D? (I have access to Civil 3D 2007-2013 depending on which one you're using)I know I can take the 3Dfaces i created in Novapoint and make a surface in Civil 3D with them but I want to exclude Novapoint completely.
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Mar 26, 2012
all of a sudden whenever I run audit on my corridor file the surface definition becomes a snapshot. To add to the drama, the corridor surface will not paste into an empty surface. Why?
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Nov 8, 2013
I am rarely new to map 3d. What I would like to do is to export 3 dem surface in any kind of format, so that I could open it in 3d max.
I know how to generate Contours, but when I export them to dwg and later open in autocad architecture there are missing info on z coordinate - so everything is flat.
Is there some way to make .3ds file or .dwg file so that would really look like a 3d terrain in ACAD architecture or 3d max?
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May 20, 2013
Where can we find documentation or tutorials on the River Analysis package as it is with IDSU 2014?
We are in the middle of a few projects using BOSS's RiverCAD but with the new 2014 License files we can no longer use the AutoCAD 2010 that ran with RiverCAD.
So, I'm scrambling to get my user up and running with River Analysis and how (if possible) to port our RiverCAD projects to River Analysis with as little pain as possible.
I have to admit, I don't use RiverCAD and have not yet installed IDSU 2014. (I'm making the deployment now).
I'd really like to ditch having to support AutoCAD 2010 and RiverCAD....
[URL] .......
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Apr 3, 2012
how do I use Civil 3D to do basic pipe analysis computations? For example, I give it the slope, material, etc. and it spits out the flow velocity, flow depth, slope min, etc.
All I want for now is a basic tool for sizing pipes without all the bells, loops & whistles. I can learn the fancy pipe networking stuff later.
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Oct 12, 2006
I can not get the slope analysis to come up with 10 slope ranges. My ranges are set to 10, but my Range details populate to 22? Screen Cap included. I've tried this with Equal Interval, Quartile, and Standard Deviation. Nothing will create 10 intervals.
My "slope analysis" surface style is set to show Slope, with the range set to 10. In surface properties, my range is set to 10.
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Mar 27, 2012
I need to be able to do a slope analysis on a surface, but I need to have it calculate the slope in a direction - east and north. Any way to do it? Maybe even if there is a quick way to apply slope labels to a surface based on a grid - say the slope from N0.00, E0.00 to N0.00 to E 25.00
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Feb 23, 2012
I've got an elevation analysis with a nice range of colours in plan which look fine but I want to display this in a 3D view for a presentation.
I selected the object and went to object viewer but I can't get the analysis in colour. I'm guessing I'm missing something obvious but can't figure out what...
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
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