I have used text mask for a long while and in the past month, when I use the text mask function, it erases my text completely. I am refering to the express tools command; not the background mask in Mtext. I have checked the display order.
The text mask settings are correct where as it is placing a wipeout. If I turn on the frames, I can move the wipeout and there is no text underneath.
I've done several audits and recovers but no luck. This happens with all my drawings now, not just one.
how to manipulate the size of the wipeout for a text mask.
Simply selecting the masked text in C3D 2011 provided pick boxes at the four corners of the wipeout, making it very easy to manipulate the size of the wipeout box. I'm hoping to do the same in C3D 2012, but the wipeout seems to be treated like a block and lacks the pick boxes.A system variable maybe?
okay, so i have a dynamic block. I am able to stretch it how i want BUT, the moment i add a text attribute to it, my block dissapears. this does not always happen, although i do the exact smae thing every time. what can i do to avoid the lock being deleted/hidden when i add a text attribute to it?
by the way, i am trying to stretch the text attributes with the block (or move, which ever choice of words you use)
I am working in Civil 3d 2010. I have annotative text and when I apply background mask the width is huge. Is there a system variable or something else that I need to change so the background will only be masked behind the text and not additional width?
On one computer, when we use ET>Text Mask, the result is that the mask hides the text. I can select the text/mask but they seem to be in the wrong draw order. I used the TextToFront command and this didn't fix it.
I am trying to get a white layer with see through writing which reveals the background image underneath. (Almost like I have put a stencil over a photograph). I have discovered this is called a clipping mask.
However, I am having difficulty using a clipping mask over multiple text layers. It seems to only do it to one layer directly beneath. I do not want to merge the text layers as I want to mess about with the design a fair bit.
For labels, is the font decided in the general tab under text style or in the text component editor under the format tab? Are there overrides? There seems to be multiple locations for fonts choices when creating a label and I can't find a nice black and white answer.
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
In the dragged state, I don't want to use 'As Composed' because the label is composed to be parallel to the line, but I want it to flip to horizontal to the view when dragged. This is working fine with 'Stacked Text'
What is not working is the text justification. I want it to remain centre justified, as it is composed. But there doesn't seem to be any option for this when you use the 'Stacked Text' option for the dragged state. I thought that setting the 'Leader Justification' to false might do it, but that just makes it always left justified. Am I missing something here? Is there no 'Top right/bottom right/middle center/top left.....' option for Stacked Text? And if not, why not?
I unintendedly must have changed some settings in my photoshop 7, as the security text adding while creating a web-gallery doesn't work anymore.
The steps for creating a web-gallery I go through and finally choose the text to appear on every picture. However, while creating the web-gallery, photoshop automatically first adds the text, then deletes the text layer so that at the end no text appears on the picture, when the web-gallery is ready.
Is it possible to have a dynamic block with text which, when inserted into a drawing, will show the text orientation matched to the layout? I have a non-dynamic block which is simply a donut and a piece of text. When I insert it into a drawing, the text orientation will change to suit the orientation of the layout. I created another block with the same entities but I also added a couple of lines extending out from the center of the donut. I added stretch and rotation actions in order to rotate and stretch the lines. I also gave the block visibility states so that either one or two lines would appear (the block is a utility pole,by the way, with the lines representing guy wires). When I insert the dynamic block into a drawing, I cannot get the text to match the orientation of the viewport. I've tried changing different combinations of settings but the text won't appear horizontal.
The two blocks I mentioned above are inserted into one file with a number of other blocks. When I check the properties of the non-dynamic block, the "match orientation" is set to YES. I cannot, however, change the "match to orientation" setting to YES on the dynamic block. Is this simply because it is a dynamic block or am I missing something? I don't create a lot of dynamic blocks and therefore I am not a wizard at it so I am assuming I am doing something wrong.
In vectorworks, you can mask or fill a shape so that whatever behind the shape will be mask. I find it extremely useful compare to Autocad where I have to keep trim and extend for every change.
see picture
As for the text, the dimension text can do color fill where you can fill with background. is it possible to do the same for a multiline text ? I'm not familiar with any coding or add-in so if I have to use them for mask .
If you can background mask dimension text the same way you can with mtext. I know i can explode the dimension and edit the text and give it a background, but that is poor practice. I still want to keep the dimension associated.
I can't remember the command that created a polygon, where you could item sections of lines so that they didn't visually conflict with other lines or text that you want to highlight. Then you could also make the box itself not show.
I have found where / how to apply a background mask to text (listed in the properties box when I highlight text). The list of fill colors does not include white. I was hoping to create a background mask that did not add a shaded box to a black and white print but simply blocked out the contents behind the text.
I have always struggled with AutoCAD's text masking. I love the masking ability which makes drawings that are clean looking and easier to read. My issue is with the way the mask border is created. The mask creates a rectangular border that does not "shrink wrap" around the text. This can lead to masking more text than originally intended.
I am looking for a quick and easy way to wrap the mask around text. Right now the only way to accomplish the desired result is to explode the text into single lines and then mask each individual line. This creates issues with leaders and is a more time consuming process.
I am just wondering how is possible to set up a Multileader style that creates text with a background mask.
I have been trying to get this feature in the Multileader style manager and I could not find it in order to avoid to set up background mask every time I create a Multileader
For some reason my qleader settings will not retain as they once did. I have used them in the past with no issues, but can't seem to get AutoCAD to remember what I want. It's a real pain.
I've tried toying with mleaders. I like them for the most part, but I can't get my text to be background masked automatically (like I can with qleader). I also will need to change my text styles as my current style scales the text size. MLeader allows me to set the scale (MLEADERSCALE) for the different scales in my drawings which is nice, but without the background mask, I'd rather use QLeader.
Any way making the text with automatic background masking? I don't mind creating a text style with background mask.....if that is possible somehow.
When you click a piece of text in AutoCad and look on the properties pane, there is a 'width' variable. Why does the background mask for the text still work when the width property for the text is set to 0 or are these totally unrelated? What purpose does the width property of text actually serve (when it seemingly works fine when on 0)?
Actually We are trying AutoCAD 2010 and i have a question about multileader i cannot find in the manual.we are used to set a bright background mask under our text (including Mtext, Qleader, Dimensions) this way the printed text can be seen much better in dark area.
Now i'm am upgrading from AutoCAD 2007 and discovering Multileader (and i cannot find the Qleader button on the ribbon) so i conclude the new "standard is multileader", this is annoying because i cannot find anywhere how to put text mask background inside text in mleader. any option available? i would like to begin to use this function, but the text background is mandatory here.
I have some xrefs that have text masks that mask out my objects, moved the sort order to rear (back) but they still hide my objects. Is there any way to simply disable them in the original xref?
More and more often I come across exhibits where the text has a background mask shaped like the letters and numbers, used in the callout. Typically I see this in GIS software based exhibits. Looking for text that can be used in CAD that functions similiarly? Currently working in 2011 Civil 3d.
Running C3d 2012 here, but haven't used prior versions. I'm using fieldbooks to import survey data. If there is an error of some kind and I "Re-import event" for the fieldbook, then the occupied points from the field book are deleted out of the survey database and I get the resulting error of "point invalid" during the import. My fix is to go into my control drawing and import the control points from the drawing into the survey database then run the "re-import" again.
When I insert text with either the TEXT command or MTEXT command, the text is displayed mirrored. This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the MIRRTEXT variable because that is used when I'm actually mirroring the text. In my case, the text is mirrored as soon as I insert it. How can I get it back to normal? Is there a variable I'm missing?
I am having a background-image, with a white box on top containing some text. The text works as a inverted mask on the box, creating a"text-knock-out" (i guess).
Now, when forced to change/correct/scale the text and box, I need to redo the (small, I know) process, creating the inverted mask. So, in search for some workflow-optimization, I would like to know if it is possible to have some kind of dynamic text-mask, updating when text-layer is changed?
I have some white text which spans over white and red backgrounds. Where the text is over the white (white on white) I would like it to show as black(or dark colour) but to remain as white over the red background. I have been playing with blending modes to get this to work but the closest I get is with diiference mode but the text over the red turns green.
I want to have an image file on layers one and two and then have the text on layer three. I want the image of layer two to be in the text of layer three but I can not get this effect to work. As of now I am typing the text on layer three an merging it with the image on layer two. I then apply the layer mask and use the magic wand tool in the text.I know there has got to be a better way.
Anyone know of a way to subtract text from an existing vector mask? I currently have a solid area of vector mask, and I want to make letter-shaped transparencies in it...