3ds Max :: Selection Bracket Turning On Automatically
Aug 18, 2011
I am trying out 2012 and I keep noticing the selection brackets turning themselves on. Especially when toggling from wireframe back to shaded mode. I know about J hot key, but I don't feel like hitting f-3, J every time I toggle wireframe. Once I toggle something off, I expect it to stay off.. How to make this behave the way it used to ?
I am trying to cut a person out of a picture with a deatiled background so I am using the quickmask selection and paint brush. I'm done selecting the person and have gone back into normal editing mode. I then inversed the selection created within quickmask to select everything but the person in the background. When I click delete, the background vanishes and the person become opaque.
Is there a way to automate the process of turning off the Work features in a .iam and STILL be able to add new Work features. View>Object Visibility is not the answer because you are unable to construct NEW Work features. If there isn't a menu selection, can a “batch file” be developed to search the Browser and turn off all Work features currently listed in the tree?
How to stop the UCS from automatically turning to world when extruding a circle?
Example: If you start with a circle drawn to your set 3 point UCS the quadrants are in line with the X & Y but as soon as you extrude the circle into a cylinder the UCS turns the quadrants to world, I want the quadrants to stay in the same place as my 3 point UCS position.
Not sure if it's just a system variable that need changing.
Why does this keep turning off? When I start up ACLT 2013, both boxes are checked. I just went to use the program again, didn't close the file even, and the boxes were unchecked, ie. nothing would highlight as I moved over them.
Is there a way of turning a selection into a path. I wanted to quickly select an solid colored object from a white background and then make a path around it. Can this be done in Photoshop CS2?
I recently just got Photoshop CS2 and there are some of the simpliest things that I cannot figure out. I use to have Photoshop Elements 4.0 and these things were easy as pie, oh well, hope you can help.
On CS2, I cannot find the selection brush tool anywhere! could someone tell me where it is located. Or if there is a better tool that has "replaced it" and does the same thing?
Also, when I move images into another "box" it isn't giving me the outline of the image where I can easily resize it and turn the image at an angle. Is there something I need to do to make it give me the outline [sorry, I dont know the actual word for what it is called]?
I just can't make it work.. I need to use QUICK SELECTION TOOL to select part of image and then cut it out and paste it exactly in the same place. But whenever I do it, that tool automatically add feather to the edge so I can't paste it in same place again!
I already turn on hardness to 100% and I don't see any other options I can alter to eliminate it.
Is there any way to freeze/lock selections from all layers other then current layer automatically-like we do in Photoshop where no object other then selected layer is select able.
I have to switch layers quite often and not want to select objects from any layer other then current layer. but for this i have to first freeze the previous layer and then unfreeze the current layer and so on.
When I wish to select a detail within an image and right click to make the selection Photoshop CC automatically selects the inverse of the image, including the entire canvas. The edges of the canvas are not always visible when working in close-up. This has resulted in some close calls when appling color or airbrushing.
I am trying to add a rib into a drawing I am doing for school; however, when I attempt this the drawing will not make the rib. I have attached a file of the original drawing and my own version in Inventor.
Left and right brackets worked as shortcuts in LR4 for brush sizing. They no longer work in LR5 (Windows environment). Is this a bug or do I need to set something new in a setup menu?
I use an English version of After effect ( I prefer) and I have a french keyboard. I can say it works great all the time but I still can't use the [ ] bracket. In the french Keyboard it is Alt+shift+( ( Left parenthesese is on the 5 key ). When I type Alt+shift+[ on After It happen nothing??
If I swith to american language Alt+[ it works fine.
In cs5 my brackets for resizine tools occasionally stopped working. I would restart and all would be well . . for a while. I figured that there was something wrong with cs5. Now I am getting the same thing in cs6.
I started to model up a lifting cradle but do not know how to progress further.I attached a 2013 version of model done so far. How can i place 4 chains on the top bracket to a ring?
I did something and I'm not sure what. But my selection tool has changed. Now when I try to alter the length of a clip in a timeline, it automatically switches to the rolling edit tool with the 2 arrows on either side of a line. If I try to just grab the end of a clip it also drags the end of the clip beside it as well. It affects inserts and almost anything I do. I can't figure out how to return my selection tool to normal.
I'm having multiple issues with Photoshop CC. I just installed it yesterday and all went well. I began working on a project and discovered that the bracket keys no longer increased the brush size, but instead jumped from one brush to another. The following day I tried to open the app and got a blank white window and a spinning beach ball. It won't start.
I'm trying to stretch both sides of a bracket evenly from it's center point. How do I set the one (1) stretch action to stretch the two ends evenly with the parameter sets: stretch pair?
I’m a PS user new to Illustrator (CS6). In PS, using the bracket keys [] to increase/decrease brush point size will simultaneously update the data displayed in the tool panel at the top.
While I can use the bracket keys in Illustrator to change the appearance of the brush stroke, it is not being updated in the tool panel input or in the stroke window…so I can essentially have (2) 3 pt strokes created with the same brush that don’t visually match but whose display properties DO match. Because I will be doing lots of editing I certainly don’t want to work this way.
I have been continually annoyed, when creating a vector mask-heavy document, with trying to select vector mask points by dragging a rectangle only to find that it instead selects a layer higher up which has a larger vector mask.
The only workaround is to manually select the points of my mask or to drag a rectangle from outside the canvas, meaning I have to zoom out or scroll to the edge - sometimes annoying if I am zoomed in quite far.
I know that the move tool can be set to automatically select a layer, depending on what part of the image is clicked, but why is there not an option to turn this off for vector editing?
If you look closely in the attached picture, there is a spot of light blue on the player's helmet, that looks like a mistake (think it should look like the grass behind it)...though it actually may be part of his helmet.
Regardless, I'd like to take it out. My idea was to select the blue with the quick selection tool, then bring that selection out to the grass, select the grass with that size/shape of selection, copy/paste and then bring the grass selection into the blue part so it looks like grass in what was the blue part.
The problem is I don't seem to be able to move the selection without taking the blue with it (so it's not an empty selection and therefore can't select a piece of the grass.)
I have Photoshop CS5 on a Mac OS 10.7.4 My problem is that when I am using curves or a slider, my selection does not stay in the same place. For example, I chose the number 8 on a slider, after I release my selection it will either go one number after or before my selected number. I have had this problem since I got my computer, December 2011, but it has only recently started to frustrated me because of having to use Photoshop a little more than I usually do.
When I select a hatch or polyline or any object with grips for that matter, and hold down shift to select multiple grips on the object or objects and then press my middle mouse button to pan or scroll it to zoom, the grips that I have selected de-select, meaning I have to set up the view so that all the grips I want to move are visible before selecting them.
This is only happening on some drawings (although it is most of them) and only when I use 2012 not 2011. Which system variable it is that has gone screwy that I need to reset? or is it something else?
how to "drop out" the background from this photo (I have loads to do which are very similar). Thus far I have tried channel selections and the calculations tool + all the normal quick selection tools and I just cant get it to work without spending hours adjusting things. The end effect I need to achieve is a perfect white background without loosing any of the detail if possible. On a side note I have also tried taking the photo on blue, green, black and white backgrounds but due to the number of colours present in the products its just not working for me.
I have a flexible sub-assembly in my top assembly. Sometiems I'm trying to demonstrate to others how a mechanism in the sub-assembly works using this flexibility feature. It works great, but when I move just one little part of a flexible assembly, Inventor displays the wire-mesh of the entire flexible assembly, because technically the entire assembly is selected, even though I'm only moving one part. It clutters up the screen very badly, detracting from what I'm trying to show.
Is there a way to prevent Inventor from displaying the selection lines? Either only when I'm moving a part in a flexible assembly (which would be great), or to just turn them off completely when I'm presenting like this? I know I can turn off pre-select, but that doesn't work, because once I start moving a part in the flexible assembly, the assembly is "selected" and the wire-mesh displays.
When creating a selection Command using the PromptXXXOptions and PromptXXXResult. The entities are selected on the current view, but once the selection ends the entities return to an unselected state.
Is it possible to leave them in selection mode.
I want to this, because it will be better to use Editor.SelectImplied() instead of saving the last selection object Ids.
I've created a lisp that draws the boltholes of a pipe flanges, using the correct number of holes, at the correct diameter at the correct bolt-hole diameter and then rotates. Everything works seamlessly, when i do just one flange. But I've discovered that fewuently there will be mulitple times when a user will have to perform the command.
So the idea I had was to do the following:
Select all circles with (setq CirclesFirst (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE"))))
Go through the code to create the new circles.
Select all circles with (setq Circles (ssget "X" (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE"))))
Remove selection set "CirclesFirst" from "Circles".
But what for some reason (command "_.select" Circles "R" CirclesFirst "") does not work.