have 3ds max 12 x64
micro visual c++ 2010 x64 runtime
plug in with DLX extension x64 also tried other DLX plugins in maxsdk directory wanted to know how do i load these plugins cause when i try it gives me this error:
Error loading plug in DLL
DLL <filename> doesnt implement the following functions:
i can load other plugins but not the dlx extension ones.Tried installing it on an another computer with no success.
When using the ploygonal lasso in CC I find I cannot complete a selection without the lasso completing itself accross the proposed selection area.Did not experience this with CS6 -Have I got a setting wrong?Also how do I load in my plug ins particularly Nik software?
After I migrated to Windows 7, PSPX3 does not load the plug-ins anymore. It says: "No plug-ins loaded." Older versions of PSP can load the plugins from the same directory, but not PSPX3. I have tried resetting the cache, and have checked the file location. It's correct and it is notched, but nothing works. I have 6Gb of RAM so it should do. Of course, I could always run the scripts in PSP8, so it's no big deal. But it should work.
I installed my Afterfx and Premiere in "D:program filesAdobe", and MBLooks plugin, it was installed in the folder "D:Program FilesAdobeCommonPlug-ins7.0MediaCore" automatically, but it was not loaded by Afterfx and Premiere, then I move the plugin to "C:Program FilesAdobeCommonPlug-ins7.0MediaCore", it's loaded.
Planning on moving to 2013 from 2009, but I want 2009 working during the migrations period...
How to get 3DS MAX 2009 working with backburner 2013.
The Backburner manager dosn't seem to load any 2009 render plugins, I've upgraded the current node with the latest Service pack/hot fix for 2009, which adressed the an compability issue with backburner 2012. Isn't BB 2012 also using the new "render adapters"?
Tried everything... reinstalls, regedit checks, AppData cleans and so on...
Took a "while" just to get BB 2013 running at all, until I found a way to disable IPv6 via the helper service.
I've got about 4 hours of work into solving the dreaded "Photoshop: CS6 saves in wrong file format on MacOS when trying to load obsolete plugins" (Aside: I don't suppose I can send Adobe an invoice for billable hours?? Naw, never happen.)
I could still not get CS6 PS to open and "save as" correctly. All of my plug-ins were current and the only linked ones were reinstalled after PS was updated. URL.... I saw multiple mentions of the "Standard Multiple Plugin" as a possible source of the problem. Found this file in /Library/ Application Support/Adobe/Plug-ins. (Mac OS X 10.7.5) Removed the file and PS does what it should: defaults to all file formats on open and allows any format to be selected on "save as."
Get Info identifies this file as an Adobe plugin ver. 12.0.2 created and modified 7/18/11 obviously well before I got CS6. It also shows an Adobe copyright (2003-2010) message so this is NOT a third party plugin, nor is it a bad symlink, nor is it an outdated 3rd party plugin. Since this was placed there by the Adobe install and not modified by the CS6 upgrade, I can only conclude that Adobe wanted it there.What - if anything- will happen without this file in place and if it is necessary where does one obtain a new one?
I did not copy any old plug-ins to the new program nor did I have any bad aliases nor did I have multiple copies of anything.
Since upgrading to LR 5.2, I can no longer upload photos to Facebook. I get this message: "An error occurred while attempting to load this plug-in’s portion of the Export dialog. attempt to index upvalue '?' (a nil value)"
How do I get LR 5.2 to work again with my Facebook account?
I have a project that suddenly won't load. I have 25 versions of it, I save it under a new file name each time in case I need to go back to an older version.
Trouble is most of the versions won't load! Only the very early versions will load. Some of the later version start to load then disappear.
Hardware hasn't changed on the PC, maybe the video drivers have been updated, thats about it.
I own Design and web Premium CS6 and Lightroom 5.2 running with NIK and Canon Printer iPF9100 plugins running just fine on a Win7 machine.
I purchased and installed PhotoShop CC about a month ago/ When I start PhotoShop CC from the exec file the NIK and Canon plugins do not show up. If I am in Lightroom and ask to edit in PhotoShop CC the file opens in PhotoShop CC and I can access both plugins. If I am in Lightroom the NIK plugin is available and works just fine.
I have tried putting the plugins in: NIK: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)Plug-ins
Canon: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CC (64 Bit)Plug-insiPF9100 Print Plug-In for Photoshop x64Print Plugin for iPF9100 C:Program FilesCanoniPF9100 Print Plug-In for Photoshop x64Print Plugin for iPF9100 C:Program FilesCommon FilesAdobePlug-InsCCPrint Plugin for iPF9100
My Canon dealer says the driver and plugin for my printer work just fine on other customers machines.
I upgraded from CS4 to CS6 and have not been able to see my plug-ins in CS6. I tried reinstalling them and dropping them in the CS6 file and still can't see them.
At first glance PS CC looks pretty cool, downloaded without a hitch and worked first time. There doesn't seem to be an alternative plug-in folder option in Preferences anymore, how do I get CC to 'see' my Nik Plug-ins?
I use Photoshop CS3. All plug-ins used to work before. Now with some of the plug-ins (liquify+vanishing point+artistic for example) the following happens:
- plug-in dialog window opens
- i can make changes and see the preview of them in the plug-in window
- i can apply the plug-in
- then PS displays a dialog saying something like "applying effect.."
- but when that is finished I'm back at my original image without the plug-in effect being applied (nothing shows in history window)
I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling Photoshop but the problem remains. I even tried installing a demo of PS CS4 but have the same problem with that version.
The error appears on the plugins with a more sophisticated user interface, the ones with the basic UI (like gaussian blur etc) still work ok.
I have an old version of Photoshop (3.0) which I've never updated because frankly it still suits my needs.(which are limited). I realized recently that when I switched from Windows 95 to Windows 98 se a few years back I lost some of my filters, like clouds and mezzotint, ripple, lighting and a handful of others. When I go back and fire up the 95 machine they are there. Also I notice they are in the plugin folder but not showing up on the menu. The best investigation I've turned up is that Photoshop(at least on the 98 machine) says it doesn't recognize the file extention?( 8bf files )although the computer lists this as a recognized file.( 8bf )
I just got my hands on KPT 7 or 5 i dont remember, but does any one know of a good place to learn how to use the plugs in? tutorials or anything would be great.
Are there additional plugins coming soon? If not, for me, there isn't much of a reason to use the 64 bit in what I do. Or, possibly, I'm not aware of advantages 64 bit is bringing me right now.
Have looked pretty much everywhere (except the right place, apparently) for my Nik and OnOne software. Do they have to be installed into PS to work? They show up in LR and work fine.
I just purchased CS6 and noticed that some of the 3rd party filters I had in CS4 have not been migrated over to CS4. The specific plugins I'm concerned about are Noiseware Professional and Alienskins, both of which I am able to access in CS4's filter drop down menu.
None of my existing PS CS5 plugins (onOne, NIK, Perfect, Topaz) show up in my newly installed PS CS6. What is the recommended procedure for getting the plugins to be available under PS CS6?
Where should I / how should I install the Lighting Styles folder and the 8bf, 8bi and 8ba files included in the optional plugins for Photoshop CS6? (Win 32)
I've recently converted from CS5 to CS6. I noticed that CS6 was pointing to CS5 for plugins rather than CS6. I made the mistake of trying to move the plugin folder from CS5 to CS6, which made a bit of a mess. I ended up reinstalling CS6, getting the most current updates, and uninstalling and reinstalling my Nik plugins, and this time they went into the correct folder (CS6 instead of CS5) -- no problem, everything worked, except for Dfine which said it was only compatible with CS5.
I got the most recent version, which is to work for CS6; I uninstalled the old Dfine; installed the new one. Everything looks fine. Except that when I attempt to use it in CS6, it crashes completely and shuts everything down. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, and gotten new downloads, etc. But this continues to happen. Everything else seems to work fine. The plug-ins are all together where they are supposed to be.
They all show up on the filter menu. I've exhausted all possibilities on the Nik side, and now I'm wondering if there's something on the Adobe Photoshop side.
My Collection of Nik plug-ins are installed to PS6. I don't know how to get them into PS CC.I also want to know how to set up the link so I can jump from PS to LR and back while editing an image.I am working on Mac desktop.