VideoStudio :: X4 - Changed Bitrate And DVD Quality

Dec 6, 2011

I've just upgraded from VS 10 on an XP SP3 to VS X4 and Win7 Pro.

I take .TS videos from my cable box, convert it with VideoReDo to MPEG2, and edit/burn the resulting MPEG2 files to standard DVDs with VS. (Basically in VS, I use the cropping filter to black out the noise at the top of the screen, then add chapters, and burn without a menu.) Windows (File Properties, Details) always tells me that the TS and converted MPEG2 files have a variable bitrate max 15000kbps, and VS X4 says the same about the TS files, but it sees a MUCH lower max bitrate on the MPEG2s, often variable max 2000-4000kbps. (The shows recorded are standard def.)

On my old system, even though I always had the "Do not convert compliant MPEGs" box checked on the Create DVD Properties window, I guess it was always converting them anyway, because the green disk size indicator at the bottom would show that anything over 1 hour 20 minutes would need to be shrunk to fit on a single layer disc. But on my new system, even MPEGs that are 1 hour 50 minutes long are shown to only take up a third of a 4.7GB single layer disc (and only take about 15 minutes to render and burn vs. at least 45 minutes on my old system). Granted, my new system is a big step up from the old in terms of processing power and RAM, and if it was just the burn time that was different, I'd say, "Great." and leave it at that. But the DVDs I'm burning on the new system seem lower quality to me (lots of pixellation on pans/motion, etc.) than with VS10 on my old system, and I'm wondering if VS10 was somehow upconverting those low bitrate MPEGS to 8000kbps and X4 isn't.

If I uncheck the "Do not convert compliant MPEGs" box, the green disk size indicator looks a lot more like it did on my old system -- filling a disc with 1 hour 20 minutes of content. Do you think if I burned discs with the "compliant" box unchecked and let it "fill the DVD" so to speak, I would get better quality DVDs like I did in the old days?

The MPEGs are the same, so I can't figure out why VS10 never saw them as "compliant" but X4 now seems to -- to the detriment of my discs.

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VideoStudio :: Can Change Default Bitrate From 8000 To 6000 Kbps Permanently

Jul 24, 2011

Can I change the default bitrate from 8000 kbps to 6000 kbps permanently? I brought a number of individual .mp4 song files into the timeline, about 1 hour twenty minutes total in length, can I normalize them without using "create video file". I want to play this video and be able to skip songs if I want to. The original file .mp4. I am using a trial of Corel VideoStudio Pro x4.

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VideoStudio :: PRO X3 - Render Settings Have Changed?

Nov 4, 2011

basically I record using the hauppauge HD-PVR which records the clips in the M2TS format. I've been using Videostudio Pro X3 to edit the files and rendering them and have had no problems until now. I used to render my videos using the WMV HD 720 25p setting and the quality has always been perfect.

Recently though I tried to render a video using the same setting and it renders the video really quickly and the quality looks terrible.How to fix it so it renders the way it used to or would know another format that would give me the same results?

I was thinking of re installing pro X3 in the hope of it working the way it used to but i don't know if i will lose all my projects that i'm currently working on.

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VideoStudio :: Screen Capture Defaulting To Mic / Can This Be Changed?

Oct 13, 2012

I have to manually change the audio setting to capture from the system speakers rather than the mic every time I use it. Its nailed me on more than one occasion, going through hours of lecture and discovering I didn't get the audio.Is there anyway to change it so it defaults to the speakers? Record the speaker output I mean.

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VideoStudio :: PX5 - Scroll Don't Work If Marking Changed Library View?

Apr 27, 2012

Zooming the timeline by the shortcuts (keystrokes '+' / '-') don't work if you mark a clip or a title in the timeline and the library view changes by the new marking.

Example 1:

Select in the library panel the effect or title view. Mark a clip and the library panel changes to clip view.

Now the shortcut for zooming "keystroke +" or "Keystroke -" don't work.

Now mark another clip in the timeline where the library view don't change, the shortcuts work.

Example 2:

Mark a clip first and then mark a title in the timeline. Because the library view changed shortcut for zoom don't work.

Mark another title. Now the library view don't change and the shortcut work again.

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VideoStudio :: Text Colour User Selected But Changed By Program

Aug 1, 2012

One of the most annoying and enduring features of VS - its been present in every version I have used from 11+ to X5 - is its ability to change a user selected text colour when entering titles, and be damned to the choice made by the user.

It happens when having entered the text of a title, one is trying to get a good readable contrast between the colour of the text and the background images it is displaying on. Selecting the text, a size and colour choice is exhibited in the edit panel. Selecting the colour 'square,' there are 3 choices presented - 32 simple ones on a palette or the choice of a much wider range using either Coral or windows colour pickers. Using either one of these latter pickers, selecting a colour and clicking OK inevitably gets a message panel that the colour has its been changed to something else. That sort of result is unsatisfactory, especially as it becomes a never ending circle.Corel may as well not offer the option for colour pickers at all as have the program do that.

This result has infected and frustrated every one of the hobby movie group I work with using VS as the editor. Screen colours are only pixels, and if a user makes a bad choice they can always change it. What options are available to to turn this sort of behaviour OFF??

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VideoStudio :: Resample Quality In X4?

Mar 27, 2013

what is the meaning of "resample", I didn't find it in the User Guide of the program.

What I miss if the resample quality is good instead of better of best?

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VideoStudio :: Output Quality On The DVD

Apr 15, 2011

I use the VideoStudio Pro X4 to edit my videos.

This time I have some problems with the quality of my finished projects. I have tried to burn my project as both DVD and AVCHD. On DVD the quality was really poor with grainy picture.

The AVCHD disc was much better but there was lots of "strobe" in the movie. Especially where I have added transitions and text fields.

My raw video-files is HD video (MTS-files). I also use the proxy tools to make the editing go smoother. I think my computer should handle this without the Roxy, but it doesn't.

I use this settings for my project: Settings --> Project Properties:

Edit File Format: MPEG
PAL (25 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Lower Field First
(DVD-PAL), 16:9

Create Disc --> AVCHD:
MPEG files
24 bits, 1920 x 1080, 25 fps
Lower Field First
(HDMV-PAL), 16:9
H.264 Video
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 16000 kbps)
LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo

Create Disc --> DVD:
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Lower Field First
(DVD-PAL), 16:9
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps)
LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo

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VideoStudio :: HD Quality Loss In X4?

Jul 11, 2011

I'm using X4. I purchased quite a basic Kodak Zi8 camera around a year ago, which makes decent quality HD movies. Every time when I copy files onto my PC (.mov files in Quicktime), the quality is amazing. It looks real and live. However, whenever I drag the files into Corel X4, the quality diminishes automatically. (Before even editing).

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VideoStudio :: Ensuring Best Quality HD To SD?

Dec 16, 2013

I shoot either in 720p or 1080p for different projects, but for any one shoot I produce a blu ray and a standard DVD disc (pal). I'm simply looking for clarification on best practice for transfers to MPEG2 to minimize loss of picture quality. I understand some loss is inevitable going from HD to SD, but a best practice for everyone is worth knowing.

My questions are,

1/ After applying my colour grades and FX to my project, am I best rendering the clips firstly in the SAME format they were taken? Then afterwards, take the enhanced HD clip and convert to MPEG2. Or, does it not really matter - just apply the effects and render all in one go to MPEG2?

2/ Is it better to downgrade from 1080p rather than 720P?

3/ I use 2 pass encode, 100% quality in my settings and ensure no re-rendering takes place on burning. Any other rendering or burning settings you recommend?

4/ Finally, on a 50" TV, the results are fair-good for the burned SD DVD. However, even commercially made films from the 80's still look better. Do they use a higher bit rate or different compression method?

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VideoStudio :: Best Way To Work For HD Quality

Dec 27, 2011

I have a Sony HDR-CX700V and use the highest quality setting (HD 1920x1080 50fps).I am making projects to play on a Dane-Elec So-Smart Media Player which plays Divx files.My current workflow is: -

Import digital media from camcorder.
Edit (add titles, transition effects, etc.).
Share file using "Same as First Video Clip"

Properties: -
[PAL (25 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 1920 x 1080, 50 fps
(HDMV-PAL), 16:9
H.264 Video
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 25999 kbps)
Audio data rate: 448 kbps
Dolby Digital Audio, 48 KHz, 3/2(L,C,R,SL,SR)]

Drag file into Divx Plus Converter (HD 1080P).This creates the file to transfer onto the media Player.Is this the best way to work for HD Quality?

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VideoStudio :: Quality Upscaling From 240 To 1080p?

Dec 30, 2012

I want to "remaster" my old travel movies (made with Ulead then) to VSX5 Bluray movies. I still have the old VSP file ; the photos taken with an old camera then had high enough resolution but my videos were at 240 lines then. I know that VSX5 upscales automatically to Bluray at rendering phase but what is the best way to enhance my videos to 1080 ; if done prior to rendering, will it yield a better quality movie (and if so, how do I do that ?) or do I have to leave it to VSX5 rendering phase as the only/best process . My 240 videos look ok at 240 but are currently "pixelly" when I view them on my current hdmi PC monitor at native 1080 ?

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VideoStudio :: Low Quality Video Shares?

Dec 21, 2010

When creating video files, I'm noticing that the quality of video in the final file is much less than the original file.

The original files are wmv files. They are sharp, smooth, etc. 640X480, 1900kbps data rate, 2060 kpbs total bit rate, 30 frames/second frame rate.

When I try to create a video file with identical or greater specifications, I get low quality (fuzzy, choppy, etc.).

I've tried them all: custom, dvd mpg, Wmv, Blue Ray, etc.

The one option I can't try (because it's grayed out for some reason) is the "Same as First Video Clip" option. Not sure why I can't.

I've tried it on my Video Studio 11 plus and a trial version of video Studio X3 - same results.

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VideoStudio :: How To Improve Quality Of Old VHS Tapes

Jan 17, 2013

I have some VHS tapes from the 80-90's of my Mum. I have imported these onto my PC. I would like to improve the quality when viewed on a modern TV. Can I do this in VSX5 or is there another way?

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VideoStudio :: Maintaining Video Quality In X4?

Sep 10, 2012

I burned a DVD of some .MOV clips, and the quality of the video on the DVD is noticeably worse than the original files. The size of the original files is 2.9 GB, but they are shrunk down to just 2.01 GB on the DVD. The bitrate is also significantly lower.

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VideoStudio :: Picture Quality For Portrait

Jul 30, 2011

I have the new VS x4. My experience with both x3 and x4 have been good. They produce an excellent DVD. In most cases , I use both video and pictures . My problem is with my pictures that are portrait format. When I play them on the TV, they are not sharp as with landscape pictures. Some are some what distorted. My thought is, they have to be compressed for the Tv screen, but not sure.

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VideoStudio :: Poor Quality VOB Files

Aug 1, 2012

I created a video in Video Studio Pro 5. I published to a MPEG4 file to play back and check my results. The file opened with Quicktime and the video looked fine. So I went ahead and burned the video to a DVD using the Share feature, where it created a VOB file. When the VOB file opens in Windows Media Player, it loses resolution. The worst parts of the fuzzy video are the MPEG4 files that I imported into video studio. They are 1080 HD files so I thought they should look ok and, in fact, they look fine in Quicktime. But I also imported JPG's and they look fuzzy as well. How can I burn to a DVD without losing resolution?

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VideoStudio :: HD Video - Output Quality

Apr 17, 2011

I have been trying Video Studio a few times in the past. The first version I ever tried must have been Ulead Video Studio 7 or 8. I always liked the process oriented GUI and the goodies that are made so easy compared to other video editing software. I remember version 8 and next to be very unstable though, which is why I kept working with other software like Pinnacle. Each time there was a new version though I tried it and I have seen stability improving with every version. I would like to work with Video Studio a lot, however I have serious problems with output quality.

Since a few years I am filming HD video, AVCHD standard (1080i50) with a Panasonic HDC-SD5 and recently HDC-SD900. The last one, a new camera, offers incredible detail and quality. Of course I want to see the same quality in my end product, the output of the video editing software. Here is where I have a big problem.

1. When I save output as AVCHD an use smart rendering there are problems with the transition between two clips. There are blocks all over the place. I have tested this with X2, X3 and X4. I remember in X2 there seemed to be some frames in the wrong order at the end of each clip. In X3 there were blocks. In X4, which I am testing now, sometimes output is good, sometimes there are blocks worse than I ever saw in X3.

2. When I save as AVCHD, Bluray, H.264, ... no matter what format in 1080i without smart rendering there is a big quality loss. It is really visible, especially on the pc screen. I have tried many settings: bluray 2-pass encoding at 30.000bps, AVCHD and H.264 at 18.000bps. It seems to be impossible to get good quality out.

No matter what I did, I cannot even approach the input quality with Video Studio. And let's face it, it all comes down to the output!

I have tried encoding with some other free tools such as Handbrake and Staxrip. Of course these are not video editors, but at least I could compare the output quality.

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VideoStudio :: FLV Videos Are Suddenly Low Quality?

Aug 31, 2011

I recently upgraded both my computer (to an Intel i7 processor) and editing program from VideoStudio X3 to X4. Suddenly, the FLV videos I convert are appalling quality. Just two weeks ago, I was converting videos to FLV on X3 and the quality was fine. If I use any of the standard options for FLV conversion, the video is such bad quality that it's almost smeared. Even when I increase the bitrate to 1000 (the maximum), it's incredibly pixellated, but less smeary.

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VideoStudio :: Video Quality Settings

Oct 20, 2012

I transferred some VHS tapes to DVD in VS 10+. They looked very good on my older 26" TV. We recently purchased a 42" flat screen HD and a Bluray DVD player that up converts DVD to near HD. When I played my DVDs that I converted from VHS the video quality is decreased. I burned the VHS tapes to DVD format, 29.97 rate, 7000 bitrate constant 720x480. What is the better format to transfer VHS to DVD?

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VideoStudio :: Loosing Quality Burning In V7?

Apr 14, 2011

I know I have an out dated version of VS, but all my videos are shot on a DV camera with 4.3 resolution.When I'm done editing I burn to a DVD using the VS program.

The quality of the DVD in not that good for some reason.I have checked all the properties and they seem to be right.But being a novice maybe the're not.If I save the file as an AVI then import it into another program (in this case Power Producer) to burn,I get a much better quality DVD.

PS. The reason Im sticking with VS 7 is that I can navigate around it fairly easily.Not saying Im confident, but enough to get by.May look into upgrading to a new version in the future with a new HD camera too.But for now VS 7 works fine for me.

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VideoStudio :: X3 - Poor Quality On DVD Playback?

Mar 23, 2011

Using Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 and either Corel DVD Moviefactory 7SE or Corel DVDFactory Pro 2010, the playback quality of the burned disks is poor. While the completed project has excellent quality both direct from the hard drive AND when using Windows Explorer and just copying directly to the DVD, anytime I attempt to create a simple menu structure, it seems that the entire video is re-rendered causing a significant loss in video quality from the original. I have tried all settings in both packages even just including the created 660MB mpeg4 (rather than the project itself) in Pro 2010 and the result is a 220MB file. Again, when I just use Windows Explorer and copy directly the DVD, the original video is preserved including the 660MB file size and the quality is the same as the project.

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VideoStudio :: Maximizing Video Quality

Jan 24, 2012

I am trying to burn VSP projects on Blu-ray discs with the highest quality video possible using VSPx4. I am using video clips from an HD camcorder with frame size 1920 x 1080 and 59.94 fps but when I try to modify the project settings I am unable to change frame size higher than 720 x 480 or 29.97 fps and I'm not sure why. However, after I click share and click to burn a Blu-ray I can open the settings in the new window and change the frame size to 1920 x 1080 but I still cannot increase the speed to 59.94 fps. My first question is do I need to change my project settings while working on the project or is it enough to change the settings after I click to burn the Blu-ray and the second question is can the fps be increased to 59.94?

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VideoStudio :: MP4 Smallest Size And Best Quality

Dec 11, 2013

Got a Blueray player with a USB port so I don't need dvd's any more for my homemade videos. What settings & formats do I need to get my MPEG2 DVD files small and sharp like those movies downloaded off the internet? My videos have bitrates 8000 and smaller and 1.5 - 2.0 hr take up 4g. Those off the internet are 900 bit rate and are about 600-700 mb and are crystal clear. I've converted some 5000 bit rate files to MP4 H.264 (what my Blueray player uses) at 1000 & 1500 bit rate and they are still pretty large and not as clear as the originals. I could sure store a lot of videos @ 700 mb on a memory stick vs 1.5 or 2 gig files I've been able to convert to MP4's but don't want to loose quality especially if I want to delete the masters.

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VideoStudio :: Specify Quality For All Effects And Clips

Feb 13, 2010

Preferences>Edit tab says:

Resampling quality: Specifies the quality for all effects and clips. A higher quality results in better video reproduction but takes longer to render.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 - Photo Quality Poor

Jun 15, 2013

I am using the pro x4. My photos are of poor quality on my completed DVD. this has not always been the case. my photos are high resolution taken with a Nikon d5000. there was a recent update and I am not sure if it required some setting changes.

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VideoStudio :: Poor Quality DVD From HD Sources?

Oct 17, 2013

I'm using the 30 day trial of VisualStudio x6 to create a DVD from multiple different video sources (MOV, MP4, MPG, WMV etc) that are all recorded in HD or near HD qulity. The total size of all these videos on my HDD is upwards of 7Gb. My problem is, when I burn the DVD it compresses down to just over 950Mb and the quality is noticably degraded.

I realize there will be some quality loss going from source to DVD but is there anything I can change in the settings to achieve the highest quality DVD output? It seems like from 7Gb to 950Mb, its not even trying to maintain any quality. Not even half the single layer DVD disc gets filled. I also have DL DVD's to burn to. Basically, I want the highest quality DVD from these HD sources regardless of final output size.

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Crop Video Without Losing Quality?

Sep 5, 2012

I bought VSX5 Ultimate last week to go with my new GoPro Hero2, climbed the learning curve, and can now produce presentable videos. I've read the (not very complete) VS User Guide, checked Corel's Knowledgebase, spent the better part of thirty hours twiddling filters (rendering to a 1280x720 output file and viewing that outside of VS) and spent about eight hours searching this forum and the Interweb for the answer to no avail, so here I am:

I have 1920x1080 30p MP4 video from the camera, but want to crop it to 1280x720, and not lose image quality. Can VSX5 do this, and/or how?

I'm new to video, but very old to photography. When I say "crop" I mean "throw away the area outside of my cropping rectangle, resulting in an image of smaller dimensions."

I do not mean "fill the area outside my cropping rectangle with the color of my choice, resulting in an image of the same dimensions" as happens when using the Crop Borders filter.

Video Pan & Zoom doesn't work as the final results are abominable; as soon as I specify 150% zoom (amount needed to make a 1280x720 area fill a 1920x1080 area) quality is lost. The Cropping filter produces the same (lost) quality results. Distort Clip does the best job but still suffers some image quality degradation, and it's nearly impossible to get a precise "150%" crop (or "33% reduction" as my Photoshop brain thinks) as dragging the handles is all by eyeball. I think the problem is that all of these options entail two steps: (1) Enlarging the area I want to keep, causing it to fill the frame -- AND losing quality in the interpolation process. (2) Saving the entire frame (clip), now filled with lower-quality "larger pixels" so to speak, at a smaller size than original.

My Project Properties are NTSC drop frame (29.97fps), AVI, 24bits, 1920x1080, 29.97fps, Frame-based, Uncompressed, PCM, 48kHz, 16bit stereo.

My Movie Template that I'm using is MPEG-4, 24 bits, 1280x720, 29.97fps, Frame-based, H.264 High Profile Video: 12500 Kbps, 48000Hz, 16bit, Stereo, MPEG AAC Audio: 128Kbps.

Am I trying to do something that can't be done? Am I overcomplicating something? Am I missing the "photographic crop" filter?

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VideoStudio :: Pro X3 - Decreasing Compression Quality When Exporting

Nov 27, 2012

I have ProX3 and am trying to create .mov PhotoJPEG video clips. I'm trying to decrease the compression quality since I'm uploading these clips to stock video footage websites. However, when I go to export the video, under the Compression screen the Quality area is grayed out at 100% and won't let me move the tab over to decrease it. How to change it?

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VideoStudio :: Audio Quality Poor In MPEG4 With X4?

Jan 10, 2012

I've rendered my project to MPEG4 and the audio has a light popping intermittently through it. I thought it might be caused by having multiple video overlays but only one track had audio enabled. I've now split out the audio and put it into it's own track but I'm still getting the poor quality sound.

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VideoStudio :: Unexpectedly Poor Video Quality

Sep 25, 2012

Brand new to VideoStudio or any other video editing software.

I used VideoStudio X5's screen capture feature to create a couple of training videos for our church. When viewed on their own, the videos look excellent - the screen captures are sharp and clear. But when I use those same captures in a video project - with an opening title and a couple of transitions - the capture videos are grainy, the text of the Web pages included in them almost unreadable.

As I said, I am new to this stuff, so the explanation for what I'm experiencing is possibly quite simple. Nonetheless, why the capture videos look great when I view them on their own, but become blurry when they are part of a project?

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