I have a bmp file which when i open in windows paintbrush appears colored. when i open the same bmp file in photoshop 7 it appears black and white. plz help me to open a bmp file in photoshop 7 as in paintbrush ....
After install the Orgainzer works but the Photo Editor doesn't. When I click the Photo Editor in the splash screen it tells me my trial period is up. I'm using Windows Vista Home Basic 32 bit
any dwg. Save also create acad.lsp empty file any folder open I found this acad.lsp empty file...any dwg. Open my mbuttonpan, fillmode and zoomfactor not working after I set working
HDR Pro was working fine for me a few months ago, but now it just will not get off the ground. there are no Message boxes appearing either, and it looks as if it's just crashing.
My system is an iMac with the following:
8gb RAM 1600Mhz DDR3 3 TB fusion drive 3.2Ghz intel Core i5 OS X Version 10.8.4 Camera: Nikon D7000
When I try to merge 3 RAW files in to HDR Pro it will start stacking the images but at the end returns to the Photoshop App screen with no trace of the HDR screen. I have gone in to preferences> Interface> checked the box 'Open documents as tabs' but this is not working.
When using "Edit in Photoshop CS6" from Lightroom 4 I just go into Photoshop CS6, not Adobe Camera Raw (ACR). Cannot access ACR directly from within Photoshop either.
It works from Bridge tho'. Have checked out many forums and see other people with this problem, but main response, to remove com.adobe.Photoshop.plist from Library/Preferences, or reinstalling Photoshop and Lightroom, do not resolve it for me. All software, including Camera Raw ( is up to date. Use 16 GB iMac and OS X 10.8.2.
I am running on an AMDPhenom 6cpu 3.2 Ghz machine with 24GB of memory and 64bit, Windows 7. Graphics card is ATI FireGL V7700 with 512Mb of memory. When I try to create text in 3D, the 3D options are all greyed out.
I forgot to add that I am on CC version 14.1.2. The gpu OGLVersion=3. Is it possible that AMD V7700 is not supported for 3D on Photoshop? I do have the "Use graphics Processor" checked in the Performance tab of Preferences.
I am trying to use the cloning tool, however, the ALT key does not seem to work.
Every time, I use ALT and click it comes up with the following message: "the area to clone has not been defined. Use Option Click to define area." Basically, when I press the ALT key on my keyboard it resizes the screen and gets rid off the Tools bar and menu in Photoshop CS4.
I have two compositions that I've been working with in CS2 on my laptop running XP pro 32bit and when I transfer the files to my workstation at home running XP pro x64, I have issues with the file. If I try to use the eraser or the brush tool, nothing happens. Is this a bug with x64 or do I need to change some settings? I just recently upgraded to x64 for the increased RAM capabilities and this is the first time I've tried to use CS2 since upgrading.
I have problem with Photoshop cs's keyboard shortcuts. Actually with just one but it's still annoying. Suddenly hotkey(s) for Step Backward function doesn't work (Ctrl+Alt+Z) anymore and don't know what do about it. I tried change the key combination but my Alt button doesen't seem to want to cooperate with me (Don't think it's a keyboard malfunction). Finally I had to use new combination excluding that Alt.
Just upgraded to Creative Cloud CS6 Photoshop on my Xeon Mac Pro, 16 gigs ram, tons of disk space, Mac OS 10.7 and when I take a screenshot I can't import it to Photoshop.
I get the message that it could not import the clipboard because the file is not a TIFF. I have work to do but I can't do it without importing screenshots from the clipboard. Reverting to CS3 isn't an option because I've upgraded to OS 10.7 and it no longer works.
I have just installed Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Standard on my new MacBook Pro. I have activated it. However when i start Version Cue CS3 and check for updates i get the message "No Internet connection. Please check your Internet settings and /or firewall. Waiting for connection...". I have turned off my firewall and the antivirus program and I still cannot get it to work.
I also cannot start Photoshop CS3. When I open the application a blank window titled "Adobe Design Suit Standard CS3" appears as well as Photoshop toolbars which I cannot select. All the options on the toolbar is greyed out and I cannot select any of them. I have to force quit the application.
I have Toshiba computer, Vista and I can't get 3D to work. I looks like Adobe Creative Cloud might not be compatible. I need 3D to work for my class at college. It keeps telling me OpenGL us disabled. I can't find a solution to enable it.
Most of my users are working on a secure network without any internet connection. Then they wont be able to activate Photoshop CS6. I just heard that AAMEE can solve my issue and generate a MSI package with all necessary activation information.
I installed and used AAMEE ( My first impression was, too easy.
But at final the MSI is not working. I tried from a command prompt with administrator rights (run as). The installation starts but it failed at the end. The progress bar goes back.
I had Win7 and didn`t have any problems but I bought Win8 upgrade and I install it without any changes of my PC settings ... that was option offered from Win8 insatallation manager.
My problem with Ps CS6 is next my files are open as a tabs and when I "move" image with hand tool the paste board flashing from dark grey to transperant...very anoying.
Sometimes when I "scale" image with move tool image area get black and I can`t see the image scale... How to fix that
I am using CS6 (cloud) on Mac 10.6.8 and when I try to save anything (psd, animation, etc) for web I receive "The operation could not be completed." I have uninstalled and reinstalled photoshop, clear my presets, shut down/started up and have tried pretty much everything I can think of.The save for web function still works in CS5 but I have been using CS6 for months and it worked fine yesterday and today it's not working.
I have an English version of Photoshop CS3. Since I upgraded to Mavericks it will not work. It opens, a blank window for the Adobe updater opens and that's it. I can only close them by force closing. Everything is inactive. I can't even access the deactivate or activate menu. I have updated the Jave, repaired, uninstalled, reinstalled, all to no avail.
I got the same problem (shortcuts stop working after a period of time while in photoshop and I need to restart photoshop to make it work again)But now, It occurs every 10 secs. I CANNOT use photoshop at all. Just as I open it I got 10 secs to use the keyboard and then its over.
Everything is fully updated, as well as drivers. Nothing has changed in my computer since the last post.
I have been trying to use the 3D features of Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended and have been having no success. I have enabled the 'Use Graphics Processor' in the Edit->Preferences->Performance dialog box. I have also ensured that I have the latest version of the drivers installed. The video cards (in a CrossfireX configuration) are Sapphire HD Radeon 7970s. The thing is, when I installed Photoshop a few weeks ago, I tested the 3D functions and they worked fine. Now they no longer do so. I have updated video drivers and Photoshop since then but when I reverted back to the older drivers, the 3D features still didn't work. I have tested OpenGL in Modo 601 and Houdini FX 12 with no problems.
Chipset Model: Intel Iris Type: GPU Bus: Built-In VRAM (Total): 1024 MB Vendor: Intel (0x8086) Device ID: 0x0a2e Revision ID: 0x0009 Displays: Color LCD: Display Type: Retina LCD Resolution: 2560 x 1600 Retina: Yes Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888) Main Display: Yes Mirror: Off Online: Yes Built-In: Yes
Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,1 Processor Name: Intel Core i5 Processor Speed: 2.6 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 2 L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 3 MB Memory: 8 GB Boot ROM Version: MBP111.0138.B03 SMC Version (system): 2.16f58
So I have a CC subscription. The CC only feature of being able to apply liquify filter to a smart object is working fine but the new smart sharpen has no new noise reduction slider. Why are some CC only features working while others are not?
I decided to do the Creative Cloud thing. Installed Photoshop CC trial. Opened up a new document and tried to drag out a selection box ... and nothing. I can't drag my mouse. I can click on things. But dragging doesn't seem to work. Neither does right clicking.
So for example, I can't move layers. I can select them in the layers panel, but I can't drag them in the workspace. Same with sliders. I can select a location on a slider, but I can't grab the handle and slide it around. I've tried resetting preferences, restarting, and disabling graphic card acceleration.
I'm running Windows 7 x64. My mouse is a wireless Logitech that I haven't had any trouble with otherwise. I opened up paint and it can track me dragging my mouse around to paint (so it's not just a ****** mouse connection or anything).
This is on a 2011 macbook pro with mountain lion. I have tried to use two new icc profiles, put them in:
and while they work in preview, and illustrator, they will not work in photoshop. I go through the print dialog, with photoshop managing colors, select icc profile. Hit print, try to open pdf in preview, and it's all white (this only after blanks were printed out). I have tried, tested, and no luck.
Windows 7 64-bit SP1, Photoshop and Bridge CS6 64-bit
I recently have been having issues with running the automated Merge to HDR Pro action starting it from Bridge or Photoshop. I am trying to merge 3 RAW images into an HDR image. It loads the pictures, creates the temporary file and shows the changes that is is making as everything gets cropped and aligned.
When it finishes its work and should bring up the extra dialouge window it does not and no longer shows the file that it was creating and Photoshop has the same appearance as though it were just opened. There was never any error message displayed. The feature was working fine months ago and 3 days ago when I started doing more work with new pictures. The problem suddenly occured 1 day ago.
The files that I am merging were shot to RAW on a Canon Rebel T3i and written to a Samsung 32GB SDHC card. I have shots from a span of several days and I have the same problem with pictures taken from all 3 days. Thre are 530 RAW images total. All were run through Photomatix Pro 4.2.5 to quickly get them all merged and I wanted to go back and manually merge some of the ones that did not turn out quite right or that I wanted to play with more.
I have searched the forums and have not seen any posts with this particular problem and none of the solutions for other Merge to HDR Pro problems posted worked for me.I have run updates on Windows, Adobe, and Nvidia and all were up to date.
I recently migrated all my programs from my imac to my new mac book pro. This included Photoshop CS5. For some reason, the Bridge portion of the program no longer works in my Mac Book Pro. I get a message saying portions of the application are missing and to do a reinstall of the program. I've done, re-installs and de-install/re-installs.
My Photoshop CS4 and CS5 shows "Photoshop has stopped working" . Whereas I have Windows 7 64bit, 6GB RAM, 512MB Graphics Card.
Earlier I worked in this version. But after formating my conputer I could not do anything with only in Photoshop. First I installed Photoshop CS4 it was failed to work then install Photoshop CS5..It also failed to work.
I have a Genius MousePen 6x8 and use Photoshop CS5.1. It's been a while since I used my tablet, but it used to work before. I rebooted my computer a while ago, so I installed the new driver from the Genius website. The tablet is working fine, even the pen pressure, but for some reason it just won't work in Photoshop. I've tried to fix it by resetting the Photoshop settings by using the Ctrl+Shift+Alt, I've reset the brush tool, I've played around with the brush options and nothing has worked.
when writting in a text box whenever using punctuation it always go to the beginning of the sentence. FOR EXAMPLE (?what time is it)
i have tried changing the text engine option to East Asian and then restarting photoshop, but when reopening my exisitng work, the problem still remains.
However when creating a new document the problem is gone, however i want to resolve the problem with my exisitng document i have been working on.