I am creating a CD label using Nero. I simply want to use Photoshop to save an image with a transparent background so that I may import it onto my label. However, everytime I bring the image into Nero (or any other program), it has a white background that I am unable to get rid of. How do I save a Photoshop file with a transparent background so that it may be used in other programs?
I would like the two pictures to blend in the middle from left to right. The picture on the left will be sharpe on the left side but fade/transparent by the time it reaches the middle. The picture on the right will be sharpe on the right side but fade/transparent in the middle.
I would think I need a gradient transparency (you always have to use a color)
I see pictures like this all the time, but can not seem to find the correct feature or combinations of features.
In Coreldraw there is a transparency tool which allows you to merge one photo into another - not like layers on top of each other, but overlapping along the edges, so that the outer edges of each pic are unaffected, and the central area is like a mixture of each pic. You could do something similar in Photoshop elements using the Gradient tool, but the gradient tool in CS2 doesn't seem to work the same way.
At the moment, I'm having to join/blend two pics in Coreldraw, save the result as a jpeg, and then open the resultant file in CS2 to continue working. In Coreldraw the little tool is called 'Transparency'-'Fountain' I can't believe CS2 can't do something similar.
How do I make a background transparent? For example I made a document with just my name...Kim. I don't want there to be a rectangular/square or ANY kind of background...just that word, nothing around it, nothing behind it. How do I do that? Before you answer...
I've tried it by putting the document settings at "background>transparent". But when I came across it in my documents folder, it had a background around it. I've thought about selecting the word, and putting it onto a new, "transparent" document, but it doesn't seem to me that would help if it doesn't work when you set the background to transparent on the ORIGINAL and having it not turn out. Don't know what to do??
how do i take a picture that has a background color and make the background transparent. or copy, cut the pic and transfer to a transparent background. i need to make some renders for my site.
I'm using PNG alpha-blending for some of the graphics on my website. As most of you already know, IE isn't the best at rendering PNGs with alpha. Code:
I am realtively new to PhotoShop. Using 7.0 on Windows XP
I have a image, white background with an outlined letter C. I want to make the outside white transparent, but the inside of the letter C to remain white. Is this easy? I created a new image with a transparent background, which doesn't seem to be working.
When creating images to be used on the web there are some where I wouldn't like the white of the background visible (a transparent background).
I've tried deleting the background layer, reducing the fill and opacity to 0% and the background eraser, when I save the images there is no background visible but when previewed on the internet they appear!?
I want to make a very simple sig, text only, no effects or anything. Basically, I just don't like the available fonts that I can use for an html sig on the board I post on ;p Anyways, I save the file as a .gif with transparency and when I tested it out in an HTML file, it showed up fine, but that was only with a white background. When I changed the background color to anything other than white, the text had white pixels around it. Could anyone give some pointers on how to get rid of those pixels around the text? It wouldn't be a problem if the board background color was white, but it's blue. I also tried saving as a .png, same result.
if I use CS 4 x64 or x86 I can't save an alpha channel to the PNG format. It does support alpha, right?I opened a tga file containing the alpha channel save to png and it is gone.The same happens if I choose "Save for web and devices."
i have a word(or an object) in a new file im working , the background is white (could be other colore..doesn´t matter) ,.. all i want is to set the background transparent (and not white) , ..possible? and saved to an image file (jpeg,gif) ?
i want this cus im doing a site where the backgorun changes autom.. , so i only need the word/object to be seen without the background..
I did a forum search for GIF transparency, and couldn't find a thread initially that told me how to add transparency to a GIF.
I have this image with 2 colors (orange/white) I want to make the orange transparent. I did FILE > SAVE FOR WEB... and selected the MATTE to the ORANGE color, and reduced the GIF to 2 colors.
What else do I need to do to make that orange transparent?
I'm having a problem with animated GIF transparencies and photoshop. We've been having "halo" problems with some of our rendred images (transparencies) so I've been testing all of the animated GIF's in photoshop after compling them in Fireworks. The GIF's in fireworks look fine...full transparent background. But when I load it into photoshop the "excess canvas" background (beyond the limits of the image) are completely white. Everything within the boundaries of the image are transparent. I can solve this by trimming the canvas but need to retain the full canvas size for placement purposes.
I want to make a gradient go from light blue to dark blue so I adjust the lower first stop to light blue and the second lower stop to dark blue. Â 1. I do not want any transparency within the gradient, so do I just leave the stops on top in their default locations on the ends? Â 2. Any example of how transparency in a gradient can be used?
Using Photoshop CS5 on a mac OS 10.6.8  I scanned a black and white painting of bamboo leaves on an Epson scanner as a black and white (bitmap) image, saving it as a TIF file. The painting was compose of solid black leaves on white paper background. If I Place that image directly into an InDesign document I am working on, the white background of the image is automatically made transparent — which is exactly what I need in this case. If, however, I open the image in Photoshop to manipulate it, the transparent background becomes solid white, and I have to change the file to grayscale to edit it and erase the white background. Is there a way to import the TIF into Photoshop with it's transparent background intact?  Marc
When you merge two identical layers (with solid black-filled shapes) and with, say, 30% opacity both, the resulting layer will be a layer with 100% opacity but with 30% transparent black-filled shapes. How will you make this 100% opaque?
i'm having trouble rasterizing an .ai file.The source of this file is a pdf file that was probably not meant for print. I extracted only the fragment that's needed to describe the problem.As you can see, the transparency doesn't rasterize well (right image).I rasterized this CMYK .ai in photoshop CS5 with CMYK mode so it would preserve overprint (although RGB rasterizing renders badly too). Â such files have, for what i know, always rendered correctly in the past.There are no spotcolors in the file.My problem is not getting this specific file rendered correctly (i can think of some workarrounds, like first flattening in Illustrator). My problem is finding and fixing the cause, as our scripted workflow heavily depends on this pdf to photoshop rasterizing feature. URL....
I have the first frame and the 2nd frame, and I press tween from the 1st to the 2nd frame, with the settings at 4 frames in between, all layers and all 3 boxes checked.
When it tween the frames between the 1st and the 2nd frames end up transparent for some reason, they aren't completely see through, but you can see the background grid behind my frames.
I don't seem to be able to get transparency on my brushes. Transparency still seems to work on layer styles etc, but not on my brushes. For instense when adding smoke or similar to my work through brushes smoke comes over as a solid instead of being partly transparent.
This may sound a bit of an odd question... I often find myself having to paste pictures into powerpoint, and, when parts of my picture are transparent, I have to save it as png before importing it into powerpoint, because if I use CTRL C in PS and then paste into powerpoint, the transparent areas appear as white. Surely there must be a way to copy in PS so that the transparency is preserved? I am using CS5 EXT.
This is actually a fireworks quetion, but I can use photoshop as well if it works better there. I've seen people asking questions dealing with transparent png files and the fact that text becomes very pixilated, as I have found.
Earlier suggestions were to create slices and simply create more gif files. I really don't want to do this though. I would like to use the transparent pngs, I just want them to look good. Is there a way I can export these images (not thinking about size right now) where they will look good?
Point me in the direction of a previous thread where this was answered if I glossed over it.
I have been searching what is commonly referred to as the "inter net" for about three CONSECUTIVE days now -- I mean I haven't slept or eaten.
WHY in the world would I do such a thing? Well... to put it simply: BECAUSE NO WHERE ON THIS GOD FORSAKEN WEB are there any tutorials for creating TRANSPARENCY for GIFs in PHOTOSHOP CS:2.
After hours of searching I've all but given up hope. I keep trying every godforsaken thing I can and re-reading all the tutorials written for photoshop 5 and 6, and even the help files and online tutorials that adobe provides. NONE OF THE ABOVE have provided me with any REAL step by step information on how to successfully produce results.
I have a probleme with making the background of an animated gif transparant... I first made this animation:
Then I deleted (using magical wand on the black, and pressing delete ) the background in ImageReady 7.0 and I got this image:
Which is not realy what I want. Btw, I did "save optimized" and it only shows this bug while opening it in something else then Imageready... Does some1 knows how I can edit it so I only have 1 ring and it is transparant?