Photoshop :: Text Tool Sizing

Jun 18, 2006

If you look at this picture i've written "TEST TEST TEST" with 1296pt (the maximum that ps allows me.. but on the 1400x1050 picture it is too small.. looks like a 72pt text, if not smaller...

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Photoshop :: Font Sizing - 12pt On Type Tool

Jan 21, 2013

I appear to have come across a bug after updating Photoshop to latest version. This has happened on two of my machines.
Basically, if I set my font size to say, 12px and then scale this bigger with transform tools making it huge in size. When I click back on it with the type tool, it still tells me the size is 12 px. Even if I then change this to say 6px, it will downsize the huge font to half of its size and not down to 6px.
Just an addition to this, I just reinstalled Photoshop, tried the above before updating and it worked as you'd expect. When scaled the type up using transform and then clicked on the type it would say it was 152.8 for example. If changed it back to 12, it changed back to 12.
Updated my Photoshop to latest update, scaled it up and clicked, said it was still 12pt. Very confusing, but has to be an issue with the update.

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Photoshop :: Text Free Transform Sizing

Feb 7, 2013

First off I'm using Photoshop CS6 on a 2010 iMac.
I open a blank file and type "ABC" in any font at at size (but for sake of ease lets say 72 pts in Myriad Pro). I then do a free transform (while holding shift to keep the size correctly scaled) and either enlarg or shrink the text. At that point if I try and change the text point size through the Character panel back to 72 points it sizes to the original size I set the free transform too, or lets say I try to increse the size to 100 pts, it gives me some random size that is not 100 pts. So regarless if I enter the size to 72 points, hit enter, the text will no longer be 72 points.
I run into this issue often because I like to eyeball my text sizes when I'm doing a project and Free Transform is perfect for this. But if I have several text blocks of the same size and I change the size of one and need to match the others to the new size, this issue make matching them very difficult and frustrating.
I know I can fix it by clicking "Character Reset" via the Character panel and then choose my desired font size but that takes time and I don't understand why photoshop wouldn't just give me the font size I choose regarless of free transform or not. Is there a way around this? Is this some setting of Photoshop that I can simply bypas, or is it a glitch with the new CS6 (I do not remember having this issue with CS5)?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Selection Tool Custom Sizing?

Apr 23, 2012

I know you can custom size the selection tool by pixel position, but Is it possible to set the custom size of the selection tool to inches? For example I would like to have a custom size of 5 x 7 inches so I can place over an area and simple copy and then paste that 5 x 7 selection as a new image.

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Illustrator :: Sizing Text Box - Not Text

Oct 8, 2013

Currently using CS4 Mac.Sometimes when I grab the scale arrows on a text box, it scales the text box.Other times, though, it scales the text box and the text.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Text And Dimension Arrow Sizing

Sep 12, 2013

I am as-building some model space drawings.  Client wants model space. I am trying to determine how to size the text and dimensions.

Ex: drawing 1/2" =1'-0",  I scaled the drawing bdr up 24 times. What is the right sizing for text, dims. Arrows to get 1/8" text, etc? So far the arrow heads look to tiny.c

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Preset Text Sizing To Layers

Apr 28, 2013

im not sure if this is a thing i can do with layer translator or not.

is it possible to link a preset text size to a layer? eg. when i click some text and put it on a specific layer i want it have a certain text size and not the rotation. so its sort of a match properties thing.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Text Sizing And Line Spacing?

Jul 14, 2011

I recently purchased Graphics Suite X5 and find I'm having difficulty in getting an accurate sizing to my text height.  When I set the text height to be 3" and then start typing, the letter height comes back to me around 2 1/8".  I did find another place to set the height but that is only after I finish my lettering. How to resolve this so I don't re-invent the wheel each time I set the lettering to my designs?

I am also having some difficulty with line spacing.  I need line space in inches and the software seems to be set on a pt setting with no way to change it to inches.  

CorelDraw Graphics Suite X5; Version

Mainframe is Lenovo ThinkCentre; M Series

Windows 7 64 bit/32bit

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Lightroom :: Create Completely Custom Page Layout For Book Positioning And Sizing Pictures And Text?

Sep 17, 2013

I'd like to create a totally custom page, inserting photos at various locations and sizes as well as text regions.  Can this be done?   I haven't been able to find a way to do this.

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Photoshop :: Text Tool Becomes Move Tool

Apr 9, 2009

I started learning Photoshop CS4 about a month ago.  One of the first things I learned was to add text.  Simple, fun.  I am now trying to learn about layer masks.  One of the exercises in one of my books is to open an image and then add text to it.  (The idea is to then add a mask and 'hide' portions of the text behind portions of the image.)  A really strange thing is happening when I try to add text.  I highlight the image in the layers column.  (Prior to adding any mask layers.)  I then click the text tool.  But when I click on the image (in the area where I want the text), the text tool 'becomes' a move tool.  A text layer pops up and the words I'm trying to type on the image come out in the title area for the layer (in the layers column).  I've tried everything I can think of to 'get' the text on the image but can't solve it. 

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GIMP :: Text Tool Changes Text Properties When Paste Over Old Text Content?

Nov 2, 2012

i switched gimp 2.6 to 2.8 and new text tool behaves strangely, as i remember in gimp 2.6 when i try to change text content with selecting old text and pasting new text i could use same text size and same font with my old text without doing anything but now in the gim 2.8 whenever i try to change content of a text layer i need to choose again font and text size from toolbox options, but why do i have to do this, i have a text placed on my image with a certain font and certain font size and i just want to alter my text conten not the size of text or font , it changes automatically to back text size and font whatever i used last time in another work.

summary: i want to change my text content without setting my font and font size properties, i want to use my text layers old properties

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Photoshop Elements :: Why Won't Text Show Up On Picture When Using Text Tool

Oct 22, 2012

Using the horizontal text tool I can make a text box, but no text-blinker shows up in the box and when I type no text will appear. Although, in the Layers pannel on the right side it does name the layer whatever I have typed so why won't it show on the picture? Even if you make all other layers invisible the text layer still does not show up on a blank background.

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Photoshop :: Text Tool - Text Stays Right-aligned?

May 5, 2013

CS6 Ext on Win 7 Ultimate
Everytime I use the text tool and want to type text, it is:

1. right aligned, and

2. cursor stays left and pushes text to the right.
All stops are added to the left of the text.
I have already reset the tool and even my preferences.

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Photoshop :: Deselect Text Tool When Text Is Expected

Jun 9, 2007

photoshop is not being able to deselect text when I am using the text-tool so I can edit more text. Here is what I mean - say you have two text layers that have been filled out. Now I want to change both of them to something else. I select the first text layer and change it's text. Now I want to move on to the next layer, I click some random tool and then click the text tool again. Is there a key command that I can hit that will make the text tool active so I can select the text on the other layer?

Also I'm using CS3.

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Photoshop :: Image Re-sizing

Sep 19, 2012

Why can't I fix the size of my image in Photoshop? I try to make it, for example, 3.5" x 2.5", and have tried both the image size AND canvas size options. When I go and check the image size, it is 3.52" x 2.51", for instance. I've never encountered this before (using Photoshop 12 years now), and don't know how to fix this.

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Photoshop :: Document Sizing

Mar 2, 2012

I am a digital scrapbook designer and I, and several fellow designers, have just started experiencing some odd behavior in CS.  It is occuring on both Mac and PC platforms and in versions of CS3 through 5.
We create 12 x 12 in (3600 x 3600 px) 300 dpi documents used by our customers as "backgrounds" for digital scrapbooking kits. We save the documents as jpg's Basline Standard, anywhere from 8-12. Sometimes, if we open a saved jpg and place (drag) it onto a new 12 x 12 document, we notice that the saved file is just a bit and sometimes as much as an 8th of an inch smaller than the new document, even though they are both 12 x 12, 300 dpi. Additionally sometimes when we drag the saved files from Finder or Windows Explorer to a new document while holding the shfit key to center placement, we're still off by that same 8th of an inch.  Sometimes, if we align the horizontonal and vertical, the same jpg will be perfectly aligned and no longer too small for the 12 x 12 document and sometimes you can very clearly see the edges of the layer beneath.
This issue is driving us nuts because it just started happening recently and our customers, who very often have their finished scrapbook pages printed, have also started noticing.  I don't have a clue where start trouble-shooting this. 

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Photoshop :: Print Out Sizing

Aug 20, 2013

I have created a polka dot pattern (.125 inch) on Photoshop CS6. When I print it out at home it comes out perfectly. However, I need larger print outs so, I corresponded with FedEx print to make them for me. The issue is that the dots come out a bit smaller than .125 inch.

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Photoshop :: Image Sizing

Jul 28, 2006

here's this picture. I need it to print at a 4x6. When I upload to order it with my lab online the cropping for the 4x6 crops out fingers etc. I've resized image tried several things.

How can I make this without losing my border, etc.?

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Photoshop :: Image Sizing

Jan 17, 2005

Why is the default size of the print so large? Should I change it to just print 4x6's or leave it? Why does Save As change the size of the file and can this be changed? My photofinisher uses a Fuji Frontier printer. I am ordering PS Elements 2.0 for Dummies of which I clearly am right now!!

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Photoshop :: Photo Sizing

Dec 25, 2006

How do I size a picture in Adobe? Either before I make changes to the picture or after, I go to 'Image' then 'image size' and I try to change the dimensions of the photograph, but it automatically it refers to its own preferred size. How do I unlock it so as to adjust it to my likings?

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Photoshop :: Sizing Images

Aug 16, 2006

I have been unable to print several resized images onto one single picture.

I have been resizing an image by selecting an area, copying, creating a new blank image via NEW>CLIPBOARD and then pasting the image onto the blank canvas. Then going to IMAGE>IMAGE SIZE and changing to the required size.

This works fine for printing one image but if I copy and paste a couple of images onto a new canvas the images are not the original size.

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Photoshop :: Sizing Of Document

Jan 3, 2006

i've made a document to be sized at 8 x 11, but when it was printed out, the size was not the same.. how is this so?

and if it's like this, what should i do to make the outcome the size i want it to be?

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Photoshop :: Save For Web Sizing

May 24, 2008

If I use 'save for web' and resize the image to a specific pixel width and height, how do I know if it is resized at 72 pixels per inch, 96 pixels etc? Are there specs for low, high, maximum quality in the Save for Web tool?

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Photoshop :: Sizing Layers?

Aug 12, 2008

I'm trying to do is create a new background that is 4x6 then I want to drag and drop a photo onto it that is 4x6. When I do the photo is much smaller than the new background.

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Photoshop :: Sizing And Zoom

Feb 7, 2005

I have Microsoft picture and fax viewer that I use to show off my pictures in a slide show. I can get an awesome zoom to see minute details. How can I do this in Photoshop? Many times, the image becomes blury or pixelated. Some pics, I only want a small detail, so I try zooming in and using the marque tool to capture it and place in a new image, but it there a better way to do this to keep the clarity of the picture?

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Photoshop :: Re-sizing Action

Mar 25, 2008

I have created an action to re-size images as I have 700 to do. BUT when I try to batch process I keep getting the Jpeg option box open to set image quality. This only happens when trying to batch process original straight out of the camera images. If I try to batch already saved images it works ok. Does anyone have any idea how to get around this?
I'm using CS and Win XP home.

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Photoshop :: PS CS2 Printing (Sizing)

May 23, 2006

I have created a Photoshop image to print on a 8.5 x 11 inch canvas size (letter paper) and have scaled the document inside the canvas with 1/4 inches on all sides of the image. However shows that the image is over and above the allowable printable area for a letter size page.

I have to resize the image for printing to get the entire image in the letter size page. Problem is, the image gets off center once resized for printing.

Is there any set margins in photoshop or by the printer to require a border ? margins ? i am stumped as the image is within the 8.5x11" canvas size, but shows the image as larger (oustside the printable area) on the print preview....thinking there is some unwritten safety margins on the letter document i have missed.

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Photoshop :: Save For Web Sizing

Jul 14, 2004

Save for Web has an option for Image Size, it's a tab on the right side of the Save for Web window (Photoshop CS).

Well, I tried to resize the size in this window, saved the file, closed every open file and reopened that resized file that I had save with that resize option. Turns out that nothing was resized

I tried it several time, still the same size, even double checked in image/image size.

So what's going on here? I just discovered this option today and thought it would be useful to post images/screenshots to the internet... that is... if it works.

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Photoshop :: Image Sizing

Mar 9, 2009

CS4 Is not allowing me to size the images as I would like.

I have PSD files that I need to size at- in this instance- to 11" Wide X 8.5" tall. CS4 will not let me do this.

When I try to size the image to fit the size I need one dimension gets thrown off. As I do not want to distort the image, I try to crop. (Cutting part of the image that has to be sacrifised to fit the size needed.) That will not work either. CS4 will not allow that change.

Once again what should be a simple task has become a miserable CS4 experience. Hours of reading instructions and watching videos is of no help.

Sizing an image to a given set of measurments should not be so difficult (and so far impossible).

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Message - Click Here With Text Tool To Add Paragraph Text Here?

Jul 29, 2011

I removed text from a rectangle and that message keep displaying in that rectangle.

CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64

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Photoshop :: How To Get New Image Sizing Update

Oct 8, 2013

how do i get the new image sizing update

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