Photoshop :: How To Tell If Pantone Color Is Involve On PSD Image
Mar 23, 2012I receive a psd file, how I can tell if a pantone color is involve when they first create the image.
View 4 RepliesI receive a psd file, how I can tell if a pantone color is involve when they first create the image.
View 4 RepliesI am doing a thermography project for a wedding in which the printer will only do two-color processing. the text will be black and a cherry blossom jpeg is illustrated in watercolor-y pinks. all will be raised printing. how do i transform the watercolor-y pinks to one pantone pink without losing the brush stroke quality of the image? do i select & replace color pixels varying the translucency of one pink pantone color? is there an easier way? i am using photoshop cs on a mac.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to change the default text color to a pantone spot color.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen I create a shape with a Pantone Color and then decrease the opacity in the color swatch palette, then go to my swatches palette and select "Select All Unused Colors" it highlights the pantone color being used in the file. In previous version, it never did this. This is for CS6. Any know fix for this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a logo that needs to be on a pantone color background at 50% opacity......
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I add the Pantone color cjart to Adobe Photoshop 10?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have CS5 Extended and specifying the pantone color number for my background layer
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have 5 spot color ( Pantone) and CMYK color at my design. How can i export this 9 color ( seperate and with Pantone) to photoshop cs4? I want see 5 pantone color and cmyk at photoshop channel list!
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a series of Illustrator documents created over 2 - 3 years. They are artwork for labels of multiple sizes of the same product. It is important that the colour is consistent. In the period concerned I will have used CS5, CS5.5 and CS6.
I have just added to the range and the client came back to me saying that the "blue has changed”. Sure enough it has. When I compare, Pantone 652 on one it is darker than Pantone 652 on a newer one. Apparently it prints differently as well. When I copy and paste blue items from one document to another (either way) they change colour. In other words PMS 652 is not consistent from one document to another.
When I check the CMYK numbers on the two documents they are very different: 50/25/0/10 and 47/24/7/0.
I have read that Pantone wished to 'improve' some things, and I know I can change the colour book in CS6, or just work some projects in older Illustrator versions. But they all seem to me to be cumbersome work arounds. Surely Pantone 652 should always be Pantone 652.
Several of our files are taking forever to print. I noticed that the color names are Pantone 464 PC. I'm not sure what the PC extension is, but when I looked at separations there were literally 100's of unnamed colors. I looked at the color styles docker and it was empty. If I change the color to a Pantone 464 C the file prints just fine.
So, my questions is, where did the PC color come from? I checked all the workstations and they are all using Pantone Coated C color docker.
I created a logo in Illustrator CS5 made of several overlapping parts, all parts have the same Pantone color, but with different intensity (I'm not sure it's called intensity, is the bar, inside the Color Palette by which you can adjust the color from white to 100% of the Pantone color of your choice). What I'm looking for is a way to change the color of all the parts at once with another Pantone with a simple click, without having to manually adjust all the intensity of every single parts again. Now, when I try, all parts changes in the new Pantone color but all are at 100%. If i change only one part at a time the percentage of intensity is observed. I know that i can do it manualy, changing every single part, but i wonder if there is a faster way that i don't know.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf I have only pantone colour, can I find the CMYK in ai?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am working in Illustrator CC and was trying to find the Pantone Process Coated and it has now been replaced by Pantone + CMYK Coated. I don't have these new swatches, wondering if there is anyway to load all the old swatch pallets into my system?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have an requirement to extact pantone color from PDF. So i had decided will go for acrobat.dll or illustrator library to get pantone and other color from the PDF. how to proceed and get pantone color from PDF using c#.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to search for a Pantone Color by color name instead of Pantone number in Illustrator CS6? Specifically the Pantone Home and Fashion TCX library?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an image which opens in illustrator and has an RGB preview.I need to print in CMYK, but when I convert the colours add strange percentages to the colour ie 17.65% etc.The image has a set colour Pantone in a separate sheet, but bares no resemblance to the breakdown color.If I put the Pantone colour into Photoshop and Illustrator I get slightly different CMYK breakdowns. How do I know which program is giving me the correct breakdown and is there a quick way of linking everything up so we are singing off the same hymn sheet?
For instance
Pantone Hexachrome Black M in PS CS5 is C74/M58/Y58/B57
Pantone Hexachrome Black M in iLL CS5 is C1/M1/Y/B100
i'm looking for a Pantone color, that has this code "PMS 583 C", i tried typing it in the Pantone Solid Coated library searchbar but i couldn't find it. does it have a different code or something, the color is greenish.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do I convert a single color bitmap to a monotone image using only one spot color?The result I get appear very wash out....
View 8 Replies View RelatedSyntax to check pantone color
eg (list.fillColor=="[CMYKColor]")
like that how to find pantone color and how to get the name of the pantone used
Recently we have been having this issue at work, We have a line of packaging that uses the same pantone color (375 C). When we go to create a new document and use that same pantone the color onscreen looks more saturated then its predecessor. The only think I can think of is that I've upgrade to the pantone plus system but have since uninstalled and reinstalled the old color books. Both documents are in CMYK color space and both use the same ICC profile. I know it wont appear this way when printed but we make a lot of PDFs for approvals and the colors come out more saturated in the PDF as well. See sample image below.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI'm running Design and Web Premium CS6 on a Windows 7 machine. I was recently using Ai's Recolor Artwork dialogue for a CMYK document. I wanted to convert my 4 color artwork to Pantone solid coated. I decided to chose some different Pantones. In older versions of Illustrator I could easily open the Color Picker, click on a Pantone value and then just type in a new value to scroll to it. This is no longer the case with Ai CS6.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to convert pantone 165 and 281 to cmyk color. I got for the orange c79 m100 and for the blue I got c95 m78 y 33 k67. Are these correct?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need to install the Pantone Colour Book plugin which has the new Pantone Color Bridge Colours. Where do I get it from, and how do I install it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a location to download the latest Pantone color swatches? We are currently running Illy CS 5.0.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI always use CMYK in my designs and the Pantone color codes for their logo design. I have never had to convert them before and have searched forums and boards with no luck in finding an easy way to do this.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI work with a large number of Illustrator files daily that all use the Pantone Solid Coated library for their swatch color scheme. This color library will be used whether customers provide the art pieces or if I design the pieces for them.
However, I have found that in order to best match our digital press we must to convert the inks to the Pantone Color Bridge CMYK PC library before printing.
Basically the same color number just the different library (eg PMS 200C would convert to PMS 200PC if outputing in-house to the digital press).
My question - is it possible to create a script that would swap out all the colors in a document (that are in a specific library) with the same colors from a different library?
*More specifically what I am wanting to do is if I have a document that has a dozen solid coated colors swap them for their same numerical equivelant in the Color Bridge CMYK PC library.
I am not sure, if this -- or something similar -- was answered before but I couldn't find any suitable thread/message/...
First of all some system information:
* imac running OSX 10.8.x and macbook running OSX 10.9.1
* Illustrator CC
* Pantone Color Manager
I am trying to use the Pantone Fashion and Home / Paper color library provided by the Pantone Color Manager, specifically for using the Radiant Ochid 18-3224 TPX (Color of the Year 2014). I saved the named library to a *.ase file and opened it in Ai. From the number of colors I guess, that all colors are imported but I can't find the 18-3224. BUT there are lots of "Unnamed Global Colors" with some of them wich might be the one in question. Using 'xxd pantone.ase' in the terminal I can find at least the name "Radiant Orchid 18-3224 TPX", which means, that it is saved in the given file.
Why are the Pantone Color tables/libraries in INDD CS6 and CC giving the incorrect process builds?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI'm stuck in a predicament. I have a 22" Gateway monitor calibrated with a Pantone Huey PRO and love the results! However, when I compare one photo in Explorer preview and the same one in Photoshop CS2 the colors are completely off. I've tried to assign the hueyPRO profile to my photos, but it still doesn't match what explorer looks like. Theres also a profile listed from my printer, an Epson RX580, and that one still looks different than the photo in explorer preview.
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I just couldn't get the result.
I am trying to make business cards in Adobe Illustrator using the Pantone Color System. In my logo, the middle circle is a dark grey: C20 Y20 M20 K80. I can't find a suitable Pantone grey that is this dark. Pantone 425U is too light. Also, which Pantone Black is the darkest?
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