Photoshop :: How To Make A Transparent Object In Photoshop
Jun 22, 2006
Recently I downloaded a colorSlider to study from flash web site. The author made a flower as an transparent in Photoshop (the center embossed area was remained), so it's color will be changed along with the colorSlider movement in flash. But I just don't know how to make a transparent object like the author did.
Using PS CS4 on Windows XP. I have an image on the left with apples showing 4 that are transparent (opacity set to 50%). I am wondering if there is a way to make the apple look transparent, but not transparent to the others so that the apples look more like they do on the right (not going through each other). I understand these are completely solid, but I was wondering if there is a way to make an object look like it's transparent, but not be able to go through another object.
I have an object that I need to photograph and make transparent for video purposes. How would I go about doing this with Photoshop?
I have a clean product shot against a white background, but I can also take one against black if that makes any difference. I tried searching the forums and the web but I think my wording was a bit too technical, and I was unable to find any information.
Iis there a way to make an object more transparent when see through mode is toggled? it is difficult for me to see through the object and wanted to set the transparency to like 25 instead of 50.
How do you make the background of an object transparent in Adobe Illustrator?
I have been having issues with using the Magic Wand tool in Adobe Illustrator as well as the lasso tool.
Basically, I am trying to put a small graphic into a new Illustrator file.
The first thing I tried to do is to use the magic wand tool. But I found out that this did not work on a jpeg image since it did not have any individual objects to select.
So I tried something new. I opened the file in Adobe Photoshop and used the lasso tool to select an area. Then I coped this area. Then I tried to paste it into Adobe Illustrator. But the background was not transparent for the pasted image.
How do I make the background transparent.
I made this small video to show what I am talking about: [URL] .....
I have pictures I've brought in from PS and traced them, when I go to overlap them, the white box from the images block the image behind it. How do I make everything around the image transparent so it doesn't block the rest of the objects/pictures..etc.
I'm sure there's a way to do this but for the life of me I can't remember and can't find it when I do a search. I have an object that is comprised of several lines that are grouped together, and I want to fill the entire group with a fractal cloud 3-color fill. In order to do so, I am creating the fill as a background, and making the object transparent, but when I do that, all my lines disappear (of course!) but I need the lines in it for details. Basically I want to layer this object
I have a logo that I am working with and I need to make it a 3D object for what I'm doing in After Effects. I am trying to make it 3D so I can edit it in repousse because all I really need to do is extrude it.
I've tried the different options in the 3D drop down menu but none of them bring me to edit in repousse.
Also, I know that I can make it 3D in After Effects my making multiples of it and what not but I don't want to go about it that way. Also, I'm working with CS5.5 and the 3D renderer plugin in After Effects is only available in CS6.
OK, total newb with photoshop here. Not sure how to explain what I was trying to do so if title is not descriptive enough, sorry.
Also have searched but agian difficult to explain what I want so difficult to find correct search words.
I have a layer is a PSD which someone else has created, unfortunately said person has not come back with a how to on this, where there are a few 'white' objects which fade from solid white in the centre to transparent at the edge. Also if the object has thin lines these also fade.
I have been trying to figure out how to create text within another object that blends in with the background (behind that object).
If you notice the "two plus three equals" portion on the top left of the 5 blends in with the color of the shirt (so if the shirt was red or blue, the "two plus three equals" would show up as red or blue instead of yellow). How do you do this in photoshop? I've been trying to find a tutorial on this for a while, but to no avail.
how to edit an "uneditable smart object" (Layer>Smart Objects>Edit) but can't get rid of the white background... I want it to be transparent. This is despite the fact that I've indicated transparent background in the New File specifications.
How do I make a transparent hole in CS6? I've tried the ellipse tool>stroke>blend opacity to 0, but that just clears the gray circle. It does not create a clear hole.
Just so you know, I have a square psd in a file with numerous other layers and I want to make it round and put a transparent circle in the center to make a DVD label. That's what I'm after and I can't believe I forgot how to do this.
I do a lot of UI design and webdesign in Photoshop and as most people I like to apply a subtle noise here and there. I usually do it this way:
First I decide whether I want black or white noise. Secondly I create a new layer and fill it with opposite color. Then I choose Add Noise and apply 100% uniform monochromatic noise. In the end I choose between Multiply and Screen mode according to the noise I want and play around with opacity.
Now I am coding a website in HTML5 and CSS3, which allows me to recreate all elements without unnecessary images and workarounds, but I am not able to create appropriate texture to emulate the noise. For example black noise: I wanted to create the noise as I usually would, just skipping the Multiply blending mode part and rather trying to substitute white color with transparent (and accordingly for shades), meaning I will get document where some pixels would be 100% black, some would be 0% black, and the rest between. In CSS I would then repeat this over some element and change opacity accordingly.
I have been creating some images for e-mail marketing and would like to spice it up with some colored backgrounds. How do I make my images transparent without using polygon tool.
There are times I have to use the 32bit version of CS6, because the plugin being used can't be used in the 64bit version. But the last two days, this error started up out of the blue. This is the error popup I get, verbatim "Could Not Complete the Browse In Bridge command because Photoshop was unable to find the Javascript plug-in"
This error doesn't happen with the 64Bit version, nor does it happen in CS5 64 or 32bit, and not in CC 32bit (downloaded the trial to test to see if it was a 32bit compatbility problem) and none of these cough up this error.
I haven't copied or deleted any parts of Adobe or any files in any of the program directories.It happens in Photosho I try to Browse in Bridge from Photoshop, not if Bridge is already open.
And yes, I know Extension Manager CS6 no longer supports Bridge, but I wasn't using it. This error just started yesterday. Been using the 32bit version of CS6 for certain plugins for over a year. Again, haven't deleted or added anything.
i have a png image whit a blue backgroundif i select the background and press CANC photoshop ask me how i want to fill it, colour BG colour etc...why i can't just delete the BG and make it transparent?and another thing, when you have the 2 colour selection (on the left side) the white and the black square, is there a way to make the bottom square transparent? (i suppose is the grey square with a red line in it)
i have always wanted to know how to do this so that i can make better themes for my cell phone, ill try explain it the best i can i hope someone understands me.
Here is the theme creator for my phone, well im making one for my wife actually.....
see the red circled area thats the icon that will hover over your choice of selection. As you can see the properties are 91x69 I have found the perfect picture to hover over the menus, however if i just crop the picture 91x69 there will be some bacground image left... Code:
I basically want to remove all of the black background from the image so that the animated tesseract is all that remains. I know how to open the gif to expose the layers using ImaegeReady, then edit them in PhotoShop.
But when I made the black areas of each layer transparent (by selecting the RGB channel, inverting the selection, and hitting delete), saved a copy, and tried viewing it, it seems to just display all of the transparent layers constantly instead of cycling through them. Code:
I understand it is possible to make one colour transparent when you save a photoshop file for the web. This is useful to make objects appear to float over backgrounds on your web page.
My problem is that I don't know HOW to do this! When I save for web, I can't see how I select a colour to be transparent. If you set the background as transparent when you create your image, it just gets saved as a white background.
way to giveone side of an object another opacity then another side. There should also be a flow between the 2 opacity's. The only way I can think of is doing it "manualy": by cutting it in slices with different opacity or using the gum-tool with a low opacity...
What I want to do is make it seem as though an image is super-imposed on another. More specifically I'm trying to put someone's face on a guitar in a picture and had two layers:
1) The guitar
2) The persons face
if it's possible to make the persons face transparent enough(If at all) so it would appear on the guitar?
I'm having trouble making my image transparent. It's a simple .jpg, logo for our company. I tried "save as" and tried to save it as a .gif... and that didn't work.
I've gone to create a new shape layer or text layer, it appears like it's at 50% opacity. I've checked my layer settings, and they're all at 100% fill and opacity. I can't see any reason why they'd be semi-transparent, and none of the settings I've tried have changed anything. I've even tried deleting the shapes/text, saving my document, and starting over. That worked one time, but this time it's not working.
Even applying a color overlay still results in a semi-transparent shape.I am in the middle of doing a design for a client, for print, and I really can't be dealing with this right now.