White LEDs are currently not a great way to illuminate your prints because they are not near full spectrum light sources. Most "white" LEDs are currently blue or violet LEDs with a green or yellow phosphor added to look neutral - but they have very little light in other areas (especially red). Some high end white LEDs are getting closer to full spectrum - but those are only recently available, and are not yet widespread.
Cheap fluorescent lamps tend to have a few "spikes" of light and have some wavelengths almost entirely missing. "Full Spectrum" Fluorescent lights are getting better, and cheaper - but are still not comparable in quality to tungsten or daylight.
Spectra measured with X-Rite ColorMunki and Argyll CMS spotread utility. Multiple readings averaged, normalized and plotted in Microsoft Excel.
I'm using the 30 day trial of VisualStudio x6 to create a DVD from multiple different video sources (MOV, MP4, MPG, WMV etc) that are all recorded in HD or near HD qulity. The total size of all these videos on my HDD is upwards of 7Gb. My problem is, when I burn the DVD it compresses down to just over 950Mb and the quality is noticably degraded.
I realize there will be some quality loss going from source to DVD but is there anything I can change in the settings to achieve the highest quality DVD output? It seems like from 7Gb to 950Mb, its not even trying to maintain any quality. Not even half the single layer DVD disc gets filled. I also have DL DVD's to burn to. Basically, I want the highest quality DVD from these HD sources regardless of final output size.
1) on the attached, how do I produce the effect of the shaky light on the brick floor that can be seen on the 2 lights in background behind the swimming pool (tried shadow effects option) 2) the fire on the left hand side (in front) still looks too superimposed, even though I've tried some of the things I was advised to do on a similar post (adjust vibrant mid tones, use burn tool etc).
I opened up Adobe Photoshop, the usual white color was a light yellow. The RBG color values were right for white but White just wouldn't show. White shows in every other program I have used, word, mozilla, excel, etc. I just recently got a new samsung monitor and I wonder if it might be a display problem. My old CRT monitor didn't have this problem. I tried playing around with the color settings but it did nothing. No matter what I do, all the white because a light yellow on adobe photoshop.
CS5, Photoshop. I want to replace a short portion of the top of a black turtleneck sweater with the adjacent skin color. In other words, lower the height of the turtleneck on the neck. Skin color is very light white. I have tried th patch tool, but it does not change the balck to the white skin color. It just lightens the black slightly. how to replace the black with the light white?
Have a light cyan (13% dot max gradient piping the text) emboss letters spot channel .psd placed in AI. In Photoshop the image shows up great, but in Illustrator is notvisible (goes to white).
Color profile is good & generated with hardware device i1Profiler Same color settings in both AI & PS- North Amercian General Purpose in bothAssign profile tried both Working CMYK US WEB v2 & don't color manageÂ
I got a new corel draw x6. When I print the file at color printer with some white color inside the file. The white color will print on the paper like light yellow color but what I suppose the white color should not appear on the paper.
i do not know much about color spaces. But I do know that different forms of media require using different colors (RGB, CMYK, all that stuff).  wrong color space or exporting formats.  What do I need to do to get the final video that I exported to look exactly the same (in terms of color) when it's uploaded on YouTube? Strictly just the color, because I understand quality goes down when uploaded to YouTube.
Every time I try to run a script it comes up with the following message  Error 2: SAVE_FOLDER is undefined. Line: 361 ->  I've tried uninstalling photoshop/deleting the script from all sources/reinstalling the script/reset photoshop settings by pressing shift+ control+alt whilst starting photoshop... but none of these work.
I'd just like to disable eveything except for the scanner software I actually use so I can just go to File > Import > and quickly click on the option I actually use to scan things in without thinking which one it is. Other options I almost never use, is there any way to disable them from showing up in the File > Import menu?
I am trying to animate a casino-like light board made of tens of light bulbs/leds. I thought the easiest way to do it would be creating a matrix of bulbs arranged by material ID and then design a pattern in multi sub-object materiel so I could somehow scrub through it and achieve animation effect. The material modifier allows to change ID for the whole object only and MaterialByElement shuffle ID`s in a random manner.
I am attempting to build a facsimilie enigma machine, I would like to know how best to create an effect so that when a key is pressed a corresponding letter appears to light up. Btw I am not looking for an animated image, I can take care of the transitions between on and off, I just need to create the two image states.
How do you lock the pivot point of a light to the light itself? I thought just adding a Axis node would move the light and pivot point but the pivot does not move. Is there a way of parenting them together?
I am having problem importing data from two different source. The first one is hypso data and is supposed to be in lat / long from the CSRS. When I import the shape file in C3D using these specification, the white arrow appears in the center of the drawing, and everything seems fine.
Now then, I have those data point from land survey with a GPS I wish to had to my surface. When I import my text file ( which is in P - X - Y - Z format ), the point appears way offside of the hypso drawing.
So I was wondering, how can I know the system in which those point were recorded. Once I know this, how can I specify to C3D that the hypso is in a certain system, and the GPS point in another one, so that they will come together ?
I got some shp files from different sources and I tried to connect all together to a new (MAP 3d 2010) .dwg file.
Besides the two different positions, the size of one is too bigger than the other. However, when I use mapdist command, the measurement are practically the same.
I figure out that I can deal with some of those shp files when I assign LL coordinate system, but other files run when I assign UTM coordinate system. For example, using buffer command.
There is no defined coordinate system in any of the shp files I have.
What should I do to overlay all features on the fly?
I am having problem with swapping Sources in History in the record timeline. In the History view I can double click on the processes in the tree, i.e. Action or refrain but if I double click the source to swap it out nothing happens. Nothing at all.
what could be causing this, really very annoying when I want to replace the current footage with a new render from 3d.
I have a paint node with several sources for revealing. I´d like to see these sources for example to set the slip within paint. The documentation says F1 F1 but that doesn´t work. Is this a bug or are there alternative ways of seeing that source?
I've reviewed the video tutorial on moving photos out of your main drive to another drive, and it seems reasonably straight forward.  However I have a mixed scenerio here, and I just want to check on the best and safest way to do this.  Before I settled on a NAS solution, and while I was running out of space on my Macbook Pro, I began using an external drive to hold both photos and catalogs.  Now that the NAS is up and running, what I would like to do is:  Move the ≈20K photos from the MBP main catalog to the NASMove the ≈1TB of photos from the external drive to the NASMove some of the corresponding catalags off the external and onto my MBP so they remain stand alone...Combine the remaining catalogs on the external drive into my main catalog on the MBP.Â
So again, I'm just casting for a best strategy from others who have done this, and what if any pitfalls to be wary of. Â Â LR4, OSX 10.7.5
I'm pretty new to photoshop, and I've started on a personal project. I want to basically take a video still from a music video and turn it into a poster. Sadly i can not find a good quality version of the video as it is older and not super famous, (kyuss-one inch man). So i found an online video that is better then youtube but not great, and i captured it through the vista snipping tool (screen capture).
Basically I want to take this low quality picture, and turn it into a good quality poster (not huge). What techniques and things must I do? I'll probably have to find a printer near here and require a specific dpi as well.
I have two videos of the same event that I would like to switch between. There is audio to sync to the video as well.
What I wanted to do was: 1) Put the main video in the main video track 2) Put the audio in the music track and aling with the main video 3) Put the secondary video in the overlay track. Align it with the audio and set the overlay to cover the entire screen. 4) Cut out most of the overlay video (spit the clip into sections and delete most of them).
That worked as far as it went -- the main video shows, interspersed with the secondary video, and everything is aligned with the audio. The problem is that the change between video perspectives is quite aburpt, but I cannot figure out how to make the transitions be seamless.
I added transitions to the beginning and end of each small clip on the overlay panel, but that didn't really make things seamless, particularly at the end of the clip -- there isn't anything to cross cut to, and if it fades to black then the main video pops up immediately when the overlay clip ends.
I tried splitting the video in the main track at the spot where the overlay comes in and adding a transition to the end of it; no matter what i try with the ripple settings, that throws the audio out of sync when the overlay is finished. I also tried deleting that section in the video track and moving the video from the overlay track into the video track; that was difficult enough to make sure that the sections were exactly the same length, but then I still have the problem with the transition lengthening the clip and throwing off the audio. I guess I could somehow figure out how to trim exactly the right amount of time from the clip I am inserting to solve that problem. Really, I guess I'd have to do that twice -- once for each transition -- because if otherwise the audio would be off in the clip being inserted. So I need to trim 1 second (or whatever) from the beginning; split it somewhere, and then trim 1 second from the end.
How can I sample more sources in my profile view? I added a new surface that I want to see on my profile, but it doesn't show the "sample more sources" option like the sections do..
I have a 45min show with hundreds of edits in it. A mix of ProRez LT, Intra P2 (brought in ProRez proxy) and H264 5D footage. My intention was to relink all my Intra footage with the RAW and simply import the rest for online but have run into several issues. I'll make a different post outlining my steps and questions on how I've gotten here but my emidiate issue is after consolidating and cacheing all sources material of my master sequesnce, I have pending renders, how to get rid of. Also, all my source material in the sequesnce appears to be still be pointing to the original location and not the cached media. Â Smoke on Mac 2013 EXT 1
updating the source of a custom table in a drawing. I wrote a design copy rule that takes a template "module" and saves all the files off into the customer's project folder. This latest module has an orientation chart that details the location of key features and is displayed on the drawing. We're driving the chart using an external excel file. I can get the reference in the assembly to update with no problem by just telling the driving rule to look for an excel with matching project and assembly numbers in the same folder as the assembly.
However, when I try and update the reference in the drawing, I can get the "3rd Party" link to change, but it doesn't change the actual link in the table. Here's a pic of the tree and my part of the current code. How can I make it update the actual link?
TryDim oSht As Sheet = oDwgDoc.Sheets.Item(1)Dim oChart As CustomTable = oSht.CustomTables.Item(1) MsgBox(oChart.Title)Dim oChartDesc As FileDescriptor = oChart.ReferencedDocumentDescriptorchartDocName = oDwgDoc.ReferencedDocumentDescriptors.Item(1).FullDocumentNameIf chartDocName.Contains("OrientationChart") ThenMsgBox("The dude contains")End If orientChartName = Left(iProperties.Value("Custom", "OldName"), [code]....
How do I use the standard Revit can lights in a wood joist floor with drywall applied to the bottom? If I place in a suspended ceiling, can lights light up just fine. However, if I use them in the floor space of a wood joist floor, the light itself gets covered with the floor. How can I get the light to cut the floor out so I can see the light when it is rendered?
My problem is related with the quality of a image.
My question is how to maintain high quality (original quality) of a image after resizing it?
If i resize it with same ratio like:
2816x2112px to 1600x1200px (4:3) 2816x1584px to 1920x1080px (16:9)
Mainly i use scale image option in Gimp. But now i need to resize many images for my work so i tried David's Batch Processor to resize my images. After using it, i found there is some quality promble with the resized image.
Then i tried, the scale option with, use quality setting from original image and JPEG quality parameter is 95, in gimp but the problem is same. I did it with also with David's batch processor- JPEG quality parameter is 95.
Other thing is that, the original image 2816x2112px (4:3), size- 3.6 MB is displaying in image viewer with 47% and the resized image 1600x1200px (4:3). size- 1.2 MB is displaying in image viewer with 83%, So my questions are: How can i check the quality of a image after resizing it, means the image is exactly same as the original? Or Is David's Batch Processor maintain the original quality of the images after resizing?. I realy need to resize many images for my work.
I am trying to import photos from my computer to Photoshop elements 11. It has imported most but wont import some as "file quality is too high". How do I get around this? Do I have to downgrade the quality of my photos? To do editing wouldn't you want the best quality photos to start off with?
following image shows up fine on WIndows machines, but on Macs it shows up as balck instead of navy, why? I have tried svaing in PDF, JPG, PNG, and PDF nwith Mac color profiles... what is going on? PS, the navy is #0d1125
I have a multilayered psd file. All layers should remain opaque except the black to white gradient layer where I need the white to be transparent. So that when I place the final psd on top of a block of solid colour in Indesign the gradient shows the background colour through where the black fades off.