Photoshop :: Uninstalled Fonts Showing Up In PS Font...
Jun 26, 2009
I manually cancelled tons fo fonts that I previously installed in Windows/Fonts folder but Photoshop CS4 still shows the font names in the font list and I can't get rid of them..What should I do to have only available fonts in the list? Now available fonts are shown with name and sample, missing fonts just have names (it obviously can't preview them because they are not in the font folder)...
I have put some new fonts into C:/windows/fonts and they have come up in other programs e.g. Microsoft office but they are not showing up in photoshop.
i am using vista home premium with SP1 and it is 32bit and photoshop cs4.
, i recently upgraded to Adobe Photoshop CS5 but I appear to have lost all my downloaded fonts from the CS4 version of the software, when I had CS4 and wanted to add new fonts I just included them into my mico word and for some reason they popped into Photoshop also, I done this with several fonts I downloaded and used often in CS4, Â I thought as they where in micro word then they would not be replaced when updating CS4 to CS5, but they do not appear, i have looked in the woord fonts and they are still avalible to use there, but dont appear in the list of fonts for CS5, is CS5 set up a little different, like to i need to copy the fonts over into a file that resides in CS5
i want to uplaod some text into photoshop, i know you have ot put it into common files under adobe and then fonts but it doesnt show in photoshop, the only possible reason i can think of is this text i am trying to upload is true type font and all the others are open font, can i change it any way or any possibilities of uploading the text in a different way?
Using windows 7 OS. from start> open control panel>fonts. For example: "AdobeFanHeitiStd-Bold.otf" is in fonts folder, but does not show up in photoshop list of fonts in "character" panel. what can i do to show all fonts in the charater panel list?
how to display fonts (in the font drop-down on the text tool options bar) in their own font. For example, I'd like to see the word "Arial" displayed in Arial style in this drop-down list. I'm using 7.0.
My client and I are going back and forth on different computers and versions of Photoshop (cs4 for him and cs6 for me) and we are using the exact same font files. (I have quadruple checked this!!) We are also using the same settings and preferences both on screen and when we "save for web.
Also, all fonts are set to "crisp" -- BUT when we look at the files both on screen in photoshop, and on an ipad or screen as a .gif -- the cs6 version looks a TINY bit bolder/thicker. I'm working with various fonts and they're all doing this. See the two images below, I know the difference is almost insignificantly small, but this is an issue for the project we're working on. Â CS4: CS6:
I've been using PS for decades. What as always confounded me over this time is the lack of "favorites" or recently used fonts in PS. I can't believe the developers of PS havn't figured this out. It's a royal P.I.T.A to have to wade through hundreds of fonts every time. Â Can we finally get this incorporated!
I have linotype and i often type things in and scroll thru to see what font looks best. However, There are are a lot of fonts that are not available to PS cs5. Some of these fonts have Adobe at the design of their manes. They did not exist previous to me installing PS so i figure these are specifically made by Adobe fonts.  So why are these fonts not available in PS? Do i need a better font manager?
I have a lot of fonts, but I only enable about 30 fonts at a time using Font Book. However, ALL 1000+ of my fonts still appear in the pull down menu in Photoshop. This causes my system to slow down and Photoshop to crawl. Â Dumping my font caches is not working. This problem seems to happen a lot and at random times. This affects ONLY Adobe products (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator). All my other programs work well with Font Book. Â Specs: Photoshop CS3 Font Book ver 2.2.2 OS 10.6.8Â (20" iMac) Upgrading to newer OS is NOT an option. Â Dumped all AdoneFnt*.lst files and restarted. Restarted in safe mode. Checked all fonts for corruption (all are perfect). Tried
for some reason, all of a sudden photoshop wont display any available fonts in my font list beyond the begining of the letter m. i have tons of fonts. not all of them are turned on. ones that are turned on though and that i have been using up to this point regularly are not accessable now.
I have fonts that I've installed in both my Windows XP and Windows 7 PCs. They show up in the Control Panel - Fonts and open, they show up in Word, but do not show up in Photoshop CS4. I see in the CS4 Mac forums that there is a way to register a font in CS4, but I can find nothing on doing that on a Windows PC.Â
I have a font called "Myriad" that i can access in Photoshop but i need to use it in Freehand but it is not displaying there, also it is not displaying in my fonts folder.
I have the Adobe Font Folio (Open Type) but I don't know where to start. I do a lot of small ads and so I use a lot of small type.
Does anyone know which fonts in this pack are good for small type? Maybe something thick that will look better at a smaller font size.
I've tried going through the fonts by highlighting the font name in the box and using the arrow keys to rifle through them, but as you know, it highlights what's on the page, making it near to impossible to see how the font would actually look if it weren't highlighted.
I have been exporting docs to pdf/x and the fonts are not showing up on Macs only on pc's? If this is a bug I hope we are not going to have to wait until next version for this to be fixed.
In Illustrator CS5, I would use a font called Kozuka Mincho Pro/EL. Illustrator's font selector would show the font with the English name. I'm on a Mac running 10.7.4 and Font Book shows me the font with the English name as well. After upgrading to CS6, the font name in Illustrator is being displayed in Japanese. Unfortunately, I don't read Japanese. Is there some way to correct this on my end or is there a bug in Illustrator CS6?
I'm in a Photoshop document, and I'm working with two different text areas. Both area registering as 14px in size in the Type menu, and yet, they're radically different in size. One is tiny, whilst the other is at least twice, maybe thrice the size. Why is this happening? Â I've checked there's no overlapping text areas and things like that, everything should be fairly normal, it just isn't. Â I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2 x64 for Mac, running on a Macbook Pro Retina 1.83ghz and 8GB ram.
I'm working on coreldraw x3 and when I try and use one of my installed fonts such as LHF Lincoln it's in the drop down menu but once I try and change text to the LHF lincoln font the sample text goes blank. When I find the LHF font in the drop down menu it doesn't show an example of the font style like the rest of the fonts I have installed. I tried to reinstall but no luck. Any font I have installed that doesn't show a preview of the font, I can't use. Most of them are OTF fonts but I have other OTF fonts that work fine. Why a font in my font list shows up but goes blank when I try and apply the font style to some text?
How do you get more fonts to add to the font config? I want to make someimages with cool font but don't know where to find them. This is where I found out about fontconfig [URL]...
I am getting font style(like regular, bold, italic etc) like this-  while (count < fontCount) {//loop , which iterate throgh used fonts.                                                  ATE::IFont currentFont = fontRefArray.Item(count);                                                  if (!currentFont.IsNull()) {                                                            FontRef fontRef = currentFont.GetRef();                                                            AIFontKey fontKey = NULL;                                                            result = sAIFont->FontKeyFromFont(fontRef, &fontKey);                                                            result = sAIFont->GetUserFontName(fontKey, fontname, 50);                                                            result = sAIFont->GetPostScriptFontName(fontKey, psname, 50);                                                            result = sAIFont->GetFontStyleName(fontKey, stylename, 50);                                                            result = sAIFont->GetFontFamilyUIName(fontKey, familyname, 50); }  For some fonts(not all the fonts) , Style name is comming as empty string, however for other fonts its working. Not sure why its working for some fonts and not for others. Other font properties are coming fine for all fonts.When its failing, result is not kNoErr, but i dont know that how to get the exact error?