Photoshop :: Transparency Option With TIFF?

Mar 17, 2005

I have a graphic in Photoshop that I am trying to save as a TIFF or JPEG, so that it can be used in Pagemaker. However, when I place the image in a Pagemaker document, I get this white box around the boundaries of the image. Is saving as a GIF the only way?

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Photoshop :: Transparency Fill Option In CS6

May 23, 2012

In previous versions of Photoshop if you had a selection you could hit the delete key and the selection would be filled with transparency.  When I do that in PS CS6 it brings up the fill dialogue box and I don't see any transparency fill options.  How to do this in CS6?

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Illustrator :: 3D Transparency Won't Translate To PDF Or TIFF

Jun 25, 2012

i am creating a logo for a friend. I have an image that I drew, made transparent and then 3d. I want to save it as a pdf or jpg or png and when I try it, it eliminates the transparency effect.

Below is what it looks like when saved in PDF and any other format.

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Photoshop :: Layer Option 'multiply' To Remove Color To Transparency

Sep 16, 2004

as an alternative to using the magic wand to remove a color to transparency (which leaves fine detail, say in a line drawing, in a very sorry state) i saw someone use the multiply function in layer options to remove all white from a greyscale image leaving black lines over transparency. neat,

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GIMP :: Windows 2.6.11 File / Open TIFF And JPEG Not An Option

Mar 24, 2012

I have installed both version 2.6.11 and also version 2.4.7 of the Windows version of Gimp that I have downloaded from here [URL]

When I launch Gimp, and select File / Open from the main menu, neither TIF/TIFF nor JPG/JPEG files are listed when "All Images" is selected in the file type drop-down listbox. If I select "All Files", and then select either a TIFF or JPEG file, then an error message appears stating "Unknown file type". The specific types listed in the file type drop down list box include:

GIMP XCF image (*.xcf)
bzip archive (*.xcf.bz2, *.bz2, *.xcfbz2)
Dexktop Link (*.desktop)
G3 fax image (*.g3)
GIF image (*.gif)
gzip archive (*.xcf.gz, *.gz, *.xcfgz)
Photoshop image (*.psd)

I have read here: [URL] that, "Some of the file types, such as JPEG and TIFF, require extra libraries (described elsewhere)." I have no idea where "elsewhere" is.

I have completely uninstalled, rebooted, and reinstalled both version 2.6.11 and 2.4.7 with the exact same results each time. The program otherwise works as advertized, with no errors or problems that I am aware of.

Am I missing something here? All indications are that GIMP (Even the Windows version) natively supports TIFF / TIF and JPEG / JPG files, but that is certainly not my experience!

I am specifically interested in opening TIFF / TIF files.

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Paint.NET :: Dark Transparency Grid Option

May 21, 2013

Implement the option to change the transparency grid colors, even if it's only a simple toggle between dark/light grids. It would work when drawing light objects.

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Photoshop :: Advantages Of Storing Images In TIFF, TIFF LZW And TIFF JPEG?

Jul 5, 2004

I am cleaning up the Hard Drive on my Mac G4. My scanned images are taking a great portion of the 80 Gig drive. I finished clearing my external drive by removing nearly 60 gigs of images by storing them on DVD. I will do the same for the Mac drive.

My trouble is that all my images are stored in TIFF format which takes up enormous space no matter the storage. Since I output images in various sizes, mainly prints, to 30 x 40 inches, I need a master image archived in the best format for such. However, I do not want to fill my drives, or DVD, with large files. Code:

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Plot Transparency Option In PLOT Dialog Box

Sep 11, 2012

Where else do they keep this setting? I only have found it in Active Layout in extended dada

(entget (vlax-vla-object->ename(vla-get-activelayout (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object)))) '("*"))
The last pice of extended data is:
 ("PLOTTRANSPARENCY" (1071 . 0))
When i change it to 1
(setq layout(vla-get-activelayout (vla-get-activedocument(vlax-get-acad-object))))
(vla-getXdata layout "PLOTTRANSPARENCY" 'type 'data)
(vlax-safearray-fill data  '("PLOTTRANSPARENCY" 1))
(vla-setXdata layout  type data)

it stays there (extended data), but the setting in Plot dialog box doesn't change!!! And it still prints no transparency.

It takes to save the drawing and reopen it again to see the change.

The command -PLOT does not have this setting as well, so my options back to VBA or Lisp, but HOW?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Plot Thin Lines And Dots When Plot Transparency Option Is On

Feb 6, 2012

I have a problem to plot thin lines and dots when Plot Transparency option is On in the Plot dialog box.

The lineweight is a half of the original. I think i have tried everything.

It shows correctly in the Plot Preview but when printed there are no dotted hatches and lines are much thinner.

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Photoshop Elements :: 12 - Save TIFF File With Extension TIFF Instead Of TIF

Dec 2, 2013

I am using PSE 12 as an external editor for Aperture.  When I ask to use an external photo editor, Aperture creates a .tiff file in my Aperture folder, launches PSE 12 and tells it to edit that .tiff file.  This all works great.  When I am done editing in PSE 12, I ask it to save the file and it saves it back to the original Aperture folder with a .tif extension.  I can instead say "save as" and then it suggests the file name with a .tif extension.  When I correct the extension to .tiff it warns me that I'm going to overwrite the file (exactly what I want!).  I say yes and then I find out that PSE did not overwrite the file, but wrote it as a .tif file anyway.  I have to go to the folder, delete the .tiff file and rename the .tif file to .tiff and then everything is fine - but what a hassle. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Where To Find Feather Option And Smooth / Refine Edges Option In Adobe E7

Sep 19, 2012

Where can I find feather option and smooth/refine edges option in Adobe Element 7.

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Photoshop :: Layer Blending Option Mess With Other Layers Option

Oct 2, 2011

As you might see in layer panel. there is a blending option applying on text. and when i try to applying new blending option i-e drop shadow or inner shadow to layer shape 5. it will mess with also to text layer.

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Photoshop :: Transparency To Not Transparency In Photo

Sep 10, 2006

I have two pictures.

I would like the two pictures to blend in the middle from left to right.
The picture on the left will be sharpe on the left side but fade/transparent by the time it reaches the middle.
The picture on the right will be sharpe on the right side but fade/transparent in the middle.

I would think I need a gradient transparency (you always have to use a color)

I see pictures like this all the time, but can not seem to find the correct feature or combinations of features.

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Illustrator :: Remove Layer Option Color Option?

Jan 13, 2012

I cannot stand it when I make a new layer in Illustrator and the color hint becomes yellow. This usually happens on the third new layer into every project. I can go in and manually change it from yellow to the ten plus other colors, but I just want yellow completely out of the list. It's awful to look at, and I think every other color is easier.

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Photoshop :: Tiff

Nov 27, 2006

do enough basics to layout a 32 page quarterly magazine. Quark is fairly simple and I can do the basics with Photoshop. I have a question about the tiff format. My printer guy says I need to change all photos into CMYK and save them as a tiff. When I take a 853kb file and save it as a tiff the size goes to 12mb. Usually I don't worry about it, but this issue our members are submitting photos and I have a lot to change and put in. The size of the magazine file will be ridiculous.

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Photoshop :: .psd V's .tiff

Apr 8, 2005

What's the difference between saving as a layered tiff and saving a psd file.

Tiffs show up in my folders image preview window, whereas psd's don't, hence the question.

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Photoshop :: TIFF

Nov 12, 2008

1. Does it contain vector data?

I always thought it's a raster-only format. But if you can save your Photoshop project as a TIFF instead of a PSD - preserving all of your layers, effects AND! shapes - that means it does right?

if it does contain vector data, then

2. Does a flattened project saved as Tiff, still does?

I'm asking all of this, becouse I have A4 300dpi project for a newspaper and I was asked to send it either as a EPS or TIFF. I was also asked to convert all the texts to vector (shapes). So the project contains both - raster and vector data. If I save it as a EPS file, Photoshop cannot reopen it again (don't know why -

The only option left is to save the project as TIFF. But if I save it as TIFF do I loose the vector data of the texts (are they rastarized upon saving?) in the project?

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Photoshop :: Save As TIFF Or PSD

Apr 25, 2013

I have been going 'round in circles trying to decide whether to set my Lightroom external editing pref's for Photoshop as PSD or TIFF. I've very recently downloaded Photoshop - I'll be using it after I've done what I can in Lightroom, just for photo's - I've never used 'layers'
1) I read somewhere that PSD might be easier (or necessary) if I need to re-edit. I also read PSD could be a good idea as it would be easy to see which is the master edit, and which files have been saved as TIFF, for print say
2) I also read that you should never flatten a file, at least not until you need to (ie: save as TIFF for print) - any thoughts?
3) My thoughts (mixed up though they may be!) are to say edit layers etc in PS (either TIFF or PSD) then just press 'save', but not flatten layers (I understand the PSD or TIFF will then be alongside my original raw file back in Lightroom, as LR/PS automatically does this). Then say for print I would then  'save as' a TIFF (ie: for printing), or JPEG (ie: for web), and this would automatically flatten the file. If this is correct, say I started off with the un-flattened PSD for example, would I need to firstly make a copy of the PSD, or would just doing a 'save as' still keep the original PSD 'master file'? Also, after I say did a 'save as' for a TIFF, could I then just delete the TIFF and do another 'save as' if I wanted to do another print in the future, or better to just keep the TIFF in Light room alongside the raw, master PSD or TIFF / JPEG?
4) I won't be doing huge amounts in Photoshop, so would it be worth looking into using 'smart images / smart filters' - I'm just thinking that if document is not being flattened anyway would it be worthwhile?

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Photoshop :: Tiff Won't Open In CS3

Sep 28, 2013

Photoshop CS3 (Windows) crashes when I open one particular Tiff.  Two others created by the same person/system open just fine.

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Photoshop :: PDF Has Different Colours Than TIFF?

Dec 17, 2012

In preparing some files for print I noticed that a .pdf generated bij PS5 has different colours than a .tiff.
Both files have been saved without colour profiles.

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Photoshop :: Convert PNG To PDF Or TIFF

Jun 24, 2013

can I convert lo-res PNG files to hi-res PDF or TIFF files in Photoshop 7?

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Photoshop :: Raw To TIFF Then To Camera Raw

Dec 27, 2012

Due to size concerns, I began to convert my orijinal raw files taken by 7D as 5184*3456 pixels to  3000*2000 pixel by Canon Digital Photo Professional to TIFF files . ( gaining almost %50 of the original size)
 Then I'll use bridge to open them as raw files in Camera raw for editing ...
 Do you think that, there will be some quality issues after then ?

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Photoshop :: JPG Saves As TIFF?

May 9, 2013

Whenever I try and Save As a jpeg PS saves the image as a tiff. I have to Save As a jpg200 to get a regular jpg file. Why this suddenly started happening and more importantly how to rectify it?

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Photoshop :: Save As JPG / TIFF?

May 25, 2012

Im using PS CS6.  When trying to save a photo "Save As" a "jpg", the save as dialog box with the file name is automatically using the extension ".tiff".  Im unable to save as a jpg file.
Why is this happening and how can it be corrected?

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Photoshop :: TIFF Colors

Jan 18, 2005

how do you make it so that colors in a Tiff file don't get all boogered up? Like when I have a plain red(slightly off #ff000) and when I save the file as a tiff, it gets turned into a maroon.

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Photoshop :: TIFF Format

Oct 24, 2006

I have encountered with a Photoshop TIFF image.

This image is a CMYK 8-bit TIFF - no layers - everything very basic (so it seems). I place this image as a link into Adobe Illustrator, then save this resulting file as a PDF.

I open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat, then I use Enfocus Pitstop to check the properties of the image. The Pitstop Inspector tells me that the image is indeed CMYK, but it contains only 1 channel and the image is "Indexed".
When I try to output this file to a printer, I only get the Cyan channel. It seems that the Magenta, Yellow and Black channels are "hidden" or something similar.

Throughout this entire process, the image appears on screen (in all applications) as a full colour image, ie, I get to see all of the channels - not just the Cyan channel.

I have found that if I save the original image as a Photoshop PDF or EPS, everything is fine.

I have also just completed another test and found that if I change anything about the image size (eg change from 300 dpi to 299 dpi) everything is also fine.

I am not able to attach the image, as it is too big for the 200KB restriction of this site, and I cannot compress it that far.

Has any body heard of this type of thing before?

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Photoshop :: Tiff File Too Big

Feb 12, 2009

I have a 12mb

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Photoshop :: Converting JPG To TIFF

Oct 27, 2008

I have a high resolution (300 dpi) JPG image, but my printer wants me to supply him with TIFF images. If I saved this high-res JPG image as a TIFF would that be sufficient to convert it, or is there something else I have to do?

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Photoshop :: Saving A Tiff To Png.....

Apr 23, 2008

When I save a tiff as a png, it forcefully inserts "copy" into my file name.

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Photoshop :: Jpegs, Tiff Or Raw?

Apr 21, 2006

I know that there is some loss of detail when a file is converted from a RAW format into a JPEG file due to compression of the file. What I didn't realize (based on what I've read and am being told) is that the quality of my original JPEG file can slowly degrade simply by opening..saving..and closing the file becaue each time you save a JPEG file, it recompresses the current data...which causes the file to loose additional detail.

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Photoshop :: 1GB - TIFF-file Of 300 Dpi

Mar 13, 2008

I am starting to get grey hair with photoshop...

I have just bought a new quad core pc with 4 GB RAM, but
XP SP2 only accepts 3,25 GB. Furthermore I have installed Abode Suite
CS3 and did all the updates.

I have to merge 2 TIFF-file and make some corrections, after doing
this I generated a 300 dpi CMYK tiff-file of 1 GB. At this point PS
crashes and I can't open the file any more, it blocks when reaching +- 70%

I have selected to use the maximum memory via Photoshop preferences.
But is not possible anymore, the only thing I can do is to close photoshop via the task-manager...

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