I'm trying to recreate this logo. It's from a competition team that I am on, but the original copy was lost. Could someone give me tips on what fonts I should download and how to manipulate it the EXACT same way? Or even do it for me since it's extremely easy for you pros!
This is probably a moronic question to most of you, but in my defense I just started using coreldraw X5 yesterday, and I have no graphic designing experiance.
My boss is having me design the backdrop for a competition he is hosting. He is an Event Producer. And Im trying to take the company logo and place it on an image in corelDRAW X5. I cant figure out how to erase the white from behind the logo. Or convert the image that will do it automatically.. I dont need a power point presentation, I have full access to all the tutorials and the stuff the program came with, and I need the education on this product anyways.Â
I'm looking for an easy way to get a simple page fold effect on a 2D Logo. I'm playing around here in Axis with the surface set to Bicubic but I'm moving around the corners and handles and can't really achieve a realistic look. Is there something like page fold in the Avid where you can adjust the fold radius and it simply works....?
I'm trying to make a logo consisting of a bunch of simple shapes which are all individual layers. All of these layers are on top of a transparent canvas. I'm not sure if canvas is the right word, but basically what I mean is that I launched GIMP and made a new image that's 512x512 filled with transparency, and by default that became a layer titled background which I consider to be the canvas of my entire Image.
I can't seem to draw on new layers anymore. I've been trying to make new layers filled with transparency and draw on them with the free select tool, ensuring that the opacity is not 0 and that the layer is selected, but its drawing on the background layer rather than the layer I made to draw on. So now when I try to adjust the position of the layer, the shape I drew stays in the same spot because its not part of the layer.
Illustrator keeps freezing when applying an effect such as texture-grain to a simple gradient, or even rasterizing a simple black circle. My system is about a 6month old macbook pro with 16gb ram, i7 and AMD Radeon HD 6770M 1024 MB. What could be causing this? It wasn't like this when i first started using the laptop but has started to do it everytime i try and do any of those simple tasks recently.
I only just got photoshop yesterday and I barely know a thing but I have got an image with 3 layers and I want to make it into a simple animation, displaying each layer in turn.
when I browse image files I find that the Photoshop/Adobe logo has been replaced by the Netscape logo. When I attach a file in email the N-scape logo is there by file name/number not Photoshop logo. Anyone know why or have this issue?
I have a .pdf that I want to use in a presentation next week. The problem is, since we last used this .pdf, we have changed our logo. How does one switch out one image out for another?
Is there a way to add simple expressions to Photoshop?In After Effects when you put "287/11" as a value, it automatically divides it for you. Can Photoshop do that and how?
I want to hilite an area in a layer to copy and then PASTE into that EXACT same layer, (preferably with the MOVE tool selected so that I can then move that new pasted selection around), is there a way to do this?
The only PASTE commands I see are PASTE (which pastes AS NEW IMAGE) and PASTE INTO (which does I DONT KNOW WHAT!) Some kinda paste to new layer and auto create a mask
I've switched my site over to a Wordpress publishing system and am working on modifying one of the themes. I want to incorporate the old pixel design of my site. On the header image I used a Photoshop Tutorial to achieve the effect I wanted. I have since misplaced the tutorial and cannot locate information on how to repeat the desired "cross stitched pixel" effect.
I have no MS Paint or digital photography skills at all. I have tried, but it never turns out the way I want it to, so I come to the digital photography pros for a favor. Would anyone do a simple job for free? All I need is text added to the picture.
I would like "GA VA 2006-2007" and underneath have "22-14-8". The bottom left would be the best place, I think, but if you have another idea, go for it. All I want is to make it look good.
that i am unable to produce ! tried blur tool, smudge, different brushes, emboss. still unable to come up with anything im satisfied with click me im tryin to produce the slight blur on the green outline appear to be rounded off.
I'm using Photoshop CS5 on Mac OS X. Last year I created an artwork including colour half tones, but also some other simple halftone filter that I applied to layers of solid colour (see attached image - you may need to view it at 100% to see what I mean) Â It's a simple half tone pattern of white vs 1xcolour using either circles or squares. I remember that this was applied simply, not any special process as I didn't go out of my way to create this effect I just stumbled upon it. I can't for the life of me remember how to do it again.
I am looking to have a custom badge made for my car, an Acura RSX. It seems like it should be simple, but I am no good at design stuff. All I want to do is replace the "RSX" badge with one that says "DC5", but in the same exact lettering style as the RSX one, so I need a plain text design to take to a metal worker and put through a CAD machine or something. Attached is a couple images of the RSX text.
I've been using Photoshop CS6 for awhile now on a very stable iMac i5 with 16GB RAM on Snow Leopard but recently its behaving very badly. Â Â I am having problems with very minor tasks like transform, open, save, move, etc. Photoshop gets hung up and the wheel starts spinning. Typically this is a font related problem but I've done every maintenance task known to man and still having issues. I've deleted prefs, cleared out brushes, action, tools, repaired permissions, my fonts are all clean, has nothing to do with time machine or background tasks (that i know of) yet it still runs slow. This is definitely not a slow video card problem, I have an ATI Radeon HD 5750 1024 with 16GB of ram and plenty of hard drive space. I've ticked off the "Use Graphics Processor" restarted and the problem persists.... Â SO, i thought maybe i need to update my OS and get up to speed with the new cat, Mountain Lion. Maybe its just not cooperating with Snowy cats anymore. I completed the upgrade last night and I'm still seeing beachball working on 72 dpi PSD files. I've worked on 3GB layered files in the past with no problems.
I have a big PSD file that I need to export to .PNG. It has a lot of texts inside and I need to edit them very fast and possible without loading the PSD file since it will eat my memory. Â So, Simple text editor of a PSD without loading the PSD and auto save to .PNG with the same name in same directory.
Level: Newbie'ish  OS: Win7 64bit  PS: CS6   I have been making a simple image of a 300 by 100 rounded rectangle and then adding various layer styles. Basically I am makeing mobile headers which will be used for mobile websites.  Today I was reviewing a few that I have made and noticed that when I open them in their .png format and then create a selection around one (Ctrl + Click) that the lower right coner is not being selected as rounded but as a point and so when I copy and then paste it into a new document it has three rounded corners and one somewhat visible pointed corner. ?? ??  The file has a BG layer and two shape layers (or sometimes just one shape layer). I select the layers and then merge them together and turn off the BG layer beofore I save them for the web. I have also tried just saving the file as a .png w/out merging the layers but no matter how I go about saving the file(s) most of the time one corner is saved w/that annoying and imperfect sharp corner.
I'm having a problem recently with Photoshop CS5 (Version 12.0 x64), where images look bizarrely noise-y and with wrong colors when I open them in PS. However, if I view these same images in Windows Photo Viewer or Chrome, they look fine. AND, if I save the messed-up looking images in Photoshop, then view the new files in Photo Viewer/Chrome, they appear fine, without any of the noise or errors they were just showing in Photoshop. Â An update did just recently come out for my video card (AMD Radeon HD 7870) so I suspect it did something or that some settings are now wrong, but I don't know how to fix this. I have tried tinkering with Photoshop's color settings in Preferences, each time closing / re-opening PS with the images in question, but nothing has worked so far. Â Â Here is the exact same image, how it appears on the screen when opened in Photoshop. However, the distortion on the blue text only appears visibly on-screen while in Photoshop. If I save it and open it elsewhere, it looks fine. If I copy-paste it to a new document, it still looks distorted, but saving/opening elsewhere reveals an undistorted image.
 Another example. Original, proper image that I created previously: Same image, when opened in Photoshop - lots of noise suddenly in the green and blue bars, on the axe, etc.I did discover that if I opened one of these images and it was all distorted, if I changed the mode to 32 bits/Channel suddenly it would go back to looking normal and without distortion. But I have no desire to work in 32 bit mode, since I want to save jpegs for web use and other simple uses.
I'm trying to add a drop shadow evenly to the right and left side of am image. I tried applying it to the right side, and then the left side, but Photoshop Cs, won't allow it.
I have been having one heck of a time creating a professional quality border. I use the ruler and I cannot get the borders to match up perfectly. Is there a trick?
Can someone give me some tips??? I want to have the border in black, and so it will go to close to the edges of standard piece of paper. I'm thinking a box border followed by a gap then another box border. Then contents will go inside and I can handle that ....
I totally suck with PS, so I was wondering if I could get some help vectorizing this image. I'd like to change the color and make it look more "Web2.0-ish", nah mean?
I've been toying around with all kinds of different backgrounds for my webpages and have been trying to find something fun, simple, and kinda professional looking. I'm looking for really simple patterns like this. I really loved different variations I made of this design, but I kinda feel like it will get old after a while if I just keep changing the color of this same pattern over and over.
I'm wondering if any of you guys can recommend some other simple patterns I can make in ps. I saw some pages that had cool looking grid designs, when I tried to do it though, it didn't come out to well. The background made my site look like a homepage from 97'.
I have a silouette which is a human figure on a white background (the figure is black).
Im wanting to change it so that the background is blue (done that part).
I want the silouette to be grey with a thin white border around it?! So far i have managed to change the silouette to grey, but im not sure how to add a border round it, without doing it by hand, pixel by pixel!
How do I view layers seperately. I dont want all the layers to show on the workspace. When I select a Layer..I only want to see that layer on the workspace..
I own photoshop CS3 but haven't used it for quite a long time. I want to generate a slideshow from a pile of images that can be burned to CD or DVD and play on most any settop player (or computer).
I'm pretty sure this fairly easy to do but from Bridge menu tool.. I don't see that in the list of things you can do with selected prictures. Looking up `slideshow' in photoshop help file only leads to direction for using a slide show for viewing pictures inside photoshop. Isn't there some starndard to way to create a cd/dvd presentation of pictures in slide show format using Photoshop?
Im trying to cut the top off a bunch of photos (164 to be precise). I only want to cut a small amount off, like the top 20pixels. I need all the photos to be cut identically.