I use the text tool and start typing, all that shows up is a tiny line in the color of whatever I set the font color to be. How can I restore to the text tool to what it usually is. If you need to, I can provide a screencap of it.
having some difficulty with the brush tool. I am currently taking web design with the centre for distance education and am trying to do a fairly basic assignment with photoshop. So, I am being asked to first create a layer with an orange fill to it. Then I am asked to create a layer mask, I am then asked to put an image behind the orange which I am then asked to use the brush tool with black to see through the orange colour and through to the image. I am having no problem with this until I am asked to change the brush colour to white and go over the previously bushed areas and restore the orange colour. When I do this nothing happens.
When I first downloaded gimp it worked great. Now the side tool bars are gone and I don't know how to restore them. I've attached a picture of what it looks like when I open gimp so you can see it's only the main center window that opens.
I have a new computer and want to move the databse catalog over. I backed up in PSE 9 to an external hard drive. I connected to HD to the new computer and tried a resotre catalog. I chose "New Location" since I was going from XP to Windows 7 and was unsure if there would be a conflict with file locations. I also chose "Restore Original Floder Strucure". Very quickly I recieve an error message "Could not restor file .xml". I have run Restore Catalog several times and each time a DIFFERENT FILE receives the error message. I then disabled Norton Anti Virus Auto-Protect. I then disabled several programs running in the background. Same problem. I then copied the Backup Catalog to the new computer and tried to Restore it from there. Same Problem. I have now run a Repair Catalog on the original file. PSE states there is no error. I want to purchas PSE 11, but wanted to install/restore the database with the same version 9 first.
I'm always having to move my tool windows around, out of the way, or close them entirely when trying to see and work with my images.
Wouldn't it be great if we could simply minimize one or more of the tool windows to the bottom of the application screen? Then the tools remain INSIDE the current dimensions of the app, and can be restored to normal size with a keystroke or a click. Shouldn't be too hard to implement.
I have a 3images with a common background, but there's different text and each picture has a different part of the background intact. I'm looking for a way to restore the back ground by over layer the images together. I originally tried with one image and selecting the text with the magic wand and filling it with content aware fill. But the results were so so.
So I have a few questions;
1) the images have slightly different orientation. I can't get them to perfectly align, its weird, I really can't do it. I can get it close, but not perfect, is there a simple way ? 2) How do I keep the common element between the images (the background) and remove what's different (the text) ?
I tried overlaying them after having deleted the text, but I still get the damn contour effect.
3) Furthermore, the colors are slightly different between the images, is there a simple way to get them to match ?
I wrote (setq oldtext (getvar "textstyle")) to save the current text style,
(setvar "textstyle" (getvar "dimtxsty")) to change the text style to the current dimension text style (which appens to be romans) and later (setvar "textstyle" oldtext) to restore the text style to its original setting but it won't work.
This is the same format used to save and restore osnap in many lisp routines.
When I check the program in the visual lisp editor, oldtext returns "standard" (the original text style - so that part works) but "textstyle" returns nil. I even tried (setvar "textstyle" "standard") to no avail. "Textstyle" remains romans.
I started learning Photoshop CS4 about a month ago. One of the first things I learned was to add text. Simple, fun. I am now trying to learn about layer masks. One of the exercises in one of my books is to open an image and then add text to it. (The idea is to then add a mask and 'hide' portions of the text behind portions of the image.) A really strange thing is happening when I try to add text. I highlight the image in the layers column. (Prior to adding any mask layers.) I then click the text tool. But when I click on the image (in the area where I want the text), the text tool 'becomes' a move tool. A text layer pops up and the words I'm trying to type on the image come out in the title area for the layer (in the layers column). I've tried everything I can think of to 'get' the text on the image but can't solve it.
i switched gimp 2.6 to 2.8 and new text tool behaves strangely, as i remember in gimp 2.6 when i try to change text content with selecting old text and pasting new text i could use same text size and same font with my old text without doing anything but now in the gim 2.8 whenever i try to change content of a text layer i need to choose again font and text size from toolbox options, but why do i have to do this, i have a text placed on my image with a certain font and certain font size and i just want to alter my text conten not the size of text or font , it changes automatically to back text size and font whatever i used last time in another work.
summary: i want to change my text content without setting my font and font size properties, i want to use my text layers old properties
Using the horizontal text tool I can make a text box, but no text-blinker shows up in the box and when I type no text will appear. Although, in the Layers pannel on the right side it does name the layer whatever I have typed so why won't it show on the picture? Even if you make all other layers invisible the text layer still does not show up on a blank background.
photoshop is not being able to deselect text when I am using the text-tool so I can edit more text. Here is what I mean - say you have two text layers that have been filled out. Now I want to change both of them to something else. I select the first text layer and change it's text. Now I want to move on to the next layer, I click some random tool and then click the text tool again. Is there a key command that I can hit that will make the text tool active so I can select the text on the other layer?
Way back when I originally bought PSP X3, I used it for a short while then went back to X2. Mostly because the X3 text tool would not remember text I had used. Now I've recovered from a hard-drive death and want to move forward and use my X3.
I have to replace text in a banner image with different text. Maybe if I upload the banner, it would be more useful...
I have to replace "Customer Satisfaction" with some other text. The text is embedded in the image; so, it's not that easy, at least for me, to replace it without making it look amateurish. Of course, I duplicated the background and worked on that layer.
First method I tried was using the clone stamp, zooming in to 1600% to painstakingly erase it. But then when I zoom out, the background where the text was placed over does not match its surroundings and looks like someone shaded it. If you zoom in real close, before making any changes to it, you'll see that the "green" (what the RGB is) touching the text is different than the "green" in areas not touching text.
Next, I thought of using the magic wand to select the text for me and that looked liked it worked. But the problem is once I select it, how to delete it or blend it in with the background. That is, if I select the "C" in "Customer Satisfaction" with the magic wand, for instance, pressing delete does nothing. Then I found I can fill the area, after I select it with the magic wand; however, what the RGB combination is of the background. Is there a way I can find out what the RGB value is of the background, then apply that to my fill color and effectively delete the "Customer Satisfaction" text?
Once I'm able to get rid of the text, I can use the text editor plugin tool I downloaded to replace the text.
That's my logic, anyway. How I can replace text in an image, preferably as neatly as possible.
First it stops pasting anything except the first thing copied when Gimp opens, and now this. When I try to search for a font or type in text in the text tool in Gimp 2.8, it just jumps to random other tools instead of typing.
I have a .jpg file with an image, which I copied from the Clipboard. I now want to add text NEXT to the image. That is I now want to type text and position the text after is typed.
When I use the Text Tool, the text cannot be moved.
I created text on a curved path using the pen tool and the the type on a path tool. However, there are portions of the text that I want to taper. For example, my text begins horizontally, continues to the right, and gradually curves downward. As the text curves downward I would like it to taper smoothly into a narrower and narrower text.
Whenever I use the text tool it causes all of Adobe Photoshop to slooooooooow down and become next to inopreable. I assume that it is a font that is causing this to happen. Is there any general bug currently being investigated regarding the text tool?
I love to work with text in photoshop and now I have to import text from illustrator, not fun.
Since I started working with Photoshop CS5, I have experienced that the text tool makes everything slow when I click on that tool and click anywhere in the file.
I am using cs4, I can not use text tool. When I click on text tool, select my font, and click in my workspace, I can see the letters being typed in the layer box, but not in my workspace. When I click there is also a little black box that is appearing,
when I use the text tool, type something on a background picture then Move tool to apply. Then go back to the text tool to change the text and it adds a new text layer. I can't 'get in' to the text. I click in it, around it and it adds a new layer. Note...I don't Filter or Rasterize the text.
When using the type tool and finished, I have to manually select a new tool in the tools menu to get out. I noticed if I SHIFT+Click with that tool selected I can make a new line of text, but I simply want to exit the tool to say the MOVE tool.
I cannot get the Text to show up using the Text tool. All I can see are tiny boxes even made the font 60 points. SHould be huge. Been happening for more than a week and I ran an update via the cloud just last night.