Photoshop :: Pen Tool / Path And Content Aware Spot Healing Brush To Remove Cables (CS5)
Mar 5, 2012
Tried to remove some cables from an image using Russel Brown's video making use of the pen tool/path and the spot healing brush with content aware. I'm pretty sure I followed his tutorial exactly but it did not work satisfactorily. Are there any other tweaks I should be using to remove these cables and replace them with the background details?
I'm doing a lot of work cleaning old files up, and trying to stay in Content-Aware mode of spot healing brush. Switching back and forth from Lightroom, I usually find the radio button has switched back to "Create Texture" mode, which I do not want. I leave it in Content-Aware, but it switches on its own. Can't find any way to set it to stay where I put it.
I just upgraded to CS6 64 bit under Windows 7. I used content aware fill and the spot healing tool on CS5 under XP with no problems. Now under CS6 they leave a smudge. For example, if the is a spot on a vein of a leaf, now, instead of removing the spot and filling in the line of the vein I just get a smudge the size of the spot healing brush.
Content aware fill now leaves a smudged and obviously poor result.
why the healing brush is so useless on stroking a path. It always (apparently no matter what setting you use) creates a soft blurred splodge as opposed to - well - what its supposed to do.
I've just spent 2 days creating what is (IMHO) a totally awsome action that highlights moles and skin blemeshis (and does so by finding details, not by colour or brightness so should work on most skin tones), creates a path based on them, and then totally fails to patch them because the implementation of healing brush stroking on paths is so rubbish. THe path created is quite complex of couse, and extends over most of the image, its not like stroking a single path where spot healing appears to work.
THe nearest thing I've got is to create a pattern based on a clean patch of skin and the to use the healing brush set to a pattern. This works OK for this person, but will be rubbish on someone else. I've also tried using the patch tool, which is also no good. Content aware fill also produces the soft blurry splodge.
the 2 screen grab on the right are created by manually using spot healing brush the combination of path creation and stoking with the healing brush could offer up SO much functionality I think adobe should investigate. I've got at least 3 actions now that are waiting to go out the door that will save retouchers hours and hours of boring spotting work. It uses frequency separation, too.
My Spot Healing Brush Tool wont drag at all, yes I have tried resetting the Tool. I am wondering if its because my Graphics card is integrated(Laptop)?
Both of subject tools often 'go wild' on me when I am working on an image. Either tool will race across an image in a straight line and leave either a cloning or spotting mark [straight line]. I suspect this has something to do with insufficient memory. However I have 4 GB RAM and am not running any other big program while doing the cloning/spotting. Even if I 'give it some rest' this strange behavior will continue. Any help would be greatly appreciated! christian ps. Attached is a tiny sample, circled in red.
I have loaded the office copy of Photoshop elements on my computer. It is only being used on one computer. I have tried to log in with my password but when they send the email and I follow the link it can't log me in. I also find the Spot healing Brush tool doesn't work. I have a Windows 7 64 bit.
How to get the most out of the Spot Healing Brush? I'm using it in Photoshop CC to repair old photos. It tends to work about half the time the way I would want it to. Frequently, I have to back out "fixes" and either try again from a different direction or switch to the clone stamp tool.
So, how does one get the most out of the Spot Healing Brush?
Here's a before and after shot. I recently upgraded from CS3 and the spot healing brush always worked great. Now when I use it, whether or not I use content aware fill, it leaves a blurred residue of what I was trying to remove. As an aside, the Content Aware Fill leaves a similar residue, enough to make it effectively unusable.
I have included a sample photo of the spot healing brush problem. Left side is before and right side is after. I just wanted to get rid of the electrical wall socket. You can see that it's not working. I am running windows 8 in a 64-bit environtment and running the 64-bit version of Photoshop CS5.5
Adobe Photoshop Version: 12.1 (12.1x20110328 [20110328.r.145 2011/03/28:10:30:00 cutoff; r branch]) x64 Operating System: Windows NT Version: 6.2 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:9 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2
I can't use the spot healing brush. Whenever I try, a little notice appears at the bottom of my screen that says there are new capabilities available for the spot healing brush "click here". I've clicked and all it was is a tutorial video. I've watched the video numerous times, but the notice still will not go away. How do I get the use of my spot healing brush back?
I'm on Win 7, 64 bit, and CS6 (released). I've got the Spot Healing brush active and I Shift + Right-click to bring up the Blending options. I cannot change to Luminosity. It will change in the drop down box on the tool bar however.
When I first noticed, it was Lighten that it wouldn't change to. I've rebooted the PC a couple of times and now it seems to be the Luminosity mode.
I'm using CS6 and while using my new wacom small tablet, I noticed that no matter what I do, I can't disable the pressure sensitivity for the "Spot Healing Brush". All my other tools i can. I'm not confortable using the pressure sensitivity to make the brush larger so i just prefer to turn off the sensitivity entirely.
I ust PS CS5, Windows 7 64 bit, i7 processor, 16 gb of ram
My spot healing brush doesn't drage. The healing brush and all other brushes work normally. Before yesterday it was woking normally. The brush will make a round patch the size of the brush, but I can't paint with the brush.
My spot healing brush stopped working. After releasing the mouse, it blinks and remains black. If I do another spot, the first spot is fixed and the second one is black. And so on. This began after updating to 12.0.4 x64 (Mac 10.7.3)*
When I use the spot healing brush, streaks or lines occur? How do I stop this. It usually happens when my picture has a strong contrast in colors between the background and the person's clothing or face..
I have been using PSE 11 (version 11.0) for several months on 27" iMac with OS X Lion (version 10.7.5). One of my favorite tools is the spot healing brush with content aware option. For some reason it suddenly stopped working! The black circle doesn't appear when I click my mouse. I have reset the tool to no avail.
Basically, a substantial portion of the time I hit "Q" I do not get the circle for spot heal. The cursor disappears and I cannot see anything. However, the tool is working, but I can't see its size. If I turn it off and back on I get the crosshairs and thus I can click and hide spots, but I can't see when I grow/shrink it, and I can't see when I move it.
I've seen this with all of the Lightroom 4.1 versions (RC1, RC2, and now GM) on OS X 10.7.4. This is on a Mac Pro with ATI graphics.
Was it suppose to be in the final release of Photoshop CS6? If you go to this link
It states it was on beta version of Photoshop CS6 but no one have a video of it. Or maybe it was for future release like CS6.1 or CS7. I hope Adobe can add this useful feature on final version of CS6.
The spot and healing brush seems to work a little, but then leaves dark smudges or even complete dark lines. Also seems to pick up other objects in the picture as if it is copying a section of the picture. Have tried to reset, but nothing works.
Is it possible to fill an area with content-aware using the paint bucket tool? i have been able to fill the exact area I would like to be replaced with a general swatch. perhaps it is possible to create a swatch which uses the content-aware filter?
adobe photoshop elements 9 , i cannot get the circle to appear using clone stamp tool and the spot healing brush . i`ve tried restating my computer and unloading and loading the adobe disc . but still no good .
i have photoshop cs6 , and i was watching a video about the new lightroom features it was amazing how in this video lightroom v5 brush tool work does cs6 have such feature ? or is included in cc only?