Photoshop :: Magazine Prints, Get Rid Of Dots
Jul 15, 2003How can I scan a picture in a magazine, and get rid of the 'dots'
View 4 RepliesHow can I scan a picture in a magazine, and get rid of the 'dots'
View 4 Replieswhat Im looking and seen it around other places is like an outer glow but instead of a glow its dots where the dots closest to the object are large and close together and as they move out they get smaller and further apart...
View 8 Replies View RelatedI just wanted to say that I'm very impressed with the magazine. I'm an avid reader of NAPP's Photoshop User, but I enjoyed reading about the other apps in the creative suite, especially since I am trying to learn more about illustrator and indesign. The cover article on CS2 workflow between apps was a very enlightening read in particular.
One thing though: in the introduction letter from Scott Kelby, he mentions that subscribers received a special bonus 'issue' on InDesign packaged with the current issue (Nov/Dec). If anyone on here is a Layers subscriber who has the indesign feature and doesnt want it or is willing to part with it, let me know. I plan on ordering a subscription, so maybe I can talk them into sending me a copy when I subscribe.
How do you make a triangle and fill it with color...similar to the bottom page of a magazine?
I tried the pen tool but I can't draw a straight line.
I have been trying to imitate this logo in a way in which its not THAT noticable. I want to try, what I got so far, and this is what i want to imitate:
You all might say its not a logo for a magazine but I REALLY like it, way to imitate it indirectly so its not THAT noticable (the cloudy thing inside is milk inside tea if you all are wondering) I just want to know how I could imitate to do something similar (my magazine is called najwa cafe)
I have CS3 and need an answer desperately......To make an image magazine do i set up a new document? 300 ppi and what dimensions etc?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhere can we find PSD mockup template for magazines for free?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm working on this fake magazine cover
and I'm just trying to tweak so it looks 100% legit. Specifically what font to use, text color and text placement. I know some of the white text is hard to read...what color could I change it to without messing up my color scheme?
I figure this effect should be a simple one, but I just don't get how they did it. The reason I came in here is actually that I can't seem to find out the name of the effect, so it makes it pretty impossible to search for it.
The effect I talk about is kind of like when you scan a picture from a magazine and you get the picture with all those tiny circles and lo-fi points in yellow, red, green and blue.
i have some wakeboard pictures and just for fun i want to make it look like its on the cover of a magazine. how can i get or cut the text from a wakeboarding mag cover and place it over my picture.
View 1 Replies View Relatedthe effects used on magazines such as paste magazine, wired and others, but i don't really know how to duplicat ethis with some of my pictures.
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow this effect was done was it a 3d app that did it or photoshop?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to put an image on a page of a drawing of a newspaper or magazine cover. Its something that i cant do satisfactorily with Transform because the magazine cover in the drawing has curved edges since it folds back a little.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been using Photoshop
This is my problem:
I'm trying to publish a magazine for my community, and I'm using Photoshop CS3 to design the magazine. From what I know about printers and printing presses, they print using CMYK - therefore when I create my documents I've been using the CMYK 8 bit Color Mode. My resolution is set at the 300 pixels/inch, but I'm not sure what my Color Profie/Pixel Aspect Ratio should be.
I've also been told that most printing companies prefer PDF documents, and I don't know the right options to choose when saving my PSD's as PDF's through Photoshop.
I noticed my first problem when printing a sample at Kinko's. I had mostly black and white on my image, but I had a light yellow to dark yellow gradient as a background, and when it printed, banding appeared towards the lower part of the page where it should have been dark yellow. Basically that gradient wasn't smooth. I also noticed this on my computer when using a CMYK Color Mode, but it was less subtle (when I use RGB, the gradients are perfectly smooth from light to dark).
The sample I took to Kinko's was a:
Flattened image,
Then saved as a Photoshop PDF
As a Copy
ICC Profile: U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2
I just need to know the right options to start my image, and the right options to save my image as a PDF to ensure the best print quality with no sacrifce to color, gradients, etc.
I have got pictures of my car, pictures I want to give a professional look with photoshop cs2.
I want my car pictures to look like those who are being put in magazines-
My picture look like this, very amateur like:
So what I want to do, is make my picture look like those posted above..
I have photoshop cs2 available..
How do I make a magazine cover in Illustrator starting with a blank page?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for an effect/filter where i can turn a normal photo into an 60`s-80`s magazine photo, where the tiny microscopic circles of yellow-red-blue mix to make the correct colours, like machanic pointalism, where the image collapses if we look at it too close. I have no idea what to call this, I`d love to know. I`ve looked at the halftone effect, but it only seems to deal with two colours. is there any simple filter that can give me this effect simply?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow you can make a picture, taken at home, stunning, as if it is just out of a magazine.
I know I can use color burn, but when I use that it makes it too dark. My friend is wearing a black dress in the picture.
It has to look like as if it is taken by a professional photographer.
I have photoshop elements 10
I am looking to put a magazine effect on my pictures. For example, taking a portrait picture and turning it landscape and then putting an effect on it that makes it have the appearence on a double page magazine spread.
An example of what I mean: [URL]....
I need to create a 100 -150 magazine that will perfect bound. We have an InDesign file that we normally use for a 28 page saddle-stitch magazine. Should I use this same file and build on it? Or should I create separate files for the different sections? Can I bring the sections all together at some point? What about page numbering? I am obviously new to InDesign.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI prepared 32 pages for a magazine. They are all prepared as single pages in Corel Draw X6. Now I would like to check the end result like it would look if I would hold the magazine in my hands. That means that the following pages should be displayed at once on the screen:
1 (cover)
2 + 3 (together)
4 + 5 (together)
30 + 31 (together)
32 (back cover)
I'm doing a project for my college work & it involves pop art. I wanted to do something in the style of Warhol or Lichtenstein. Then i stumbled across this...
I was just wondering if anyone knew a filter/plug in for this or a technique to do this in photoshop?
I'd like to make some dots similar to this attached clip. I have tried embossing, etc. but they don't look quite like this. I'm on a MAC, Photoshop CS3.
View 2 Replies View Relatedweeks how to a specific effect.
It creates black dots of different sizes depending on the constast of the original image.
how you make them,
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering about the dots that disappear here. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what this is called, so i could look up a tutorial on it or how it's done or just some leads.
View 2 Replies View RelatedYou know in some designs, maybe the Sun Viser sticker on a car window screen would be the easiest way to describe this, its basically a pattern of dots were they start off big and joined and eventually fade to small spaced out dots... does anyone know how to do this?... I'm hoping there is a gradient plug in effect out there?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've tried using Brush dynamics and spacing, but can't figure out how they got it to taper in two directions. Is this a pattern or something?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just bought the PHOTOSHOP CS4, and I am having problem when it prints. The image is not clear, it has dots (pixels). This computer where I installed this program is brand new. I have previously worked with Photoshop CS2 and never had an issue but was force to buy this new one because the computer that I bought has Windows Vista and CS2 is not compatible. I thought maybe the problem was my printer but is not I have a Brother HL-5140 (black and white). I have connected my old computer with the printer and the images print perfectly fine. I have printed photos and it prints clear. But this only happens with Photoshop CS4. It prints dots.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to make this effect on a photo. Its abit difficult to explain, but I'll try:
The image only contains one color, say black or red, and is put together by dots in different sizes and with different space between them, not sure, might just me different space between them. In the dark areas they are close to each other and in lighter areas they have a greater distance between each other.
I also wonder how to make the same kinda dot effect, but not with only one color. like magazies and newspaper use when they print photos. Im not reffering to the halftone filters. I tried to define a dot pattern, and delete the inverted pattern in the image, but im not satisfied with the results...
I have just aquired a copy of my great grandmother, unfortunatly it came from a newspaper or a magazine. However I would like to remove the halftoning and then later colorize it. The latter should be no problem as I've done tht before, but those pesky halftones have me stumped. I have tried using gaussian blur and unsharp mask but it looks a bit iffy if you know what I mean.
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