I have a problem in photoshop CC, there is no lighting effect ( Filter>Render>lighting Effect). I have installed it manualy in Plugin folder. now it is present in Filter but Disabled. while on same laptop in Photoshop CS4 it was working properly. I am using RGB image with 8Bit mode.
I'm looking to acheieve this same style lighting effect.
I know how to do this over a black background, using blending modes, lighting flares / effects etc...but I cannot get this "GLOW" and realistic looking bright light effect without a black background.
I am currently attempting to apply an image, and then filter -> lighting effects -> any light effect. When I apply the affect, at the bottom of my applied image, it appears as though there is a spot that was NOT hit with the "apply light effect." (So, basically, that spot looks normal while everything else is shadowed above it.)
I am running Photoshop CS2, the image is in RGB,
I've experimented by taking a layer and filter -> lighting effect to see if it had the same outcome, but it did not. It appears this is only a problem when applying the image.
i have been trying to do a lighting effect on some text but that option under render is not 'on' for me to select it. if i bring in a jpg those options comes on but then if i create a new sheet, that render option (and lens flare) is 'off'.
how to create an artificial lighting...not on the whole body but just partially,something like flaring along the side of the body/face etc without getting disntinct line between the lighted and the un-lighted...my point is an artificial lighting which looks real.
I'm creating an effect to some text, but for some reason the lighting effects filter in the filter menu is greyed out.
I have rasterized my text, so it's not that. I have also checked that I have the lighting style files in the folder where photoshop is installed, I have even dowloaded and added some new. It didn't help.
It is clear air brushing and skin toning was used to create the somewhat surreal skin surface. But I cannot figure out if the lighting is from the Render / Lighting Effect tool, or air brushed to emulate lighting, or something else?
When I use the PS lighting effect tool, everything turns dark in the photo outside the lit target area. Notice the shadowing on the arm and breast. It appears the light source is coming from two opposite directions. Like if this is a multi-layer process, etc. Not asking for a hand-holding tutorial.
When I use the lighting effect filter in CS6 extended, it only creates a new layer without any change in the menu and other things. I try to edit the GPU setting under the edit menu but the column is in grey colour and cannot be edited. I have changed my display card to AMD Radeon HD 7770 with an updated driver but it still not works.
I have created a shape, converted the layer to a 'smart object', and rendered 'lighting effects' to it. When I do that, PS creates a 'Lighting Effects' layer but the settings don't appear and how to access them. I am using CS6.
The lighting effect filter does not respond in CS6. I am on a pc with window 7 64 bit. I have 10 gig ram memory with a ATI Radeon HD 4350 graphic card.
I am using photoshop CS and im trying to use the Filter --> Render --> lighting effect but it is grayed out and I can't use it, as well as the lens flare effect.
I've read all over that the filter only works with an 8bit/RGB file, which my file is, so I don't understand what the problem is. I am attempting to light a smart object (3d bevel and extruded text) that I created in illustrator, and thought that I might just need to rasterize the smart object before the filter would work, but even after I render it and or flatten the image, merge visible, I still don't have the option to use lighting effects!
I came across a thread a month or more ago that described how to get the effect of the Beatles picture that shows half their face in the light and the other half darker. Probably not describing this well enough here.. But now that I want to try it I can't find the thread anymore. Thought it would be cool to do with my 4 kids.
Lighting Filter is not working. When you run the filter the circular ring/point does not appear to adjust the light. It is totally missing. You can adjust the settings but the filter never runs. After attempting to run the filter I tried to go back to my workspace. It would not reset to the default Essential workspace.
The other workspace were OK. I closed and reopened the application and my workspace was restored. I tried running my GPU settings in advanced normal and basic. None of the settings worked.
When I invoke the lighting effects filter, EVEN WITH 8bit image, I am unable to use. The elipses and spots that allow the lights to be moved cannot be seen in spite of my best efforts. Searched web to no effect.
Filter - Render - Lighting Effects seems to be somewhat less than perfectly functional for me.Unlike another recent poster, I'm seeing the controls okay, but they don't actually seem to work properly. Worse, I can reliably produce a crash.I have an ATI Radeon HD 5670 and Catalyst 12.6 (latest released) drivers for Windows 7 x64, Advanced mode GPU operation. My detailed system info can be found here: Link
Chances are this is a display driver issue, but I want Adobe to know about it.Here's what I see...For testing I create a middle-gray square document, 8 bits/channel, sRGB, then start the Lighting Effects filter on it:If I toggle the preview setting off and on a number of times, this happens This is reproducible, though it sometimes takes more or less Preview toggles. Here is the pertinent information from several such Photoshop crashes
I had the lighting effects filter working briefly on CS6 - it stopped. I had getting the driver changed, and it worked again for a couple of weeks. Then there was a problem with windows 7 on the startup - and suddenly something was changed within the computer and the filter no longer works.
If you go to filter,render, lighting effects. The Frame pops up to use this effect including with a tool to manipulate the light. My tool however does not show up and how I can get my tool to show up again?
Whenever I go to use lighting effects (filter> render> lighting effects) in my Photoshop CS6 for Mac, there is no adjustable circle anymore like below:
I am in the process of adding lighting effects to one of my images. I'm trying to get a lightning effect, and decided to use Supernova off of the image's frame. This worked for full-frame layers, but on smaller layers, not so well.
What's happening is that I'm trying to get single objects in layers to have a lighting effect, but it's lighting up the transparent space around them, making a distinctly brighter area... well, it's better if I show you:
Adding the Effect:
The Unsatisfactory Result:
How to merge two or more specific layers together, that'd be fantastic.
the zoom burst effect has stopped working in PSE 12! when I click the zoom burst function the photo distorts as designed but when i click the "add focus area" button on the photo it returns the whole photo to normal without focusing the part selected.I have uninstalled and reinstalled PSE 12 already with no effect.
Once again 'Glow' lens effect is doing my head in. No matter what size or intensity I randomly dial in nothing happens.
I've gotten this to work before, but it has always been a random working/not working effect for me.
Do the spinners have any relation to model units or system unit scale? Or is it dependant on days of the week or something to do with the tides / moon?
I am having problems with one of FX effects in corel video studio x3. When I select 'stationary' on the tick box and play back the video, the light still pans around the screen regardless of 'stationary' being selected or not.