I've got a picture of a sunset for a background and i'm trying to place a picture of a girl in the foreground so i need to light her from behind and Render>lighting has nothing i can use. does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this correctly?
We have no lighting effects in the SDK so we've been looking at work around for how to introduce them.Our game takes places on various planets in the solar system. It will be viewed from the top down so the player will be able to see terrain and structures.
The game is going to be compiled mostly using 2D map art and 3D animated models imported as sprite sheets.Because there are no lighting effects we are adding them to the models using the modelling software. All of game maps are being built with a white light. We are instead looking to add a block image canvas with the colour set to that which matches the planet it is set. With the opacity reduced to 25-35% it then gives the map and models the correct light ambience. Before our developer started testing this out in the SDK I used photoshop to come up with the solution. I found that we got the best results when setting the canvas block colour layer to 'soft light'. The only problem is when I export the canvas on its own and send it to our developer it seems to lose the soft light effect.
My question is, is there a way to export the soft light effect? Simply using normal mode and changing the opacity doesn't make the light ambiance look as natural.If you scroll down on the link below you will see two images of the same location. One with the soft light and effect and one with out. URL....
I'm working on a mac and I'm a newcomer to the 3D features in CS6
I have taken a flat pattern design and created a cylinder from the mesh preset dropdown. Screenshot attached of the rasterized 3d layer.
I have the angle and scale I want, but I'd like to remove all shadowing. Is there a way of turning lighting off completely and retaining the colours of the original flat pattern design?
Lighting Effects are missing from my CS5 Program. I go to Filters/Render/and "Lighting Effects" is not there. Not even in Gray. I have a copy of CS3 on my computer and the Light Effects show up in that Program.
I'm having trouble getting my 3D lighting to look, well, believable in PS CS5 Ex. I've moved them around, tried different types of lights, and nothing seems to give me proper shadow contrast and glare and shine on my material. Here is a screen of a dining room setting I'm building (preliminary stage) by combining 2D and 3D elements.
The corner hutch on the right is the 3D piece and the two on the left are 2D. The walls, ceiling and floor are also all 3D as well.
I am using Creative Suite 3 in Windows Vista when a apply a lighting effect to my pictures I get horizontal lines through the picture also. It is not a grid that I can tell because I can clone/heal over them.
So, I have (or will have) many different photos of different objects: a book, a lamp, a cat, etc. These photos were taken at different times of day with different lighting... I am putting all of these pictures in the same picture, so I need the lighting to be the same, or as close as possible.
I'm looking to acheieve this same style lighting effect.
I know how to do this over a black background, using blending modes, lighting flares / effects etc...but I cannot get this "GLOW" and realistic looking bright light effect without a black background.
I am trying to use the Filter->Render->lighting effects, the problem is that it is greyed out and I have no idea what I need to do to make it so I can use the effect.
Here is what I have done so far (and it is not much):
I am currently attempting to apply an image, and then filter -> lighting effects -> any light effect. When I apply the affect, at the bottom of my applied image, it appears as though there is a spot that was NOT hit with the "apply light effect." (So, basically, that spot looks normal while everything else is shadowed above it.)
I am running Photoshop CS2, the image is in RGB,
I've experimented by taking a layer and filter -> lighting effect to see if it had the same outcome, but it did not. It appears this is only a problem when applying the image.
i have been trying to do a lighting effect on some text but that option under render is not 'on' for me to select it. if i bring in a jpg those options comes on but then if i create a new sheet, that render option (and lens flare) is 'off'.
how to create an artificial lighting...not on the whole body but just partially,something like flaring along the side of the body/face etc without getting disntinct line between the lighted and the un-lighted...my point is an artificial lighting which looks real.
I'm creating a simple 25x25 pixel image (see attachment).
The lighting for that image is giving me some trouble. I'm not really sure how to describe the problem but will try.
Being as how the image shapes are "round" and 2-dimensional, I want the lighting to be equal in every "quarter" ... as if the viewer is literally looking from the angle of the sun (sort of "dead on" lighting).
I'm designing a ticket for the senior prom with photoshop. Basically I have a plain black background, with a layer of text over it.
I'm trying to place three red spotlights on the black. The them for prom is hollywood.
Whenever I go to Filter<Render<Lighting effects, I pick three down or whatever, and make them red. The lights do not show up on the preview though... The dots do, but not the lights. If I pick an omni light it works...but not spotlight or directional. If I hit okay, nothing changes on my ticket.
From time to time I observe the following phenomenon:
I want to apply the lighting filter to a graphic. And nothing happens. The dialogue window won´t open, no effect. Only the history list registers: "lighting effects". I think I remember the problem from earlier versions.
I've noticed that for the last few images I've tried modifying the lighting with (using Filters>Render>Lighting Effects), that it will not change the bottom row of pixels, for any reason. I've changed the angle of the lighting, and tried all combinations of effects, none of them doing anything to the very bottom row, 1px thick. I can still modify that row myself, and other filters work on it normally, but lighting effects refuses to.
I'm creating an effect to some text, but for some reason the lighting effects filter in the filter menu is greyed out.
I have rasterized my text, so it's not that. I have also checked that I have the lighting style files in the folder where photoshop is installed, I have even dowloaded and added some new. It didn't help.
When trying something with Lighting styles I discovered that I had no option to chose from.
I started from Filters, went to Render and chose Lighting effects. As I wanted to chose a lighting style, there was none to chose from, even if I had them the folder with lighting styles. By the way, that was in Photoshop CS.
I went to chech with my brother who has PS7 and it worked, he had the lighting styles!
i attached a jpeg version of an interface made byone of the famous Fireworks Graphics Designer. he made this one using Fireworks.i would like to know how to make those ligting effects (the white ones see the arrows)?i know heused air brush in fireworks.
Lighting Filter is not working. When you run the filter the circular ring/point does not appear to adjust the light. It is totally missing. You can adjust the settings but the filter never runs. After attempting to run the filter I tried to go back to my workspace. It would not reset to the default Essential workspace.
The other workspace were OK. I closed and reopened the application and my workspace was restored. I tried running my GPU settings in advanced normal and basic. None of the settings worked.