I recently purchased Lightroom 3 and CS5 and succesfully installed them onto my laptop. However, my laptop is coming to the end of its life. When I get my new laptop, is it OK to re-install the programs? I have the disks. Is there anything I need to be aware of?
I have my LR library and catalog on an external hard drive. I have a new iMac with a 3TB hard drive and I want to move the library and catalog from the external drive to the computer's hard drive. Is this something that can be done with a drag and drop?
have been attempting to install cs3 on a new computer i built. the computer works well and multiple other programs load and function normally - including cs2. Adobe tech support has been worthless and uninterested. This same copy of cs3 has installed on another computer without problem.
i am running a Gigabyte GA-MA69G-S3H motherboard with the latest drivers. 4 GB of Gskill RAM. 2 Hitachi Deskstar 320 GB 7200 RPM SATA drives in stripped array. AMD Brisbane Athlon dual core 5400+ 2.8GHz 65W - not overclocked.
The video card is a Gigabyte GeForce 8600 GT 256 MB 128 PCI express.
I have a downloaded version of of Photoshop CS5.1, which was a special upgrade offer for users of PSE. I have installed PSE 7.0 on my new machine successfully. I also have the folder "Photoshop CS5 Installers" (from my old computer).
I have a file with the serial number of my CS5.1. If I run the file "Photoshop_12_1_LS1.exe" (with the file "Photoshop_12_1_LS1.7z" in the same folder) will this re-install Photoshop CS5.1 on my new computer? My old machine was running Vista Home Premium SP2 (32-bit) and the new one is running Windows 7 Professional SP1 (64-bit). I don't want to try anything without really knowing what I'm doing for fear of messing things up.
I have photoshop 7 which I have used for years. My computer died (windows XP) and I had to buy a new one with windows 8 . I have re installed Photoshop 7 and now when I click on the Photoshop icon it begins to load then halfway through I get a message that says "You currently have Adobe Photoshop's primary scratch and windows primary paging file on the same volume which can result in reduced performance. It is recommended that you set Adobe Photoshop's primary scratch volume to be on a different volume, preferably on a different physical drive" The only option here is to press "OK" then it automaticly closes.
Bought a new desktop today, which is running Win7 x64 Home Premium. Previously was running a laptop with Win7 x64 Ultimate.
I've installed CS5 with the appropriate patches, and attempted to install ACR7.1. The Adobe Application Manager launched and errors with:
"Updates could not be applied. Please contact your Administrator if you wish to apply updates on your machine. Updates have been suppressed by the Administrator."
First of all, is this a Windows priviledges error, or an Adobe App Manager error?If it's the former, I am logged in locally with the Admin account. I have tried running the patch installer "Run as Administrator" with the same result.
I've purchased the CS6 suite earlier this year and am trying to install it into my second computer. The Adobe creative cloud only offers for CC trials and takes only CC serial numbers. Is there any way I can install my CS6 without having to purchase an external CD drive?
I have a new PC and I am installing PS CS6 and LR5.
I installed it on a different drive because my C drive only has 8gig left (my C drive is an SSD and I only have the OS on it).
Now when I try to open PS, it gives me this error: "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005)."
LR is now doing the samething (bridge works fine). I tried rebooting, and a few times they both opened right after a reboot. Then I would close them and re-open them and I got the error....now it seems to NOT work every time I try.
Was this because I didn't install it on the C drive?
I recently purchased a MACBook Pro laptop (OS X 10.8.3) and want to install the CS4 I purchased several years ago. I have the installation CD but unfortunately, there is no CD/DVD drive on the laptop. How do I install the CS4?
I'm trying to install a graphics tablet on my computer (Dell, Windows 64-bit), but for some reason it wasn't working with my Photoshop CS6 Extended. I was advised to uninstall Photoshop and then re-install in order to get the tablet to work with it. I have the Creative Suite 6 Design and Web Premium but I only uninstalled Photoshop Extended specifically.
Now that I'm going to re-install Photoshop, I'm unsure what to do. Do I download the trial version of Photoshop Extended and then put in my serial number? Or should I uninstall all of the Creative Suite and then re-install that?
I'm having problems opening photoshop CS3 after a clean install. I have deactivated my CS3 product on my old computer, that run on windows XP. With my DVD installed on my new computer that runs on windows 7. After the installation, I tried to open photoshop to activate. When the program stats to open and freezes almost instantly. I have to open the task manager to close the program that appears not responding.
My new computer is a Workstation, S5000XVN Intel motherboard, 24 Gb of Ram, NVidea Quadro 2000.
how I would install the RAW codec for CS3? I looked at the instructions, but I do not have "c:Program FilesCommon FilesAdobePlug-InsCS3File Formats" since my Photoshop is installed on the D Drive. I tried adding the plugin to "D:Program Files (x86)AdobeAdobe Photoshop CS3Plug-InsFile Formats" but that didn't seem to do anything (after closing and reopening Photoshop, it still says that it can't open the file).
My Dell laptop crashed about a year ago, and I was able to have the hard drive backed up to an external. I now need my PhotoShop CS which is on the external hard drive. I need to know how to install PhotoShop, and others in the creative suite, from the external drive. I am having a problem figuring out which files need to be installed first, i.e. .exe and .dll files.
The hard drive is an iMicro 3.5" SATA and IDE HDD
I am currently running Windows Vista, Gateway Notebook **I can not find the original Creative Suite cds; I think they may have been "accidentally" thrown away by someone other than myself.
I am running the latest version of CS 6 on an older (2008) 15" Mac Book Pro (OSX 10.8.2), when I'm away on assignment. The original 200GB hard drive needs to be replaced and in preparation I've cloned the complete system onto an external hard drive. I'll be replacing the original hard drive with a larger (1TB) version and can clone everything back onto the newly installed hard drive when it arrives.
But in the "test" I tried today, PS CS6 would not open. How do I go about installing my legally obtained and paid for copy of CS6 onto the new hard drive? Do I de activate the present version, then download a copy to the new hard drive and activate it that way or will that be seen as a third machine, since I have one copy on a desk top and once on the old hard drive in the Mac Book Pro. I just don't want to loose a CS6 activation?
I own Photoshop CS3. My computer hard drive crashed so I am reinstalling everything.
I originally downloaded CS3 from Adobe and I have the product Key. I have a backup of the original Adobe files that I downloaded in 2010, on a CD. I put a copy of the files on my new C: drive and then installed the software. It installed fine, but when I open up CS3 it freezes, it shows the CS3 menus but I can't do anything else.
Computer 1's hard drive crash and all programs and data were recovered professionally and sent to me on an External Hard Drive. Computer 1 was on Windows 7. I can fun the program off of the External Hard drive fine, when connected to my my new Computer. I click on the .exe file and it pulls up the catalogue as it should. All off of the recovery drive.
The new Computer, is on Windows 8.1. How do I get the Adobe Catalogues moved/copied to the new Computer?
I redownload Adobe 10 onto my new 8.1 Computer from the Adobe website. Using the new download, I was able to open the Catalogue on the External Drive (F). Cannot find a way to "relocate" the Catalogue to the new computer. The pictures have already been copied to the new computer.
I have been using Lightroom since the beginning on an older PC running Windows XP (currently ver 3.5). The way I began using LR was to only import those images which I wanted to work with. Basically these were all in the same parent directory (/images) and reasonably well organized. Having just set up a new Windows 7 PC with plenty of memory and speed, I would like to import all of my digital photos (100K+) to LR. I would also like to have my old catalog, containing metadata on ~2,600 images that I have worked with.
I would like to have the catalog on my boot drive; all images are on another, larger drive. So far, I have not been able to make this work. Most attempts result in the catalog being on the boot drive and unable to find the images. No parent folder shows up in the C: folder (cataloged), so I can't point the whole batch of cataloged images to the right drive. It seems the only alternative I have is doing this folder by folder.
I recently switched from Windows Vista to and iMac and I'm trying to edit photos in Photoshop CS6 and it won't let me make changes or edits to the photos stating that it can't allow me "write access" to save the changes? Where is the lock up? Is it in the external hard drive settings? In the camera? In the files themselves?
Im currently in my second year at architecture school and have recently been learning how to render and do simple animations on autodesk. Being a poor student and only having an existing home computer, how to update my system so I would be able to run some simple renders on my computer?
I have attached an image below of my system details. My computer doesnt have a graphics card and I know I need to get that sorted.
I've created a BIG catalogue with photos from various drives. And each time I've used "export" to copy the photos to an internal drive on a brand new computer with a huge drive.
I'd like the main catalogue to ALL refer to the files on the new huge drive?
Is it possible to capture video using Premiere Pro (or any other program from the Adobe Creative Suite) directly from my dvd player on my PC or my superdrive? If not, how can I capture video from DVDs? These are not copyright protected DVDs. They are copies on DVD of on-camera work I have done that I would like to digiitize to make a demo reel.
The external hard drive that I've use for my LR photos is filling up. I've bought a new, larger hard drive. How do I relocate my existing images into the new hard drive so that LR continues to locate them?
I have been editing and saving pictures on lightroom 3 to an external hard drive while working off an old laptop. I just recently bought a new computer and installed lightroom 3. How do I view and edit the same files on the external hard drive from the new computer?
I import my photos into an external drive, raw format. . My computer has never run so slow. If I process those images, are they somehow on my main computer or still on the external drive?
I have run out of space on my laptop and need to move my picture files to an externaal hard drive and need to know how i can do this without creating problems ???
I have CS5 installed on a desktop computer that crashed and I can't get it working to deactivate CS5. I am going to purchase a new desktop and would like to install CS5 on the new computer, but it was already installed on two computers (desktop and laptop) so no activations are left. I have the Disk and serial number.