Photoshop :: How Do You Create A Gradual Transparency?
Feb 22, 2003
This might be a really obvious question, but I was wondering... If I was to have a rectangular object or something... how could I apply a gradient of sorts that makes it starts completely solid, but gradually becomes more and more transparent?
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS2. I formerly had been using CorelPHOTO-PAINT, but have since then moved on to better things.
In CorelPHOTO-PAINT, there is a tool called the "Interactive Object Transparency Tool." This tool was simple: you'd select an object (layer) and click a start point, you then would move your cursor in the desired direction, clicking once again to complete the function. The further away the second (or end) point was, the more gradual the transformation to transparency.
I know CS2 has a Gradient Tool, but that involves colors, and I want to gradually and directionally decrease the opacity on a layer without involving color.
I have taken a group photo of people in a park and I would like to blur the people in the background. I want to use the lens blur so the blurring looks like it was done through the lens.
I also want to avoid the image looking like that the sharp object was pasted on a blurred background especially around the hair on the subjects heads, which is why I am looking for a gradual blur.
I have a video shot from inside a vehicle driving down a rural French road. I would like to increase the speed to 110% to 115% as the video progresses to match the music I will overlay it with.
I know how to increase the playback speed, but I can't seem to find if it's possible to do it gradually. Everything I try increases the speed all a once. Is this possible (gradually increase speed) with the Playback Speed settings, or do I need to make two clips of the same segment, 1 at regular speed and 1 at the final speed, and use a long transition between them?
I'm in the process of building a subassembly in SAC. My goal is to have it transition from one cross section to another over a set length (by using station values). I can set it up so that at a certain station it switches cross sections, but I need to have a gradual change.
I've looked at other posts on here, but they all relate to road cross sections and changing slope (at least from what I saw). Any insight as to the proper way to do this (maybe with Auxiliary points and links)
I was wondering if someone could help me create a PNG that when overlayed on an image only shows when its on top of black. ie the image underneath is black and in some spots there is color. Wherever there is black I would like the overlayed png to show. Wherever there is color I would like to the overlayed png to be transparent.
I'm an beginner/intermediate Photoshop user, using CS5. I'm working on an image of two women, starting from an historical photograph. I selected, copied and pasted the central image of the 2 women onto a new layer which is otherwise transparent. I then created a copy of the original photograph's layer and applied a masking layer with a radial transparency gradient, so that when the original layer is hidden, the background appears to be radially faded behind the central image. So far, so good. Â However, I'd like to apply an additional "dose" of transparency around the edges, so the image fades completely at the outermost edges. And I'd like more control over this additional fading than just applying another gradient. Â I've seen a video of someone "painting" transparency onto an image, but I can't quite get my brain around it. From what I've read, it looks as though I should create another layer that will be an additional masking layer... but how to do this. Â My undying gratitude for any assistance to get me past this roadblock.
I am using the new Creative Cloud attempt from Adobe. In 6 months, the only consistent documented behavior from photoshop around transparency gradient adjustment layers is to deselect all layers and then select just one layer to use for the failed Photoshop transparency effect. Â I have not found any tutorials that I can duplicate on my machine. Either the tools will not appear 99% of time, or when they do 1% of time they do not work as described, work erratically, or do not work at all. I have got the CC Photoshop to perform a linear gradient from layer to black background. That is all CC Photoshop can do consistently for me. For multi-step tutorials, the steps are consistent, but CC Photoshop popups and resutls literally change with each gradient attempt. Freaky application failures. 100% of time CC Photoshop fails, applying the gradient from an object in foreground to a black background.
Layer foreground to black background must be the default. Anything else fails and is highly erratic. It is as if this CC Photoshop is intended as a supplement to whatever they are using in the tutorials. For example, If I had the money for a full Photoshop CS6 box, everything would work fine? CC Photoshop is a total fail on this computer. Adobe telephone support results the same failure. I am always going to get a call back "with a resolution". but the callback never comes, or it comes with the excuse "we are working on this". All I want is a Foreground to Background transparency gradient for a selected layer... ever since the CC beta trial appeared a year ago. For example, how do I create a radial transparency gradient using CC Photoshop?
I have a vertical (rectangular) photo that I have pasted into a square canvas. I am looking to expand the photo to the edges of the canvas in a specific way: I want to stretch the edges of the photo (not the whole photo) such that the closer the photo edge is to the edge of the canvas the more stretched it is.
I'm sure 'variable transparency' is not the right way of putting this.
I have an image which has some text in white. However because of the aliasing the text is not 100% white against the background (black). Rather; the edges are shades of white.
I want to convert the image so that the text is transparent. If the text was 100% white it would be simple. Colors.. Colors To Alpha. However that doesn't work as it doesn't deal with the shades of white around the edges of the text.
I want the shades of white to be transparent with the same degree of opacity as they white. So the white in the image is 100% transparent and a pixel which is say light grey to be 90% transparent. (The end image is going to be used as a webkit mask; showing the background behind the masked element).
I don't know where to start with this. I know PNGs support 8 bit transparency so it should in theory be possible.
I have a circle with split into 5 segments (image A).All of the segments have a stroke (1px) of white, and a fill. Â What I want is for the STROKE to be transparent so that when I position the 5 segments over a different background colour (image B) I see the colour underneath where the white stroke would otherwise appear. To recap - I would like to retain the width of the stroke, and make the stroke coloue transparent..
I've tried the Opacity setting, but this applies to the object, not just the stroke.
With transparencydisplay=1 I create hatch with transparency (for example) 80%, I save file and I close it. When I re-open the same file hatch have transparency 0%. What's the problem?
I have been creating PNG's with transparent backgrounds forever, but now I need one with a transparent background AND a partial transparency area for a glow effect. Draw X3?
I am trying to create a very simple logo. Basically, I created two layers: one with the letter M and the other with the letter W. I now want to place another letter over top of them and then select it so I can delete the shape of the third letter from the other two and essentially be able to see the transparent background through the third letter. Â I have done this in PS CS2 no problem, but I am trying to do it in illustrator so I can resize the design for anything from a business card to a billboard if needed. Bottom line is I need a solution that wont effect me being able to resize the vecotr to crazy sizes. Â In the image below, the "S" is just a white letter. I need it to be a cut out through the M and W so that whatever Background it is on the page or document shows through that S space.
I am deciding to switch over to gimp from pixelmator because of the extra features. However, there is one thing that is making me concerned is some limitations in the filters.
How do I create a checkerboard pattern (using the filter) which has a green color for its primary color and transparency for its secondary color? In pixelmator this is easily done because there are extra color pickers in that filter supports transparency, so no problem. However, this isn't the case in gimp.
I would like the two pictures to blend in the middle from left to right. The picture on the left will be sharpe on the left side but fade/transparent by the time it reaches the middle. The picture on the right will be sharpe on the right side but fade/transparent in the middle.
I would think I need a gradient transparency (you always have to use a color)
I see pictures like this all the time, but can not seem to find the correct feature or combinations of features.
In Coreldraw there is a transparency tool which allows you to merge one photo into another - not like layers on top of each other, but overlapping along the edges, so that the outer edges of each pic are unaffected, and the central area is like a mixture of each pic. You could do something similar in Photoshop elements using the Gradient tool, but the gradient tool in CS2 doesn't seem to work the same way.
At the moment, I'm having to join/blend two pics in Coreldraw, save the result as a jpeg, and then open the resultant file in CS2 to continue working. In Coreldraw the little tool is called 'Transparency'-'Fountain' I can't believe CS2 can't do something similar.
How do I make a background transparent? For example I made a document with just my name...Kim. I don't want there to be a rectangular/square or ANY kind of background...just that word, nothing around it, nothing behind it. How do I do that? Before you answer...
I've tried it by putting the document settings at "background>transparent". But when I came across it in my documents folder, it had a background around it. I've thought about selecting the word, and putting it onto a new, "transparent" document, but it doesn't seem to me that would help if it doesn't work when you set the background to transparent on the ORIGINAL and having it not turn out. Don't know what to do??
how do i take a picture that has a background color and make the background transparent. or copy, cut the pic and transfer to a transparent background. i need to make some renders for my site.
I'm using PNG alpha-blending for some of the graphics on my website. As most of you already know, IE isn't the best at rendering PNGs with alpha. Code:
I am realtively new to PhotoShop. Using 7.0 on Windows XP
I have a image, white background with an outlined letter C. I want to make the outside white transparent, but the inside of the letter C to remain white. Is this easy? I created a new image with a transparent background, which doesn't seem to be working.
When creating images to be used on the web there are some where I wouldn't like the white of the background visible (a transparent background).
I've tried deleting the background layer, reducing the fill and opacity to 0% and the background eraser, when I save the images there is no background visible but when previewed on the internet they appear!?
I want to make a very simple sig, text only, no effects or anything. Basically, I just don't like the available fonts that I can use for an html sig on the board I post on ;p Anyways, I save the file as a .gif with transparency and when I tested it out in an HTML file, it showed up fine, but that was only with a white background. When I changed the background color to anything other than white, the text had white pixels around it. Could anyone give some pointers on how to get rid of those pixels around the text? It wouldn't be a problem if the board background color was white, but it's blue. I also tried saving as a .png, same result.
I am creating a CD label using Nero. I simply want to use Photoshop to save an image with a transparent background so that I may import it onto my label. However, everytime I bring the image into Nero (or any other program), it has a white background that I am unable to get rid of. How do I save a Photoshop file with a transparent background so that it may be used in other programs?
if I use CS 4 x64 or x86 I can't save an alpha channel to the PNG format. It does support alpha, right?I opened a tga file containing the alpha channel save to png and it is gone.The same happens if I choose "Save for web and devices."
i have a word(or an object) in a new file im working , the background is white (could be other colore..doesn´t matter) ,.. all i want is to set the background transparent (and not white) , ..possible? and saved to an image file (jpeg,gif) ?
i want this cus im doing a site where the backgorun changes autom.. , so i only need the word/object to be seen without the background..