How did they create the outer line of the speach bubble? The curve is very smooth and doesn't have signs of the little bumps I get when I try using a formation of several points then filling in the middle.
when I browse image files I find that the Photoshop/Adobe logo has been replaced by the Netscape logo. When I attach a file in email the N-scape logo is there by file name/number not Photoshop logo. Anyone know why or have this issue?
I have a .pdf that I want to use in a presentation next week. The problem is, since we last used this .pdf, we have changed our logo. How does one switch out one image out for another?
I've created a logo, but once i put it on the web the low resolution turns it to crap. I have recreated it using the work paths in photoshop and the filled the paths...
I'm trying to make the letter W look like wave curls, however I have no idea where to start. I tried playing with the pen tool but I cant seem to do anything useful with it.
There probably should be a lot of post on how to do it,and i've seen a general post where everyone explains bit and pieces but is there any guide made by the person who really made the pst logo?
I'm trying to create a new logo. The design is very simple, in that it is mainly text. What I'm finding is that the image when printed and enlarged becomes fuzzy around the edges. What can I do to ensure the quality stays good?
I've read some things on this forum that talk about saving the logo in Vector format. What is this and how do I do it? Also what format and resolution do I save it at for print and the web?
I have a logo that I need to print on a decal but need it to be 300 DPI, crisp, clean, etc... The Font is a Futura Md BT.? Here is a link to the file:[URL]...
I am trying to edit a psd of a logo for a company i am working for,
but when i open it says something like "can not open, file might be corrupted" the psd is done in CS4 and iam trying to open it in CS6, what can it be?
I've been given a rather large jpg file containing a client's logo. The dimensions are huge - 6299 x 1890. I need to resize the image without losing clarity. What steps must I take to do this? Is Photoshop the best place to handle this task, or is Illustrator a better fit?
I only have PS CS5. I made text logo with a transparent background for a website and saved it as a png. The person building the website can't seem to resize it without it becoming pixelated.
the logo is translucent- sometimes and other times not- there is a setting I am missing somewhere. It worked this morning then I could not get it to work
He wants me to have the completed logo in .ai version and a .EPS..why would they want them saved like this- why wouldnt just a PSD and JPEG be ok?
Secondly, I see that .ai is Adobe Illustrator- what does this allow someone to do, that they wouldn't be able to do on photoshop.
I have the ability to save as EPS, as well as many others, but not .ai. However, I see there is an ability under 'File', to 'Export to Illustrator'. If I was to do this, would this save it as an .ai file that would suit my 'client'.
Im tryin to make a logo for a web site into a vector graphic that i can use with the custom shape tool. I've read at the adobe web site how to do it but there is one catch. When you paste it it says to set it to paste on a new shape layer. I cant seem to make it create a shape layer, only a new one. Can somebody enlighten me?
I like the idea of the pixelation floating away from the object, Is there a name for this kind of effect? I assumed it was just some kind of pixelation reference.
I'm a new user of PhotoShop (v6.0.1) and I'm trying to add a photo (.gif) to a header (.psd) I've started & will use in WordPress.
I cannot seem to click & drag the logo to the header. It does not come out of the window or space that it is in. I think this can be done because I have seen it done in a tutorial video. I see the logo layer has a lock on it, is that possible the problem? I cannot seem to figure out how to unlock it.
I've been photoshopping on and off for about 2 years now, sharing some of my stuff on a prowrestling message board (go figure). My skills (if you can call them that) are fairly limited.
Here's the inquiry I have...
I have a small logo. It's the only logo on the net of it's kind, so if there was a larger one, I'd have it. I need to enlarge it substantially for a t-shirt (for my significant other as an inside joke type gift). However due to the photo being so small, I lose major detail when I enlarge it.... This makes me a sad panda.
However, an aquantance told me that I can still maintain the quality if I make the image a vector then enlarge it. I nodded my head and agreed but truth be told, I've never used vectors before.
I've attached a link to the photo below, and I'm asking anyone for their help. Guiding me through the process of enlarging the photo without losing too much detail or making it lose focus would be cool. If it's a quick process but takes some skill,
I am just getting the hang of PS and I've been working on a logo for myself. I've done all sorts of reading on the basics and concepts of the design, what I've not found is anything showing the best way to "save" the logo once I've completed it so it can be sized as needed for the different items (business card, brochure, letter head etc).