I can't open Photoshop. It doesn't matter much though I've installed it on a new computer, but...
I had made some styles that I would like to copy to new version. Is there a way to get these files, remember I can't start Photoshop and just export them I need to find their location and manually copy them to the new version.
Over the years and months I have create a lot of styles to make it easy for me to do one click on things such as text and jazz them up a bit. Now I want to give a friend one of the styles that I made, without having to give them ALL my styles as its very large. Is there a way to export just an individual style or a selection of them, rather than exporting the whole thing, which i know how to do. Thanks.
I'm designing a game for iPad and am using Illustrator CS3 to create the graphics. I created lots of card sized graphics and gave them all the 'RGB Parchment' graphic style which comes with Illustrator.
The document in the picture is (part of) an illustrator file that I created these cards in. If I take one out to another document to edit it and save it as a .png - it comes back different. As you can see in the picture, in the centre are two mock ups I made for a card. The left is an illustrator file 'placed' in the document and the right is the same file but exported as a .png and then placed in.
The .png keeps the transparencies but the shadow is completely different, it's a horrible brown as well as the shape being slightly different and the quality quite low. I sent the whole mock up picture (which is much bigger) to my iPad and I can still see the lower quality in the right, .png card.
If I want to bring graphics into some software to build the app I can't bring in illustrator files so I cant to create them as .pngs but when they're so different / low quality I don't know what to do. I just want to be able to use that 'RGB Parchement' graphic style and not have it changed so much when I export it.
How do you apply certain contour label styles to certain surface styles (i.e. When I have an existing surface i want the default contour labels to be an "existing contour" style). Â Right now the default is a "finished contour" label style for all surfaces.
How do update the styles library to keep from getting the Styles Conflict error box. I have used the Standard.dwg file that loaded with Inventor 2012 but everytime I change styles and save the changes in a new template in reverts back to the library definitions.
I used to be able to select 'NO' in the LIbrary option of the Projects Folder but that optiion no longer exists.
We've created a new parts list style for a border.When the border tempalt file is on the c: drive...everything works hunky dory...parts list, revision tables, etc.But as soon as we copy and paste that border into the template library folder for new drgs...the parts list style is missing from the local styles?
So to make it appear on the new document...the style manager has to be set at all styles and the new parts list style has to be saved to the document?What aren't we doing to make it appear on the template?
Also note that because the drawing border template is in a template folder as part of the design projects...it is NOT editable...so it has to be edited outside the template folder.
Is it possible to change a drawing using named plot styles (.stb) to colourdependent plot styles (.ctb) within the drawing itself? The variable'pstylemode' comes up as read-only.
Here is some POF: proof of concept, as it were, from one of my recent projects. I's not a final result, I can't post it here. But it's just some quick way to illustrate the way to use Layer Styles somewhat creatively.
Here blood is supposed to be gathering volume and welling as it streaks down. It's all about Layer Styles:
As you can see blood stain is inside the Smart Object. One instance is placed under and another one is put above. The one above is added Layer Styles namely Bevel, Shadows and other ones, but with the gradient mask applied.
This way Layer Styles change there effect smoothly, according to layer mask: Bevel grows it's depth downwards, etc. And the Blood stain itself stays editable as a Smart Object. It can be tweaked any way you like. The same goes for Layer Styles options and the mask. Levels on mask can be used to fine tune the final view.
This is my first post, and I need an answer to a gradient question. Is it possible to create custom gradient "styles" (i.e. linear, radial, etc.) in Photoshop? If so, how is it done?
I know you can save layer styles easily and apply them to other layers. Can you do the same thing for fonts? I tried to make a tool preset, but I heard an error bleep whenever I clicked the new preset button and had the flashing typing bar in the text I wanted to save.
I have Photoshop CS installed and my daughter had Elements 3, but wanted me to show her how to use it. I installed it on my laptop to figure it out. I recently uninstalled it and now my icons for all my downloaded styles, brushes, actions, plugins, and shapes are generic windows icons. I keep them in separate folders to use in Photoshop as I need them. I can still use them, so it's not that big of a deal, but the Photoshop style icons are missing. I know it had something to do with uninstalling Elements 3 because I restored my computer thinking something was wrong and realized Elements was back and I checked and the icons were back. I uninstalled Elements again and they were gone again.
I am having some trouble with a logo recreation I am working on, the bevel on the text to be precise.
Here is my problem...
I want the bevel to be like this...
In the above image, the bevel is squared out on the letters, in mine attempt, its round... I can’t fix this , Anyone know why?
Also the bevel seems to have created an odd effect on it, loads of jaggy lines, why are they there?
I recreated this as a vector and applied the styles in Adobe Photoshop CS3, would it be possible to import my Adobe Photoshop blending styles, gradients etc into Adobe Illustrator CS3?
whenever i use layer styles on an object, and try to free transform it, it gets distorted everywhere...like vertical gradient lines. the edges also distort.
I have been trying to get a nice gold style for some time now, and finally created one that I like using a few different styles togeather. With that being said What I did was break apart the FX into Multiple Layers, and Create the Effect that I wanted.
Now that I have the effect that I want, I want to put them back into the FX section on my text, so I can create a style of the new style I created, and Merge them back with the Text.
The problem I am having is that I like the look I have right now, and would like it to become a new style, so that if I change the text or font, the rest of the effects will change accordingly. Right now The text Changes but the shadow doesn`t, inner glow doesn`t ect. so the resulr is a ghost image with the newly changed font over top but the shadowing effects underneith remaining in the old font.
When trying something with Lighting styles I discovered that I had no option to chose from.
I started from Filters, went to Render and chose Lighting effects. As I wanted to chose a lighting style, there was none to chose from, even if I had them the folder with lighting styles. By the way, that was in Photoshop CS.
I went to chech with my brother who has PS7 and it worked, he had the lighting styles!
i'm trying to my own comic for my website, and i'm trying to create styles that will work on the shapes that i use for the caption boxes and speech bubbles. eg, for th e speech I create a shape, then add the styles Colour Fiill and each an 8 pixel stroke that forms the border of the shape. I click, "new Style" and it saves it happily.
the problem is....whenever i start up PShop again (using v6.0, BTW), the style is there, but the Stroke is 33 pixels. The colour fill is okay, but it wil NOT save the goddamned Stroke values - i've tried creating the new style, saving the styles then importing them and the same thing happens.
I'm making up album pages, with multiple pictures, each with a drop shadow/stroke round it. The photographs each have their own layer set, with adjustment layers correcting their individual colours - I don't want to merge the adjustment layers down until I'm ready to archive. I don't want to rasterize the layer styles yet either.
The problem I'm having is that the adjustment layers are affecting the layer styles - making the black line go a lighter grey etc. Is there a way round this? I'll merge the adjustment layers into the photographs if I have to, but is there a way of doing so while still leaving the layer style editable?
I have a large book similar to the "Yellow Pages" and all of the business names are in the same Paragraph style. I need to index alphabetically. I done it for the first time last year and accomplished it through Table of Contents(TOC) I saved it in my How to and when I tried to do it again this year it's problematic, not only putting my business in alpha but also putting my page numbers in alpha (they don't match up).
For some reason my Styles Palette lists "most" of my style-sets twice? There is a horizontal rule below my last style listing in the flyout menu before it starts listing them again? Loading a style from either list works. I have done a search on my hard drive and on one file exists for each style .asl file.
I copied a layer style (Outer glow) and pasted it on another file, value of the size in Outer glow, changed when pasted from 6 to 64. Why? How do I make copying the layer style more accurate?
Indesign is a great tool to create responsive sites and obviously handles text better than photoshop. Being able to import text styles from indesign in photoshop would allow me to quicky rebuild comps in photoshop for my developers.