Photoshop :: Exporting Mean / Median And SD From Histogram Data?
Feb 28, 2013
I am trying to collect the mean, median, and mode of the RGB color values for a lot of different images.. Instead of just exporting the histogram raw data, I would rather just export what you see in the 'statistics' window when you open the histogram window.
Also, if I just wanted to transcribe it myself, I am not even able to keep the histogram window open while typing the data in excel.. So I constantly have to click back and forth (or just get better memory)..
I have a nice image that has lost the red channel histogram data for about half of the image. It can still be viewed, and the preview is correct.
Can I copy the histogram data from the red channel of the non-corrupt portion of the image? I know it's the red channel because when I open the color data from the corrupted portion the red channel is literally non-existant.
I was trying to export some mesh from 3ds Max 2011 to Maya,which was animated using "Parametric Deformers". Now the problem is that animation data is not coming into maya rest of everything is getting ported exactly.
Will FBX exporter supports "Parametric Deformers"like wave or ripple,etc. animation data to export? Is there any other way to do so.
Can you take text from a drawing and export it out to excel? My thoughts are room numbers, employee names, department names, etc.
I need an excel spreadsheet showing this information to then upload to my CAFM Application? Is there an alternative to obtaining a report from a drawing?
I've an illustrator document that has a code badge design. The bade design includes a 4 digit code that will alter 61 times but only in terms of the digits. I've set up my artwork into 2 layers with type on the top and the graphic underneath. Is there a way of using a script or code to export the graphic with each of the 61 codes or do I need to modify the Ai file 61 times and export 61 seperate raster images?
At one time I was able to export a file's original file name in the "Raw Data" area of the metadata. I seem to have lost that ability in LR 4. I find this useful when a client renames a file and then wants me to find the original. I would open the file in Photoshop (or even a word processor) and the original name would be in the Raw Data area in File Info.
When LR 4 imports the file the first time, it apparently still creates the xmp file with the file name at the end of <rdf:Description rdf:about="" field and it looks like: crs:RawFileName="_DSC6501.NEF">
At one time Lightroom exported that info. But now I seem to have lost that file name info, even with "Export All Metadata" selected.
This is how it would look in Photoshop's File Info:
We are creating property set data and attaching it to polylines in autocad 2011. export the drawing to the older format (2007) and maintain the property data connection. We don't have and old version anymore so I can't test.
I am rarely new to map 3d. What I would like to do is to export 3 dem surface in any kind of format, so that I could open it in 3d max.
I know how to generate Contours, but when I export them to dwg and later open in autocad architecture there are missing info on z coordinate - so everything is flat.
Is there some way to make .3ds file or .dwg file so that would really look like a 3d terrain in ACAD architecture or 3d max?
We're moving to Trimble Access on the survey data collectors which means that we have to export design data using Trimble Link and then use Trimble Business Center to examine the data and do any editing before sending it to the field.
So far I've found that alignments, profiles and surfaces seem to transfer OK. Corridors however have been an almost total failure.
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013 & 2014 Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q890 2 x i7 - Q740 quad core CPU's 8GB of RAM 60GB SSD + 500GB HDD NVidia GeForce GTS 360M - driver Win 7 Home Premium
I wanted to get a few opinions regarding exporting data.
We are working with AutoCAD 2013 Vanilla.
We have dynamic blocks with attributes that contain the block Name, Size, Color, material etc...
What is the best way to export the information?
Schedule and linked to a spreadsheet?
(I have experience with schedules but not so much with linking to spreadsheets)
DbConnect? (I know very little on this)
Another way to ask the question;
What is the best way to export the data that I can successfully train 20 designers on how to do it correctly.
So part one is determining the best method,
part two is training a group of designers to use it correctly.
I worked on getting a schedule out and linking to a spreadsheet but even after talking to my reseller support I feel that is too cumbersome. I would like a more streamlined process, you know the one, click here and presto!
I found out you can export the data table of feature properties from an SDF connection by choosing Options > Select All and then Options > Export and obtained a .csv file I was able to bring in Excel...but there are no headings for the data. How to export the column headings as well?
I have a live shot that I have 3D Camera Tracked using the built in AE plugin. I select 'Create new Camera and Solid'. AE creates a new 3d tracked camera and a solid. I save my comp. I go to 'File-Export-Maxon C4D', and create a new .c4d file. I import that file to AE, and put it in my comp. I go to 'Edit--Edit Original...'. C4D Lite opens up. I can see a new null, with a plane and camera inside. Everything looks great, but the camera has no animation on it. Upon closer inspection, I realize that none of the keyframes from my AE camera have been exported to my C4D camera.
I've tried exporting a new camera to C4D in as many ways as I can think of. The other strange thing was that the 'Merge Camera' button in the Cineware plugin in AE is grayed out, no matter how many new cameras I make. I've even made my own cameras and animated them without using the 3d Tracker plugin and it never exports correctly. I've also tried reinstalling C4D Lite.
It can be done using the LaneFromTaperedMedian subassembly, and that there is a webcast explaining it. I have checked with Autodesk, and the webcast is no longer available. Any detailed instructions as to how to accomplish this. I'll attach an image of my median.
I have a baseline profile as a finished grade of a roadway corridor and want to add raised medians within a portion of the corridor. best way to have the medians adjust as the profile grade changes?
C3D2012..I have an assembly with left and right curb subassemblies, they are spaced about 1 m apart. I want to connect the BOC's with a constant slope median. I bring in the median and connect it to the Left BOC and it attaches, but shoots the median for 20 m across the assembly to the right. I tried to put a marked point on the right BOC prior to bringing in the median assembly, but the same thing happens. I changed the marked point name to RTC (Right Top Curb) and also changed the name to match in the median subassembly, with the same results.
Any proper way to insert the median and get it to connect properly.
Does anybody knows wich was the first PS version to include this window? silly question but I cant find it in version 7, I think the one with the eye in it´s logo.
I sometimes see a razor thin line on the right edge.
Is that clipping?
I mean it very clear when I see the mountain slamming up to the right, but many times I see a normal mountain rise and fall, and then seem to see this razor thin blue green or red line on the right edge.
I need to create an assembly where the median width varies , I already created the alignment, profile,corridor,section with the design level. Also I have created the assembly with fix width. Now in the middle of my road the median is getting bigger ,Its possible to link the median with a polyline or another alignment were it change the width ?
i have a question for the gurus. how do i accomplish modeling two parallel roads with a median in between? in other words, say a northbound (NB) and a parallel southbound (SB) roadway, with a grass median in between them. the both roads have crown, and then eventually slope down towards the median, and at one point they meet.
I am curious to know if say for NB and SB, i have an assembly with the lanes, then shoulder, and then median area past the shoulder at x%, what subassembly should i use to accurately model the point where the NB and SB x%s meet?
I am not sure if i would be able to do it with only one baseline, as the roads may not always be parallel.
I have problem with medians ( Both MedianRaisedWithCrown and MedianRaisedConstantSlope) when crossing center line ( i.e whole median has to cross the center line).
I have median that goes along the centerline and it has to move to left completely ( whole median is on left side of the centerline) to cater for left turn. I tried with MedianRaisedWithCrown and MedianRaisedConstantSlope but it did not workout for me.
I used alignment ( for cl ) and offset alignments for median edge and etw. I have problem when the median edge ( offset alignment ) cross the center line and continues. I can see etw and median feature line shifts.
I am using the histogram function in PS CS4 for Windows. I am using the magic wand tool to choose numerous "green" elements (for example). As I choose more and more elements, the pixel amount goes up in the histogram table. For some weird reason, when I choose enough elements to hit around 50000 pixels, the amount reverts to 12000 and goes to "cache level 2". I need to be able to have a total of all my elements for the project I'm working on. Is this a memory issue? How can I increase the cache?
Why the histogram for a gradient is not flat, as I guess it should be? Or, how to make a gradient that results in a flat histogram (that is, with the same number of pixels for each level)? The screen capture annexed should clarify the subject.
For a research project, I am calculating the area of the cytosol of a cell by finding the total cell area and subtracting the total nuclear area. I have been using the lasso tool to select the boundaries and then the histogram to measure the total pixels in that selection area. Proportionately, the nuclear pixel area should always be smaller than the total cell area since the nucleus is inside that cell. Most of my measurements have been accurate, but I started to run into the problem in which occasionally the nuclear pixel area is larger the total cell area. This does not make sense, which means that Pixel # that the histogram records must not actually be counting every pixel. I have tried to do some reading online and it sounds like the histogram is made based on different color intensities. If that were the case, that histogram pixel count is not the total area of the selection but rather only the pixel count that is being used to calculate the histogram.
I have tried changing the Channels from grayscale to RGB, etc. to see if that might use more of the pixels but there is no difference. What is the difference in these measurements and how can I make sure that the histogram counts every pixel?
Also, once I have that issue figured out, to convert my pixel count to a cell area, do I use the equation
A=P/s^2? A=real cell area P=pixel count S=linear pixel/cm.
I have a bar scale from the microscope on the bottom of each image, thus I can accurately find this variable. I would have to square it since I need the area. Does that look correct?
On a number of tutorials in Photoshop User and elsewhere I've noticed when the curves dialogue is brought up there's a histogram laid in the background of the curves manipulator, but I don't have that. How do I get that histogram? I use CS2.
When using the Hide function on the Crop tool I understand the pixels are hidden and the info retained. My question is does the Histogram palette look at the 'big picture' on the Hide function, and the histograms in either Levels or Curves only look at what is visible?
I'm guessing this is so, but was wondering if someone could verify it. I ask because of the difference in the histograms when using Levels or Curves compared to the Histogram palette.
How do I get Photoshop to open with floating windows and the histogram in compact RGB mode? I have to reset this every time I open a new photo. I can't believe how hard it is to change modes in the histogram.I have to undock it, change it to expanded view, change the mode, change it back to compact view and redock it. This made sense to someone? I tried saving the workspace.