Photoshop Elements :: How To Display Attached Tags For A Photo In Manual Order

May 26, 2013

Is there are a way to display the attached tags for a photo in manual order, rather than how they are sorted in the keyword tag list?
When I assign tags to a photo, these are displayed in the order in which the tags are sorted in the list of tags (either alphabetically or manual).However, what I want to achieve is to display the tags for a photo in the order of i.e. the people shown on the photo.
how to achieve this?

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Photoshop Elements :: Manual Control Of GPS Coordinates And Location Tags

Mar 8, 2013

I have just started exploring APE 11 and found one problem. I cannot control GPS coordinates and location tags when I use Add Places. Google maps does not always show correct place on map when address is entered, if I adjust the place on map manually, it either loses location tags or asumes that it is another address. Neither scenario is desired. What I would love to do is to be able to type coordinates and edit location tags (now only deletion is an option). API 11 does not allow to do what I want, is that correct?
I was thinking about doing some manipulation with *.pse11db file as it apperantly is SQLite database. Any example of SQL query that would

a) list all photos (their full file paths) for specified album and
b) SQL query that would allow to edit GPS coordinates and location tags for specified photo (its full file path)?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Get Previous Tags Attached To Pictures?

Apr 9, 2013

I've installed Elements 11 and imported my pictures and also the tabs. But the result is only a list of tags, the pictures doesn't seem to have any tags attached any longer. What can I do? My previous version of Elements was the 8.

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Photoshop Elements :: Keyword Tags Attached To The Actual File?

Aug 27, 2012

FIRST, when adding names, places, or events to photos, in Adobe Photoshop Organizer 8, are those tags only saved in the catalog or are they actually appended to and saved with the file?  In other words, if those files are copied or moved to another computer, do they retain the information?
Second, is adding and editing tags for a JPEG type file a lossless operation, or does it deteriorate the photo quality?

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Photoshop Elements :: Trying To Send Email With Photo Attached?

Jan 2, 2013

I have followed steps to share a photo using email, after I put the recipients name in and click ok it seems to freeze, (the egg timer as i would call it) doesn't move.I have to switch the computer off and restart.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Get DVD Slideshows To Display Files In Order

Jun 22, 2013

How do I get slide shows created on DVD to show slides in the order I load them rather than randomly?

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Photoshop Elements :: Possible To Display Media By Selecting Multiple Tags

Oct 29, 2012

I've just applied the complimentary PSE 10 to PSE 11 upgrade.All appeared to work fine. However I seem to have a problem when trying to select Media to view via Tags.If I select a Tag, the required media (photos) are displayed as expected, however if I then select a 2nd Tag all thumbnails vanish and there is a "message" : No media to be displayed.
The problem appears to be a simple case of not allowing multiple tags to be selected? This worked (and still does) in PSE10. It should be possible to display media by selecting multiple Tags but doesn't show a specific example ! I don't see any "Preference" that prevents multiple Tag displays.
Is this a bug or a PSE11 "enhancement" ? My setup is Win 7 Pro 64bit

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Photoshop Elements :: Display Order In Which Images Are Shown Within Album?

Oct 8, 2013

Can you display the order in which images are shown within an album, (like you could in PE10), other than the stupid Oldest and newest that you now get with PE11?

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Photoshop Elements :: Display Previously Created Subcategories Under Keyword Tags In 10?

Nov 9, 2013

How do I display previously created subcategories under keyword tags in PSE10. A double click on the icons does not work now.

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Photoshop Elements :: Show Tags Next To Each Photo?

Apr 22, 2013

In PSE6 I could see tags for each photo at a glance. In PSE11 the tags are all at the side and it takes a lot of eye movement to see tags assigned to each picture one at a time as they are selected. I prefer the PSE6 arrangement. Can I do it in PSE11?

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Photoshop Elements :: Not Writing Tags To Photo Files

Jan 25, 2013

Process of tagging my many thousands of family photographs within PSE5, I am dismayed to find that having taken the manual step of writing the tags to the files, that only some of them have indeed done so. Quite a few of my photo files are showing up in Windows Explorer with the tags I have given them safely in place - great. However, twice as many appear to not be tagged at all. What has happened and how I can rectify it? The prospect of having to tag them all again leaves me wanting to go and stick my head in a blender.
A second problem is that, inexplicably, PSE5 recently started creating duplicate photo files with a "edTMP" suffix - they recreate the exact same file with the exact same file size. The only difference is that, where tags have been saved to a photo, the "edTMP" version does not include the tags. So, I just delete these files, but with the number that PSE is creating, it is a very time consuming job.

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Photoshop Elements :: Losing Photo Tags When Upgrading?

May 16, 2013

If I upgrade from Elements 10 to Elements 11, will I lose my photo tags that I've already assigned to all my existing photos?

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Photoshop Elements :: Mac Photo Moves Between Catalogs While Retaining Tags

Jan 2, 2014

I want to move photos from one catalog to another while retaining their tags. I applied metadata to them, but the info is not imported as it is on Windows. Is there a workaround? I suspect the Mac's use of tags superceeds the Adobe usage.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Order A Photo Book That Has Been Created And Saved

Mar 10, 2014

How do you order a photo book that has been created and saved?  Only prints are offered as a selection. Do I have to export the images to iPhoto to get this done or is it still possible to order it with Shutterfly via Elements.

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Photoshop Elements :: Can Change Photo Downloader Sort Order In 11

Jul 7, 2013

The default sort for the Photo Downloader seems be by date and time. I recently purchased a camera the does up to 10 fps and the Downloader does not seems to have resolution to sort the micro-second or even second. I batch download the images and also do a rename of the files in this format yyyymmdd-###. I am finding my action sequences are all out of order. What I really just need the Downloader to do is sort by sequential camera number just like it comes out of the camera. Then all the images would be renamed in the right order. I tried modifying the XML settings file but that was no success. 

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Photoshop :: Making Elements Tags / Captions Embed In Photo Collection

Mar 23, 2012

I'm interested in using Photoshop Elements to tag and caption my 11000 photos with details of names and places, but can I commit the changes to the image files so that they are available outside the Elements environment? I don't want to spend a lot of effort and have tags/captions only available within Elements, I want to embed the details in my photo collection.

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Photoshop Elements :: Rag And Drop Photo To Album - Error Applying Keyword Tags

Nov 17, 2013

When I attempt to drag and drop a photo from the Elements 12 Organizer to an Album, it fails and the message, "Error Appllying Keyword Tag(s)" appears.  How can I correct this?

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Photoshop Elements :: Display Photo Name Under Thumbnail

Dec 8, 2013

It's easy enough to get the time date displayed beneath each thumbnail in PSE 11.  Can I possible to get it to display the file name in that location instead.  I know that I can see the file name in the properties tags but when naming new pictures it would be easier to see what pictures still need correct name the other way,under each thumbnail.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Tell Organizer 11 That Imported Keyword-tags Are Person / Face-tags

Apr 2, 2013

I'm using Organizer 11. First time evething was ok, persons/faces were detected correctly, then after a few month Organizer doesn't detected new faces and said every time that all faces were detected already also when I imported new fotos from my camera...
(I use the german version, so I can not tell you the exact error message in english, hope you unserstand what I mean.)
As I found no solution, I created a new catalog and imported all photos including their tags newly to this empty catalog. But allready tagged persons are not persons anymore - their tags are now in the "imported keyword tags" (German: "Importierte Stichwort-Tags") and not in the "person/face tags".

How can I tell the organizer that the imported Tags are persons/faces to having no douplicates in the person-tags and normal keyword-tags?

Here some Background Information about my system:

PSE 11, Windows 8, 64 Bit 8GB, Intel i7.
3 catalogs with each 8000-10000 photos. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Keyword Tags Didn't Get Converted Into People Tags

Oct 21, 2012

I have just upgraded my Swedish PSE7 to an English PSE11. Of course the people keyword tags did not get converted into people tags because People is called Folk in Swedish. I was not aware of this mechanism prior to upgrading. How can I convert those keyword tags now?

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Photoshop Elements :: No People Tags In Tags Pane

Feb 17, 2013

I just converted from PSE 10 to PSE 11.
Now, in the Media view, over in the Tags/Info pane, I have Events, Other, and Places Tags, but no People Tags. However, when I look at individual photos in my converted catalogs, the people's names are still attached to them; the people icon is still associated with each photo so marked.
In PSE 10, when you imported new photos, you could drag People Tags from the Tags pane to one or more selected photos to quickly tag the subjects. Now, apparently, I'll have to group any new photos with people in them by hand and retype names over and over again — although those tags are already available in the catalog.
This is clearly insane. Surely Adobe hasn't taken something easy (dragging a people tag over from the right pane to a newly added photo) and turned it into something cumbersome and inefficient?
How do I get the Media view to populate the People Tags in the Tags pane along with the Existing Events, Other, and Places Tags?

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Photoshop Elements :: Re-order Or Change Order Of Images Within File?

Sep 26, 2012

how do I re-order or change the order of images within a file?

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Photoshop Elements :: Can Display Photo Bin Contents And Tool Options At Same Time

Sep 25, 2013

In PE11, can I display the photo bin contents and tool options at the same time?

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Photoshop Elements :: Send Photos To USB Drive To Display In Digital Photo Frame?

Mar 29, 2013

Ive right clicked on the said pics and normally with elements9 it would give me a number of places to which i could sent the chosen frame.  But after purchasing elements 11 I am not getting the option to send them anywhere. 

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Xara :: Photo And Graphic Designer Manual Not Readable On IPad?

Jan 28, 2012

why the PDF manual that comes on the Xara CD cannot be read on my iPad2. I have tried both Ibooks and GoodREader. Images and pages display, but the text is rendered as blurry black smudges. It's such a shame since I like to have my documentation beside my screens and use my monitors for palettes and the main window. Is it a problem with my copy and is there a way to get a working PDF?

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Photoshop :: Attached Image Edited So People In Photo Appear Shirtless?

Apr 18, 2012

I need the attached image edited so the people in the photo appear shirtless. The people in the photo needs to have an athletic build and a non-hairy body. I'm new to PhotoShop.

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Photoshop Elements :: Imported People Tags - How To Merge Them With Existing People Tags

Dec 30, 2012

I have just upgraded from PSE 9 to PSE 11 and have imported some pictures that I have tagged in another program. Importing tags for everything other than people works fine (already used tags are recognized and reused). But importing tags for people proved to be a problem. They did not merge automatically with my previous people tags in PSE. My imported people tags ar now placed under "Imported Keyword Tags" in the "Media" workspace. How do I merge or move them to the "People" work space where the people tags for PSE 11 is placed?
I also wonder why people and other tags are put in different places. Is it possible to view all keyword tags in one list/place?

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Photoshop :: Custom Paper Sizes Display In Random Order?

May 21, 2012

I am using CS 2 on a Mac.  I've created about 40 custom paper sizes.  They display in random order in the drop down menu.  Is this normal and is there any way to organize them?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: FDO Raster - Display Order

Oct 6, 2008

I use image insert to attach aerial photographs. I would like to use the FDO raster connection, but I keep having a problem with the raster image losing it's display order. I use "display order" in the display manager and move the raster to the bottom, but for some reason it keeps popping above the line work and I have to keep sending it to the back.

I put images in drawings quite frequently as they change from year to year and we monitor a large number of projects yearly. Is image insert still the quickest solution or is there a way to ensure the image will retain it's display order when I do a data connect?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Display Order Shp Files?

Nov 27, 2012

I have several shp files ordered in the display manager. Three Polygons, one line and one point shp. the problem is that the bottom polygon that is supposed to draw order last continues to show up above all other files during plotting to PDF or other digital file. I have tried to disconnect and reconnect the problem shp, reorder several times but nothing changes. This is making it impossible for me to plot a file in the way is it being displayed.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Set Display Order Of Layers

Aug 19, 2013

I can't find where to set the display order of layers. I have lines that display under a PDF underlay but I can't drag the layer above the others. They appear to be in alphabetical order, which, while frustrating, I can live with if AC will allow me to easily move layers around some other way.

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