Photoshop Elements :: Change Colour On Masthead Design Bought Online?
Jan 20, 2014
How do i change the colour on a masthead design I purchased on-line?
The masthead is a paisley type design which is to become the border of my new website but when i try to change the colour in the way i thought i should it changed the colour of the mashead to a solid colour thus losing the design?
I am designing a T Shirt for my ski club.I have taken an image from a banner (made in illustrator, full colour image attached) and I want to devide into a 3 colour image for the t shirt (I am only allowed 3 colours for printing).The colours I want to use are black, white and purple. The colour of the t shirt is a light blue.I want to then put the purple logo on top of the white and black too.So I'm after a black and white grunge background with a punchy purple logo on the top.All of this should be on a tranparent or, for design purposes, light bue (same as T Shirt colour) background. Â how to split a full colour image into using only 3 (4 including transparent/light blue background) exact colours. Â If I were going to black and white I might convert to grey scale and then paint areas to fully white or fully black using an overlay brush I don't think this works for me for more than just black and white though. Â I have attached two of my attempts where I used the colour range selection and level adjustments. Niether was really successful though (one does not use the right colours or number of colours but looks quite cool).
I cannot get the DC Online tab to show on the Design Center. I have enabled it through the CAD manager Control Utility. I have shut down CAD and restarted it and still no tab.
A B&W logo ought to be possible to change the colour of the black elements? I can find the appropriate menu option, "Change Colour" but it randomely wioll not highlight. When it does, the process does not seem obvious. I do the obvious things, but nothing is happening.Â
I would like to change the colour of a simple custom shape in photoshp elements 12. I have used paint can but this makes the edges of the shape very pixellated
I have a damask flourish design in JPEG format. I want to change the entire color of the design from green to pink. How can I do that? I have an older version of Photoshop Elements 6.0 on my Windows XP machine, but can upgrade to 11 on my Macbook Pro.
I cannot change printer profiles in Colour Management on PSE10.  Whenever I try to do this it looks like I have changed it, and click OK...but when I check back it has actually not taken effect and has defaulted back to the original stored profile.  Consequently I cannot use different paper types now.  This has only just started happening and was ok before. I am using Mac OS 10.7.5 along with an Epson R3000.Â
I bought the upgrade to Photoshop CS4 (download version) two weeks ago or so. I installed and used with success...then today I happened to look at the Blue Panel that comes up when the program opens. I was surprised to see "Photoshop CS4 Extended" just below the large Ps at the top of that panel. Knowing that the "Extended" version is more expensive...I called customer service and spoke to a lady (sounded like she was from India) who asked me a number of questions, including my serial numbers. She told me I had the regular version, but only because the serial started with a 1045- and she said the extended version started with a 1033 or something like that. I asked her if the regular version had the word "Extrended" in the startup panel...she didn't seem to understand my question but reiterated that because of my serial number I had to have the regular version. Hence my post here...asking if others with the "regular CS4 version have the word "Extended" in the startup panel. I know it might be trival,
is it possible to change the colour of all elements in a pattern without changing the ipt file?
I have an assembly that has 4 rectangular patterns that can have any number of elements, sometimes the customer will ask for coating to be applied, in this case i only want to change the colour at the assembly level only.
How do I see the object selected change colour dynamically as I adjust the colour sliders?  It seems the object only changes colour when I release the slider. But I want to see it dynamically change, so I can find the colour that works best without "hit or miss" - "trial and error" behaviour.  Yes... I'm aware some of you spend hours in colour programs creating a palette to work with. Good for you.  I'm just wanting to do it LIVE. Dynamically. In 2013. In Illustrator.
I am trying to connect with Adobe Elements 10 on line. Normally when I bring up Elements, it says "Welcome Back Kenny" this is what it says now! services are currently unavailable. try again, or check your network connections. Error 400. I have never had this happen before. I am for sure on line.
PSE 10 has been working fine since installation a few months ago. Last week, I tried opening it, but the message ' Online services could not be initialized. Please reinstall' came up. I tried to reinstall using the dvd,and the message 'Please log in as administrator' came up. Once logged in as administartor, it still won't uninstall the originl so that I can reinstall it. How should I proceed?
I purchased a Bamboo Create and I have had nothing but, problems with the Adobe software that came in it. The other software works fine. However, Adobe thinks I should upgrade immeditaely even though I just spent $200 to the new Elements. In fact before 11 came out, I could not manage my photos because being locked out since I would not upgrade to 10. Now, I cannot get Elements to work to even manage storage because my online 2gb is full but yet I do not want all of those photos online. I want to delete many of them. But, Adobe keeps pushing the page to upgrade to 11, and then my elements 9 locks up and stop responding because it says that my online is full. 2GB what a chinchy amount of storage that is. This software does not work from the get go due to the Inspiratation Browser update with the Adobe Air debackle.  I have been thinking about going to 11, but I should not be forced to and the software that I just purchased should work. I had not realized how greedy Adobe was/is.  how to make the software that I just purchased work? how to manage my online storage without upgrading to 11. As soon as I upgrade to 11, Adobe will just come out with another $80 to $100 upgrade that I will hae to buy or else 11 will stop working. Â
Whenever I create a new colour in the colour swatches it only stays there for a couple of actions while working on a project. I understand from others that once they create a colour it stays there. Why can't I get that to happen?
After installing PSE11, when trying to start Organizer, I keep getting the message " cannot start online services---reinstall--". I have reinstalled many times, including once with no online services started after a restart of the computer. The Editor works fine. I am running a Dell with Windows 7.
I'm using Photoshop Elements 6 (I know it's old...). I created a photobook that I'd like to order, but when I press the order button I get an error message. It says " No appropriate service could be found. Would you like to look for new services?" I answered yes, but it said my services are up to date. Based on something I found in another forum, I checked my settings - they correctly say I'm in the US. What else can I do? I tried sending the photos to Shutterfly, but I really like my photoshop photobook much better.
I get an "Online Services encountered an error" message when I try to upload a video to Facebook or YouTube. I use Adobe Premiere Elements 10 on a Windows 8 machine
When creating a slide-show in PSE 11 I can choose a certain soundfile or deny to include music. But when I create an online-album I don't find the checkbox for music to un-check it.
I have hundreds of pictures from a recent trip that I want to print to a 4x6 print. The problem is that the pictures were taken in the incorrect ratio for this print size. I want the entire picture - with a white border around it if necessary. I can get Elements 9 to do this for me for home printing from the print screen and selecting the print size that I want. However, I want to upload these photos to an online printing service (snap fish, shutter fly, etc). I have tried using their digital print size option on Snap fish, but it still crops my pictures.
So, 1. How can I get elements to save the file for me in a compatible 4x6 ratio without cropping, that I can use to upload to a printing service? 2. How can I do this in a batch process as there are over 1000 pictures that have this issue? 3. If elements can't do this, what software can
I have a new computer, but I backed up my photoshop files onto the online service, and paid for that. Now I have gotten my photos back, but am unable to find the catalog. How to find the catalog in the backup service files?
My computer was infected this week by the FBI scam trojan virus. Microsoft Windows tech had no choice but to return CPU to original factory settings. I reinstalled Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 and attempted to retrieve my images from Adobe online storage. Only 121 of my images reappeared, even though a status bar shows my online storage level at over 7GB. Now when I open PSE9, if I click on "Organize," the program either immediately closes or I get an error message that says "the requested operation could not be completed because the catalog is currently locked by another process."  I've tried restarting my computer and even shutting down my computer, but still no luck. I can't figure out "other process" could be locking out the catalog.
When opening PE 11, error message : online services could not be initialized. Please reinstall appears. Reinstalls does not fix problem. What do I do next?