Photoshop Elements :: Why Can't PSE9 Import Raw Files From Card Reader
Aug 23, 2013
Why can't Elements 9 import raw files from my card reader? I am using Fujifim X 20 camera and have downloaded latest version of Adobe Camera Raw.The card reader only imports JPGs. Is there something I should to make sure elements uses the latest Raw Converter?
I have latest version of LR4, just tried to import raw and jpg.'s from my card reader for a 5dMKIII. The jpg files will import but the raw do not. Latest version of raw on Mac Lion.
Just upgraded my primary catalog to LR4. The LR3 import problem that started in ~3.3 or 3.4 has not gone away. Import effectively hangs the app.
I have a 6 proc AMD 1055T, Win7x64, w/ 16GB ram, an ATI 5770HD video card driving two monis, one 27" and one 24", and a ton of disk space (4 hd: c 384 free of 931, x: 191 f of 1.36TB, y: 1.55TB f of 2.72TB, z: 1.4TB f of 2.72TB). Free space isn't the issue. I usually do have several network shares connected; disconnecting them and removing all optical media makes no difference. My primary catalog has ~30,000 images When I try to import, the dialog itself takes up to a minute to open.
Eventually, the select source prompt appears; clicking on my usb2 card reader causes the dialog to disappear for a long time, sometimes > 2 minutes. The busy icon is displayed.If I'm super patient, the import disalog will open, but can take many minutes (3-5) to display, and once displayed, the busy icon remains and the dialog is not interactive for another long period, for example, right now, it's been > 10 mins on the 8GB card I'm trying to import from, import dialog visibility comes and goes, interacting with the scroll bar works, but so far I've only been able to scroll about half way thru the picture previews
This is obviously unusable. I've perverted my workflow at this point to be:
Copy images to temp folder in pictures hierarchy Sync temp folder, adding new images, without showing the import dialog Then, in Library view, I copy the new pictures to their final dest in my pictures folder hierarchy.
I just converted the catalog, so presumably it's optimized (optimizing made no difference in lr3.6 perf). As I said, this perf problem started in 3.3 or 3.4. ABout the only improvement I see is that I was able to successfully cancel the import; in 3.6 the app just stayed hung.
In trying to import photos, first form a DVD and also from a CF card reader. The error message on my DVD says that there is an initialization error (OK, OK , the DVD with photos was created on another laptop, running on Windows Vista, so it may be a Read Only file). Aside from that, however, my CF card with photos does not even show up on LR3.
I have gone to System Preferences and changed the way I want CDs and DVDs to show. In both cases I changed it to "Open in LR3". Is that wrong?
Here is a Screen shot of LR3 Library when tryingn to import photos. No (CF card) drive is shown.
I use my card reader to download images. In PSE11 how can I be selective in the number of images I download at any one time. Say there are 200 images on the card & only want to download the last 20. How do I avoid downloading all 200 images & then having to delete the 180 I had already previously downloaded?
After years of uploading photos with a memory card reader, Adobe suddenly stopped recognizing ithe reader and I can't upload anything. I bought a new reader and got the same results.
In PSE9, how do I set up the Downloader to apply my metadata templates on importing images from a card reader? Previously the Downloader dialog box included this option but my PSE9 Downloader dialog box does not.
After using Elements 12 for a months trial and then uninstalling it, I can no longer find Elements 9 listed when I right click on a picture file and select "open with". How can I restore it to my list of programs with which I can open the file. I'm using Windows 8 which list aps and some other programs but not Elements 9.
I just purchased an imac and lr4. I've plugged in my SanDisk card reader and loaded my cf card. lr4 says the files were not imported because they could not be read. The files are Nikon NEF raw. What do I need to do to import them? According to Adobe's web site lr4 comes with Nikon D2X raw format already included.
I just downloaded LR4 and when I plug in my card reader the images will not open and the icons on the upper rt and upper left are not present. How can I resolve this to show my images so they can be seen and selected?
Try to import CR2 files from CF card - files show in import screen but then will not import
"Import Results
Some import operations were not performed.
The following files were not imported because they could not be read (1):......."
Then lists ALL files on CF card
I tried copying CR2 files to a temporary folder on my desktop but get exactly the same message. Also tried importing iPhone images and get exactly the same message.
This all worked for the first week LR5 was installed and has just started happening after a week
I have been using Lighroom4.3 for nearly a year now with no problems. All of a sudden, it refuses to import any of my NEF files from my SD card. I have tried all my SD cards to no avail. In the import window the files appear as thumbnails, but when I ask to import I get the message 'Files were not imported because they could not be read (3)'
My Canon digital camera uses a removable memory card which I then put into an Inca Card Reader. When using Photoshop Elements 11 and try to open the Card Reader to import images, the Card Reader isn't even listed among the various drives attached to, or within, my computer? How can I fix this? I want Photoshop Elements 11 to recognise the Card Reader so I can import the images.
If I use LR to import the RAW files directly from a CF card, there are preview images (but I don't know how to import and save to a different HDD yet so I am still transferring files with Nikon Transfer NX)), but if I use Nikon Transfer to move the NEFs to the HDD, LR reports that it can't read the RAW files. I am using the same NEF format as what I use with ny Nikon D300 (14 bit, uncompressed) and LR will read those files.
I have tested the card reader, another card (which also imports images on a angle), and importing images through Iphoto - incidentally importing images correctly. The images are fine viewed on the back of my D800. I'm thinking it must be the upgrade as I've never experienced this before.
I import from my card reader directly to a folder on my hard drive and into LR as DNG files. The next time I try to import, some of the files I previously imported are still checked as well as the new ones on the card. If I try to import the ones I had previously added, they are imported again although I have the "Don't import suspected duplicates" box checked. I have to unchecked all the files and then recheck the new ones.
I have a DXF file in Autocad LT which I need to import into a CAD Reader for a CNC machine. The cad reader can only view a 2D image of the TOP of the part. The problem is that the view I want the cad reader to see is the RIGHT hand side view in Autocad. Is it possible to reassign the views in Autocad LT 2008 so that the right hand side view become the top view therefore allowing the cad reader to see the correct side.
I just recently installed photoshop from a disk, and I opened a new image the first time easily through the organizer, and everything went fine. But now when I click the editor from the home screen the whole application shuts down, and when I click it from the organizer, nothing happens.