I would like to know how to add a little color back onto a black and white photo? For instance,.... a color photo of a car, that I then turned to black and white, but I then would like to add in the original color of the car and keep the rest of the photo B&W?
how you take a color photo turn it black and white but keep a part of the photo its original colors. Such as making the picture black and white but keeping a flower colored. I am working with cs3 if that makes any difference.
I have a color picture which I took, of a red berry bush. I want to remove all the color except for the red from the berries. I know how to lasso the berries, but I can't remove the color from the bush/background and leave the red berries.
Note: I did this once a couple years ago, and can't remember how I did it..I have some memories, but probably remember just enough to make me dangerous. I have done some searches but obviously the results are numeorus and I haven't found what I am looking for yet.
I know the solution involves selecting the berries and then inversing it and then setting all 3 colors to 0 for the background.
What I can do is 1) lasso the berries
2) inverse what I can't figure out 1) it seems like there was 1 step about layering which enabled me to get started, but I don't remember this, it does seem like I am missing something very basic when I try to do this
3) Where is the color scale, the only thing I can find is the grayscale option which switches the entire project to black and white.
I have a color picture and I wanted to change it to black and white but I want to keep a necklase that im wearing the same color (green). How can I turn my picture into black and white without changing the color of my necklase?
I scanned a black and white print in color and am trying to replace all the black with dark green. Been trying for hours in elements 9. This is all so hard. Just to ask this question I have typed it into 3 different screens, set screenname, many other hurdles.
i am tryen to make my picture black and white with some color.. I figured out how to do it by going to duplicate layers, then blck and white then eraser to what i want colored...BUTTTT when i mess up and i get color in the parts i dont want color HOW DO I fix my mess up?
I have a color picture in Paint.NET, and I want to make it black and white, like, something from 1961. Are there any features that can allow me to do this?
After converting a color photo to black and white, the image that prints out has a sepia tone to it. The image looks black and white on my screen and when I print a black and white image directly from the internet, it prints out in good black and white mode. What adjustment is available to get rid of this sepia tone?
I am a beginner. I am looking at different progams to see which one suits me better and easy to work with. So far adobe isn't easy at all. Is there a way to take a black and white photo and make one thing in the photo in color? I have elements 11.
I want to be able to turn a photo black and white, then add color back in, say for instance a ball turned back to red only. How can I do that in elements 11?
I am a glass artist and I have some projects that revolve around being able to turn a photo into black and white. I notice that when it is in black and white it is actually in about 10 shades of gray as well. I need it to be only in black and white. It would also be nice to know how to turn a colored photo into maybe four or five different colors and still have it look somewhat normal.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I am working on a project that has 10,000 glass pieces in it, but it revolves around knowing how to do these things.
I have a picture that I would like to make black and white but with some colour. From what I can gather, I've to make the picture black and white and then add the colour to the bits I need after, however, the bit I want to remain in colour is a flower and the way the light hits it, the red is in different shades, making it impossible for me to colour it back exactly how it is.
Is there a simpler way...like select the parts I want to go black and white?