When drawing with the brush or the clone stamp brush now and then strokes are drawn at full pressure even though that is not the case. The next strokes are ok again for a while and then again... a few strokes like they there was no pen pressure. Very annoying when retouching masks.
I already installed the latest Wacom driver but no joy.
What else could I try?
My graphics card doesn't have OpenGL capacities so I don't think that's the problem or could it?
Also CS4 is much slower than CS3 in updating the screen. Related?
I am a long time user of Photoshop (since 2.5) but I think CS4 will be the first upgrade
I will skip although I love the new adjustments and masks panels...
Windows XP Pro, 4 Gigs of Ram, Matrox Millenium card, plenty of sratch disk space.
I have desktop PC with optical mouse photoshop CS5 when I try to use pen pressure feature of brush, I got a pale trangle beside said " require pressure sensitive tablet"..So; can I use the pen pressure feature?
I like to use the pen pressure option to get those interesting lines for art with the pen tool. I've been using like that for years. But today, my computer is telling me I can't use this option without a tablet. I'm very confused. Even a couple days ago I could select that option with no problem
I have a Genius MousePen 6x8 and use Photoshop CS5.1. It's been a while since I used my tablet, but it used to work before. I rebooted my computer a while ago, so I installed the new driver from the Genius website. The tablet is working fine, even the pen pressure, but for some reason it just won't work in Photoshop. I've tried to fix it by resetting the Photoshop settings by using the Ctrl+Shift+Alt, I've reset the brush tool, I've played around with the brush options and nothing has worked.
I'm on a Mac, 10.6.8 and PS CS5 12.0.4 with a Wacom Intuos3. Â I select a hard round brush and turn off the Transfer > Opacity Jitter > 'pen pressure' option. However as soon as I thouch the tip of my pen down pen pressure turns back on. This is annoying when trying to do a detailed cutout in a layer mask as it leaves behind opaque areas that aren't always visible right away. Â Even if I create a new preset with pen pressure off, it comes back on once saved. There must be a way to turn off pen pressure while using the Wacom tablet. Am I missing something?
I didn't see this in an internet search, but after using camera raw CS6 for a while with a tablet, I assume there's no pen pressure options with the adjustment brush? (Just checking.) Â Also, I can ctrl-0 to fit-to-screen but what about jumping to 100% zoom? ctrl-1 doesn't seem to achieve this. Are there any similar shortcuts or scripts to achieve this?
I have had a pen pressure tablet for some time now. I have just bought a new PC and even though the tablet is installed and works okay, it is not registering the pressure sensitive function in PS. In the brush menu, under shape dynamics, where the drill down box for selecting the pen pressure option, there is a little yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in it ( it's actually grey but turns yellow when you mouse over it). Â Do I have to change some settings in the preferences or 'load' the tablet into PSÂ ? I didn't have to on the last machine; it was "plug and play".
I am having problems with my brushes in Photoshop CS4. Everything was fine till recently. I use XP on a PC. I am using a wacom tablet and the brush sensitivity is not working in Photoshop CS4. When I go to the brush drop down or the brush palatte, the brushes are not pressure sensitive for opacity or size as they should be. Yet I have pen pressure selected in shape dynamics & other dynamics. I tried in CS3 which I also have installed and it works fine there and I can use the pen pressure. I spoke with wacom and we updated the driver. Adobe said to reinstall CS 4 which I did…and I still have the problem. BTW, there is a gray exclamation mark next to the shape and other dynamics control drop down window. No one seems to know exactly what this means.I assume it isn't the wacom driver or hardware, as it works fine in CS3. It makes sense to me that the problem is with CS4, but I still have it after reinstalling. Any ideas. I have talked to wacom and adobe multiple times and can't get this resolved.
I have a Calcomp DrawingBoard lll with pressure sensitive stylus which works fine in other applications like Painter 11 but loses its pressure capabilities in CS4 (both AI and PS). The stylus behaves like a mouse but in shape dynamics the pen pressure settings show a warning sign and in AI they are grayed out. It performed correctly in CS3.
I recently bought a Dell XT tablet PC which uses N-trig Technology (instead of Wacom). I can't seem to get the brush tool to recognize pen pressure or tilt. How can this be resolved?
I'm trying cs4 TRIAL. And I get bad steps (look by the arrows) when LETTING GO of pen pressure. Normal?
NOTICE!! Both are drawn at 25%spacing which I want, because the pressure gets easier to control. http://tinyurl.com/6nlqop [img]http://tinyurl.com/6nlqop[/img]
I've just started using CS4 and the pen pressure when drawing using my wacom tablet seems to be sporadic at best.
It doesn't matter what brush size I pick, when I start drawing, however lightly, the brush will frequently, and it appears randomly, just draw a line to its full thickness. It's annoying because it sort of responds to the pen pressure but then will just suddenly stick a big thick line in for no reason.
Things I have already tried to fix this:
•adjusting the flow %
•playing with the pen presure slidey bar in brush menu/ shape dynamics
•adjusting the pen sensitivity in the wacom tablet setup.
What's really annoying is have been using my tablet with photoshop 5 for years and it's worked perfectly. CS4 seems to be quite buggy though. It crashed today after telling me something about gpu enhancements (?) and zooming using the wacom slider sometimes decides not to work.
Even through all other applications on my PC were able to respond to tablet pen pressure, CS4 running in Vista 64-bit did not. I was able to get the pressure to work when executing the 32-bit photoshop.exe found in C:Program Files (x86)AdobeAdobe
Photoshop CS4Photoshop.exe. I'll continue to use the 32-bit program until Adobe solves this in the 64-bit version.
It was good of Adobe to automatically install both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of the program.
when i have a low optimicty on and when i click on the picture with the paint tool all is fine but if i click again it goes darker, then darker again if i click again? i know this is normal but, can i stop it?
I'm using CS2 and a Wacom pressure sensitive graphics tablet that's about ten years old. I've noticed that the pen's pressure sensitivity only works on brushes that have a hardness control slider. I would love to use the smudge tool with certain brushes but I can't because most of the brush shapes don't have pressure sensitivity with the Wacom pen, Is this normal? Is there any way to get all my brushes to have pressure sensitivity with my Wacom pen?
I was using my brush with pen pressure, but now its not working!! I have no clue how that happened either!!I keep trying to apply the pen pressure to the brush tool, but it doesn't show that there is any sensitivity to the brush! :OI don't think its the tablet that is acting up, cause it seems to be working normal.So I have no clue whats wrong with it!! I don't have to change the size jitter tho right? Cause I never had to before.I had put in the control box at the top that I wanted to have pen pressure so that couldn't be the problem either.I tried resetting the menus, and then setting the pallets back to defult,
I've just bought Sony Vaio Duo 11 i7 edition with Windows 8 Pro, but I found pen pressure isn't working on neither Photoshop CS5.0.4 or Photoshop Elements 10, while its pen pressure works on Fresh Paint and Artrage 3.5.5.
Photoshop suddenly stopped recognizing pen pressure from my tablet yetsterday. I'm using a Wacom Bamboo Connect tablet on a Windows 8 computer with Photoshop CS6 Â I've tried:
1. uninstalling the drivers 2. checking wintab files were gone from system32 and sysWOW64 3. restarting 4. reinstalling drivers 5. checking new wintab files are present 6. restarting
I updated photoshop (and repeated those 5 steps), reinstalling the drivers as an admin, reset the paintbrush tool, but no matter what I do, when I go to the Shape Dynamics option in Photoshop, I get the triangle with the exclamation point telling me that I need a pressure sensitive tablet.
I've tried plugging the tablet in and then opening photoshop.I've tried opening Photoshop and then plugging in the tablet.I updated the drivers for all of the hardware on my computer. Â I've tried the pressure sensitivity in two other (non Adobe) programs and it works there, so it doesn't seem like a problem with the tablet itself.
I just recently upgraded to Photoshop CS6 and for a while everything was fine. Then for no reason that I can see, the pen pressure recognition for my tablet simply stopped working. It literally was working one day and then stopped the next. Â I am using a WACOM Intuos2 tablet, and have uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers for it many times to see if that was the problem. I have rebooted after each successful uninstall and reinstall, with zero effect. I have tried other USB ports with no effect. The tablet software recognizes the pressure when I run a diagnostic, it simply does not work in Photoshop. I realize the tablet is an older model but I can't imagine it is incompatible with Photoshop CS6. Â I have made certain everything is up to date, including Photoshop, Windows 7 32bit, any hardware drivers and my tablet driver.
Photoshop CS4 CS5 or CS6 is the only program that is unstable with pen pressure sensitivity, all the other programs work flawlessly (zbrush, art rage, sketchbook, painter, mypaint, etc). Â In Photoshop if the stroke is fast enough it will draw the line normally and with pressure, but if the line is drawn slowly it will make 100% pressure just like a mouse behaves. Here's an example of brush strokes, the black ones are the slow strokes that don't register pressure sensitivity. Â This topic has been covered in these 3 posts "Wacom Intuos4 + PS CS4 Pressure problem", ""Pressure Sensitivity Problem with Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet in Windows 7" and "CS4 32bit & Wacom Intuos 3 - Intermittent Pressure Sensitivity" Â The evident solution for Windows 7 is disabling the "Press and Hold" feature on "Pen and Touch" settings, But in Windows 8 disabling this check only makes Photoshop unresponsive to pressure to the extreme that not even a single stroke can be drawn. Only random dots with no direction or pressure sensitivity. This is a big no . Â My computer is a Motion LE 1700 tablet that works with Wacom Tablet PC Drivers, there's only a single driver released for Windows 8 which is ISD_DualTouch_710-8. Â Older Windows 7 drivers for Wacom Tablet PC don't recognize the pen. And default drivers from the Motion Computing website don't work with Photoshop. Â An in all, the 8 ISD_DualTouch_710-8 driver works flawlessly with all my apps with the exception of Photoshop, causing the weird intermittent sensitivity behavior.
I just got my first ever drawing tablet and so I'm having a lot of problems setting up the pressure sensitivity. I have a DigiPro WP5540 and I've installed the driver and the software and everything. In CS6 I go to shape dynamics and it doesn't allow me to do anything. It just has a warning icon next to it:
I am using an Intuos4 tablet and the pen pressure randomly stops working in photoshop (cs5.5). Â Had a bamboo before and the same thing happened there. I have the latest driver installed (tried with older as well), tried different usb ports and different usb wire.
Sometimes it works only a few seconds sometimes 5-10min (never more though) before the pen pressure stops working. And when it does it just stops working, I get the warning triangle in the brush window, then randomly it comes back for a few strokes before it stops wokring again. Â I'm on a pc. I've tried using photoshop cs1 and also photoshop 7. The same thing happens there. Â The problem didnt start untill I plugged in my old bamboo into the same computer after having installed the drivers etc for the intuos4. Ive also tried switching the tip of the pen. Â Nothing works. What can I do?
Just put a fresh battery in my pen. I've got an Adesso CyberTablet 8600 which, the last time I tried to paint, which was tonight, was not recognized as a pen sensitive tablet in Photoshop. I've tried resetting the file preferences or whatever happens when you hold Ctrl Shift and Alt, still no dice. Restarted computer, still no dice. It's not the tablet; I opened up SAI to see and was able to paint with wonderful pen pressure sensitivity. This wouldn't be a problem EXCEPT -- I don't know how to paint in SAI! I want to paint in Photoshop!! Â System specs: Â Windows XP Photoshop CS3 Â I've painted many times in PS before... this seriously only JUST started happening. Usually, if pen pressure is not recognized by Photoshop, it's because I've plugged in the tablet AFTER opening the program; shutting it down, plugging the tablet in, then reopening PS does the trick. However, not so this time.
Whilst drawing in either photshop or SAI, the pen pressure sensitivity would just randomly fail and draw solid thick lines as if drawn with the mouse.See image:
What I also learned, is that once the pressure sensitivity falls out, it doesn't recover until I lift the pen away from the tablet, and then back again, as seen in the following pic:Sometimes it would fail on the 2nd brush stroke, others on the 100th. It's completely random. Â What I have tried to fix the problem: Â Complete removal of drivers and Bamboo dock, then fresh install from the bundled disc. Complete removal of drivers and Bamboo dock, then fresh installation from the lates driver download (PenTablet_532-1) Updated nVidia drivers. Updated motherboard drivers. Tried differnet USB ports.
I want to create the opposite of 'simulate pressure', that is when stroking a path, I want the beginning (and end) of my line to be thicker and in the middle smaller.. how can you do that with PS 7 ?
I have a Wacom Intuos3 A5 Wide, but PS CS4 doesn't recognize nor use it and instead shows a warning next to the pressure sensitive features saying:
"Requires a pressure sensitive tablet."
I'm running Vista x64 Business and PS CS4 x64. Pressure sensitivity works in PS CS3 and PS CS2.
I'm really saddened to say that I find PS CS4 the slowest and most troublesome release yet. I start to regret ordering an upgrade from my beloved CS2 (which had a broken Vista support).