every "cool" effect i try to do, it often requires a black or just a dark background. like making flames (with color balance), making lightning, and my question is, is there a way to make these "cool" effects WITHOUT the black background? as in, with a transparent background? if so, how? if not, why?
I am having some trouble clearing out the backgrounds of certain images. I'm taking images and want to quickly delete out any pixels not on the product I'm shooting (make all pixels white). Once I have my selection I go to "Edit" and then "Clear". Instead of making the selection white, it makes the entire selection black.
I am trying to paste an image into a comic I am making on GIMP. The image I am pasting is just a white face outlined in black. The background of the image before pasting (on the original site) is white (or maybe transparent). However, when I paste the image onto GIMP, the background changes to black, which envelops the black outline and ruins the picture. How can I paste this image so that the background remains white/transparent?
I had a few exterior elevations (actual design elevations not 3d) of a building that looked great and had nice shadows and materials and everything was wonderful until today when I turned off a couple section marks and a level mark and then the back turned black and the dialog box in Graphic Display Options does not show the background section anymore?Now I can't even get rid of the black background!!
I tried to figure why I know long have the checkerboard transparent background in photoshop CC and I can't make transparency.I read somewhere they change this option I have to do PNG now. ugh really bums me out the white background I am stuck with
when i want my checkerboard background back Is there any way to get it back?It isn't because I chose white background, I chose transparent background but its white not the usual transparency.
We designed id cards (having width:1062 , height:672 pixels and resolution:300) using background of width:2560 and height:1600 Â Eventhough we use backgrounds with high resolutions,while printing in ID card machine,there are strokes in between.We couldn't get good output.What could i do. Â Here is the background i used . How to design our own backgrounds?
I'm working on a design that seems a bit bland so I thought about adding some texture to the background, though I dont want it to interfere with the foreground elements like text, and images. Â 1. I can reduce the transparency, what else might I do? Fade it out? Â 2. Just curious to hear some examples of when you might use a texture for a background of an image? Do you only do it for very specific reasons?.
i have a picture of a car and i would like to take some parts of the background out but not all of its how can i do its, i have tryed using Filter>Extract but it dosnt seem to work, and i read on a site that i can use Crop tool but i am not familuar with that tool is their another way to do this.
i made a logo for a website, and then knocked out the background.. but when it shows up on the website i designed it has a while outline on it.. how do i get rid of that? i saved it as a gif with layers.
how to change the background of the below photo. The main reason is to remove the harsh shadow but I would also like to experiment with different backgrounds.
Has anyone found a supplier of professional backgrounds that can be used in conjunction with wedding photography images.?
I'm looking for pale soft images with no real pattern that can be used as a layer above a photograph to give that dreamy but slightly coloured look.
I believe there are suppliers that produce these backgrounds but can't find what I want by searching. See the background applied to the left page in pdf attached.
I'm trying to recreate either one of the backgrounds in the 2 images below. I have a fairly good knowledge around Photoshop. I've tried rendering and filtering and just couldn't reach a relatively similar background to either one of these backgrounds.
I am wanting to learn to extract people from my studio shots and put them in neat background settings, where can I get pics that will work well for the backgrounds?
So everytime I open a new document it's not a transparent background. Ill even start a new document as transparent and RGB. Still a white background when it is created. So I tried adding an image. Deleted the first layer. Still nothing. So I used a magic wand, deleted the background. Still white.
I remember having this problem before and my professor told me what it was. But I forget what she said, it was over a year ago. Anyone have any ideas?
make logos with transparent backgrounds, so that when they are placed in a DTP program (PageMaker) they do not have a white box around them, I have been using PhotoShop’s transparent export functions but inevitably this leave the image looking bitmapped, especially with text, or just plain bad. Is there anyway one can make logos with transparent backgrounds and have them look good?
try to take out a few people in some photos and put them together into one huge photo.
I've tried to do the old remove background way, but I can't get it smooth enough, I've also tried the Layer mask, burn levels way I saw on TechTV's Call for help.
I'm trying to do the 'ol text with transparent background (so i don't have to change the image each tiem i change the background.) I make a transparent background but when i save it turn the background to white. How do i make the background transparent when i save it?
how do i make transparent backgrounds with PS? whenever i save an image with a transparent back in PS, the background shows up as white on the picture file.
I've recently been given some images to use, I've resized them and attached them below. What I want to know is how you would all go about making these types of background image.
I cannot get a perfect white background. I use white balance and save in my camera (Canon 40D) and process using CS3. My background is grey, I have tried using exposure and or brightness and my subject looses detail.
good web sites to download royalty free backgrounds, templates, textures, etc. for Photoshop. I'm willing to pay a small annual fee to join the site, but of course free is always good too. I'm looking more for a site that has Photoshop or other design applications in mind.  I've found a couple of sites through Google, but they seem old and not updated as often (they still mention compatibility with CS4 and 5).
Adjusting color backgrounds. I have a large number of images of fly-fishing flies which were photographed on not-quite-solid backgrounds of slightly differing colors. I'd like to efficiently adjust the backgrounds so they all appear roughly the same without affecting the flies themselves. The flies are hard to select because of their feathery, hair-like edges, and the backgrounds are hard to select because they have slight gradations of almost-solid colors.
I am looking for a different methods of creating texture backgrounds such as old ruff solid & parchment backgrounds.I am trying to duplicate the method I used in Photoshop CS3, have Photoshop CS5, but forgot how to do it.
I want to throw together a few Sonic pictures that will alternate every so often for the background of my laptop. The first attached picture of sonic (Blue hedgehog) is what I currently have. I like the simple style of the picture.
How to keep the background fully black. Change the colors of the 'lasers' to a color suitable for the other charters and then replace sonic for that character in a similar size?
For example.
Red lasers + Knuckles the echidna Orange lasers + Tails the fox Grey/red + Shadow the hedgehog White + Silver the hedgehog
If you see where I'm going with this. I don't want the character pictures to look cartoony I want the pictures created to be as similar to the original sonic picture as possible and I'll attach some pictures of the other charters to show you who they are and the kind of thing I want.
Also If you look at the original sonic picture his hands and feet look a tiny bit blurred. If the picture looks like it contains movement could you add slight blur to emphasize that.
4 pictures altogether if allowed. Similar to the sonic one. Different colored laser. then picture of the other characters replacing sonic.
A college showed me a Wedding video (low Budget) he brought back from Istambul containing about 180 photos simular to the accompaning, which are seemingly cut out in some detail. As far as I know there are no magic solutions but if I was to use my normal PS pen-tool to cut images out it would take aniternity.
ie. photo take back ground? - tools ? - settings etc....
I need to make most of the whitest colors of an image hollow or transparent. A majority of the white is the background. However, just deleting the background is not an option because of a grainy edge 'residue' that is left on when using the photo in my next program(i.e. no use of the Magic Eraser or Magic Scissors as an option). I can do this in my next program, as a temporary fix, but I cannot permanently embed the properties into the file/image itself. That is why I want to try to do it in PS.
In short, lets say of 255 colors, I want colors 250 through 255 to be 100% transparent, while leaving the integrity of all other colors.