Photoshop :: Biz Card Alignment

May 14, 2009

im am designing my own DJ Business cards. and i need some help on aligning everything and get all the shapes, shading, logo, text, pictures , and everything just perfect and ready for printing. You could also change the whole design but its up to you Im a DJ and I was looking for a nice, professional, Digital, 3D design. I have both the front and the back designed out but i don't have any idea how to upload the photoshop (.psd) files

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Changing Alignment Direction Where Feature Line And Alignment Coincide?

May 28, 2012

i've made a serpantine curve that starts from one line of alignment and end on the other line.

i wanted to know how can c change alignment direction when these two feature line and alignment meet each other in order to change the alignment path?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Reference Alignment Stationing Differs From Original Alignment

May 3, 2012

I using a data reference/shortcut to properly label an alignment in paperspace. However when I reference the alignment in and apply the labels the aren't the same as the original alignment that I am referencing. Is there a setting where I am supposed to apply a new beginning station.

Also it seems as though the stationing(distance) isn't even matching up 1:1 with the original drawing. For example in the original base drawing my alignment starts at 10+00 with the next PI at 14+76.98, but the stationing on the reference alignment starts at 0+83.33 with the very same PI being labeled as 1+23.08. So the very same distance is 476.98' in the real design and the drawing it's being referenced in, but the stationing of the referenced alignment shows it as 39.75 Units.

I've attached a screen of the beginning of the alignment.

Civil 3D 2012
Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Intel Core i7-2600 CPU

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change Alignment Label Style Set After Alignment Has Been Created?

Jul 18, 2013

Using Civil 3d2012, Is it possible to change the alignment label style set after the alignment has been created?  For example, for an alignment that was created with alignment label set X - change the label set to alignment label set Y?  It seems like this should be pretty easy, I must be missing something obvious. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Alignment Style Vs Alignment Labels - PI Treated Differently?

Apr 6, 2013

I have a question on Alignment PI's. (Point of Inflection/Intersection)I have an alignment where some PI's have curves, others are merely hard bends.

Is there a way to automatically label the PI's even if they have an associated curve? (I'd like PI, PC and PT)Alternatively, can I only show markers at PI's without curves?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Alignment Entities Not Showing Up In Alignment Grid View

May 20, 2013

I'm trying to edit some existing alignments. When I create new entities, they do not show up in the alignment grid view. Why is this?

Windows 7 x 64 bit
NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor
6.00 GB RAM
Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz
Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Launching Alignment Grid View / Alignment Entities

Aug 11, 2013

Launching alignment grid view/alignment entities,

I’m wondering if there is a way to launch alignment grid view/alignment entities (attached) without the need to first launching “alignment”? This dialogue box is quite essential in editing the values of radius, degree of curvature and deflection angle for the selected curve.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Alignment Begin Station Inherited From Another Alignment

Aug 8, 2012

Can I inherit the station from one alignment as the begin station for another alignment?

For example. Alignment 1 is 1000 ft long and starts at sta 0+00.

At sta 8+01, Alignment 2 begins and goes off in another direction.

I manually enter 8+01 for begin station Alignment 2. Life is good. Still in the design stage, and customer needs to modify Alignment 1 to avoid something. Now Alignment 2 intersects Alignment 1 at sta 8+15, but same N/E coordinates.

I manually enter 8+15 for begin station Alignment 2.

It would be better if Alignment 2 could inherit the begin station based on the new stationing from Alignment 1.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Won't Use Graphics Card

May 17, 2012

When I try to use the Oil Paint filter tool I receive an error claiming that an "uknown graphics processor error" had occured. I then checked under my preferences and Photoshop is not using the correct graphics card. Is there a way for me to fix this problem so that I can use photoshop? I have a switchable radeon graphics card in my computer and use catalyst control center to manage it.
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:10, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 4
Logical processor count: 8
Processor speed: 2195 MHz

Required plug-ins: 
   3D Studio 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00)
   Accented Edges 13.0
   Adaptive Wide Angle 13.0
   ADM 3.11x01
   Angled Strokes 13.0
   Average 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00)

Optional and third party plug-ins: NONE
 Plug-ins that failed to load: NONE
Mini Bridge
Installed TWAIN devices: NONE

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Photoshop :: Video Card

Nov 28, 2005

which video cards/technology on Video cards are best for photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Video Card

Jan 20, 2009

Currently my display card is a NVIDIA Quadro FX 500/600 PCI. One of the reasons I chose this card is it supprted dual montors. Now that I have upgraded to CS4 Extended I need to upgrade my display card.

When I went to Adobe's List of tested graphics display cards for Photoshop CS4 and seen such a long list of cards for Windows.I thought I would come here and ask if any body else has upgraded theirs. I would perfere to go with a nVidia card. Do any of these cards support dual monitors? Or how can I keep using my two montors?

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Photoshop :: SD Card Failure -

May 7, 2008

I had one of 3 Transcend 1G cards result in complete failure, loosing about 400 pictures of Costa Rica birds. Neither the camera nor computer would recognize card after the shoot. Disk Doctors disassembled the card and hooked it up to test modules and ran multiple 5-6 hour tests to try to reconstruct data. Nothing worked as they said all the files were corrupted. This is the one disk that I shot until full with a Nikon D40X camera. Card was formated before use. I reviewed pictures as I shot and all seemed right.

They theorize that perhaps the card and camera did not communicate, but I shot at most only a couple of RAW format pictures over the capacity, so to me that does not seem logical it would corrupt everything. But not an expert either.

The technician said not to fill up the card and use smaller cards so you don't have all the shots in the same basket.

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Photoshop :: Graphics Card For PC

Apr 6, 2003

what is the most adequate graphics card to run Photoshop 7.0 on a daily basis?

I am currently looking to purchase a new computer and I am considering my options.

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Photoshop :: Business Card

Mar 10, 2006

I am probably not posting in a right forum. Not sure where it should go.

What should a business card definitely include? What kind of info? Name of company?

Do I need to put my name also? Or just the name of the company is enough?
Do I need to put my address? Or is my phone number and email address enough?
What about website address is it necessary?

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Photoshop :: Video Card?

Oct 14, 2008

I have a Dell Dimension 4600i with the stock Intel(R) 82865G Graphics Controller, and 4 gig of ram. I use Photoshop CS3 for my digital scrapbook business, working with image files that are often almost a gig. Besides tweeking PS and XP to get the fastest performance I'm thinking I probably need a beefier video card. I've read decent reviews for the GeForce 7600GT and other video cards but these are aimed at gamers. The sales rep at Dell seemed to think that their top video card wouldn't be that much better for Photoshop work.

Are there video cards out there that would speed up PS? Is it a waste of money getting a card designed for gamers?

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Photoshop :: Which Graphics Card For CS4

Nov 21, 2008

I will be adding a graphics card to my Vista 64 machine which currently has integrated graphics. I normally don't care about 3D performance, so I was looking at the Radeon HD 4550. Please let me know what I should look for in a card if my primary objective is to (1) enable movie playing (HD and blu ray) and (2) speed up Photoshop. The machine has one x16 PCI slot and two x1 slots (it's a Dell Studio).

Current specs are:

Intel Q9400 quad core

8GB RAM (this is the max for the motherboard)

750GB SATA drive

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Photoshop :: Using SD Card Or ExpressCard For...

Mar 19, 2008

On my old laptop, I know that the patch for Photoshop CS3 allowed using scratch disks on removable media. But on my new computer, I've updated all the software and cannot get these drives to show in the list of scratch disks. The expresscard and SD reader are both built-in to the computer so they are pretty darn fast.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Lag. What Graphic Card Will It Take?

Oct 24, 2008

I have:

XP32 SP3
4GB Ram (3.25 are used by XP)
Nvidia 8800 GTS, all up to date drivers
Quad Core Q6850 (3ghz)

And I experience very unpleasant lag in CS4. It feels very sluggish. And I disabled all advanced options in OpenGL. That helped a bit, but it is still laggy. For instance, moving a windowed image has a delay of 1 second before it actually starts moving. Type tool feels sluggish too.

would upgrading the video card to something else get rid of lag?

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Photoshop :: Make An Old Card Look New?

Aug 29, 2008

what way is there to make this card look as good as new? other than recreating the background,

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Photoshop :: Christmas Card

Nov 29, 2007

I have CS2 and 7.0. I have been using Premiere and a little After Effects, but not too much Photoshop and now want to use this powerful tool.

I have this picture below and was asked to make it look as if the woman has an elf suit with antlers and the man a santa suit. I'm supposed to make it look cartoony. I don't know if I'd be able to draw one on there or find some clipart or image somewhere and scale it to size, then fit it over..

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Photoshop :: Business Card In 3D

Oct 17, 2008

how can i make a business card in 3D like the one below with Photoshop?

I can make the round rectangle, and put some bevel and shadow, but the problem is that this card has the right-side of it aparently more higher than the left side... how can i do that?

It's a nice effect but i don?t know how to do it?

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Photoshop :: Video Card

Mar 30, 2008

I'm having a laptop built mainly to quick edit/cut photoshop files. They (pc club)recommend a nvidia 8600gt 512 card. Will this work well for photoshop editing. I still use my desktop for the main photoshop work.

The system I'm looking at is:
Window XP home, nvidia 8600gt go 512mb graphics, intel core 2 duo 2.4ghz, 2gb ram, 200gb sata 7200rpm drive, 802.11n wifi, and 10/100/1000 network card.

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Photoshop :: What Video Card Do I Need?

Oct 29, 2008

I'm a landscape photographer and have used photoshop for several current version is system crashed and now in the process of having a new system built.....I will upgrade to this is my question what video card do I need?

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Photoshop :: Video Card

Apr 3, 2004

what the Best video card to speed up photoshop is? I don't use this machine for any 3D (gaming or otherwise) I just want to speed up the filters and file handling of photoshop. The computer has an 8X AGP port , 1GB RAM , 2.0GHZ Athlon cpu.
I currently have an matrox g450 vid card.

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Photoshop :: Uploading Only New Images From Card

Apr 26, 2013

When I upload images from my SD card onto the computer using windows 8, all the images on the card are uploaded. How can I upload only the new images on the card and not those that have been previously uploaded.

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Photoshop :: Card Number Change

Oct 23, 2013

I am a Photoshop CC subscriber. Due to a hacker attack to your site, the card which I payed my subscription monthly was cancelled by the bank.So, I ask if it is possible to change my old card to a new one the bank gave me?

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Photoshop :: How To Delete Photos From SD Card

Oct 27, 2012

How can I delete the photos from my camera's SD card with Photoshop?  I click on "Removable Disk" to get to the SD card, then click on the photo I want to remove, but the "Delete" choice does not appear.  I never had any trouble like this with CS2.

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Photoshop :: Disable Graphics Card

Apr 11, 2013

NVDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430. Just updated the driver from NVDIA. When I try to do much of anything (like oil painting) it locks up and says it needs to shut down because the GPU isn't supported. Compaq Presario CG5300F 2G ram 320G HD AMD Sempron LE-1300 2.3 64 bit

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Photoshop :: CC Not Finding NVidia Card (PC)

Sep 11, 2013

I've lost all of my 3D functionality as Photoshop CC is now only recognising my intel graphics card, not my nVidia GT540M. It was working perfectly last night, but mid video render it stopped. I have had both a nVidia and photoshop update around the same time. If it's a software issue due to the updates, is there are workaround until there's a patch?

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Photoshop :: Mac Won't Allow To Upload RAW Files From SD Card

Mar 20, 2013

My Mac won't let me upload RAW files from my SD card bc it can't read it.  I know I need ACR (adobe camera raw) but not sure where I find that?  Did it come with my Photoshop Elements 10 CD or do I download it from somewhere?

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Photoshop :: Detect Video Card In 32 And 64 Bit?

Jun 28, 2013

How can I get both the 32 and 64 bit versions of CS6 to detect my graphic processor (AMD Radeon HD7700) for GPU usage in Win 7 ? Cuiurently, it is only seen in 64 bit.

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