Photoshop :: Adobe Camera Raw And Nikon D80 In CS Version 8
Feb 26, 2013
How can I open RAW files from my nikon D80 in photoshop CS version 8? At the moment I have to open and edit my RAW files through Nikon View NX and then convert the files to Jpeg, dump them in a folder and then re-open them as Jpegs in photoshop,how I can open them straight into photoshop, I really can't take this cross platform editing..
Does the Nikon D300s work with adobe camera raw 4.6 for cs3 or do I need to upgrade to cs5. What's the release date on the camera raw update for the nikon d800.
Can't open file from Nikon D7100 in Camera RAW Plug-In,i have Photoshop CS5 and plugin is upgraded.Format NEF from Nikon D 7100 is not in this plug-in photoshop.
I am using Photoshop Elements 11, using WIndows 7 Operating System. I have a new camera Canon Rebel T5i, and having problem viewing images in raw format (cr2).Message in PE11, states, "Camera model not supported by installed version of Camera raw."
Canon software views images. Suspect my minimum camera raw plug in version does not support this new camera..I am unable to locate in the software any menu item that allows me to view the camera raw plug in version.
When I use Adboe 7.0 with Nikon coolscan IV 3.0 software I run into a problem (it does not occur all the time). I will scan from 5-50 slides and then when I am done I close the Nikon scanner and it closes Adobe as well.
I can reboot turn on the scanner before opening Adobe and sometimes that works or sometimes I open Adobe and then turn on the scanner and that works sometimes. Is there a patch? or am I just trying too hard?
I'm familiar with how to install a camera raw plugin for photoshop. However, I've had a difficult time finding the correct download link for the Nikon d3100 for ps cs4.
I have a Nikon D7000, I use Photoshop CS5. I took multiple exposures in-camera in RAW and they appear fine on the back of my camera, and in the finder window on my Mac, but when uploaded and viewed through Bridge and Photoshop the images are monochromatic RED in color. I have contacted Nikon and they say they can not guarantee compatibility with 3rd party software. No amount of editing, that I have found, returns the colors to where they should be (NOT RED).
Running Windows XP Pro and CS2. The Nikon D300 nef format is only available with a CR plug in that is incompatible with CS2. Do I have to upgrade to CS3 or CS4 in order to be able to access my D300 images in a card reader?
I Just bought my Nikon D610 and had been using Elements 11 up to this point and was very hapoy with it. However I quickly learned that Elements 11 does not support the new RAW files and read that Element 12 does, so I purchased the upgrade. I am so dissapointed that after the download Elements is still not able to read the files. Did I just waste my money? Can you get the Camer RAW 8.3 plug in for Elements 12?
I need to know how to get Photoshop CS5 to read Raw files from my new Nikon D600 camera. I do NOT want to have to buy another version of Photoshop or have to buy Lightroom.
I upgraded to Photoshop CS6 from CS5.X and I can not open RAW files in Camera RAW for my Nikon D800. It functioned properly in CS5 with the latest RAW release but won't work in CS6.
I just have bought new camera NIKON 3200 and I have Photoshop cs5. The problem is that I cant edit pictures RAW format in my Photoshop program cs5. I upgrade camera raw 6.7.0339 and it doesn't work.
I just bought a Nikon D7000 camera & need to convert Nikon RAWS (NEF) files & they are not recognized by my Adobe CS4 on my Mac 0sX 10.6.8
Do I need to update to CS5 or CS6. Also, would like the new software to allow me to still convert older pre-existing RAWS that are in my photo archives.
How can I open a NEF file from NikonD800 in photoshop CS5 Windows, camera raw plug in version same problem for CS5 MAC, camera raw plug in version
Photoshop C5 won't open a picture taken from my Nikon D3200 Camera. Message says, "File appears to be from a model which is not supported by the installed version of camera raw." I bought the camera because it had CAMERA RAW.
I have updated to ACR 7.3, my Photoshop is version 13.1 x64. However, I still cannot read the RAW files from my Nikon D600 with the message to check if there is an update for my cameras raw files available.
Tried importing files from memory card with pics taken in both JPEG and RAW. Imported JPEG's but not the RAW pics. It has accepted RAW files before. First time using Nikon D800 camera.
I've been using Photoshop Elements 10 to edit raw .NEF files from my Nikon D3000 with no problems. Recently I purchased a Nikon D3200 and I shoot in raw .NEF files using that also but Photoshop Elements 10 will not recognize those .NEF files to edit. The error I'm getting is saying the file type is not correct.
How do I import images from a Nikon D600 to Lightroom Version 3.4.1? Do I need to purchase the current version of Lightroom? Will this affect Bridge and Photoshop CS4 that I am currently using?