I got the chance to try out the 5d mark iii today, so I installed Lightroom 4 on my computer. After realizing the files wouldn't load correctly, I researched the issue a bit and found out about the 4.1 RC2 download. I downloaded it and ran through the installer on my computer (iMac, OSX Lion 10.7.2) and everything seemed fine, yet when I open Lightroom it still reads as version 4.0, and won't import the RAW files from the mark iii. I tried restarting, re-downloading, etc
I'm trying to import RAW files shot from a friend's Canon 5D Mark III, but have been unsuccessful. It gives me the message "the file is from a camera which is not recognized by the raw format support in lightroom"
I normally import RAW files from my Canon 7D, but for some reason it's not recognizing these files.
I imported my images from my 5d mark iii via LR4. The first 203 images imported perfectly the last 125 did not. The message read "the following files were not imported because the could not be read"? I don't understand, they were all on the same card? They show in lightroom when you are selecting which ones to import, they just will not import. I tried it two times My LR4 is updated as well.
When trying to import photos from my Canon 5D Mark III into Lightroom 4.2, the import usually freezes up at some arbitrary point. It will either crash lightroom altogether, or it will have a message saying "could not import all files, files could not be read." (something along those lines.)
I am using a 1 year old iMac with a 1 TB HD. I import directly onto that hard drive. Lightroom has never had an issue importing. My previous camera was a Canon EOS T1i. The problems started when I purchased my 5D Mark III. Images from my T1i, in fact, still import fine with no issues. I am running OS X version 10.7.5. My compact flash card is brand new, a Lexar 1000x. I have seen some suggesting it may be a hard drive issue, however, the evidence points to the 5D Mark III not playing well with LR 4.2. (T1i images still import fine.)
i have been able to import and move a file of jpegs but as I shoot jpeg/raw combo, the raw files were left behind in the original file. I can now bring them up, but they are dim and cannot appear to do anything w/them. I would like to move them to the file where I put the accompanying jpegs, but am having no success in finding an answer on how to do this. Nothing seems to activite to let me do this. Along w/this, I generally tend to work straight from camera raw files, the jpegs are generally not used, thus when LR encourages me to work on the jpegs, I'm not interested. I wish to process my raw files and only move to PS6 if I need to do some more intensive work.
I have just tried to upload Raw files from a Canon 5d Mark III to Lightroom 3. The file were not recognised. I believe there were some update issues but my Lightroom 3 is updated. Do I need to get Lightroom 4? I need to know urgently as I have a shoot tomorrow and will go back to my Mrk II if I can't get an update for Lightroom 3.
While processing a images from this past weekend taken with the 5D Mark III... Images taken at high ISO (6400 and 12,800) with no noise reduction show a very clear criss-cross pattern across the image faintly. Once you apply about 20 on the NR slider, it will go away. I do not see this with the in-camera JPEG's or with Canon's DPP software with no NR applied to the RAW files. Is this a known issue that will be corrected for the final release of 4.1?
Here is a crop showing this happening. It is not limited to just dark or light parts of the image, but the entire thing.
1. Workflow is in lightroom version 4.1 Photoshop CS5.5 is used when necessary as secondary workflow 2. Import works fine. "preview thumbnails" appear normal. When I CLICK on the next image it will suddenly do this ^ to the file 3. I have tried taking that EXACT file and running it through Adobe DNG converter but it comes out looking exactly like this... so it seems that lightroom is actually corrupting the file 4. I have a copy of all my raw files on another drive so I can grab those files and they do not have this problem
I set custom white balance for a lot of my photos (I'm a nightclub photographer) as sometimes the colours are so saturated the image becomes unusable. Unfortunately in Lightroom 4 the photos import with the correct WB I have set but when I click on them to develop the settings are changed and the image looks completely awful. I try and adjust the image back to the way I have taken it but it never looks the same....why is Lighroom not recognising the WB settings I set within my 5D?
I am currently using a Nikon D7100 and recording my photos in the Raw/NEF-RAW format. Recently, whenever I am uploading my photos to Lightroom 5, my photos are changing to .dng files rather than staying in the NEF file. When I go and look back at my previous imports from the past few times, they are in NEF and NOT in .dng. Why is this doing this and how do I turn this feature off so that my files remain the same going from my camera to my computer through importation.
I just upgraded to a 5D and LR4.. when I import the files load as CR2 files, not DNG files. When the files import it takes 4 files to find them. It also will not recognize the file names in the library. How do I fix this to import like it did in LR 3??
Today I went to LR4 and tried to import RAW CR2 files into the program using the usual import process which is pretty automatic. I also asked that copies be saved as DNG files. No matter what I tried, I got an error message saying that the files could not be imported. I use a Canon 5D Mark III. The only difference in today's shoot was that I used and HDSC card instead of a CF card. No other obvious changes. Clearly, this is a serious concern. What amI missing?
How can I make Lightroom import only RAW and not JPG files? (Some camera's require you to save a JPG next to a RAW to generate the best preview on the camera LCD).
I am suddenly unable to import photo files from my computer directory into LR 4.3. I have imported thousands of photos previously, but now I get an error message "Could not copy a file to the requested location". I have seen comments elsewhere on forums which says that to solve this the "Destination" has to be set to "Pictures". I can't find anywhere to select "Pictures" in the Destination menu.
LR is now totally useless to me. How can you get to talk to an expert at Adobe? I just get sent round in circles and end up back on the forum every time!! This is urgent!
25/02/13 Solved this myself. Found after clicking on the arrow at the top right, I got a pull-down menu of recently used destination paths, and by ticking the one which showed "My Lightroom Photos/ Pictures" all was well. (My Lightroom Photos is my directory in which I keep all my photos).
Lightroom 2.7 won't import raw files from folder. After I choose files and click they come up as a white file that says (preview not available for this image ) and I can't go any further. Have no trouble importing JPEGS.
I have been having problems with importing all files to Lightroom since my Macbook was 'healthchecked'!! I get the message 'cannot read files'. This started with Lightroom 3 - where I have tried to delete the preference file and then recreate - no luck, after alot of other things tried, I then uninstalled Lightroom 3 and installed a fresh version of Lightroom 4.2 - and the problem still exists.
I use a Lexar USB 3 card reader to import files created by my Canon 5d Mk-II. I click on Import on the lower left corner of LR, point to the drive which displays the files on the card. But when I click on Import LR simply sites there with the progress bar at the top not moving. I waited for quite a while several times and the files did not copy and import. Then I copied the files using Windows explorer to the folder where they are kept and tried to synchronize the folder but that option was not avaliable from the right-click on the folder name context menu. I have to shut down LR and restart before the Synchronize Folder appears again.
Another, and possibly related anomaly is the number of files LR report that could be imported. The number is always wrong. For instance, there may be 25 files sync but it reports something like 172.
Replaced Nikon D80 with D7100 and now RAW files will not import, suspect Raw plug in is out of date but my PC Windows Home XP is quite old with only 960MB of RAM, will i need to upgrade to LR4 and upgrade PC too?
So I have just started using a D4. I was trying to upload my photos, and the RAW files will not import. I was using LR3, and thought it had something to do with the version, so got LR5, and its not working. FIles could not be imported because they could not be read. I am on MAC OSX 10.5.7. Files will import fine if they are JPG, or RAW from my D3.
I notice lately that sometimes when importing new files from a card, previously imported files are sometimes imported again.
I do check "organize my files by date," and after the date folder is created, I typically modify the folder name to add a description. I also rename files on import. I always check "new."
Still, I thought that LR could keep track of this type of stuff.