When I use Topaz plug-ins in LR4, the image comes back with only 10% of the pixels remaining. It has been suggested by Topaz support to transfer images to PS6 from LR4 without LR4 adjustments and see if it still happens. Unfortunately my DNG files cannot be sent to PS6 without adjustments. Is it possible to convert DNG files to TIFF so the option becomes available to send it to PS6 without adjustments?
I am cleaning up the Hard Drive on my Mac G4. My scanned images are taking a great portion of the 80 Gig drive. I finished clearing my external drive by removing nearly 60 gigs of images by storing them on DVD. I will do the same for the Mac drive.
My trouble is that all my images are stored in TIFF format which takes up enormous space no matter the storage. Since I output images in various sizes, mainly prints, to 30 x 40 inches, I need a master image archived in the best format for such. However, I do not want to fill my drives, or DVD, with large files. Code:
For some reason I can't send files to CS5 from Lightroom 5. It was never a problem before. I also am not able to open files in the Nik collections from Lightroom.
I live in a small town and want to get some photos printed. The only place here is Walmart. How do I send them the photos? I save my work as DNG. Do I have to change it to a jpg then send it to them with their upload software? Does that mean I change it to the preset of Burn Full Size jpegs?
I have done this successfully before in Lightroom 3 but it is not working in Lightroom 4.
As I work on some of my images in Lightroom there are some I have tried to edit in Photoshop but the images won't open. I am running Photoshop CS6. As I right click on an image and click on edit in Photohosp the application will open (Photoshop CS6, that is) but the image won't.
I also work with NIK Software's Viveza 2 as another external editor and this one works just fine. I can click on an image, select Viveza 2 as the external editor and the image will open in that application without any problem.
Ok, I'm using LR3 and Elements 10. I need to make sure I'm doing this right. Im in LR, and I want to send a DNG file over to Elements. I click Edit with Photoshop Elements, it sends the file over to Elements. I do my edits in Elements, then click Save. It does come back into LR, but its still the PSD and I want it to be in DNG? Whats the best way to do this?
Is the only way it comes back is either a jpeg or psd? Or should I send files over in TIFF instead of PSD? And which color space should I be in?
Every time I send a photo in LR3 only the photo appears in the window and there is no place for text message. Also how does one send multiple photos in LR3? It seems I am limited to one only.
I created a slideshow in LR5 from a very recent trip. Now I would like to show it on my 50 Inch living room TV ( Samsung with wireless capability). Is this possible. If so, how? If not how does one manage to show a slideshow for friends and family?
I just completed and saved a book inLR4 and when I press Send Bpook to Blurb absolutely nothig happens? How do I get all this work to Blurb without losing it?
I am a window user, using Ligthroom version 2. I want to send multiple pictures via Outlook.I set up all "Export" parameters, BUT when selecting many pictures, then outlooks takes only one.I looked in the net and find that I have to download a Mapimailer.
just purchased LR4 and PSE 10. Set up LR4 to use PSE 10 as the editor. I watched a Tim Gray video demonstrating this and followed the steps. When I attempted to send photos over to PSE through LR nothing happened.
I am trying to send a photobook created on Lightroom 4 to Blurb for printing.
I was told from Blurb that soft proofing function on Lightroom 4 does not work for them because the color profile is different. What does Adobe recommend to do to match the color space?
One of the things I need to do occasionally is print an uncommon sized image. For example, I may crop part of an image as a 2x3 to fit in an odd picture frame, such as a Chrstimas ornament. However, most places I print (e.g. CVS) only print common sizes. In the past I've used Elements to create a blank new image in a common size and pasted my crop into it (which is a little tricky because you have to make sure the new image and the crop have the same resolution), but I'd like to be able to do this directly in Lightroom.
i have lightroom v4 last version 64 and photoshop cs6 64 last updates
i would like to send raw file from lightroom to photoshop without converting in psd or tiff but i would like to send from lightoom to photoshop the raw file
in short open the image in camera raw from lightroom
As does Export to JPEG and Send Book to Blurb. No dialog box, no error message, no crash. When I click the button with any of the export options, absolutely nothing happens. This is with a 6-page sample spread. I am using the 4.1 trial version on Snow Leopard.
I'm shooting in both raw + jpeg..The reason is simple. I almost immediately send jpegs to my clients for a quick preview, and then I process the raw files.
In addition it has to be said that often the in camera processed jpeg has a very high quality standard and no further raw processing is required.I take a lot of time in popoluating the LR catalog with keywords, flags, ratings and so on.
I would like to work only once in putting keywords, flags, pick/unpick and ratings to a shooting set. Then send a sub set of selected photos (according to some LR filtering) to my customer in JPG format, and start working on the raw files of this selection...The problem is that I would like to send to the customer not just a JPG conversion of the raw files, but the original JPEG generated by the camera, which is almost more "pop" and of impact than a JPG export done without spending time in tuning the export presets: the camera generated JPEG is normally better than any raw export made with basic settings.
But I don't know how to do that because if I import in LR RAW + JPEG as separate entries I have to tag, flag, rate and keyword them twice. I have to put the same rating to the JPEG version and then to the RAW version. On the other hand, if I import them as a unique entry I get benefit in making the keywording flagging rating and tagging job only once per photo. But in this way, even if LR har information that the picture has a RAW and a JPEG, I completely loose access to the original camera generated JPEG file. Because when I export the output of a filtering selection I can choose to export as JPEG, but this is a new JPEG generation from the RAW, according to the develop settings that I may have or have not done, and if I export as original file I get only the RAW files, but no more the original camera generated JPEG files.
When I send an LR photo for editing in PS CC, some of the filters are greyed out: artistic, brush strokes, distort, pixelate, sketch, and texture. but when I open the photo directly in PS, they are there.
When I go to send a picture from LR4 to PS5 it says I need to update to camera raw 7.2 I did this but it keeps coming up telling me to do this? Why is this happening?
Having trouble bringing LR5 up. Had been working fine. Get msg, Could not run script: LibraryFactory.lua Error: Recursive load attempt for namespace: Library View
how to send a raw photo from lightroom to photoshop as a smart "object" not a flat "image" so it does not flatten the image but so I still get all the adjustments i have made in lightroom to show up in photoshop?
When I first got Lightroom I stupidly imported ALL my photos at once from my hard drive-all 7100 of them. Now I would like to send them back to the original places on my hard drive so I can import them in small batches and work on them. How can I do this without losing any images? Can I delete all of them (not to the recycle bin) and then reimport them?
Unable to send photobook from LR 5 to Blurb. LR error message indicates error occured adding text and fonts to the book. But it doesn't say how to correct the problem???
I am using PSE 12 as an external editor for Aperture. When I ask to use an external photo editor, Aperture creates a .tiff file in my Aperture folder, launches PSE 12 and tells it to edit that .tiff file. This all works great. When I am done editing in PSE 12, I ask it to save the file and it saves it back to the original Aperture folder with a .tif extension. I can instead say "save as" and then it suggests the file name with a .tif extension. When I correct the extension to .tiff it warns me that I'm going to overwrite the file (exactly what I want!). I say yes and then I find out that PSE did not overwrite the file, but wrote it as a .tif file anyway. I have to go to the folder, delete the .tiff file and rename the .tif file to .tiff and then everything is fine - but what a hassle.