Lightroom :: Unable To Send Photos From LR4 To PSE 10 Using IMAC OS X 10.7.3?
May 9, 2012
just purchased LR4 and PSE 10. Set up LR4 to use PSE 10 as the editor. I watched a Tim Gray video demonstrating this and followed the steps. When I attempted to send photos over to PSE through LR nothing happened.
I created a slideshow in LR5 from a very recent trip. Now I would like to show it on my 50 Inch living room TV ( Samsung with wireless capability). Is this possible. If so, how? If not how does one manage to show a slideshow for friends and family?
I live in a small town and want to get some photos printed. The only place here is Walmart. How do I send them the photos? I save my work as DNG. Do I have to change it to a jpg then send it to them with their upload software? Does that mean I change it to the preset of Burn Full Size jpegs?
Every time I send a photo in LR3 only the photo appears in the window and there is no place for text message. Also how does one send multiple photos in LR3? It seems I am limited to one only.
How can I make my lightroom 5 program the default importer of my photos? I have an iMac and the photos are loading onto ithe Photo program rather than Lightroom.
When I first got Lightroom I stupidly imported ALL my photos at once from my hard drive-all 7100 of them. Now I would like to send them back to the original places on my hard drive so I can import them in small batches and work on them. How can I do this without losing any images? Can I delete all of them (not to the recycle bin) and then reimport them?
Unable to send photobook from LR 5 to Blurb. LR error message indicates error occured adding text and fonts to the book. But it doesn't say how to correct the problem???
I am unable to import photos into Lightoom 4.4 on Macbook Pro running on Mountain Lion. I tired importing photos directly from the sdcard, both via the inbuild reader & and external USB reader. Import fails in both cases. I then tired copying the files to desktop, import fails with move option too. But when i use the add option, the import works fine.
I am unable to export my photos from Lightroom 5. The Warning that I get is: Unable to Export: An internal error has occurred: Win32 API error 2 ("the system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
I am trying to import photos from my compact flash disc (which I use in my camera) to Lightroom3 on my Mac. The files are .jpg files. The message that I get is that the files cannot be read. But I am able to import them to iPhoto, Photoshop Elements on my PC, etc. I contacted support and chatted with three different people. I uninstalled Lightroom 3.6 and re-installed 3.5 - that didn't work. So the next guy had me re-install 3.6 and update the Camera RAW version to 6.6, that didn't work.
Since upgrading to LR4, I've been unable to export photos to disk. No error is shown, but the UI shows the "exporting" dialog in the upper left of the window, but has zero progress. Here are some details:
Observations: CPU not pegging, RAM isn't getting eaten up. I can right click on any image and ask to be shown the pic in the Finder (I'm on a Mac) and it takes me to the photo. This catalog has been upgraded from every previous version of Lightroom.
Troubleshooting: I've dumped my LR preferences (at ~/library/preferences/.com.adobe...) I've upgraded to 4.1 RC2. I've done the "test integrity of the catalog" check and didn't have any errors. This repros with ANY photo in my catalog.
When I perform the export command, the folder I direct Lightroom to does get created by LR, but no photos ever show up there. I've also tried directing the export to an already created folder, and still there is no export.
Environment: Mac OS X (10.7.3 I believe)LR 4 (now at 4.1 RC2).
I have Lightroom 4 and CS5. I'm trying to take my photos from lightroom into photoshop to edit them further. I've done this hundreds of times in the past and all of the sudden it's not working. When I select the photos I want to edit in photoshop, I click command E to edit them further in photoshop. Lightroom gives me a progress bar in the top left corner that reads, "Preparing files for edit," but nothing happens after that. The photos never get sent to photoshop and lightroom just kind of sits there. It doesn't freeze up or anything, but it doesn't send the photos to photoshop. I've tried uninstalling Lightroom and re-installing, but that didn't do anything.
FIRST: I cannot move photos from one folder to another, drag and drop does not function at all, and there is no 'move' command with a right-cllick on a photo. I can move folder locations, drag and drop on the folder view works, but I want to move individual photos. I am sure I could do it with previous versions.
SECOND: If I click on HELP, I simply get a box up from Adobe AIR saying: This installation of this application is damaged. Try re-installing or contacting the publisher for assistance. I am loathe to re-install as last time I did that, I had a grand hassle over number of activations, even though I am only running on my one and only machine.
deleting multiple photos in lightroom 3. I shift-click to select multiple photos and press delete, but it always only delete 1 of the selected. How do i fix this?
For some reason I'm unable to move photos or folders from within lightroom 4. The drag and drop system from the library module does nothing for me. I'm pretty sure I just watched an AdobeTV demonstration where the presenter had no problem moving files inside the "Folders" panel in the Library. I've even tried highlighting the photos I want to move from the grid view, control+clicking on the folder where I want them to go, selecting "Move Selected Photos to this Folder" from the flyout, and nothing happens.
My cursor shows a green plus(+) icon when I mouse over the destination folder when dragging the photos, as if LR were going to add the files to the folder.... but then nothing happens.
Am I losing it, shouldn't this be a completely intuiative process? Is it possible I've locked my files/photos?
When I press IMPORT in Lr4.2, a choice of accounts and sources appears: I press Applications under Mac HD, some apps, like iWork and Documents appear, but not iPhoto. When I try to export JPEGS from iPhoto, a sign appears saying there is not enough disk space to export.
Using Lightroom 4 [814577] on a Mac (with 16Gb memory) Mac OS Lion 10.7
When I plug in my Canon 7d and click import, I see a preview of my photos. However, when I then try to import, I get the message "no photos were found to import"
I have the latest firmware on my 7d. I have tried using a different CF card. None of this has worked.
I can import via the EOS utlity; but I should be able to do this directly from my camera.
In Share - email attachments - my default email address is not recognised - it uses an old address. In preferences - sharing - email settings - I only have two choices - Windows Mail and Adobe email service - Windows Live Mail does not appear.
photoshop elements 12 - just purchased - i have followed all the corrective items
updated to chrome signed up on ravel set up email preferences to adobe have vista checked that the 'do not save encrypted pages to disc was not checked
I did everything according to the instructions, defined e-mail address, got the code and confirmation of the adress, but still when I try to send meile in the end there is symbol that the computer is trying to perform this task, but the minutes passes by, and nothing changes. I have spend a lot of time trying to fix it - with no success. I use Windows 8 and Microsoft OutLook. I have no problems sending other thing. I also have Mozzilla Thunderbird om my computer, but it is synchronised to OutLook (can use both of them, whichever I want).
I bought Photoshop Elements 12 to send and edit photos. I'm close to that to give up this product, despite the fact that the rest of his functions as a judge very successful.