Lightroom :: Error Starting 4.1 64bit - The Application Was Unable To Start Correctly?
Jul 29, 2012
I get an error message starting , "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) Please click OK to close application" 32 bit Light room works correctly. 64 bitwas working a few days ago.
'The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application.'I receive the error whenever turning on my laptop, and have ever since installing Lightroom4
AutoCad LT2009 has been running on my windows 7 computer for 3 years but now I get the message "The application was unable to start correctly(0xc0150002). Click OK to close the application." I have Google surched the application error message and found one reference to a similar but different numbered message for AutoCad LT which suggested down loading Microsoft Visual C==2010 Redistributable package (x86) and (x64) but neither of them worked.
I just installed the 3ds Max Design 2013 and it completed successfully. However, when I try to launch it, I get an error box saying 'the application was unable to start correctly(0xc000007b). click ok to close the application.'
recently our Autocad LT 2013 has started giving out the "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b)" error randomly on program launch. Thinking SP2 would fix it, i tried installing through autocad, but after it says transferring, nothing happens and everything closes and this box comes up. If I go and get the update package and install it manually, i get the same error. This machine is running windows 7 pro x64 and I have already tried a repair, and full uninstall/reinstall.
I get file-tiff-save.exe & file-tiff-load.exe Application Error when opening Gimp 2.8.2 in windows 7 64-bit.The error: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b).
I was already upgrade my laptop to windows 8.1 preview 64-bit,I have this only one error when was start my cad application autodesk inventor pro 2014 student version.
When I try and launch Corel Draw x6 in 32 or 64 bit mode I get this error
The application was unable to start correctly (0X0000142) . Click ok to close application. Try this as a trial first before I buy I purchased x3 and x4 they wont work on windows 7. Cant get it to launch
I am getting an error message saying that the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) click ok to close application. Further research appears that the temp file location is not found for lightroom 3 64bit, and it wants me to find it or reinstall lightroom 3. The problem is that my software is 16hrs away from me and I forgot to register it when I got it for school in July 2010. I am not sure what I can do here, but I need it for school. Can I just download a trial version and until I can get this fixed
I have upgraded to Lightroom 5.3. After uploading the software, when I attempt to open the program, I get the message: "The application was unable to open correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application. I have not been able to contact Adobe for support.
I am getting an application error (0xc000007b) when I attempt to start LR4. I have uninstalled and reinstalled application with same result. what is happening and how I can get it up and running again?
4. chckdsk for error and fix.still error so I've gone through this.
5. I uninstall Autocad 2014 completely, uninstall it manually one by one,deleted left over folder of autodesk or similar software to it, deleted its registry keys.just like the instruction on how to remove autocad completely in autodesk, I just followed it all. [after Reboot]
I've installed Corel Draw graphics suite x3. When i'm trying to run the application, it says "To start this application for the first time or to activate, log in using an administrator-level account. From then on, you can use any user account to start this application".
I am getting an error about 10 times each time I open Photoshop. It says "The application has failed to start because MSVCRT10.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem".
This does nothing besides lag up Photoshop for me. I have most of my ram towards Photoshop and it still lags like crazy. I was wondering if there WAS any way to fix it besides re-installing.
I just received and loaded my new copy of CS. I had been using Elements at home and PS 6.0 in class. My OS is Windows XP.
I tried to use the Image>Resize>Image Size function, I changed the resolution from 150 to 72 but 149.999 appeared in the box. I also tried to change the Pixel dimensions to no avail.
I brought Elements up which had always worked before and experienced the same thing.
The only odd thing I've noticed when I bring up PhotoShop or PhotoShop Elements is a message "Unable to locate component" then in the box it reads "Application has failed to start because NUVTwain.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this". This has been displayed for some time now while I was using Elements, I just clicked on it four times and the program loaded. Now it appears in either PhotoShop version. I tried reinstalling Elements some time ago and it didn't solve the problem. I reinstalled CS and it also still has the same message.
I'm having a problem with my Corel x6, every time I try to start the application it stuck for a minute or so on the splash screen and then I get error 1 (Try to restarting your computer and then restarting the program).
I am trying to invoke AutoCAD 2012 and am gettting the following error: CUsersatillgrenDesktopAutoCAD.exe "The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
On start-up of Designer7 I now get the error message "Unable to store information on your local hard disk. The disk may be full, or read-only. Ok" as pretty well the last thing in the start-up process. On pressing Ok, the dialog clears and the program will run normally. Opening and saving files works just fine.
My discs (where the program is stored, where my user profile is stored, where the drawings are saved and when the temp files and Windows swap file arel orated ) have ample space and are not RO. I also ran a disc check and they're not corrupted or damaged.
No malware seems to be present (checked with a couple of different programs) but the only thing that's different is that we had a power cut while Xara was running. Since then, it keeps giving me this message.
I've just updated to the latest version and accepted the default settings and it still gives me the message.
I keep getting an application has moved message when starting Photo Shop CS6I have attached a screen grab of the message here. what I need to do to keep it from happening each time I start up CS6?
My OS is OSX Mountain Lion 10.8.4I start up CS6 from my normal location which is the CS6 icon that resides in my dock.if I select the update button, it has no effect, the application still gives me the same message each time I start up.
I have a preview cache error on start up. This persists even on re-start and LR will not progress beyond this point. I have tried a repair and a re-install but no joy. I also did a clean of the PC after to clear any registry errors too. Still the same happening. Photoshop works fine.