Lightroom :: Transfer Files From Aperture 2 To LR4 Without Losing Raw Files
Sep 10, 2012
I need to transfer my files from Aperture 2 to Lightroom 4 without losing the raw files. When I did it on my laptop they are now all Jpegs. I don't want this to happen on my desktop.
I bought a new computer and am trying to transfer my files from the old computer to the new one. I thought I had it done right, brought the photos into the new computer, and then started working away. I have now discovered, none of my .jpg photos brought over the changes made. For instance, if I go into the Develop mode, all controls are set to "0". I revisited the old computer, and they are not all set to "0" there. What have I done and how do I correct this? I'll never change computers again with Lightroom.
On December 19th, I just went to Mac from Windows. Bought a new computer (OS X) and transfered files from an external hard drive. I did not do the stardard catalog transfer and had many pictures I wanted to delete, so I transferred the old pictures through the "Another Catalog" feature import. So far so good. All worked very well for 2 years worth of pictures... while I was transferring CR2 files. Did not lose any images until I hit the following snag.
I was still on the old Windows pc on December 11th when I decided to start using DNG files and started using "Copy as DNG" option for import. On December 19th I received the new computer and started the transfer process.
The DNG files (Copy as DNG) which I started using on Dec 11th did not transfer, not one image. I lost all the information for these files. The actual DNG file is fine, but all the catalog information with all the adjustments do not transfer as the CR2 files did. At first I just got an error message when I transferred the images... saying error occured. I did not know why the transfer was not happening, and on further investigation I realized that the correct transfer stopped on Dec 11th. That is when I realized it must have been because of the DNG "new" file format. I decided to just transfer one image at a time to see exactly what would happen and Lightroom5 said "the original file is not available". I then realized that when I transferred the images from Dec 11 thru Dec 19th I COPIED them from the external drive as "Copy as DNG"... which means that I was trying to transfer and copy as DNG a file that was already copied as DNG. I made this error because I had just started using that feature and did not remember to switch to just "copy" for the transfer for those dates. Could this error have caused the non-transfer of the files for those dates?
Bottom line is that I have lost all the work for that one week which included a number of images.
When I open the old catalog I see the image information but a blank space for the missing images... right next to each image it is the DNG raw file..side by side. I cannot get the old catalog to recognize the individual catalog information for each image I worked on.
My question is... can anything be done to recover that information. Missing photographs is not the problem. It appears either my error of double copy of DNG format is the issue OR I had set the preferences incorrectly somewhere. I am aware that I could have embedded the RAW file information into the DNG file, but this was not checked off in the preference menu. Could there be any comparability issues between OS X and Windows? I do not think this is the problem but just putting it out there. My greatest fear is thinking I am using DNG incorrectly and will lose everything again in the future.
BTW, the original CR2 files are not avalable to me any more... computer hard drive was erased as it appeared all the information had backed up properly. And the backup files on the external hard drives are DNG format. So no CR2 files are available at all.
I recently purchased a Nikon D800 (previously had D200).I am unable to transfer my NEF files into Lightroom 3.6 or Elements 10.0.....what do I need to do?
I'm trying to set up tethered shooting with my D800. Following the steps to initiate tethered capture per Adobe, the camera is recognized, the camera settings are updated in LR when changed at the camera, and the LR shutter release functions properly. Only the files never transfer to LR. LR indicates that the "Files are Transferring from Camera" but they never do. Here's some additional information.
Macbook Pro v 10.8.5 Lightroom 5.3 up to date. D800 firmware up to date.
I've gone through all the steps on the Adobe troubleshooting page. I've tried this with a CF card installed and no card installed. This setup works perfectly with Image Capture on the Mac.
I have attempted to import an Aperture library file but it is greyed out so I cannot select it. Whilst it is possible to copy and paste to the desktop, I am talking about a 50Gb file.
As I have done for years I shoot in RAW and use Nikon transfer to load images from the card to my laptop and external drive. AFter I sort the images by subject I import them to Lightroom for the final touches. Not so with Lightroom 4.2 and Nikon D600..Adobe says if yousue transfer than 4.2 will not recognize the files and too bad a company they are going downhill..I hope they correct the problem so I can import the 1500 images into Lightroom for final conversions.
I am creating a series of music worksheets on photoshop. I have created some music scores in a music writing software called Sibelius 7. It has the capability to export the sheet music graphics in the following forms: .pdf, .eps, .bmp, .tiff, .png, .svg .
However, I have tried to 'place' each of them into my photoshop file to see which one will work.
But on saving the photoshop document as a .pdf with any of the graphics formats, the vector quality of the image has been lost, as it pixelates on zooming in. I have also tried to import an .svg file into adobe illustrator to save it as an .ai file and then import that into photoshop, but the image is again pixelated.
I don't really know what is happening, as I am essentially trying to import a file that is a vector (or at least does not pixelate on zooming) into photoshop, hoping for the same qualities to be retained, but it is being lost for some reason.
Working in BRidge and Photoshop CS6:I have 160 color adjusted hi-res CR2 RAW files from my photographer, thought I was getting tifs. I need tifs for my INdesign file. I tried using the photoshop image proecessor through brige by selecting all my images and then saving as TIFFs but I am losing all my color correcting? Is there a way to save these out as tiffs as a group and not one at a time? I also might have lost my color correcting when I copies them all to one folder as well...not sure what is happening except now my great product shots look like crap.
I have 1000s of raw files on seperate hdr drives . I want to put some on to a DVD disk which i can the play on my TVs DVD. do they have to be converted to JPEG . what processes do i do ?
I am currently using PE6 in an old XP PC and want to use the same PE6 software in my new Windows 7 PC. The sheer number of photos (>12K) make it nearly impossible to reorganize and retag everything from scratch!! If a newer PE version would avoid these problems, I would consider upgrading. I can't believe the Adobe hasn't been asked this question before, but I have been unable to locate any relevant information on their website.
I've been doing some research on new computers for the office and my boss came to me about potentially switching from Windows OS to Mac OS. In my opinion I'm ok with whatever OS we use but I don't know much about MAC Computers. I have done some research on them and have read of customers using Inventor 2012 on Macs but that’s the extent of it.
1) Are there any issues that you've seen when running Boot Camp or Parallels and which do you think is user friendly.
2) How well are you able to transfer files from a MAC PC to a Windows PC then vise versa? (Taking work home etc.)
3) Have you had any problems transferring your library of information from Vault over to a Mac? (Checking in and out of Vault)
4) Our company use's DXF's made from Flat patterns that we transfer over to a Salvagnini machines that use's windows.
My old PC's motherboard shot craps so I bought a new one to replace it. I have the old hard drive from my previous PC. I had Best Buy move the pictures from my old hard drive onto the new PC. I reinstalled Photoshop on my new PC. When I accessed the picture files, the pictures do not have the any of the markers I placed on them (face recognition, events, etc.). How do I recover this information.
When I upgraded to Autocad (ACA) 2010 I migrated toolbars, etc. from ACA 2009. I am looking at getting a new computer and would like to know if I can just copy one of the CUIX files onto the new system and have everything work just as it does now. Is this possible, and which of the many CUIX files do I copy? Do I need to also copy the MNU, MNR and MNX files?
I’ve searched the CUIX files but can tell from the dates which are the newest.
I am using Google Drive to store my photos so they are automatically backed up and sync'd across multiple computers, as well as my phone.
I am buying a new primary computer and will need to transfer the catalog to the new computer. However, as I will be installing Google Drive on that computer as well, the photos will all sync down automatically. There is no need to have PE10 copy my flies from the old computer as part of the transfer process, as described here: [URL] ....
The way I see it, there are two scenarios:
I HAVE to use PE10 to make a back up of all the files in the catalog onto an external drive. I import the library on the new computer and either A) Google Drive recognizes that the files are all the same and doesn't waste time syncing the files or B) Google Drive replaces the 110 GB of files currently on the servers with the same files, then pushes those files down to all the devices that are synced.
I can use Google Drive to push the photos onto my new computer, then the paths, tags, albums and other catalog information can be imported without PE10 worrying about the photo files themselves.
How does one transfer all of the relevant files of PSE to a new computer? Example, I have PSE 7 on Computer A and want to transfer/setup on Computer B all of the relevant files needed by PSE 7. I do know the location of the files of the pictures but I do not know where the PSE data is located so that I do not have to re-create the catalogs and albums on the new computer.
I have PSE 12 (same license) installed on two computers. Each computer has its own file system and PSE catalog. Question: How to I transfer a album (with photo files) from computer A to computer B?.