Lightroom :: Migrating Files From Old Archive To New LRCAT

Mar 14, 2012

Macbook Pro, 2 GHz Intel Core i7
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50d)
External Drive: Seagate 2TB
I have prior years of images archived on my external drive.

Example: STJOHNPHOTO_2011.LRCAT is on the external drive

I want to add these images to my local catalog (LR4) on my Macbook

As I add the images - leaving the files in their original location - the star ratings and development settings are not importing.

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Won't Launch From Lrcat Files

Dec 13, 2012

I always launch LR by double-clicking the catalog files for the images that I want to work in.... I have many catalogs so launching from the one I need is the simplest way.  Installed 4.3 today, and now, double-clicking the catalog files does nothing... LR won't launch, nothing happens. 

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Lightroom :: Can Lrcat And Lrdata Files Be On Different Drives

Jun 20, 2013

I use a MacPro. My boot drive is a 3 TB internal hard drive. My .lrdata file (LR 5) is over 275 GB because I have 1:1 previews for all of my photos. I have recently purchased a 240GB SSD which I want to use as my boot drive to increase processing times. Can I have the .lrcat file on my SSD (for speed) and the corresponding .lrdata file on another drive?

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Lightroom :: Associating Lrcat Files To 3.3 - Default Programs Option In Control Panel Didn't Work?

Dec 19, 2010

So you know what system I have, I use a laptop running Windows 7 64bit, with a dual core processor and 4GB RAM. It's a very capable machine and I don't usually have a problem using LR on it.
After installing LR 3.3 over 3.2 I experienced a problem whereby the PC would not recognise which program to use for opening the lrcat catalog files. Using the Default Programs option in Control Panel didn't work as Windows wouldn't accept Lightroom as the default program and kept suggesting I open the catalog using Adobe Reader instead.
I seem to remember having an issue with the 3.2 update as well but that was simply the icon for file type being missing (showing a default unknown file type icon).
Anyway, resolved the problem but had to resort to downloading a program called Default Programs Editor (http:[url]...... to correct the problem. Am thinking next upgrade, I will uninstall LR completely before installing the update, just to be sure.

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Lightroom :: Migrating Keywords From Bridge - Import XMP Along With Files

Dec 11, 2013

I'm finally incorporating LR to my Bridge / ACR / PS workflow.I have a very detailed keyword tree that I use in Bridge. This tree is organized in a hierarchical manner, and some of the keywords have synonyms or in case of taxonomy, common and latin names separeted by " ;"
I imported the keyword list into LR and also selected the option to import the xmp along with the files. The problem is that LR is now creating a new keyword for every word I have in the list!
I think one of the issues is that ";"  is an illegal caracter in LR, but I'm not sure how to fix it without having to rewrite the entire thing. Also, is this  the only issue?

Changing the keyword list only will not fix it because I have thousands of images with these keywords already, and it would be impossible to redo them all.
My plan is to fix this and delete everything from the catalog before I import the files again.

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Lightroom :: Using DropBox For LRCAT File?

Sep 27, 2013

It seems that when I use my laptop to add keywords to LRCAT, I wind up with a conflicted copy in my dropbox folder...
Is there some way to reconcile or combine the regular lrcat and the conflicted one? Or do I have to just start using the conflicted one?
I know this all has something to do with waiting for all the files to upload and download to DropBox, and I usually don't have a problem since the 2 machines are rarely in use at once...but sometimes I need to shut down quickly or perhaps I miss part of the transfer, so I'm really just checking to see if there is some way to reconcile when I blow it.

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Lightroom :: Conflicted Copy Of Lrcat

Apr 6, 2013

I have a "conflicted copy" of my lrcat - is there any way to repair it?

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Lightroom :: How To Open Catalog With JPG Lrcat Extension

Jan 5, 2012

I am having problems running Lightroom. I re-installed and I get a windows error.

I used the trial for only one day. I received my serial number and re-installed and

I still get a windows error saying the application has stopped working. Lightroom begins by trying to open a Catalog with a .JPG.lrcat extention. I don't have that file and not sure why it continues to try to open that file when I uninstalled Adobe Lightroom and removed it's file directory. I also cleaned out my recycle bin recommended by the readme file.

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Lightroom :: Corrupt Lrcat AND Backups - How To Retrieve / Repair

Dec 3, 2011

How to try to retrieve a corrupt lrcat file. My lrcat file AND its backup are BOTH corrupt, and will not open. They are visible. I have an iMac, OS 10.6, LR 3.3, just upgraded to 3.5 today when I started having trouble accessing LR. I've been away for 6 weeks, but the rest of the computer works fine. There have been almost no changes/writes done to the HD since my last LR backup (and idiotic deletion of additional b.u. catalogs that were only a couple of months old. A trial version of Data Rescue II found erased files on my HD from years ago but it does not find those older LR b.u. erased files.)

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Lightroom :: Export As Catalog Yields Invalid Lrcat / Library?

Apr 20, 2013

I've tried this several times, both with and without previews. I'm trying to make a copy of my masters with sidecars etc.  so that I can examine the entire catalog on my laptop with an external hard drive.
On my destop PC I export all my images as a catalog to the external drive (it's a Terabyte drive ) and when done I cannot read the catalog on either the machine that created it or the laptop.  I'm running Vista which seems to work ok with evertying else.  I've tried both with and without previews thinking it would be a smaller amount of space by leving out the previews. 
When opening the catalog from the file menu in LR 4.4 or by clicking on the saved .lrcat file it gives an error message that the catalog/library is invalid.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Migrating Will Not Recognize XML Files

Aug 16, 2012

I have XML files for Materials that I have used for several years. BUT they are just that - XML files & supporting PNG images of textures.

I guess I got these back when I installed Inventor Publisher in 2008 or 2009. And I have changed computers 3 or 4 times - up to Inventor 2011, they worked everytime.

Now with Inventor 2013, they don't work. How do I get the .XML files and/or info into a custom Inventor library so they work properly? and no - there is not an .adsklib files available in that folder to migrate. That would be tooooo easy.

Migrating will not recognize just .XML files. Not to my knowledge anyway.

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Lightroom :: Ability To Archive Photos To Reduce Size Of Catalog

Nov 11, 2013

Is there an ability to archive photos from Lightroom 5 to reduce the size of your catalog?  For example, if I have a wedding I shot where I have several hundred photos but I've delivered the final pictures to my client, should I/can I archive these photos out of Lightroom as I'll probably never look at them again but don't want to delete them just in case. 

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Lightroom :: Migrating From PC To Mac

Sep 22, 2012

I have installed Lightroom 3 on my new Mac. I need to migrate my settings and files from the old PC to the new Mac.

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Lightroom :: Migrating From PC To Mac?

Dec 10, 2011

I have Lightroom installed on two pc's. I want to de-register on one pc and re-register on a macbook pro.

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Lightroom :: 4.1 - Migrating Folders To New HD

Jun 15, 2012

I tried dragging the root folder in my main Library to a folder I created on a new drive. I found that only about 25% of the files were transferred but all of the folders and subfolders were. Do I now drag all of the folders from one drive to the other using Explorer, and the ask LR to find and re-link the remaining 75%?

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Lightroom :: Migrating 5 From PC To MacBook?

Feb 9, 2014

I an currently using LR5.3 on a PC. I have purchased a MacBook Pro and want to move all of my files to the Mac.Since my purchase of LR5 was a download will I have to pay for the program again or can I get a download for the Mac?

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Lightroom :: Migrating To 4 From PSE Organizer 10?

Mar 25, 2013

I am ready to make the move from PSE 10 Organizer to Lightroom 4.  I'll do the trial first of course.  I understand the Adobe recommended  method is to  upgrade the Organizer catalog (after doing backups and reconnecting missing files).   John R. Ellis guidance on migrating to Lightroom 3 also recommended  writing keyword tags to the files.

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Lightroom :: Migrating Folders With Changes Between Computers

Jun 5, 2013

How can i migrate a folder with all the edited images in it to a different machine, i did some work on my laptop while traveling and now i would like to migrate it all back to my main machine.
I was able to copy the files to my main machine but all the editing work I invested in did not "move" with the images...... 
how can i do it the right way ??

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Lightroom :: 4 - Migrating Existing Photo Collection From IView Media Pro

Feb 11, 2014

I am in the process of migrating my from iView Media Pro to LR 4, with about 15K photos. In iVMP, I created CSV files containing the names of the Collections and Keywords (using LR lingo) associated with each photo. I am now trying to find a way to import that data into LR. I have tried LR/Transporter, but it is not working properly.
I have done a lot of searching on the topic of migrating to LR from a different cataloging application and am amazed at the dearth of information I have found.
Any LR plugins that import metadata from CSV files? Even if LR/Transporter were working as described, I can't import the Collection names and keywords directly into their respective LR fields. Getting 15K photos into the same Collection Set/Collection hierarchy that I have in iVMP looks like it is going to be A LOT manual work. Are there no tools to make this process more automated?
Any resources for setting up LR with an existing photo collection (like a batch process for creating the empty Collection Sets and Collections), I would love to know about it.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Can't See Any Archive Functionality

Jun 12, 2012

I can't see any archive functionality. Has this been dropped?

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AutoCad :: Archive Layout Tabs Within DWG?

Jan 14, 2014

I am working with a large file for a construction project and am looking to archive my layout tabs after producing each phase of deliverables (output).

Is there a way to do this? I do not want to have to "screenshot" my .dwg and save it with the layouts and then delete and keep working in my working file. I'd like to keep everything in one file.

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Photoshop :: Program In CC That Generates Thumbnails To Archive

Jun 18, 2013

I have full app access and am hoping one of the CC programs will do what I want. I currently use Crash Plan+ to back up all my pic/vid files. I have no complaints except when I want to use restore I can only see file type/name but not a preview. So its hit and miss when trying to restore a generic file name photo/vid. My question is, is there an Adobe CC product that I can use to generate separate thumbnails that I can generate and save to a file that has all the files in a given folder. That way I can just restore the thumbnail file for that folder and see what files are in it with preview pics and find which files on the CrashPlan+ restore console to download. That way I can restore a much smaller file with views of all pics vs having to restore a whole folder of 25+mb files just to find the one I want.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Add Clips To Existent Archive

Jul 22, 2013

I can't find a way to add clips to an existent archive....

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Archive On Linux Restore On Mac?

Jun 13, 2012

Is it possible to restore projects that were archived on Smoke Advanced into Smoke for Mac?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Restore Archive In Background

Sep 28, 2013

If it´s possible to restore an archive in background, now in 2013.? I mean, as the same way that we import media, via backburner.

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Photoshop :: Error / The File Archive Part Of CS6 Is Missing

Nov 13, 2013

I don't think I installed the 32-bit version PS CS6 Upgrade into Windows 7 64-bit after I downloaded it over a year ago. So, today, I went to execute Photoshop_13_LS16.exe file and I got the error message:
"The file archive part of Adobe Photoshop CS6 is missing. You need all parts in the same folder to extract Adobe Photoshop CS6. Please download all parts."

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Archive Projects Via Command Line

Feb 11, 2014

I was wondering if it's possible to archive Smoke projects via command line as it would be so much convenient.

If so I could create a shell script with my project and library names and just leave it running overnight project after project. Is this possible? Or command line works only for un archiving?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Restore Linux Archive On SMac?

Aug 13, 2012

Easiest way to restore a Smoke Linux archive using Smoke on Mac 2012. The archive was saved to an external USB drive that I assume is Linux Ext-2 or Ext-3.

Mounting the drive on the Mac is the challenge. I've read that using an open source program like MacFuse may be an option. Does Autodesk provide a Mac utility for doing this?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Archive Setup Recovery Into A Project

Jan 16, 2014

Using Smoke EXT1 and a previous user archived his project using the old school method; media and setups seperatly instead of just selecting the project as a whole.
I've draged the media into a library and restored that easy enough but can not find the details of how to recover the setups from the tar file in the archive. It does not show up in the media pannel at all, just an emply folder. How to get these setups loaded into a project?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Archive Setups Without Archiving Whole Project?

Dec 6, 2012

Is it possible to archive setups without archiving the whole project?

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Photoshop Elements :: Archive Portion Of File Is Missing

Feb 10, 2014

I cannot get this program to install. I keep getting a message that the file archive portion of the file is missing, I am not going to spend all day screwing around in a forum chasing my tail. Either have a human being contact me or cancel my order immediately and credit the purchase!

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