Lightroom does not appear to recognize my pics in the Mac iphoto library. I can import from other folders/files but not directory from iphoto. Likewise I can't export a photo back into iphoto once it has been "developed" in Lightroom.
Do I have to change some preferences or something?
I'd like to import my iphoto library into LR, and I've tried to use the method suggest on this page, when I try to make an alias link to the folder, it doesn’t won't give me the option.
How can I get to my photos that are in the iPhoto Library to import them into Lr5? Clicking on the library opens iPhoto. I no longer want to use iPhoto.
I receive an "Import failed" message when trying to import my iPhoto library to my trial version of PE11. I am running Mac OS X 10.7.5 and using iPhoto 11. I have tried 4 or 5 times now with the same result.
All of the photos are square, clipped drastically from what they should be. From what I take, by doing instructions on how to do this, all I had to do was drag the iPhoto library into an open LR5 window.
First thing I try to do after loading Lightroom 5 and I am stumped! I cannot import my iPhoto files. I have gone to Finder and attempted to copy my "Masters" file in iPhoto Library. Finder will not allow me to make a copy. I am using iPhoto 11, v9.4.3.
What is the best way to import an event from iPhoto to lightroom as an album? When I go to import the only option I see is every single photo I have in one folder.
When I press IMPORT in Lr4.2, a choice of accounts and sources appears: I press Applications under Mac HD, some apps, like iWork and Documents appear, but not iPhoto. When I try to export JPEGS from iPhoto, a sign appears saying there is not enough disk space to export.
I currently use iphoto and have all of my photos on an external hard drive. When I hit import it the program seems to recognize my external hard drive but does not seem to recognize the iphoto subdirectory and therefore shows that there are no photos to import.
Do i need to select some setting somewhere to recognize photos in iphoto?
I have a lot of photos in files and events in iPoto and Aperture. Would like to conso;idate all my photos inLightroom Master Photo file with those files and events as folders.
I don't know what I clicked, but all of a sudden above the import column in library, where it usually says"source", there is nothing. I clicked on something (arrows?) and am able to get it to give me a limited choice to choose from, but this is not good. when I have my ext HD attached and want to choose from one of the folders, I have to select one folder at a time, wait for pics to appear, then go back and start over if it isn't the one I want. Be4, all the folders showed up in the column (as well as other sources for pics), and all I had to do was click on one, e.g., COLORSPACE 1, COLORSPACE 15, etc, and pics showed up and I could choose.
I recently created a new catalog and imported all of my files into Lightroom. All my files seemed to come over, including the .jpg files. I then opened a cr2 file in LR and took it to Photoshop for editing. I saved the psd file and it appeared in my library as I expected. I then did a save as to create 3 different jpg files: filename 4x6.jpg, filename 3x5.jpg and filename 5x7.jpg.
None of these three jpgs came back to LR. So I tried to import them. When I click on the "new" option to import only the new files, these three jpgs do not even show up.
One final note, the box for "treat jpg files next to raw files as seperate files" is I can get LR to include my jpgs in my library?
Is it possible to import BR photo library into Lightroom 4? ( PS Version 5)? If not what is the best solution to organize or combine current folders with LR?
I am just starting to use Photoshop Elements 12 Organizer. I do not want to import my entire iPhoto library however, so how can I import ONLY ONE or a select group of events or albums?
How can this possibly happen? The section Apply During Import in the import dialog screen has a field for Develop Settings, but this field says None, so nothing should happen to the photos during import. So why do the display in B&W in Library?
Our problem with Lightroom is this: After inporting images, they do not show in the library mode. The tree view shows first image of the folder, but the library preview does not open.- Probllem is persistant and any new images after 3 weeks are not showing up.- problem is resistant, we upgraded from 5.0 to 5.3, but problem is consistant.
System specs: Generic computer, 8gb memory, windows 7 ultimate 64bits.c: (SSD) houses lightroom, windows & catalogue files.d: houses inport with Picasa files.p: Container of accepted and to be edited image f
General process of images: Import with picasa of images, verification of image quality and rejecting failures.After all images are done, use of syncredibles program to copy new files not yet on the picasa library folder. This basicly checks and moves pictures that are currently on drive D: but are not yet on drive P. After new files are transferred, then picasa will re-import with add function on import from its own folders.
The divasion of d: and P: driwe is so that picasa will not see images that arte on Lightroom and vice versa.are on D: & P started to get "read obn
We have tried to study this problem, and first we notised that folders that houses images on both driwes, started to receve "read only" atrribute. Even tho we cleared this with user restrictions (folder security) the imported images still refuse to load the previews.Catalogue contains over 30 000 raw images.
We are starting to shoot blanks here. In short, the tree view shows first image of the folder, images are present in the system, but when you click the tree view to open up the folder, no images will refresh to center view of the screen. If pressed couple of times screen will go white, and crash LR.We have tried to "find missing files" and "folder synchronication.